Topic: Your SATURN: What sign, degree, and house is it in? What planets do you feel.....
Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Mercury Registered: Jul 2007
posted August 13, 2008 12:42 PM
Your SATURN: What is it's ruler, sign, degree, and house its in? How has it's position affected your life, relationships and love relationships? What planets and points do you feel modify it and what do you feel it modifies the most?Can you feel its influence clearly or is it difficult for you to recognize its effects? My Saturn is 25˚ 50 minutes Leo residing in the 12th house and it's ruler is teh Sun. My aspects are in the chart. I'll post more on my experiences later cause I have to leave in a minute.
------------------ Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus And yes, i'm a guy!
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winky_winky Knowflake Posts: 574 From: SPAIN Registered: Oct 2007
posted August 13, 2008 01:01 PM
ggemini, how do u post the grid with the aspects? just wondering never got to do this in the adobe, thanksSATURN 7th house in critical degree in mutable, gemini opposing the asc and neptune sextiling mercury and the moon trining pluto and the northnode apex of a fire grand trine-kite i just think it has given me a lot of pain and adjustment in the rship area with the opps to neptune, it does my head in, i believe in fairy tales a lot, but need structure. also because i have venus in the 7th they say the opposition is awareness but i dont know really how to interpret this... i feel like rships are restricting and limiting most of the time, especially romantic ones, and can never really trust... reading saturn by liz greene helped me a bit, but still find it hard to adjust to this... IP: Logged |
balancebull Knowflake Posts: 10 From: New York, NY Registered: Sep 2007
posted August 13, 2008 01:10 PM
I have Saturn/11th/Leo in a fixed T-square with Sun/8th/Taurus and Uranus/2nd/Scorpio. Saturn has had a HUGE effect on my self esteem (or lack thereof) due to the categorical rejection of me by my father. I am finally coming up from under the weight of Saturn's oppression.The level of rejection I felt from my father caused me to pursue relationships with men who could not be with me. This resulted in a continual loop of the playing out the original rejection from my father. Of course each failed relationship reinforced the abandonment issues and low self esteem. I was stuck in a pattern of getting involved with men who I perceived to be "lower" than me, having intense sexual encounters with them way too soon, and then believing that this would somehow lead to lasting love and validation. God the Sun/Saturn/Uranus aspect is so obvious to me now, yet a few years ago I couldn't have even articulated this to you. I am grateful for the Saturn lesson though because the gift of Saturn, when heeded, is personal integrity. I think Saturn in our charts can be hard to detect because its lessons are so painful and/or difficult that we really don't want to look there. But anyone who is committed to the path of self improvement will have to deal with their Saturn's eventually. IP: Logged |
amowls Knowflake Posts: 866 From: Richmond, VA USA Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 13, 2008 02:32 PM
My Saturn is 29 degrees Sagittarius in my 7th house (conjunct my DSC which is 27 Sag), exactly conjunct my Uranus & exactly square my Venus (which is 29 degrees Pisces).Saturn for me has been hard to understand because of its conjunction to Uranus which is totally opposite energies. All I know is that I'm shy and don't make friends that easily. I never approach people, EVER. IP: Logged |
Got Gemini? Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: Mercury Registered: Jul 2007
posted August 13, 2008 10:27 PM
I know that my Saturn sextiles my Sun and Mercury almost exact, and it is out of sign conjunct my Mars by 5 degrees. Since my Saturn is in my 12th house, I have no idea how to recognize it's energies. I do know that I am not controlling. I also had a Sun Square Saturn double whammy with someone very close to me and I never could sense the energies of that either, especially since the double whammy was exact both ways.Now my Saturn Return? Ha! I felt those effects accutely! Winky winky, I use an iMac when I post charts becAuse it comes with a built in screen capture function. ------------------ Virgo Asc & Mars Gemini Sun Libra Moon (conjunct Pluto 0º in 2nd house) Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus And yes, i'm a guy! IP: Logged |
snohawk1 Knowflake Posts: 234 From: Killaloe, Ontario, Canada Registered: Apr 2008
posted August 14, 2008 12:46 AM
24 Aquarius 17' 30" conjunct IC 4 degrees in fourth house. haven't got much to say about it...------------------ Sun: Pisces Moon: Libra Rising: Scorpio IP: Logged |
winky_winky Knowflake Posts: 574 From: SPAIN Registered: Oct 2007
posted August 14, 2008 04:17 AM
ohhhhhhhh ggemini tough then for me i really would like to use this grid function but cannot obviously...those here with saturn in 7th, do u feel u are co-dependent? IP: Logged |
SilverFairy Knowflake Posts: 229 From: Registered: Jun 2006
posted August 14, 2008 10:44 AM
I have Saturn 21degree's in Virgo/10th house. Mercury it's ruler is in Cancer/8th house. Saturn sextiles Mercury Saturn Squares Venus and Neptune Saturn Conjunct Mars (Both 10th house) Saturn Trines Uranus and Asc. I think the one I notice or feel the most is Neptunes squaring Saturn... It really messes with me accomplishing much. I have no confidence when it comes to working. I feel i can't do it. Literally any skills I may have are just consumed with doubts. I guess the trines to mercury makes me think about what I'm doing. I'm very cautious and think most things through. The trines to Uranus and Asc I have no idea how that works for me, nor do I get the Conjunction to mars. IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted August 14, 2008 01:31 PM
Saturn is in the 7th house, in Taurus, on my chart. How do I feel it effects me? Well, it is in there in the 7th and I shoulder responsibility in my relationship. I do a lot of traditionally male tasks, bills, sorting out cars, etc, but that is fine by me. My husband is older than me. He has a good job, he works hard. Planetary modifications, well where do we start? Saturn is one arm of a T-Square with Jupiter and Neptune in the 1st, and the M.C in Virgo. I'm still working on this one. Saturn is 7 degrees from Mercury, that's quite wide, but I can still feel it. I check up on facts. I believe in logic and common sense. But Pluto Trines both and is drawing them together. Saturn Trine Moon CNJ Pluto says a lot about my emotional existence. Saturn is the mountain keeping the volcano under control. Most of the time, but you know volcanos. Saturn. It isn't so bad. Not always. Maybe. The T-Square isn't the nicest combo. IP: Logged |
misterhank Knowflake Posts: 266 From: Far Rockaway, Queens, NY, US Registered: Oct 2005
posted August 14, 2008 01:50 PM
My Saturn is in 13 degrees Virgo and is in the 8th House.I have only 2 aspects from Saturn. Saturn sextile Uranus Saturn square Neptune I really cannot translate this good in this combination...but it has told me that there is truth about sex and death. It has told me that I have to embrace it rather than fear it. It is a rumor that I have Saturn Return that is responsible for my lack of gentleness from people. I really don't know. I'm probably hoping someone would have a better translation than my weak and cluttered version.
------------------ Hank Campbell Far Rockaway, Queens, NY *Sun: 8th House/Leo, Moon: 3rd House/Pisces, Venus: 8th House/Leo, Mars: 6th House/Cancer, Jupiter: 8th House/Leo, Saturn: 8th House/Virgo, ASC: Capricorn "A gifted mind needs a gifted heart to sympathize others who are in vain." IP: Logged |
alvarella777 Knowflake Posts: 504 From: Europe Registered: Jun 2007
posted August 14, 2008 05:38 PM
Mine is in Taurus in 6th, conjunct Hades.I strongly define myself through my work (Saturnian quality in 6th house), and it is a creative work, art involved (the sign of Taurus) - my work is a huge part of my personal "image" (Saturn in wide conjunct/opposition (7 dg) to my Ascendant/Descendant) Most of the times I am very involved in my work and can concentrate very well, can shut off the outer world completely and immerse myself to 100% and can be very (!) ambitious - but ONLY if I see the rewards or if I develop some real passion for my work-projects. (Venusian influence of Saturn in Taurus, I guess - my Saturn demands love & praise and/or money for the effort.) At times, I can be extremely vague, insecure and lazy in my worklife (I've been so for a couple of months, lately). Usually this is an idicator for severe overall personal problems, in other areas as well. So: My Saturn can boost my self-esteem - but also can let me hang lose, without any orientation. My Saturn is well positioned for pushing me forward, especially career-wise. It - sextiles my Sun (in 8th) - trines my Pluto (in 10th) - trines my MC - conjuncts my draco-P.o.Fortune But my Saturn might weaken my personal love happiness - or might bring some "seriousness" and difficulties to it -since it is so close to my DSC - and also conjunct my Anteros. * edit *: Saturn's ruler is Venus, in 9th house ... and Venus is cj. my SN there ... "karmic" ingrediences??? Anyway, the older I get, the stronger the feeling grows, that there might be some "karmic" lessons for me to learn in love - I just don't have a clue yet, what this is about. ;-) IP: Logged |
SagSun Knowflake Posts: 449 From: Jupiter Registered: Oct 2006
posted August 15, 2008 12:51 PM
Saturn in 10 degrees Scorpio in the 7th houseThe only major aspect my Saturn makes is a square to my Moon in Leo ... and boy do I feel this square. Saturn tones down the fire of my poor Leo Moon quite a bit. I have a hard time opening up to people. Showing others how I feel about them is really hard for me. It takes me a long time to let others get close to me. I've been hurt and taken advantage of more than I care to remember. And very often I feel like nobody loves me. And of course, Saturn in the 7th house doesn't make things any easier. IP: Logged |
winky_winky Knowflake Posts: 574 From: SPAIN Registered: Oct 2007
posted August 15, 2008 01:13 PM
i know each sturn placement must be a hard one but in the 7th i feel it imposes particularly hard limits because it is so well disguised and makes it so hard to "connect" IP: Logged |
Touchstone Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Up North Registered: Apr 2005
posted August 15, 2008 04:22 PM
My Saturn is 11 degrees in Gemini in 4th house, conjunct Moon which is 12 degrees Gemini. What a barrel of laughs Saturn is my chart ruler too so is very important in my chart. I feel the energy of Saturn mostly as a great inhibitor to expressing myself. I worry too much about choosing the right words when communicating and end up not saying what I really wanted to. I also find it hard to be open about how I feel. The feeling is ingrained that I shouldn't make a fuss or bother others. I didn't enjoy my childhood very much and my Saturn return was hellish. I feel so much better now it's out of the way. Touchstone Sun/Moon/Mercury/Saturn in Gemini Ascendant in Capricorn IP: Logged |
haybelly Knowflake Posts: 230 From: The bigrock candy mountains Registered: Jul 2008
posted August 15, 2008 05:08 PM
Saturn in Pisces I just had to copy and paste this because of all the results I got for my chart, this section is so far off, it must be for someone else!
Misanthropic, with a sullen humor. She likes to live in solitude, in contemplation. Likes to work alone. NOT. Saturn in XI She appreciates the company of older people of intelligence and good counsel. These will help success in professional life. She has few friends and has difficulty in finding a partner. She is very reserved. Old people are ok, I am not reserved. No old person has ever helped me professionally. -78 Opposition Saturn - Uranus She does not like routine, whether at work or in her emotional life. She fights to keep her independence, her freedom of action. She would gladly re-make the world. If I don't hve a routine...."an idle mind is the devil's workshop" Ok, I am clingy independant, if that makes sense. 53 Trine Saturn - Neptune Her plans are realized in a methodical fashion, she works hard to achieve success. Only at things that interest me. -53 Opposition Saturn - Pluto She is not open to others' ideas, especially if they are free-thinking. She is an egoist and has a narrow mind. HAHAHAHA that is really funny, I am a hippy chick a nd love to share ideas and listen to people philosophies! So BLAH to Saturn ![]( IP: Logged |