Topic: The Power of the 8th House
missneptune unregistered
posted September 21, 2008 07:34 PM
I keep asking questions on this forum, now its time for me to give others some insight on the 8th house. Let me start by introducing myself, my Sun and Mercury is in Leo, and in the 8th house. It took me a long time to really understand what having the Sun and Mercury in the 8th house meant, but I feel I've acquired some new insight on the 8th house. First of all it is a powerful house, it gives one more intensity, and also gives one the power to understand the hidden side of things. It definitely can indicate someone being into occult, and astrology, like myself. But I know someone else who has the Sun and Mercury in the 8th house, and she is an Aries, so we have some similarities. However she has opposed any kind of things associated with occultism. She lives her life from one chaotic event to the other, because the 8th house induces transformation, and change. However these chaotic events are similar to crises, and the true nature of the 8th house is to denote transformation without chaos, unless of course one is opposed to adapting, and healing the internal side of ones self. I just recently went through the transit of the Sun and Mercury in my 8th house, like in my natal chart. And I've transformed my mentality so much; all these hidden problems of mine had resurrected in July, and instead of giving into my problems, I listened, and realized that I can move beyond this, and now that I am in my twenties I no longer will ever re-live the inadequacies linked to being a teenager. Now let me emphasize what I meant above about understanding the hidden side of things. There is this kind of primal third sense that I’ve always possessed, I can tell when person has (shall we say) bad vibes, and most of the time I’m correct. Another thing that I have the power to do is receive unconscious messages from the opposite sex whenever they’re attracted to me; I can also send these messages as well. For example I will just be talking to some guy quite causally, but can almost tell what they are thinking about me, with the conversation camouflaging this. I’m not saying I can read minds, its like I can her a hint of a thought. Anyone else have anything else to add about the 8th house, I can also answer some questions as well!------------------ Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant - Sagittarius IP: Logged |
etoile03 Newflake Posts: 0 From: France Registered: Mar 2010
posted September 21, 2008 08:16 PM
hi there missneptune do you have any thoughts on a first meeting chart that has sun moon mercury venus mars and saturn in the 8th house oh and vertex too... 8th house is Leo in this case... would love some insight into this thanks IP: Logged |
missneptune unregistered
posted September 21, 2008 09:06 PM
Did this first meeting have an air of intensity? I don't know much about composite charts, but it seems like this would be true in your case, especially with the moon in the 8th house, almost as if you have already known this person before. I could be totally off because I am not sure if this a person or an event. IP: Logged |
etoile03 Newflake Posts: 0 From: France Registered: Mar 2010
posted September 21, 2008 09:44 PM
its the chart of the first time i met my man in person, and yes it was quite intense... in fact it is the natal chart of the time we first met, not a composite... it did feel very right, no awkwardness, no questions, just an amazing meeting.IP: Logged |
augentier unregistered
posted September 21, 2008 10:21 PM
I have no planets in my 8th house yet I feel what is associated w. the 8th house is extremely powerful in my life..and what interests me the most. Well, I have Lilith and Chiron there..but I don't pay much attention to those. So what could be causing my 8th house to really activate in my life? Mine's in Gemini but I have a lot of Scorpio influence so maybe that's why (isnt the 8th house ruled by Scorpio?) I have Scorp ASC, Venus, and Pluto..with both conjunct my ASC.. ------------------ Capricorn sun / Scorpio rising / Sagittarius moon Mercury:: Sagittarius Venus::Scorpio Mars::Pisces IP: Logged |
missneptune unregistered
posted September 21, 2008 10:55 PM
Augentier, I would have to say you have a lot of plutonian energies in your chart, and the ruler of the 8th house is scorpio, so it makes sense that you identify with the 8th house. In the middle ages however the 8th house was ruled by mars, I believe. I also associate the 8th house with the major arcana tarot card- the tower.IP: Logged |
missneptune unregistered
posted September 21, 2008 10:58 PM
etoile03, It makes sense that you felt a connection with this man, since the 8th house rules intensity in general. IP: Logged |
LadyNeptune unregistered
posted September 21, 2008 11:18 PM
I feel the same way as you and I have plenty of 8th house planets as well as pluto aspects (natally) that are tight in orb.Good post.  IP: Logged |
missneptune unregistered
posted September 22, 2008 02:19 AM
I never really talked about the negative sides of the 8th house! ------------------ Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant - Sagittarius IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted September 22, 2008 02:45 AM
^^^ lol, how ironic.  Great description, missneptune! I could relate to a lot of what you wrote. I don't have any planets in my 8th house (only my vertex is in that house). But I do have the ruler of my 8th house in my 1st house (in Scorpio), so I guess that makes that house a stronger part of my identity than it would be otherwise. Plus I have a Scorpio ASC and Pluto conjunct my Sun/Moon midpoint. quote: the 8th house induces transformation, and change. ...the true nature of the 8th house is to denote transformation without chaos, unless of course one is opposed to adapting, and healing the internal side of ones self
I can really relate to that. That's basically been my approach to life! Like anyone, I've had my share of painful events in life and disappointments, but it doesn't even occur to me to let them break me. I just think of what it is that I am supposed to be learning from this, how it's supposed to be transforming me. I'm like, ok universe, I'll be the marble and you can bring these events to help sculpt me into whatever I'm supposed to be. When I've run into trouble is when I've been unconscious to transformation. We're going to be transformed whether we like it or not, whether we realize it or not by what we experience. So I like to stay aware of how I'm being shaped, but I've often thought I was and only later realized how clueless I was.
quote: For example I will just be talking to some guy quite causally, but can almost tell what they are thinking about me, with the conversation camouflaging this.
This really hit home! My Mercury is in Scorp, so I always seem to be having a conversation on two levels, the spoken and unspoken. Usually this is fine, but sometimes it has caused misunderstandings. My SO teases me, sometimes making comments like, "Want to fill me in on what I just said?" because there have been times in the past when I've been certain he meant something that he never even said. Like him not "saying" it means it was never said, or something. His Merc is in Taurus so he helps focus me more on text and less on subtext. I'm wondering though, does it ever bother you that you can read the desirous thoughts of the opposite sex? When it's from someone you're not interested in, I mean. Does it feel like you're exposed to people's sexual side more than you would like to be? IP: Logged |
missneptune unregistered
posted September 22, 2008 03:12 AM
Hey Jane, I'm glad you thought my post was insightful. One thing I've got to mention is that the "hearing the message underneath the conversation", only happens when I'm not aware of my surroundings, like when I've got a lot on my mind, and then all the sudden when I've engaged in conversation that I'm not that engaged in, it hits me. And I've been able to stop hearing the underlying thoughts of others if I feel ill at ease with them as well. ------------------ Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant - Sagittarius IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1277 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted September 22, 2008 03:36 AM
Interesting, thanks!IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2008 05:42 AM
As the 8th house is the natural home of Scorpio and Pluto, I think it makes sense that people with strong connections between Mercury and Pluto and/or Scorpio, might have a strong sense of what missneptune is talking about. But, I also feel moved to say, as a primal instinct, everyone has the ability to pick up on the vibes of other people, know when someone likes them when it isn't obvious, and have those moments when they know something is going to happen, no reason, they just do. It just comes in degrees. Individuals with strong 8th house, Scorpio and Pluto are more inclined to be in tune to this hidden side of life. My mother has Sun/Mercury/Pluto in conjunction in a tight orb. She is highly intuitive. To paraphrase a Lindalander discussing the Mercury/Pluto conjunction, she can seem to see through people. However, there is a downside. She can ocassionally get so carried away with her instinctive insights that the line where it can become prejudice and/or fantasy can get crossed. I don't think it is far fetch to describe her as being somewhere on the psychic spectrum, sceptics might. They'd call her intuitive, instinctive, canny. But whatever you call it, I don't bother trying to palm her off with b.s, I never did. My son has Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 8th. He is still a young child, but is quite knowing. Someone else I don't bother to palm off with b.s. This is quite interesting as a parent. One thing that 8th housers might find familiar is asking questions about the facts of life very early on. Stories about the stalk and the cabbage patch just won't cut it. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2008 06:57 AM
An ex-flame has Juno, Karma, Pysche, Neptune and my personal name asteroid in my 8th House. There were times when I literally felt elevated to a higher plane when they were around. (My Neptune, and their personal name asteroid, is in Scorpio, 8th House) missneptune, with all of their aspects in my 8th House, what would you interpret from this from their point of view? koiflower xox IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 714 From: The Strand Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2008 07:00 AM
missneptune - yeah sounds like 8th house stuff. Plus your 8th house cusp is likely to be leo and your sun is in the 8th (ruler of the 8th house cusp).IP: Logged |
lovely lioness Newflake Posts: 6 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted September 22, 2008 07:43 AM
hello, missneptune! very interesting thread!!! I just had to reply. I wonder about the 8th house as well...I have Taurus Moon in the 8th house and my Gemini guy has Venus in Mars both in Taurus and both in the 8th house! I have always wondered what that means for our relationship. Because we have had an intense connection from the start to say the least. Any insight on this? I would love to hear what you think.  IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted September 22, 2008 09:03 AM
I have juno and neptune in 8th, ruled by scorpio and all l can say is "phorrrrrrrrr"!IP: Logged |
missneptune unregistered
posted September 22, 2008 03:30 PM
Hey Blue Moon, I have to agree about how everyone can pick up on other people's vibes, etc. I don't believe I have any advantage over other people, but my Pluto is in the eleventh house, and squares my sun and mercury, so there is also an extra Plutonian energy happening as well. But what you were saying about your son totally makes sense. As a young child I would come up with these very philosophical questions, but my Mom never gave me any BS as well. Another thing that the house rules is inheritances, and other people’s finances. And the Sun can also describe your father; my father is also a Leo as well, and he's always been helpful financially, but not so much emotionally. My mom also was a single mother my entire life, my parents also were very young when I was born. Having Mars in Aries in the 4th house definitely describes the tone of my upbringing. One other thing I must mention is that whatever sign on the cusp of the 8th house is, it will add a certain theme to this house. On a more superstitious note, I’ve read that the 8th house rules death, and that whatever cusp is on the 8th cusp can describe your death, but I really am hesitant to believe this, it sounds like some medieval superstition to me. ------------------ Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant - Sagittarius IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 22, 2008 04:51 PM
*gremlins*IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1344 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 23, 2008 02:41 AM
So, Mama Neptune got the tricky questions about where babies came from early on in her mothering experience, too?Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt you have more pronounced insights than most people.The threads on LL certainly seem to include a fair few where posters ask if someone really likes them, so that does seem to suggest you are tuned into something others may miss. I think quite often instincts get switched off. My theory being they get switched off or tuned out more than not being there in the first place. There was a great thread on the 8th house a few months ago, if I can find the link I'll put it up. Contributors confirm your experience of a father being remote in some way. Even if not totally absent, working about from home a lot, which is the case for my boy and his dad for part of his early years. I think it effected him more than we realised, but needs must, devil blind. Moon in 8th, someone mentioned that ~ said child's father has this in Taurus. He has a quite understanding of the emotional aura about him. Every now and then he will come out with a quiet observation (to me) that is spot on. Just one example, he met someone for the first time, in a large gathering and said their marriage wasn't going well. Sure enough. He was one of the few not surprised ~ the woman in question had made every effort to hid it from everyone. Another funny one, one of my aunts was a secret smoker. But when she passed away (not from smoking related illness!) he said he had known all the time. But that was less an inuitive pick-up than observation to detail. He said he recognised the attempt to scrub off the yellow nictoine stain on her finger, being a heavy smoker himself (I have him heavily insured for this, heh, heh, we are talking 8th house).
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missneptune unregistered
posted September 23, 2008 03:25 AM
Blue Moon, very interesting about the moon in the 8th house story. I think it is a very powerful placement for the moon, I don't know anyone who has this, and I've wondered about it. But my Father and I have some similarities in our charts, we both are Leos with our moons in the 3rd house, and are Jupiters are in the 6th house, however he has Pisces ascendant, and his Neptune is in the 8th house, he is really into conspiracy theories, which I think he really just wants to get into metaphysics, like me, but he is lazy, and likes being sensationalized by conspiracy videos, and doesn't question the validity of the videos etc. So I believe he is intrigued by mysticism but gets disillusioned by his neptunian qualities in the 8th house. IP: Logged |
Necroticism unregistered
posted September 29, 2008 04:48 AM
What would Venus conjunct Uranus at a very tight orb in the 8th house mean? Would it mean the person would inherit money from a marriage?The chart also has Neptune & Saturn conjunct tightly.. but its conjunct the 9th house cusp so I'm a little confused. IP: Logged |
Atlenta unregistered
posted September 29, 2008 10:58 AM
I feel that 8th house people (especially those with stellia) need to be very humbled in this lifetime. Their powerful energies shouldn't be played out on others, which they are likely to do, but on themselves. As in they need to transform themselves with alot of awareness so they can heal others. Their life is all about transformation of the self, and those who miss out on that part will probably be very miserable.My close friend also has a stellium in the 8th (5 planets) and from your post I guess I know what you mean  venus-uranus conjunct in the 8th can mean an erratic intimate life! I have 8th house moon, and the emotional highs and lows are like a norm, can't escape it. IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 712 From: Registered: Jun 2016
posted September 29, 2008 12:35 PM
"I feel that 8th house people (especially those with stellia) need to be very humbled in this lifetime. Their powerful energies shouldn't be played out on others, which they are likely to do, but on themselves. As in they need to transform themselves with alot of awareness so they can heal others. Their life is all about transformation of the self, and those who miss out on that part will probably be very miserable."Atlenta, this is just brilliant!! I have Sun, Merc and Mars in my 8th, and as I grow up I am learning to channel my fascination with power into more of a way to open my heart and embody compassion. IP: Logged |
Marila1313 unregistered
posted September 29, 2008 03:39 PM
Wow, miss neptune, I almost understand what you 're saying. I have venus+mars+jupiter all in 8th house, and I too, know what the opposite sex thinks of me. Anyways, since you do have a significant sign in your 8th house, you Sun, you have a somewhat "scorpionic" side to you, that people can even feel. Since you have this, people either love or hate you, there will rarely be any in-betweens. IP: Logged | |