Topic: Acne!
Astra Knowflake Posts: 553 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 21, 2008 08:55 PM
I've been having bad acne for a few years now (never had it as a teen) and nothing seems to get rid of it. Does anyone know what indicates skin issues in my natal chart? If possible, does anyone know what might help me conquer this stupid acne once and for all? IP: Logged |
Kick It Knowflake Posts: 1032 From: Leeds Registered: May 2008
posted September 21, 2008 09:00 PM
Saturn is associated with skin. Although face is 1st house and you got Capricorn rising.You can get some special magic cream from the doctor. IP: Logged |
Geocosmic Valentine Knowflake Posts: 994 From: New York, NY Registered: Sep 2007
posted September 21, 2008 09:51 PM
Like "Kick It" said, Saturn rules skin and Neptune has been squaring your Saturn for maybe about 2 years, even though it wasn't exact, Neptune is like a giant oil spill or a large flood. Neptune rules toxins.Remember that the skin is a major organ and acne suggests toxins in your system so your body is trying to release toxins. "Kick It's" suggestion to see a doctor is good, but don't let them give you massive doses of penicillin to treat your acne, that could cause problems down the line. You might want to find out what toxins your body is trying to release through your skin. Geocosmic Valentine Professional Astrologer (Not a doctor) .
------------------ "Everybody is a star!" Sly & The Family Stone IP: Logged |
augentier Knowflake Posts: 893 From: KS Registered: Nov 2007
posted September 21, 2008 10:14 PM
I've had acne problems for years (i'm 21 and it started at 18..early teen years were not a problem) and the only thing that has stopped it is Yaz birth control (seems to help a lot of women). I heard that Scorpio rising tend to have skin troubles, and I have Scorp ASC and am also a Capricorn sun..and Capricorn rules the skin..However, my sister is a Capricorn sun and Capricorn ASC and has beautiful skin, ****** me off lol I suppose harsh aspects to your ASC or Saturn could indicate skin troubles too. Too much testosterone was my problem (and one cause of acne in teenagers especially boys) so if you're into bio-astrology maybe lots of masculine energy or harsh aspects to masculine planets could do this? Just a thought.
------------------ Capricorn sun / Scorpio rising / Sagittarius moon Mercury:: Sagittarius Venus::Scorpio Mars::Pisces IP: Logged |
Jugular Knowflake Posts: 185 From: New York, NY, USA Registered: Jan 2008
posted September 21, 2008 10:19 PM
Astra... I'm well into my thirties and had clear skin as a teenager and suddenly started having breakouts in my thirties. I'm no expert on medicine or astrology, but I have found that significantly cutting down on carbohydrates (especially processed foods) immediately clears up my skin. Then, if I fall off the low-carb wagon, within two days I have another facial breakout. Just my two cents. And I defer to Geocosmic's interpretation, of course, since we are, after all, on an astrology site.IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 553 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 21, 2008 10:22 PM
Thanks guys. I've gone to many doctors, but they don't seem to know what they're doing. I tried birth control, but that really wreaked havoc on my skin and made me very ill. I drink loads of water, eat a well balanced diet and exercise and yet my skin hasn't improved even slightly. I even had an extensive physical exam and my health is perfect. I really have no idea what the problem is. The only harsh aspect to Saturn is Jupiter in my natal chart. The Neptune Square Saturn makes sense since I've had it since February, but this won't end until December 2009. Ugh..
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LadyNeptune Knowflake Posts: 419 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted September 21, 2008 11:23 PM
It's hard to tell without your chart. I had an acne flare up during my saturn return (1st house). It lasted years. I tried everything, then finally tool accutane and I've been clear ever since. I agree to not take antibiotics. They are evil. They cause candida, which I'm finally starting to get rid of - after 4 long years and lots of alternative treatments. Acne sucks. Good luck to you. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 1011 From: Canada Registered: Feb 2006
posted September 21, 2008 11:44 PM
I was recently at my astrologer's and mentioned my skin in passing. She told me that she's never seen as many skin problems with her clients as she has in the last two years or so.I've been having some serious issues with my skin (I was literally complaining about it two minutes before I saw this link) and she said that what she's seen an increase in is mainly acne with other skin ailments like psoriasis included as well. The last time I really cleared up my skin was when I did a one week fast and cleanse in Thailand. Everyone noticed what a difference it made (and these are the same people who say "Oh, you're making a mountain out of a molehill, no pun intended of course"). So I intend to go back in 2009 to do it again. And astrologically, yes indeed, Saturn seems to be the culprit. IP: Logged |
astroleolady Knowflake Posts: 442 From: In the æther Registered: Mar 2006
posted September 21, 2008 11:46 PM
Astra,If you haven't already, you may want to read up on Acne at the Mayo Clinic. Adult Acne quote: It's not known what causes the increased production of sebum that leads to acne. But a number of factors — including hormones, bacteria, certain medications and heredity — play a role. Contrary to what some people think, foods have little effect on acne. Acne also isn't caused by dirt. In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or chemicals irritates the skin and can make acne worse.
I'm natally prone to acne myself with Mars (head/face/inflammation/infection) and Saturn (skin) in Aries (head/face) square and Pluto (bacteria) in Virgo (health) in the 5th house (the back) square my Ascendant (the physical body). I had it in the teen years and then went a few years without it, when I was on the BC pill. In the past five years, I have suffered with adult acne on my face, neck and back because of my progressed Mars in Leo (the back) in my 4th house has been conjunct my natal Venus (secondary ruler of skin/the neck/estrogen). Progressed Mars is moving off that and is now in an applying square to my Neptune (white blood cells/weakness) in my 6th house of health and dis-ease. The acne continues. Eating well, getting rest and drinking water makes little difference to my acne. It still persists. Natally, you have Capricorn on the Ascendant, ruler of Saturn. Both rule skin. You have Mars in the 6th house, and it's in opposition to Neptune. And you have Venus opposite Pluto. You may want to look at your secondary progressed chart to see what was in orb when the acne started and in orb currently. Your progressed Mars maybe opposite your Ascendant by now or opposite your Moon (oils of the body) in Capricorn in the 1st house. Or it could be something else such as your progressed Venus in aspect. I have been using an over the counter skin cleanser called Stan Hexetidine, which has helped tremendously. Hexetidine is the active medicinal ingredient. You may want to look for a cleanser with that in it at your pharmacy. It may help you. Good luck. IP: Logged |
ScorpioCentaur Knowflake Posts: 72 From: Montreal Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 22, 2008 04:09 AM
I'm a scorpio sun with Capricorn rising. I had horrible acne for years...I must have tried every cream, every doctor, every pill and every miracle face wash. The only thing that worked for me was the birth control pill. I used Diane-35. It seriously changed my life almost right away. After about a month my face was clearing and stayed clear. Ask your dermatologist for the prescription!!IP: Logged |
GemLover Knowflake Posts: 371 From: Registered: Aug 2008
posted September 22, 2008 04:14 AM
I had acne in my twenties, but I don't know what was happening astrologically for me then. Possibly my progressed ASC went into Capricorn. Even though I ended up taking evil acne pills which DID work and got it out of my system for good, I don't recommend them at all. Since then I've learned that taking zinc, vitamin C and enough B vitamins as well as essential fatty acids can in some cases be enough to help with bad skin. IP: Logged |
Green Fairy Knowflake Posts: 1024 From: Registered: Feb 2006
posted September 22, 2008 09:37 AM
I've been suffering from acne for quite some time now [since high school -I'm 24 now] Virgo asc Merc. [my asc ruler] in Leo Merc. square Saturn
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Love Knowflake Posts: 1011 From: Canada Registered: Feb 2006
posted September 22, 2008 10:10 AM
Just a note on Diane 35 - I got that prescription years ago and it did work initially to clear up my skin. What I was not told is that you're only supposed to be on it for a year, max. I was on it for 7 years and in that time it messed with my hormones and body. In addition, and somewhat ironically, eventually my skin began to get worse than it had ever been originally. By the time I went off the pill, my skin was horrible, with huge cysts. I went online and found that I wasn't the only person who experienced this problem after going off Diane-35. Just a heads-up IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 553 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 22, 2008 10:36 AM
Thanks for your responses! Unfortunately, birth control pills seem to worsen my skin and it took me a while to get rid of all of the health problems it caused, so it really isn't an option for me. I even took the evil pills from the doctor but there wasn't even the slightest change after a year, so I quit those. It's like my skin is resistant to everything! Right now I'm just putting lemon juice on my face, which will hopefully work. Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt at all. IP: Logged |
GemGemGem Knowflake Posts: 341 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted September 22, 2008 10:59 AM
Astra, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with acne. It really is a painful, and debilitating thing.The main contributor to acne is a hormonal imbalance, which is why it is common in teenagers, during puberty, so there isn't much you can do about that. But A lot of dermatologists recommend cutting all dairy out of your diet for 2 weeks. Some people have an allergy to dairy that shows up in the form of increased oil activity, that clogs the pores leading to breakouts. You should google it. Dairy and acne. Also, try mineral makeup, I heard it has helped reduce breakouts in millions of people. Good luck! IP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted September 22, 2008 12:29 PM
My brother had a problem with this throughout his teens and into his 20s. He read up a lot on food allergies ~ though he says most people who say they have allergies correctly have a food intolerance. Anyway, there is a particular food preservative he found out makes him ill. I don't know if this is connected to his skin problems, but, hey, I second GemGemGem on this, it's worth a try. IP: Logged |
Thethirdbenjamin Knowflake Posts: 587 From: Ottawa / Toronto, Canada Registered: Jul 2004
posted September 23, 2008 12:12 AM
I know how you feel Astra,I have Eczema and it whould mix with my acne so it whould make things tricky, because whatever you do to one will effect the other. I keep the skin on my face pretty dry, I find thats the best way to beat it since practically nothing can live on my skin. Its either have it oily and acne lives or dry and no acne. I'm also a gem sun with cap rising. My gemini niece with aries rising also has Eczema and seams to have skin problems.
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writesomething Knowflake Posts: 2376 From: meet me in montauk Registered: May 2006
posted September 23, 2008 12:17 AM
Ive always thought mars influence is the culprit of acne. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted September 23, 2008 12:20 AM
Mars is inflammation. Skin is ruled by saturn.It is very common for aries rising to have acne. I'm Aries rising and I have both acne and eczema. I also have unfortunately saturn opp sun, semi-square mars. I know I will have this lifelong. IP: Logged |
Astra Knowflake Posts: 553 From: Registered: May 2007
posted September 23, 2008 12:52 AM
I've cut out dairy. I just drink soy milk so I can still get my calcium. I know I cannot drink cow's milk because I immediately break out.College was very stressful for me and the stress gave me my first pimple. It was very stubborn and wouldn't go away, so I ordered Proactiv. It made me break out like crazy. I was told that this was simply a purging process and wouldn't last more than a month. About a year later, this so-called purging process hadn't stopped. I quit Proactiv and have avoided it like the plague since then. It really ruined my skin! Thank you to everyone for your support. It really means a lot! IP: Logged |
GemLover Knowflake Posts: 371 From: Registered: Aug 2008
posted September 23, 2008 01:26 AM
Coconut oil is reported to be very good for acne, despite the fact that it's an oil. I use it on my face every night and I don't get any pimples anymore (at first I did have a small outbreak but it went away). Rosehip oil is another option (it's more expensive though). IP: Logged |
Thethirdbenjamin Knowflake Posts: 587 From: Ottawa / Toronto, Canada Registered: Jul 2004
posted September 23, 2008 02:38 AM
bumpIP: Logged |
blue moon Moderator Posts: 4700 From: U.K Registered: Dec 2007
posted September 23, 2008 02:52 AM
quote: I have Eczema
Me too, and I can't spell it either, I think it has an X in it. I can't use deodorants. I get a herbal anit-oderant from the chemists. But on the plus side, I'm not helping add to the ozone layer with sprays and I don't get to smell like a toilet cleaner. I use the most simple and natural products possible, it saves break outs. This might help for the acne problem, I don't know. One of my kids broke out in patches of exczema, he is terrified of doctors, so it was good that bathing in baby oil sorted that out. (i.e a spot of oil in his bath, not a Cleopatra job). Cheap, effective, and saved getting into overly chemical solutions for a mild break-out. Men have a problem here us we don't ~ shaving (the face!). My brother had a problem with this as it made his spots worse. He had to shave with anti-septic in the water. This reminds me of the very helpful comment his doctor gave when he asked for help for his acne. Grow a beard! D'oh. IP: Logged |
ScorpioCentaur Knowflake Posts: 72 From: Montreal Registered: Jan 2007
posted September 23, 2008 03:07 AM
Love,I never had one bad side effect from Diane-35....Actually, I found it reduced my PMS, bad cramps before my period and any extreme moods that I always got before my period. It also made my menstruation really light, which it never was. My worst mistake was deciding to go off of it...thats when all the bad periods, pms and out of control hormones started again. My doctor never told me about only being on it for 1 year..I've never heard that before. I seriously recommend it because it really was the only thing that saved my skin after years of really bad cystic acne. I advise it to anyone who ever had skin problems. I know how depressing it is to have bad skin and how bad we feel about ourselves when our face is covered with acne. Its so embarrassing and sad to live through.. But i guess everyone reacts to different medication its possible that it doesnt work for you Astra. But try it, it was my life-saver. IP: Logged |
Thethirdbenjamin Knowflake Posts: 587 From: Ottawa / Toronto, Canada Registered: Jul 2004
posted September 23, 2008 03:10 AM
I know drinking water works helps, but thats assuming your drinking like an elephant.if you see my desk you'll see at least 7 bottles of water. Also assuming your consuming more water then your eating too.
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