Topic: For all who are intrested in solstice points / Antiscia
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 03:41 PM
I said this in another thread, and thought I`d start it here again, so all interested can participate:The antiscia are mirrordegrees, shadows or reflection. A planet on 7° Sagittarius casts a shadow onto 23° Capricorn and 23° Cancer and is thus reflected by those degrees, or rather planets that are on these degrees. It works like a complimentary connection. You know Sagittarius likes to walk or hurry through life with his heads in the clouds, joking here and there and taking life the easy way (not ALL Sag`s are like this, of course); he`s the traveller, the gambler, who doesn`T take things to serious. He sais: why worry about tomorrow? Live today instead. But underneath this sunny exterior, there is a shadow, and that shadow is reflected through his Antiscion and Contrascion. Does Capricorn shows him how to make more out of his dreams, to transform dreams into goals? Does he show Mr Lucky how to get the work done? Or does Cancer show him how important it is to have a home he can return to? What sense is in travelling when you have nowhere to return to? Does he maybe show Mr Take-it-easy, that there are people he has responsibility for, people who care for him and who needs to be cared for? In this way those mirrordegrees reflect our Mr Sag; the result is a mysterious pull towards the other planet`s person. An attraction that sais: "You`Re so different from me. I don`t really understand you. But something just resonates strongly within me and I just HAVE to get close to you." It`s not like the opposition. You know with the opposition I see two magnets that are magnetized to each other, and there is a great spark and tension between them. With the antiscion / contrascion it`s like we are all kinda jigsawpieces with irregular ends, and Miss Cancer, just fits to Mr Sag`s puzzle. The opposition to me seems to be a horizontal connection, a straight line, a magnetism, horizontal. The antiscion / contrascion is a connection from surface to underneath, it`s kinda vertical. Am I still making sense to you? Some astrologers even believe that the antiscion-degrees are the real important missing piece to find your Twinsoul. (I personally think there could be truth in it, but there are so many perspectives you can look from).
But what I know is that these connections are really strong and hypnotic, more hypnotic than magnetic probably. Just think of it: Aries - Libra: Virgo and Pisces Taurus - Scorpio: Leo and Aquarius Gemini - Sagittarius: Cancer and Capricorn Unlike with the opposition, here is always a connection between a female and a male sign. All elements are included in such a sequence. IT just lookes so WHOLE. COMPLETE
If I have Moon on 28° Sagittarius and someone else has Sun on 2° Capricorn, we would still consider those two planets conjunct (4° orb), but since 0° Capricorn is a "mirror-axis", it also means that the MOon is 2° in front of this mirror and Sun is 2° behind this mirror. And everytime two planets are equidistant from our mirror, they are said to be in antiscion. So, we would have an aspect (conjunction) and the connection over antiscion. Actually this guy I`ve been talking about has his Venus in the antiscion of my Mars. Seems I tapped into my very own forcefield. His Venus is in Capricorn and my Mars is in Sagittarius. My longest crush (the gay musical actor) has his Neptune in Scorpio in the EXACT antiscion of my Moon in Aquarius(Neptune rules his ASC and Moon rules my 8th house). I can tell you TALES about THAT forcefield. Nebulous, dreamy, unreal, surreal, all very Neptunian. It`s intersting, when we actually coincidentally met, and that whole thing started to solve itself (FINALLY), Transit Neptune was exactly conjunct my Moon and in the antiscion of his Neptune (his Neptune also is in the antiscion of his SN, which conjuncts my Moon exactly, so I guess it was a real OLD tale). He actually completed me or my Moon in a way. And that is really interesting now. To me at least. My Aquarius Moon is so intellectual, and before him I have never neve never had an infatuation about actor or anyone else; I was just standing above those things. I detested jealousy and posessiveness. Passion? Not real, just a figment of imagination. NOt being able to let go of a person, to be dependent? Weakness of an overemotional soul. Yes, I was convinced you can switch off and on your emotions, if you just try hard enough. Besides who needs such a dirty emotional mess in their lives, when they can have airy thoughts? (Aquarius - Moon, what shall I say?) And then, he came on the stage of my life, with his Neptune in Scorpio in my 11th house. Neptune - Sure he was a GAY MUSICAL ACTOR. How can you describe NEptune better (he could have been a drug addict, too, actually I met those too in that period)? He drew my Moon, my emotions into his forcefield; well, drew, pulled, hypnotized me into it, fits it rather. Actually when it all started I had a dream I have never forgotten. And in that dream I had been pulled into a painting. REally pulled into it. And at once point in the dream I was walking on water, but then I remembered that I can`t swim, and I started drowning and that man told me that I drowned because I didn`t have faith. And then he disappeared. But back to reality his Neptune in SCORPIO led me to experience all that I had suppressed, because my intellectual Aquarius-mind didn`t want to acknowledge it. And I experienced it all, the passion, the dependency, the emotional ups and downs, the obsession, the jealousy, the pain, the ultimate loss, the need to let go and surrender, I think I learned devotion, that I am NOT on a higher point as a mere observant. I am deeply involved in it all. Funny enough when I noticed him Transit Pluto was exactly square my Moon and roughly conjunct his Neptune and opposite his Moon (seems he has had an exhausting period, too). I think that is how it worked. I had to integrate him, or rather the part he symbolized, the part of my soul I had pushed away, and now I had to reintegrate this part. IT is a step on the way to wholeness. And we humans learn that by meeting people, on which we can project all that is hidden and suppressed; they make us aware of it, so we can reintegrate it and finally return home into our own soul. JEsus, what is wrong with me today? I`m writing and haven`t got the single idea what is writing me. HOwever, I think this is how antiscion work, on a deeply spiritual, yet very real and physical level. There are people who would see the contrascion as an opposition, but I do not make a difference here. The thing is some people put the mirror on 0° Capricorn - 0° Cancer. Some people put the mirror on the axis of 0° Aries - 0° Libra.
And if you change the place of the mirror, suddenly the antiscion will transform itself to the contrascion. Example: Aries has the antiscion in Pisces if you put the mirror onto 0° Aries. If you put the mirror onto 0° Capricorn, Aries will have its antiscion in Virgo. So, I don`t make a difference here. There COULD be a symbolic difference between the Aries- LIbra and Capricorn-Cancer-axis though. Like Ascions over Cancer - Cappy reflecting more something parental, while Aries-Libra are more equally relationship oriented. But since you will always get the same point, either as antiscion or as contrascion, I would treat them the same.
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bvanzy unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 04:30 PM
Wow, darkdreamer, that is a breathtaking illustration of your experiences with antiscia.So I did a few – you were right - a conjunction doesn't automatically make contrascia. However, what would you make of the following contrascia: Person A Sun's shadow point: contrascia Person B's Venus. Person A's Mercury shadow point: contrascia Person B's Venus. Person A's Mercury shadow point: contrascia Person B's Pluto. Person A's Venus shadow point: contrascia Person B's Venus. Person A Mars' shadow point: contrascia Person B's Moon. The Venus contrascia would largely mean love or easiness between them? The Mars/Moon one would antagonise or raise the emotional levels of the Mars shadow point person? IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 04:42 PM
"The Venus contrascia would largely mean love or easiness between them?"Yes, I think so. But with the antiscia / contrascia there is also always something "hidden from view". Also, I think that both persons can learn something, but not in the sense that the other one really teaches. They learn from each other just because they are how they are. To really interprete it I would look in which signs the planets fall and into which houses in both charts and possibly which houses they rule. IP: Logged |
bvanzy unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 04:54 PM
Is it the case do you think, that with some planets the conjunction or opposition would be felt more powerfully than the anti/contrascia because it is more consciously than unconsciously felt?For example: Venus conjunct Mars versus Venus contrascia Mars' shadow point. IP: Logged |
Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 456 From: Mercury Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 07, 2008 05:09 PM
Anyone want an antiscion report i'll do all requests from now till Sunday. (I wont start doing them till tonight though)------------------ Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus And yes, i'm a guy! IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 05:18 PM
That is an excellent question, I`ve pondered about this myself. But I think that both are felt, just the opposition or conjunction more directly and CONSCIOUSLY. You realize you are attracted and you exclaim: "Of course I am attracted to him. He`s like me, or he`s so excitingly different. He`s open and enthusiastic and simply wonderful."With the solstice points or antiscia (it is the same, just a different name) it`s more working from the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS to the CONSCIOUSNESS. It`s like you are saying to yourself: "I don`t know why I am attracted to him. He`s so not my type. He`s not what I expected the ONE to be. He`s kinda different. But there is something, I can`t name it. But it`s intriguing" Well that was only my take on it; in Germany there are some astrologers who really treat this like a conjunction, equally strong, and maybe it is. I actually realized that I share some antiscia connections, too, with Jude Law and the other guy. (I used an orb of 3°) Jude Law: his 5th house ruler Venus (SAg) exactly contrascion my Saturn (Cancer) - since we have ASC- ASC conjunction the connections fall into the same hosues natally 1st house - 8th house his chartruler Jupiter (Cap) antiscion my NN (SAg) 2nd house - 1st house
his Saturn (Gem) antiscion my Saturn (Canc) 7th house - 8th house
his NEptune (Sag) contrascion my Vertex (Can) 12th house - 8th house
his NN (Cap) antiscion my NEptune (SAg) 2nd house - 1st house *Sighs* not enough that we have a mutual exact double conjunction of Neptune to the ASC, now we also have an antiscion connection of Neptune to NN his NN (Cap) antiscion my NN (SAg)
his (Gem) DC exactly antiscion my Vertex (Can) 7th - 8th his Vertex (Can) antiscion my DC (Gem)  8th - 7th his Vertex contrascion my IC-ruler Mars (Sag) 8th house - 12th house
These Vertex and NN-connections are really interesting. In the case with the other guy
his Sun in SAg antiscion my 5th house ruler Venus (Cap)(3) his 10th - his 10th my 1st - my 1st (we have huge angular houses)
his DC-ruler Mercury (SAG) contrascion my Vertex (Cancer) (0) his 9th - his 5th my 1st - my 8th his 7th house ruler Venus (Cap) antiscion my IC-ruler Mars (Sag) his 11th - his 8th my 2nd - my 12th his 7th house ruler Venus (Cap) antiscion my AC (SAg) (3) his 11th - his 8th my 2nd - my 1st
his Saturn (Virgo) contrascion my IC (Aries) his 7th - his 1st my 9th - my 4th his 8th house ruler Pluto (Libra) antiscion my chartruler Jupiter (Pisces) his 7th - his 12th my 10th - my 3rd
his AC (Pisces) antiscion my IC (Aries) his 1st - his 1st my 3rd - my 4th
his DC (Virgo) antiscion my Pluto (Libra)  his 7th - his 7th my 9th - my 10th
his Antivertex (Pisces) antiscion my IC (Aries) his 1st - his 1st my 3rd - my 4th
his Eros (Pisces) contrascion my Pluto (Libra) (0) - I couldn`t refrain from including this one  - his 12th - his 7th my 3rd - my 10th
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 05:23 PM
GG,I would LOVE to take advantage of your genorisity and get an antiscion report. Do you stil lhave my dates? Oh well, here they are again: 18th december 1974 7:07 a.m. Duesseldorf, (Viersen) Germany Thank you.  IP: Logged |
bvanzy unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 05:34 PM
Those are some lists DD. I notice you include points such as the North Node and the Vertex, IC, ASC, etc. Are you using the points of these points or the points of the planets and seeing which natal point or axes they hit?While we're on axes do you think of the anti/contrascion line as axes of need of the particular planet? So, if someone had there Venus at 1' Libra then their anti/contrascion line would be 29' Pisces/Virgo, and anyone who had a planet which hit either point would rock their inner world in whichever way that planet represents? So a Venus Virgo 28' would bascially deliver the Venus in Virgo that the Venus in Libra needs? And a Pluto at 28' Virgo would rock their world and trap them into obsessiveness, particularly if it came from the 8th house? IP: Logged |
bvanzy unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 05:51 PM
Is "antiscia" and "contrascia" the name of the aspect or the planet point?So in phrasing: "his DC (Virgo) antiscion my Pluto (Libra)" and "his 8th house ruler Pluto (Libra) antiscion my chartruler Jupiter (Pisces)" would mean his DSC shadow point was being activated by your Pluto, and his Pluto shadow point was being activated by your Jupiter? Or.. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 07, 2008 05:59 PM
Yes, I think, your thoughts are spot on. It is something a person needs. Libra as much as she is into relationship, tends to view them as a mirror to reflect herself; the Aries- LIbra axis is all about SELF I think (and that is not necessarily bad), Aries asserts himself and finds his SELF by being independent and not melted with others, Libra finds her SELF in the reflection of others, in relating to them, but for Libra it`s all about herself, too. Yes, Librans can be very giving and generous and even seem altruistic, but in the end they want to be seen that way, they want to have the attention or maybe even more so the respect for their giving nature.Well, and now there comes the Virgo-Pisces-axis into play, and I think Libra can learn a lot about service and doing necessary things (Virgo) and about true altruism and devotion (Pisces). Yes, I think your interpretation is really great. Also, with the points, you can do it both ways, it doesn`t matter. If my Venus is antiscion your Jupiter; your Jupiter will also be antiscion my Venus. It`s definitely a mutual connection. BTW I just realized - never checked that before - that the current Mars-Uranus-opposition is on the antiscion / contrascion of my Pluto in Libra, which conjuncts MC. and the Mars-Uranus axis falls nto my 9th - 3rd house - no wonder I have been feeling so DRIVEN to write such a lot, even for being me. And funny, but Pluto rules my 11th and 12th house. Of course I had to write on a public forum (11th house) about spiritual things (12th house), about an aspect that has a very hidden and mysterious nature (Scorpio on the cups of 12th house). LOL And no wonder I felt such a lot inner pressure lately. Of course Saturn also squares my ASC and NN right now. IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 07, 2008 09:59 PM
DD,  You must be a mindreader. I have been thinking of asking you to start a thread on this very topic. When I read the Cafe Astro example, they listed it as important in synastry, but didn't go into much detail. What are the orbs you're using? Here's what I came up with for my new karmic friend/business partner: My Solstice sun conj his AC My Solstice AC conj his Moon My Solstice Moon conj his last name asteroid/Valentine My Solstice Mercury conj his South Node/opposite his Black Moon Lilith My Solstice Venus conjunct his Venus/Jupiter (5 degrees, though) My Solstice Mars opposite his Venus/Jupiter My Solstice Jupiter opposite his Mars My Solstice Saturn conj his Juno, Sun, Karma, Uranus My Solstice Uranus and Pluto conj his Saturn My Solstice North Node conj his Venus/Jup My Solstice Chiron conj his AC My Solstice asteroid of my name opposite his Venus/Jup My Solstice asteroid of his last name conj his Venus/Jup My Solstice Valentine/Pallas conj his Venus/Jup My Solstice Psyche conj his NN/Lilith My Solstice Isis and Osiris conj his Mars MOST of those are within a 0-2 deg orb. There are only 2 that are 4/5. I'm kinda freaked out because I just realized that that's only half of the picture and EVERY SINGLE ONE of my Solstice Points seems to make some major connection to his chart. No wonder it feels so karmic! Be back with his Solstice Points. Thank you for another thought provoking thread!!! 8th IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 07, 2008 10:22 PM
HOLY MOLY!Double Whammys:  My Solstice Saturn conj his Juno 0 deg His Solstice Saturn conj my Juno 0 deg My Solstice Mars opposite his Venus 0 deg His Solstice Venus opposite my Mars 0 deg My Solstice sun conj his AC 2 deg His Solstice AC/Psyche conj my Sun/Chiron 1/0 deg His Solstice Moon conj my AC 2 deg My Solstice AC conj his Moon 2 deg *Don't know the allowable orb, but since there's a theme w/ this, I added it... My Solstice NN conj his Venus/Jup 4/5 deg His Solstice Venus/Jupiter opposite my Mars, conj my Sun/Moon MP/his name asteroid/Valentine/NN 0/2/5/7 deg (Natally, my Venus is conj his NN/BML) 1 deg My Isis/Osiris conj his Mars 3/5 deg His Isis conj my Mars (also opp my Moon) 0/3 deg Moving right along... His Solstice Sun/Karma/Uranus conj my BML and wide conj my Saturn His Solstice AC/Psyche conj my Sun! His Solstice Moon conj my AC His Solstice Mercury opposite my Pluto/Uran His Solstice Venus/Jupiter opposite my Mars, conj my Sun/Moon MP/his name asteroid/Valentine/North Node!!!!!! (My Venus is conj his NN in natal synastry and it is my chart ruler, as well as his!) His Solstice Mars conj my IC/opposite my MC/Jupiter/Karma His Solstice Saturn conj my Pluto/Uran His Solstice Chiron opposite my Saturn His Solstice Juno conjunct my Saturn His Solstice Vesta conj my IC/Isis/Osiris His Solstice last name asteroid/Valentine conj my moon His Solstice Amor conj my AC I'm so blown away...I don't know what to make of this! Once again, you've unearthed something BIG, DD!!! 8th ETA: Sorry if there are repetitions. I'm way tired and running on E! IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted August 08, 2008 10:44 AM
Hi!GG as always im gonna also ask you if you could get me a report  mine 30th august 1983 at 9:30 am porto portugal bf 29th september 1982 at 1:00 am lisbon portugal thanks!
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 09, 2008 09:33 AM
Eighth,the antiscion / contrascion should be pretty exact. Blashke actually only allows a 0° - 1° orb. But he also said that there were many of his students and fellow astrologers that would allow 2°, which is also my preferred orb. At times I even go up to 3°, but nothing more than that, and I don`t relaly feel comfortable with the 3° orb. But this Vneus-Mars-DW. WOW.  And those others, too, but suddenly that jumped out at me.  The Venus-Mars antiscion seems to happen pretty often, if there is no other Venus-mars aspect, doesn`t it? IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 09, 2008 01:50 PM
Hey DD,  I'm going to wait til our gracious friend sends on the reports so I can double check my math and houses, since I calculated by hand. (I have learned to accept my Pisces one would a relative with a bad drug habit. They're family...ya gotta keep em, but you wish they functioned differently!) Anyway, I know I always have to recheck my math! When I do, I'll repost w/ the orbs. It amazes me so much because when you have a soul connection with someone and you KNOW you do...then you look at the astrology and't match up or explain much...AHA! Draconics and Solstice really hit the deeper areas, I think! I also agree about the chart ruler connections. I'm seeing that make a huge difference when a lot of the other classic relationship aspects are missing. If those points have a lot of interaction, the bond seems pretty strong! Then chart ruler is Venus, so I can't discount that one!  8th IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 12, 2008 05:50 AM
Bumping for GG...Thanks so much for the charts, G! 8th IP: Logged |
MysticMelody Knowflake Posts: 1066 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2008 12:18 AM
darkdreamer, that first post was amazing.Thanks for pointing out this thread, 8th. I hope to figure it all out some time and do more in depth research on my synastry with you know who.  IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 unregistered
posted August 15, 2008 05:06 AM
quote: Taurus - Scorpio: Leo and Aquarius
As a Taurus/Scorpio, this makes complete sense to me. Excellent thread!
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SagSun unregistered
posted August 15, 2008 11:52 AM
Just recently I've come across a very interesting page on solstice points in synastry ... I thought I'd put the link here in this thread: IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 15, 2008 03:22 PM
I`m glad that this post reached so many ears (or eyes) and minds.I become more and more convinced of the use of antiscia-connections in a chart. And yes, it`s interesting, how many fix signs will be drawn to each other. My parents are an example for this, since my dad is Aquarius, my Mom Scorpio. (of course they have other things going on like his Taurus Moon closely opposing her Scorpio Sun, or her Venus conjunct his ASC etc.) IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted August 15, 2008 04:29 PM
Hi DDYesterday night i was playing with our sinastry ( yup...still i guess there are things to study in depth even if we already saw many things hihih). And talking about antisticia,i found out this: Jonnhy´s Solstice Valentine conjunct my Sun/Moon Midpoint ( actually regarding Mid. we dont have a lot going on..) Jonh´s solstice venus is conjunct my Descendant - on Cafe astrology it was given an example of a couple whose Woman´s Venus solstice was conj. the partners dsc - and they felt love at 1st sight! Indeed it was what happened between us also. Do you think that because of this that the conection we have in sinastry gains strengh even if it´s considered wide? ( his Venus conj. my ASC in 9ºorb)? My Amor´s solstice conj. Jonhy´s IC
on Progressions the day we met i also found out a very interesting DW: My P.juno conj his n. Karma His P.Karma conj my n.Juno And solstice also worked there as my Venus´solstice was conj. his Karma in 1ºorb. Talking about the Part Marriage: My solstice POM is conj his P.ASC when we met. My POM is conj his P. MC when we met My solstice POM is oposite his Moon and 8thCusp his POM is conj my Pujiter;oposite my kiron. IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted August 15, 2008 06:06 PM
hmm ok l have these. Not very significant!my solstice mars conjunct his N venus my solstice pluto sextile his N venus my solstice juno sextile his N vesta my solstice DNA conjunct his N AC my solstice valentine trine his N moon, sextile his N venus my solstice atlantis trine his N juno. sextile his N mars his solstice sun sextile my moon his solstice moon conjunct my neptune, quincunx my venus/moon, opposing my mars his solstice venus conjunct my mars, semisextile my venus, trine my pluto WOW sexy!!! his solstice pluto conjunct my vertex/eros, opposing my chiron his soltcie NN quincunx my NN/saturn/NN his solstice vertex square my mars/neptune his solstics vesta sextile my vertex/eros should l look at valentine, karma and all those other asteroids? IP: Logged |
EighthMoon Knowflake Posts: 115 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 15, 2008 07:55 PM
SagSun,That is an excellent link. It really made me understand WHY the antiscions work so amazingly in synastry and how the contrascions show how we can "fulfill" certain things within ourselves and how we need others to fulfill other things. Amazing!  IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 16, 2008 06:00 AM
Lara,not significant - a solstice Venus-natal Mars conjunction? You`re kidding me, right?  However, I prefer to look only at conjunctions and oppositions. I know t hat the Transpersonal astrology also looks at squares to solstice points and sais they work, too, but the real triggering spots are the antiscia and contrascia. Eighth,
I was surprised myself. I never REALLY understood antiscia / contrascia, I just sensed they were highly important (they worked always), but didn`t really get their meaning. And when I wrote this posts, well, I had no idea, I had these thoughts within me, until they poured out. lol I guess they are making sense though. Diandra,
yes, antiscia connections (or contrascia) would definitely strengthen a wide aspect between planets or points. Maybe that is the reason fort he strength of conjunction around the 0° Cardinal, because they often will be conjunct AND antiscion conjunct (or solstice conjunct) And while we are at it, we should not forget, solstices have much to do with the declinations, parallels and contraparallels, and doing a declination equivalent chart may even shed some more light onto synastry or our natals. IP: Logged |
darkdreamer unregistered
posted August 16, 2008 06:02 AM
An article I found on declination equivalent charts Synastry
by Bette Denlinger Copyright 1996 It occurred to me while working with synastry charts that it might be interesting and astrologically informative to set up these charts using only the natal planetary declination longitude equivalents (referred to throughout as the "l.e.'s"). The results were quite revealing. Using my own chart set up with only the natal cusps I entered only the l.e. positions of the natal planets, including the solstice point equivalents, and I was amazed at the results. The l.e. Neptune moves into my 7th house and receives a wonderful trine from my natal Sun (there is no aspect at all between these two planets before converting Neptune to its l.e.) Neptune's move to the angle increases its power considerably. I have gravitated towards counseling all my life. Pluto and Mars have no aspect relationship in their natal longitudinal positions. Pluto's l.e. moves it to square Mars. I do have an explosive temper and a definite attraction for intense men. Mercury's natal longitude makes no aspect to my natal Moon and only a semi sextile to Saturn. As ruler of 10th I would expect these aspects present since I have worked in real estate. Mercury's l.e. moves it to a conjunction with natal Moon and a trine to Saturn. These aspects seem more correct to me than the natal positions. Then I took my ex-husbands chart (we are still rather close) and set it up using only the l.e.'s. Amazing. His natal Venus at 2 Gemini doesn't make any strong synastric aspects to my chart. But by l.e. it is exactly conjunct my natal Mercury (chart ruler) and very close to my Moon l.e.. There is much more in that combination of longitude equivalents than in the two original charts themselves. Plus the l.e.'s indicated the marriage in my chart, which had never been found by conventional methods. The next chart I examined was of a young friend who was going through severe depression and emotional turmoil. No birth time was available and a natural chart was not helping me find the problem. His natal Mercury is nicely aspected but out of bounds. I intuitively felt he was suicidal and he spoke of this himself. Transiting Saturn had been squaring his natal Mercury off and on the past year to produce serious problems, yet had moved on, so he should have been more optimistic, but using the l.e. of Mercury made it possible to see a tie in with the progressed chart. By secondary progressions there was an Eclipse at 20 Capricorn. There were events in his life that were significant in view of an eclipse, but no aspect to natal planets to explain the suicidal tendencies. The natal l.e. Mercury, however, at 20 Capricorn had been "hit" by this Eclipse. Even without a birth time, this was obviously the trigger. It was this progressed Eclipse that created the crises activating mental instability, magnified by the conjunction to his o-o-b natal Mercury and allowed emotion to color his mentality. Transitting Pluto also on his l.e. Venus was contributing to the emotional upheaval and feelings of abandonment. I am using two separate charts now: the natal and the longitudinal equivalent chart based on declinations. I compare the progressed chart with both. I think the l.e. chart can almost stand alone. And the synastric comparison charts using the l.e.'s seem to be more informative overall. What I am seeing is that the l.e. chart will show where the native can handle squares and oppositions. It explains why some people do so well with miserable squares and manage to build and shine rather than give up in defeat , and why some people utilize trines so well , yet others just become lazy. I see ways "out" with the l.e.s. With synastric comparisons the interactions between the charts by using the l.e.s becomes exceedingly important as well as fascinating. The charts presented here are of a couple married since July 11, 1964, and as this marriage has lasted over 30 years I think it's a wonderful sample. This is a warm, happy, loving couple. Linda and Tom have some basic compatibility as shown by the ordinary chart comparison and both charts show the potential for successful marriages. Her Saturn, an indicator of longevity in relationships, trines his Venus . Her Venus in the 11th house is conjunct his Mercury, his Mars is within 5 degrees of her Mercury (her 7th house ruler) . They do seem to have very good communication. There is a worry here using conventional synastric comparison that his natal Venus square to Saturn , and that same Saturn opposing Linda's Mars, would cause coldness and eventual problems in the relationship. By conversion to the declination equivalents, l.e. Mercury is on his 7th house cusp, so Mercury should be important to relationship. The traditional chart shows Sun in Tom's 7th yet it doesn't make strong, exact aspects to Linda's chart. However, Mercury does. His l.e. Mercury is in exact aspect to her Venus, as in the natal chart, but now we see why that aspect is important since Tom's Mercury is so close to his 7th cusp. And Linda's l.e. Mercury, ruler of her 7th house, is exactly square his l.e. Venus . Also involved is her l.e. Mars, co-ruler of her first. Further, his 7th house l.e. Mercury trines her 7th house Neptune. When you look at the declination equivalent charts you'll notice that his l.e. Saturn moves to trine her Mars, instead of opposing it as in the natal comparison, and that his Mars l.e. at 6 CAP / 23 SAG is within 2 degrees of her Venus at 4 CAP / 25 SAG. So, although the links in natal charts are mostly Mercurial, this relationship is not all talk! Nor is it cold!! (They still hold hands like teenagers!) Also, notice that in Tom's declination l.e. chart both Venus and Jupiter trine his 7th house Sun, creating more potential for a happy, loving marriage that is not seen with the natal chart. There are many more contacts between these two charts to explore, including his l.e. Moon trine to her Sun. We're told in synastric books to look for signs that blend, but how much more interesting when by conversions those blended signs actually make an aspect! Home