Topic: Gauquelin Sectors
deuxantares Knowflake Posts: 1197 From: Meet Me in Sofia Registered: Nov 2006
posted August 12, 2008 07:24 AM
I found this helpful and just wanted to share with you. According to the book "How to Read your Astrological Chart" (by Donna Cunnigham): When looking at a chart, it is important that we pay attention to "planets up to 10 degrees on either side of the four angles: Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, or IC. This includes planets in the 3rd, 6th, 9th or 12th houses, as long as they're within 10 degrees of an angle. These crucial areas are called the Gauquelin sectors, named for Francoise and Michel Gauquelin, the French psychologists who discovered them." They researched over 60,000 timed birth charts and found that planets in those sectors affect public perception of the individual, to the extent that they are signatures. The strongest of the four regions are : within 10 deg of the Midheaven, but in the 9th house; within 10 deg of the Asc, but in the 12th house. The closer the planet is to the angle, the stronger its effect. The Gauquelin's research showed that an individual's most notable or obvious traits matched the qualities of planets in those sectors. IP: Logged |
deuxantares Knowflake Posts: 1197 From: Meet Me in Sofia Registered: Nov 2006
posted August 12, 2008 07:36 AM
I have Saturn in my 1st house within 10 degrees of the angle. Mercury and Neptune are in the 6th house within 10 degrees of the angle. So yes, the Gauquelin principle applies! My work is in communication (journalism, public relations, advertising, etc) -- a Mercury thing (in my case colored by Neptune), and Saturn gives me this aloof vibes which seems out of place in my field of work. How about you? Check your charts and see if there are planets in the Guaquelin sectors.  IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 12, 2008 08:49 AM
Venus 5+ degrees from the Descendant, Mercury 8+ degrees from the Descendant ~ both in Taurus. That would be my looks and charm. About an hour before writing this I was walking along the street to drop some books off at the charity shop. I saw someone I know by sight and started chatting about literature, he bought a couple of the books off me and asked me to hang on to some more if I've got any. It is going towards my charity climb, not my pocket, don't worry. Mercury CNJ Venus in action. IP: Logged |
winky_winky Knowflake Posts: 574 From: SPAIN Registered: Oct 2007
posted August 12, 2008 10:16 AM
saturn 4 degrees on the descneptune 0 degrees on the asc probably quite dreamy and out there, but when it comes to partners, definitely need someone mature and "serious" IP: Logged | |