Topic: Moon in aquarius
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2008 09:42 PM
i have moon in aquarius people aften tell me that im werid and does that have anything to do with moon in aquarius. people also tell me i have magnetic eyes and that the way i go about myself is eccentric and tat i have a tough guy image. do any of you aquarius moons ever get that from other people.i also have moon opposite ascendant moon conjunt descenantt moon square sun and pluto. what do any of these mean and could these be why people think im so controversial. IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 129 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2008 09:54 PM
I have an Aquarius Moon, but also have Mercury in Scorpio (12th) and am Sag Sun & Asc. so am more emotional and I show it. One thing people say is I'm sensitive, but being an empath, I pick up people's emotions, it can be hard being in groups.Aloof? Yes, I can be, sometimes on purpose...but a lot of the time out of necessity and a need to take the high road, see things from a detached distance. Pettiness and narrow-mindedness gets on my nerves. I can't say I've ever been called eccentric or strange though, I'm pretty in touch with what's going on and usually peg a situation. IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2008 10:06 PM
i act weriod most of the time to and always on purpose. what house is your moon in.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Moderator Posts: 3422 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2008 10:13 PM
I have Moon in Aquarius and I have been told I'm weird or different my whole life - even though I've never really understood it. I also have Uranus opposite my Ascendant. My Venus is in Aries in the 1st house and my Sun is conjunct my Ascendant. My eyes are different colours.IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2008 10:16 PM
i have venus in aries too but in the 9th house. IP: Logged |
augentier unregistered
posted September 30, 2008 12:18 AM
My dad has Aquarius moon and ASC and he is definitely an odd one..such a bizarre sense of humor but it's funny. He said once he's always took pride in himself for not being like anyone else. Very Aquarian  IP: Logged |
amowls Knowflake Posts: 4 From: Falls Church, VA, USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 03:05 AM
My mom has an Aqua moon and she's really goofy.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Moderator Posts: 3422 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 03:12 AM
LOL - for all those who think the Aqua Mooners are goofy or oddballs, odd one out, etc: my husband and I both have Aqua Moons, as well as two of our three children. So in our house, the little one with Taurus Moon is the odd one out.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Moderator Posts: 3422 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 03:14 AM
DepTaurus - with your Aqua Moon and Venus Aries - do you develop little crushes on people that you just can't explain why - and then they are gone just as quick as they appeared?IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 05:00 AM
yeah kinda but most of the time i cant get over the people i have crushes on.IP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Moderator Posts: 3422 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 05:43 AM
That's interesting because usually Aqua Mooners can detach. Aries Venus falls in love at first sight. But you have a lot of Taurus - which doesn't let go easily - and is rather possessive and jealous as well.IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 05:57 AM
yepp thats me alight except the jealousy part maybe thats my aquarius moon. cause im realy detachedIP: Logged |
PeaceAngel Moderator Posts: 3422 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 06:01 AM
LOL - I'm the same - I have Mars in Taurus but - I think I'm possessive of my loved ones - probably more protective than anything - but I'm not the jealous type. Funny thing is that I attract this type. But Mars does denote the type of man a woman attracts or is attracted to.IP: Logged |
Mama Mia unregistered
posted September 30, 2008 01:03 PM
I have moon and rising in Aqua, I think I am different, I just realizing it more and more lately..IP: Logged |
Kay Libra unregistered
posted September 30, 2008 03:02 PM
I have an Aquarius Moon and people think I'm crazy, wacky, silly, higly-intelligent etc. My mom & grandma have aqua moons and my best guy friend does too. Let's just say when I get together with fellow aqua's riot town, exciting conversations and continous laughter. IP: Logged |
blue moon Knowflake Posts: 1273 From: U.K Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 03:20 PM
Aquarius Moon on the DESC Square Pluto could be the Rasputin stare thing. The Moon sign itself I don't think of as weird. It's the water carrier, it carries emotions, it doesn't swim in them like the fish and the crab. My dad told me how a family friend told him about her experience of being tortured by the Gestapo. At the time she told him he was 12 years old. He's an Aqua Moon. Aquarius is at the end of the zodiac and is an emotionally mature sign. It can take this kind of information and carry it, detached, but understanding. As a man he worked in health and social care. He heard some heartbreaking stories, but to help people out in this line of work, getting emotionally involved isn't always the ideal. IP: Logged |
taurusvirgoleolady1974 Knowflake Posts: 189 From: a previous life Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2008 08:28 PM
the first thing that comes to mind for the ones i know is ALOOF ALOOF and ALOOF. The other one I know is very quirky and funny. I always laugh at his jokes, unless im ****** at him and i give him the silent while hes waiting for me to laugh. We are complete opposite in so many ways, all three of them, well maybe except for my brother, thats kind of differnent syanstry. its very frustrating. of course since my moon is in leo. One hates that I even say one word about myself, and the other made sure it was all about me, but actually that was irritating, i know its shocking coming from a leo moon, but true. Hmmm guess its all about other placements.IP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 01, 2008 08:55 PM
The Emotions - This is what I really need to be complete.An erratic and unstable nature exists for the person with the Moon in Aquarius. They are lovingly the eternal fruit loops of the universe, where many original thoughts can emerge if they can sort it out of the constant trash removal service that lives in their minds. Cold feelings towards others can exist for the Moon in Aquarius person, because they can't understand their own emotional needs, much less the needs of others, hence they become a truly detached person emotionally. How can you relate to love or closeness to others if you are locked in the eternal darkness of your mind? This is the turmoil for the Moon in Aquarius person. Moon in Aquarius's can be very selfish individuals, but they do it in a friendly way. People with their Moon in Aquarius can suffer from Arthritis later in life because they never learned to lighten up! Moon in Aquarius people love and need challenges in love, such as crawling through a mine field to get to the center where a hundred naked love Gods or Goddesses are chanting their name in unison. What a rush! Moon in Aquarius people have one very disturbing and annoying habit however, they need to stop talking and making those stupid, forced and rehearsed sounds during sex. I'm willing to bet these are the people who dub those phony sound tracks on XXX videos. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross unregistered
posted October 01, 2008 09:41 PM
This is a good one: Moon in Aquarius people are extremely observant. They are life-time students of human nature, loving to analyze why people do what they do. This often stems from a detached—even shy—personality, especially in youth. Whether due to character or conditioning, Moon in Aquarius people often grow up feeling "different". Although rather sociable, they are often loners at heart. Many have strong egos, or at least powerful defense mechanisms, and most Lunar Aquarians will do their best to be the most unique and unusual person they can be. Their inner feeling of loneliness—that they don't quite fit in—puts them on the outside, looking in.
There is a very idealistic and progressive streak in Lunar Aquarians that is admirable indeed. However, when the Moon is in Aquarius, natives often will deny the more irrational qualities of emotions—such as jealousy, possessiveness, and fear—in an effort to be "above" what they consider "pettiness". When this goes too far, Lunar Aquarians can be emotionally blocked, distant, and detached. Lunar Aquarians can be very willful, especially in childhood. With age, these natives generally learn to handle their strong needs. Their desire for independence is powerful indeed, no matter what their age. With a quiet Sun and/or Ascendant, their desire to "shock" others is not always apparent until a relationship becomes comfortable. They are generally proud of their family members, boasting just how unique they are. When their families are ultra-conservative, the boast will be that they rebelled against all of that! Although given to temper tantrums and willful behavior in youth, Moon in Aquarius people often grow up feeling that messy emotions are unappealing. They often pride themselves for being cool-headed, detached, and "above" what they consider the more base emotions. In the process, they can end up alienating others--and themselves. Although Lunar Aquarians can be especially adept at understanding others' behavior and motivations, they can lose touch with their own—simply because they have identified too strongly with what they aspire to be (and these aspirations are often super-human). The Aquarian tendency to be humanitarian shows up powerfully in Moon in Aquarius. However, their kindness and concern for others is generally more a broad philosophy of life. With people close to them, Moon in Aquarius natives can seemingly lack compassion, as they often fully expect others to be as independent and detached as they are! In close, personal relationships, however, Lunar Aquarians generally give others a lot of personal freedom, and they will tolerate and enjoy all kinds of idiosyncrasies in people around them. Moon in Aquarius people are rarely flighty people, but they can be unreliable when it concerns the little things in life. Often, this is simply an assertion of their independence. In the long haul, however, they are rather constant, as Aquarius is a fixed sign. As long as they have their own space and the freedom to be themselves, however kooky that may be, they are trustworthy and loyal. Lunar Aquarians generally make wonderful friends. They'll make a point of leaving nobody on the outside. Many will fight for other's rights and crusade for equality. What may be surprising is that Moon in Aquarius people have a lot of pride. In fact, when they've been attacked in any way (especially regarding their character), they can become very inflexible and cool. It can be difficult to know just how sensitive to criticism Lunar Aquarians are, simply because they hide it so well! When their character or behavior has been criticized, they tend to dig in their heels and keep right on doing it. They fully expect others to accept them exactly as they are, or they don't have much use for them in their lives. These sometimes maddeningly unpredictable people are nevertheless quite charming. They have an unmistakable stubborn streak, but when left to be themselves, they make unusual and endlessly interesting people to be around. Life just wouldn't be the same without Lunar Aquarians' unusual spin on the world and the people in it! IP: Logged |
oceaneyes unregistered
posted April 01, 2009 09:33 PM
I'm an aquarius moon too. square pluto as the 2ond house.I have heard that i am different and jokingly "weird" all my life and honestly i dont like it! I have gotten that comment about my eyes as well lol. i sometimes come off aloof because im protecting myself but inside im far from it. I'm friendly too but also very shy. when i read descriptions of my moon like the ones posted it makes me feel like my horoscope is off. The detached, unemotional thing is dead wrong, i'm extremely emotional and they don't wear off, only intensify & consume me. I cant detach my feelings from what happens to people and i feel like a complete sponge to other's emotions and moods/vibes. the down side is i feel the pain of everyone who expresses it so i end up emotionally drained. I'm very possesive and jealous. I cant detach from people i truly care about, i feel like they belong me and i to them in a way. one aquarian thing though is the erratic, unpredictable compulsions that take me over, and the absolute need to live life the way i want to. i'm motivated by my passions and emotions. IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 205 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2009 10:02 AM
I have Moon in Aquarius too! I think we are hugely emotional but very human with it. So we can compose ourselves which people mistake for detachment. My moon is in the 4th house.... I LOVE the company of children but having my own have learned how difficult it is to raise them... as it pains me to disipline them (which they need as much as affection) because I just want to have fun with them. I love how children are just themselves and see the world simply and I sometimes question my own theories when I observe my two lol.IP: Logged |
plutoprincess Knowflake Posts: 50 From: Registered: May 2009
posted November 08, 2009 10:51 AM
*bump for anyone interestedIP: Logged |
DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 16, 2009 05:43 PM
Moon in AquariusYour emotions tend to be guided by intellect and you can be very detached when it comes to dealing with them. Others may think you cold and aloof because they don't understand the ways in which you deal with your feelings. This position steadies your emotions. You find security in dealing with and working with groups of people, especially in endeavors that benefit the majority. You are inventive, original, and progressive in thought and want to make the world a better place to live in. Family ties and attachments may not be as important to you as they are to others and you perhaps often consider your friends closer to you than your blood relatives. You need freedom and independence in your relationships with others. You back away at times if they get too close. You very much hate a partner who is jealous and possessive. You like to experiment and play the field. There is small affection for the conventional and the traditional. You tend to be friendly, intuitive, humane, progressive and independent. You are broad-minded with a desire to investigate all knowledge. You may have difficulty in understanding the emotional needs of others. At times you express unusual ideas simply to shock or surprise others out of their lethargy or just to see what kind of a reaction you'll get. On the negative side you can be impersonal, stubborn, erratic, rebellious, rigid, emotionally cramped and selfish.
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DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 16, 2009 05:51 PM
When your moon is in Aquarius you dislike change and really avoid it at almost all cost. The crystal that helps balance this for you is Clear Crystal, this crystal has a very clear vibration and it stores, releases and adjusts energies. This is one of the best neutral crystals you can carry and it balances out your fear of change.You tend to be independent with a flair of eccentricity and anything scientific can grab your interest. You can find your self first in line at any Go Green events as ecology, the planet and humanity are on the top of your list of interests and are very important to you. Encouraging social change and the evolution of the earth's population is your passion and Blue Celestite assists you in accomplishing these important issues with grace and ease. Even though you place so much importance on humanity, you tend to feel isolated from it also; and have the feelings and needs of emotional independence, carrying Chalcedony helps balance out these two areas that seem to create a tug and pull on you and it also helps you find the intimacy that you really need in your relationships. Aquarian Moon people have that feeling that they are misplaced and don't really belong here, they have that pull within themselves to reunite and want to go home as they just don't feel comfortable here on earth. If you carry Moldavite with you always, this will help relieve this feeling of not belonging here. Another area that pulls you in two directions is the part of you that wants change just because and then the part of you that resists change just because; all of this can create extreme mood swings and what stabilizes this is Selenite. You can also use Aquamarine as it assists in the resistance to change that seems to plaque you. When you find yourself needing to feel nurtured and grounded the best crystal for this purpose is Vanadinite as it will help you feel comfortable here on earth and supports a comfortable connection to where you live here on earth. You can also use it for meditation and it helps you to self-nurture; another great meditation crystal is the Aquamarine as it quiets the mind and helps clear the thoughts and helps you tap into your intuition and higher consciousness.
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DepTaurus Knowflake Posts: 1037 From: canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 16, 2009 05:58 PM
Ruled by the planet Uranus, this sign is noted for its eccentricity and lack of adherence to the rules. So the Aquarian Moon will never respond as people expect. You may take the side of the underdog, or you may become a champion of the status quo. It all depends how you feel at the time. What the Aquarian Moon does have that is consistent is its compassion for humanity. This moon finds itself in emotional turmoil when trust is broken, when dreams are crushed and when friends prove faithless. But its unbounded belief in humanity always finds comfort in helping someone worse off.Volunteering is a great thing for the Aquarian Moon, because it channels feelings outwards - this moon feels very uncomfortable with self pity or any self absorbed emotion. You meditate best in the outdoors, or engaged in some outdoor pursuit like walking or cycling. You may never feel the need to seek counseling, but as a counselor yourself, you may be unsurpassed.
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