Topic: Presidential Election - Magi Astrology
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 01, 2008 10:21 PM
Well..I finally decided to look at the candidate's charts and figure out which one will be elected. I am finally got rid of my pessimism in regards to the presidential election. I felt that my ability to check out the election was hampered by it. I also felt that I couldn't be impartial with my being a liberal Democrat desiring an Obama victory. I figured Bush would get elected the last 2 elections, and so I am capable of being impartial. Magi Astrology was used.
When it came to transits, I only looked at planets, Mars and more distant enhancement transits(positive): conjunction,trine,bidirectional quincunx,parallel...also contraparallel(unless it involves Saturn)
turbulent transits(negative): square,quincunx McCain's Enhancement Transits: McCain has Venus square Chiron in his Chart Transiting Neptune forms a Super Cinderella Mystic Triangle transit with it by quincunxing his Venus and trining his Chiron According to Magi Astrology, whenever a quincunx transit involves a retrograde planet, it is a bidirectional aspect,and that is considered an activation transit.....transiting Neptune is retrograde, and so Transiting Neptune quincunx McCain's Venus is an activation transit It is very interesting how McCain referred to Sarah Palin as his soulmate. He announced her as his running mate during the Super Cinderella transit. Transiting Chiron was birdirectionally quincunx his Neptune for another Cinderella transit at the time. Magi Society says that we meet our soulmates during the times that we have Cinderella transits.
natal Venus square Chiron: This is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. Some interpretations: charismatic beauty,love of family and marriage, strong marriage and family orientation, a career involved with making money, love for the New Age and what is part of the New Age and what is a part of the New Age, money from marriage and family, money from endeavors that are ruled by Chiron and what has to do with the public, and a charismatic amount of money. The native is almost always in love with being in love and therefore always needs to be in a love relationship, resulting in a tendency to fall in love easily. Transiting Neptune trine Chiron: one of the best aspects for business, it provides the highest level of financial security,especially from Neptunian sources and endeavors Transiting Neptune quincunx Venus: one of the most powerful Super Aspects in terms of making money,especially from Neptunian endeavors. By all means, maneuver your schedule and plans to try to include this aspect in all business charts, especially employment charts. This is a great aspect under which to start a job! It is even useful to initiate small business matters with this aspect, such as opening a bank or brokerage account especially an IRA or pension account). It is also the best aspect time to commit to any purchase over a period of time, such as buying a house on a mortgage or a car on credit. This aspect will help you make you all the payments. McCain has Mars parallel Chiron, and transiting Pluto contraparallels both to form a Super Chiron Activation Transit Mars parallel Chiron: One of the Male Sexual Aspects, it creates the ultimate high energy level, generates more pure energy than any other aspect,and rates as a Super Sports Champion Aspect (a term from Astrology Works!). But the Chiron-Mars aspect does not help coordination in the way that Venus-Mars aspect does. The native needs aspects that help coordination in order to most beneficially harness the energy this aspect provides. If this aspect is not well used and controlled through moral teachings, there can be constant moral slippage toward excessive aggressiveness, and even belligerency. Transiting Pluto contraparallel Chiron: a Super Aspect endows extraordinary profit-making power. This is a great enhancement to have in any electional chart. We call this enhancement the STAR WARS enhancement because the movie was released under such an enhancement. Transiting Pluto contraparallel Mars: a very helpful aspect to have in any business chart;it helps provide the energy and drive needed for success. It also provides a special ability to be competitive in business. Transiting Chiron trine Ascendant: a very helpful aspect when it comes to business; it is most helpful in technology,entertainment,and inventions. McCain has Jupiter contraparallel Pluto,and transiting Jupiter contraparallel Pluto and parallel Pluto....a Super Success Transit
Jupiter contraparallel Pluto: This is the most powerful Super Aspect when it comes to helping the native achieve success in Pluto matters, such as big business and power. The native is never satisfied and will always push to accumulate wealth and power Transiting Jupiter contraparallel Pluto: one of the best aspects to include in any business chart,especially when starting a job,business,or corporation Transiting Jupiter parallel Jupiter: success Transiting Saturn parallel Uranus: can be helpful in achieving dominance in areas ruled by Uranus,but not as good as the Jupiter-Uranus enhancement aspect
Transiting Uranus contraparallel Neptune - good for business John McCain's Turbulent Transits: Transiting Saturn oppose Saturn Transiting Saturn contraparallel Saturn (Saturn-Saturn Eclipse Turbulent Transit) - a time to be viewed disfavorably,bad luck,control issues Magi Society also believes that Saturn is the planet of deception and not Neptune. Transiting Neptune quincunx Chiron - it's exact too! - bad,bad,and bad; no money,no resources, and no talent. It is not something you want in a business chart. (note: it's not bidirectional quincunx transit like it was when he announced Sarah Palin as his running mate....therefore it's not a Cinderella Transit) Transiting Pluto square Mercury - problems with big business and communications, issues with power Transiting Uranus oppose Neptune - problems with business Secondary Progressions:
SP Mars trine Natal Moon: This aspect is representative of a person that is highly emotional,enthusiastic,never at a loss for initiative,can be susceptible to being hyper,and can't stay put. It is this aspect that is associated with a person who taps a table with the end of a pencil incessantly. SP Mercury square Natal Mars: - the EXPRESS YOURSELF ASPECT, this person holds nothing back and will not be silent;if there is a problem, you will know about it fast- --fast. This individual is also highly intelligent, has great reflexes,is very coordinated,has a lightning mind with a natural ability to score high on aptitude and IQ tests, and is very communicative, Women with this aspect have a tendency to communicate in a masculine way,sometimes even in a vulgar fashion. Also this aspect helps reduce the chances of respiratory ailments. SP Mars contraparallel Natal Mercury: - the EXPRESS YOURSELF ASPECT, this person holds nothing back and will not be silent;if there is a problem, you will know about it fast- --fast. This individual is also highly intelligent, has great reflexes,is very coordinated,has a lightning mind with a natural ability to score high on aptitude and IQ tests, and is very communicative, Women with this aspect have a tendency to communicate in a masculine way,sometimes even in a vulgar fashion. Also this aspect helps reduce the chances of respiratory ailments. SP Sun contraparallel SP Chiron: - This is one of the most powerful aspects that is not a Super Aspect. It helps the native to be noteworthy and/or charismatic. If the native also has a Super Aspect formed by Chiron, then he or she can have a hypnotic or mesmerizing influence on most of us. This is also a Female Romance Aspect where the native (person born with the aspect), if female, has an unusually intense desire for marriage and children. Such women often marry and have children when they are very young. SP Venus oppose SP Chiron: This is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. Some interpretations: charismatic beauty,love of family and marriage, strong marriage and family orientation, a career involved with making money, love for the New Age and what is part of the New Age and what is a part of the New Age, money from marriage and family, money from endeavors that are ruled by Chiron and what has to do with the public, and a charismatic amount of money. The native is almost always in love with being in love and therefore always needs to be in a love relationship, resulting in a tendency to fall in love easily. To sum it up: John McCain can be viewed as somebody that Americans look up to,trust,and could do no wrong. This seems like it can be connected to his being a war hero who is needed during this time of War against Terrorism and the War in Iraq. On the other hand,it also shows that he will be viewed disfavorably by many. There is a possibility of deception and fraud that could involve the election. There will definitely be a lot of people who will be very dissatisfied with his being elected. It could also indicate that after he gets elected, it could be too much for him and could be very stressful for him. The exact transiting Neptune quincunx his Chiron seems to indicate the financial crisis that he will have to deal with as president. He could also end up being viewed as powerful warmongerer. It is a time where he is more hotheaded than usual (Secondary Progressed Mercury square Natal Mars and Secondary Mars contraparallel Natal Mercury - a double focus Mercury-Mars secondary progression) Possible health problems too with transiting Saturn in his 12th opposing his Saturn in 6th and transiting Pluto in his 3rd square his Mercury in 12th. There is a definitely a possibility of an age- related mental health crisis. I am very concerned that his age and possibly bad health will affect his work and his judgment. I couldn't help noticing that transiting Eris is exactly(0 minutes of arc) sesquiquadrate to his Sun on Election Day which indicates a time of controversy and discord which can also be connected to diversity issues. This makes sense,his election would prevent the historical election of the first black president(in Obama's case,half black). I certainly don't like the exact Saturn-Uranus opposition which is accompanied by Saturn contraparallel Uranus(therefore Saturn-Uranus eclipse) on Election Day. That seems like a lot of disruption and tension. Barack Obama
Enhancement Transits:
Transiting Chiron conjunct his Ascendant: - a very helpful aspect when it comes to business;it is most helpful in technology,entertainment,and inventions Transiting Uranus contraparallel Neptune: - good for business Turbulent Transits:
Transiting Neptune quincunx Mars: - a very,very bad aspect to have in any business chart. Creates a "scorched Earth policy" and willingness to "cut off one's nose to spite the face." Transiting Pluto oppose Venus: - trying to make money in this aspect's time is like trying to swim up Niagara Falls; don't try to buck the odds. Almost no successful company has this aspect.
Secondary Progressions:
SP Venus parallel Natal Neptune This is a Super Aspect. There's money,money,money---usually lots of it and often inherited. It is the aspect that is most indicative of significant inheritances. It also signifies money from other long- term sources,such as real estate,copywrights,and patents,and health- related fields. This is also a Romance Aspect, with the native being generally a highly romantic person and gentle person. The native is very idealistic in love, wants to have only one lover, and is very faithful. If you want to marry a millionaire, this is one of the aspects to look for in your prospect; once you find one, we hope the two of you have Romantic Super Linkages. SP Neptune contraparallel Natal Uranus - good for business SP Venus conjunct/parallel SP Uranus (Venus-Uranus eclipse) - A SUPER ASPECT; the native is often a famous beauty who is photogenic,luminous,radiant,and glowing. There is a desire for change, including change of loved ones and the ever-present desire for excitement. This aspect appears often with swingers and those who have married more than several times, and deserves to be called THE FLING ASPECT. For a man,this is the aspect of the eternal bachelor. For a woman, this indicates a girl who wants to have fun; and who is adaptable,attractive,and often is very successful in the entertainment industry, If the personal aspect is a turbulent angle, the native's love resembles the end of bungee cord,and defines long term as the weekend. (This might indicate Obama's theme of change as well as his viewed as a celebrity who is well-liked by celebrities....McCain did cast him as the most famous celebrity in the world) SP Mercury square SP Saturn: - Most of the time,the native has the ability to focus attention on a project and bring to bear scientific thinking; the native is naturally inclined to the empirical ways of science, as opposed to using intuitive skills or seeking spiritual guidance. The native often has a disdain for arts and creative pursuits SP Mars square SP Saturn: - All personal aspects are helpful,but this one ranks near the bottom of the list. It is helpful in providing above-average stamina and not much else. Conclusion: Obama is charismatic and has strong financial ability, but he won't be elected due because of overall distrust. There can be a perception that he can't handle the economy as well as being too idealistic and naive. I believe that "cut off one's nose to spite the face" applies more to a lot of people that will vote against their best interest by voting against him. I believe that John McCain will be the next president of the United States.
John McCain has the advantage over Barack Obama because the transits form better planetary geometry including a Super Cinderella Mystic Triangle Transit as well as 2 Chiron Secondary Progression Aspects. Barack Obama has only 2 enhancement transits including 1 Chiron activation transit which Magi Society are good for overall success when it comes to the public. Magi Society believes that Chiron is important for noteworthiness and charisma which can help in politics because it seems like these people can do no wrong even though they could be corrupt. President Bush has Moon-Jupiter-Chiron conjunction. He also has Jupiter parallel Chiron,and so he has a Jupiter-Chiron eclipse(Jupiter conjunct/parallel Chiron). aspect interpretations are from Magi Society's THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN LOVE AND MONEY
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 01, 2008 11:57 PM
Drat!IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 03:38 AM
sorry to be a pain but.......WRONG natal Venus square Chiron: This is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. Some interpretations: charismatic beauty,love of family and marriage, strong marriage and family orientation, a career involved with making money, love for the New Age and what is part of the New Age and what is a part of the New Age, money from marriage and family, money from endeavors that are ruled by Chiron and what has to do with the public, and a charismatic amount of money. The native is almost always in love with being in love and therefore always needs to be in a love relationship, resulting in a tendency to fall in love easily. VENUS SQUARE CHIRON IS THE "IMPOSSIBLE DREAM CLASH" AND IS DISASTROUS!!!!!!!! IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 03:43 AM
ok can you please give me ALL the birth info please on these 2 and l will put it ALL into my Magi software - l don't believe McCain has a mystical triangle with Chiron because THAT venus/chiron is a serious clash so l want to read the Magi interpretations on my computer.thanks IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 04:24 AM
I was talking about McCain's natal aspect of Venus square Chiron...not transit nor synastry. That's how the natal aspect is interpreted in Magi Astrology's The Key to Success in LOVE AND MONEY. Natal aspects are interpreted differently from transits,synastry,and election aspects. Natal turbulent aspects aren't interpreted negatively...all natal planetary configurations are interpreted the same regardless if they are hard or easy natal aspects. Furthermore, Transiting Neptune forms a Super Cinderella Transit because it makes an enhancement transit to his Chiron even though it makes a clash aspect to his Venus. I wanted to make a correction that he doesn't have a bidirection quincunx transit of transiting Neptune to his natal Venus. He still has a Super Cinderella Transit because Transiting Neptune enchancement to his Chiron even though it makes a clash to his Venus. the intepretation for Neptune quincunx Venus clash it is rare for a business or a deal to succeed in this aspect time,so don't try to buck the trend;it means loss of money over the long term and persistent losses. it creates money pit. btw...a mystical triangle consists of 2 planets in trine, and a 3rd planet quincunx 1 planet and squares the 2nd planet
in McCain's case....Transiting Neptune trines his Chiron,and quincunxes his Venus which squares his Chiron I have one myself: I have Sun trine Moon, and Saturn quincunxes my Sun and squares my Moon. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 04:25 AM
USA has Sun in Cancer square Saturn in Libra this aspect seems to indicate that this is a conservative,patriotic nation that can involve structured and even limited justice a Cancer planet in turbulent aspect can indicate emotional biases,prejudicestransiting Jupiter in Capricorn is forming a t-square with it To me, that seems like self righteous conservativism as well as patriarchal religious issues in conflict with the conservative,patriotic nation and aggravating emotional biases,prejudices Magi Society interprets Sun square Saturn:
Both the enhancement and the turbulent aspects are among the worst timres for anything to do with love and money; fortunately, they do not last long, so it is easy bide your time and bypass such aspects. Both aspects are a sign of self-destructiveness unique to the Saturn-Sun aspect. Marriages and businesses with any Sun-Saturn aspect are most likely to blow up from internal causes. This is singularly the worst aspect for any endeavor. Success can come, but at a great price and is rarely enduring. The more likely outcome is that Saturn somehow makes a relationship or business highly susceptible to disruptions and crises that are rooted primarily within. Transiting Jupiter oppose USA's Sun - very harmful in business charts, this aspect creates overspending and overexpansion, eventually leading to financial disaster Transiting Jupiter square USA's Saturn - no matter which planet is applying,this is bad, it creates immorality and failure and is not good for any chart aka NUCLEAR CLASH Transit so Transiting Jupiter has been forming a SUPER NUCLEAR CLASH TRANSIT T-square with USA's Sun square Saturn, and that indicate the big financial crisis that we are in right now.
I also wonder if our founding fathers were into Astrology, why in the world did they sign the Declaration of Independence during a Sun square Saturn with retrograde Mercury going on? They certainly didn't know about Pluto. USA has retrograde Mercury in Cancer oppose Pluto in Capricorn which seems to me trust issues that connected to domestic things,authority,government,conspiracy theories....afflicted Cancer planets could indicate possible emotional biases,prejudices. The truth is the Declaration of Independence was not written for everybody in mind. Transiting Pluto is contraparalleling Mercury right now,and that adds to the issues of the natal aspect. I couldn't help noticing USA has Mars square Neptune which fits transiting Neptune quincunx Obama's Mars on Election Day too bad the founding fathers didn't know about Neptune too! Magi Society inteprets turbulent Mars-Neptune as a very,very bad aspect to have in any business chart. creates "scorched earth" policy and willingness to cut off one's nose to spite the face
that's what many Americans would be doing if they vote against their best interests by voting against Obama because of his race or perceived religion. That's what was said of some Hillary supporters who said that they would vote for McCain after Obama got the democratic nomination. Transiting Neptune is trining USA's Mars - helpful in Neptunian endeavors,but it has the side effect of overaggressiveness;it is better not to have it (this could pertain to the War in Iraq, and the finances that involve that...but also the aggressive presidential election campaigning...especially...when it involves USA's economy Transiting Chiron is trining USA's Saturn - although there are a few successful businesses that have this aspect, we do not recommend it. It can help a business venture in Chiron areas, but there is a price to pay; the workplace of this business is not a happy environment, and employees are more likely to be disloyal (seems appropriate for politicans not getting along during the financial crisis...especially partisan divisions)
Transiting Jupiter is contraparalleling USA's Sun - corporations born under this aspect are very fair and generous employers,with the workplace being a great place to be because it is a sea of tranquility. Employees will be most loyal to businesses with this aspect,but try to add a Venus-and Pluto based Super Aspect as well (seems like the time for teamwork...bipartisan teamwork to pass the bailout bill to help deal with the financial crisis)
Election Day's Aspects Election Day transits to USA's Chart
Election Day's Jupiter trine Saturn forms a Mystic Triangle Clash Transit with USA's Chiron by Election Day's Jupiter squaring USA's Chiron and Election Day's Saturn quincunx Chiron for a HEARTBREAK CLASH TRANSIT
Election Day's Jupiter trine USA's Saturn: - if Saturn is not APPLYING toward Jupier, this is a helpful aspect. If Saturn is applying toward Jupiter,this aspect is a problem and you should make certain to avoid it any electional chart (it's an applying could be bad) Election Day's Jupiter square USA's Chiron: - although this aspect can provide power and success, there is an eventual downfall,making this the aspect of the Fallen Angel. Obviously,you do not want this aspect in a business chart. (this seems to me that if McCain gets elected, there can be a feeling of success that will eventually turn into regret.....this could seem like USA's standing in the world could slip further down) Election Day's Saturn quincunx USA's Chiron: - this is one of the worst activations to have for business matters; avoid natalizing this aspect under any circumstances aka THE HEARTBREAK CLASH TRANSIT (this could indicate a time of great disappointment for many as well as could significant problems that can plague the nation) Election Day's Saturn square USA's Mars: - harmful and must be avoided; a business begun under this aspect is very prone to internal strife and bickering among employees and partners. This is a sign of the workplace that resembles a battlefield (this seems like there will be a lot of angry people after McCain gets elected. It also seem like there could end up being a lot of bickering in McCain's administration. Maybe McCain and Palin might end up disliking each other later on. Maybe McCain's administration will have problems with also seems like the warmonger aspect)
Symmetrical Planetary Geometry Transiting Neptune forms a Yod with USA's Mercury sextile Neptune
Election Day's Neptune quincunx Mercury - this seems like it could be bad for both finances and communications
Election Day's Neptune quincunx Neptune - this seems like it could be bad for finances Election Day's Jupiter contraparallel USA's Uranus - A Super Aspect, this is one of the best aspects to have in a chart of a business that is involved in Uranian affairs,including entertainment,broadcasting,aerospace,and astrology. Election Day T-square of Venus square Saturn-Uranus opposition - seems like a very bad financial time...and just a bad aspect for economy Venus square Saturn - not good for trying to make money because this aspect usually contracts money,and is intepreted as "contraction of money"
Venus square Uranus - this aspect can produce streaks of profits and streaks of heavy losses,where ultimately the losses exceed the gains. Obviously,it is a not a good aspect for a business chart Saturn oppose/contraparallel Uranus (Saturn-Uranus eclipse) - a very bad aspect to have in a business chart,it is unsettling and persistently creates upheavals,both from within and through outside forces. Do not start a job or business during this aspect time. Saturn quincunx Chiron - - this is one of the worst activations to have for business matters; avoid natalizing this aspect under any circumstances aka THE HEARTBREAK CLASH TRANSIT (Election Day's Saturn quincunxes USA's Chiron too...this could indicate a time of great disappointment for many as well as could significant problems that can plague the nation) Mars trine Uranus - this aspect is very helpful, specifically for any endeavor that is ruled by Uranus and Mars, such as sportscasting,but not much else. You do not want this aspect if you want to stay put and not travel;interestingly enough,sportscasting requires constant travel Mars square Neptune - a very,very bad aspect to have in any business chart. creates a "scorched earth policy" and willingness to "cut off one's nose to spite the face" (USA has the same exact aspect, Obama has transiting Neptune quincunx his Mars on Election Day......this seems like a strong possibility of many people voting against their best interests by voting against him) Saturn quincunx Neptune - a very bad aspect for any business chart, it reduces financial wherewithal,inhibits creativity,and shortens lifespan. (This seems like a very bad thing for money,economy as well as could indicate healthcare issues) Mars parallel Pluto - a very helpful aspect to have in any business chart; it helps provide energy and drive needed for success. It also provides a special ability to be competitive in business Interpretations from Magi Society's THE KEY TO SUCCESS IN LOVE AND MONEY My Conclusion is this is a very bad day to hold an election,and it will lead to very bad results. The Presidential Election Results will be bad for the economy and we will be striving hard to be competitive as well as more focused on war.
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 07:10 AM
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 11:50 AM
I hope that I am wrong about the election. As a liberal democrat,I hope that Obama does get elected. I'd rather be wrong than McCain being elected. I believe that he would make my country worse...especially with the economy as well as war. I was trying to be impartial and not let emotional biases influence my astrological judgment. Transiting Uranus is trining my Mercury in 3rd house and transiting Uranus and is trining my Chiron in 8th, and that could reflect my growing detachment which can give me the ability to be impartial. Transiting North Lunar Node is also trining my Uranus and transiting Jupiter is squaring my Uranus. Transiting Uranus is also paralleling my Uranus. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 12:04 PM
Here is my astrological analysis of Bush and Kerry for 2004 Election, and I concluded that Bush would be elected. I was being impartial as a liberal Democrat. I used a combination of regular Astrology and Magi Astrology techniques. I am really not sure if Bush will lose. What about the Election going on during his Jupiter return? Transiting Jupiter will be parallel Bush's Moon on Election Day with 2 minutes of arc, and that can mean feeling fortunate. Transiting Pluto trine Bush's Venus with 54 minutes of arc, and that seems like a time of charisma,charm,and power. Solar Arc Venus conjunct natal Jupiter with 41 minutes of arc, and that seems like a time of luxury and comfort. During inauguration day, transiting Pluto will be trining his Midheaven with 45 minutes of arc, and that seems like his career would be empowered. Transiting Jupiter trine Uranus with 32 minutes of arc, and that seems like popularity as well as luck that is sudden. Solar Arc Venus conjunct natal Jupiter with 31 minutes of arc. Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct Node with 15 minutes of arc, and that can mean the ability to become part of functioning group of people.
In Magi Astrology. Bush has 2 Cinderella Transits - Transiting Neptune is trining his Chiron and transiting Chiron is contraparallel his Venus. Bush has Sun,Uranus,and Pluto in planetary synchronization in declinations, and that is supposed to be good for both politics,popularity,power,and big business. Sun parallel Uranus and Sun parallel Pluto are enhancement aspects. He also has Jupiter trine Uranus which can means expansive popularity and success at politics, and its part of a triple conjunction trine for his Uranus is trine a stellium of Moon,Jupiter,and Chiron. Moon conjunct Jupiter can mean domestic success, and that could apply to success in his own country. Now add Jupiter and Chiron, and you have fabulous public image too. Add Uranus to the mix, you get success in politics due to fabulous image in domestic area. Bush has 2 Jupiter-Chiron aspects. He has Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Jupiter parallel Chiron, and that's a planetary eclipse. That would add to the fabulous public image that could greatly help him in politics. Bush has Saturn aspects to no planets either. John Kerry has a Cinderella Transit of transiting Venus parallel his Chiron. He has no applying Pluto transits. Transiting Pluto is in separating conjunction to his Sun with 1'56 orb, and transiting Pluto is in separating opposition to his Moon with 3'05 separating. That has very little influence. Transiting Jupiter parallel his MC with 8 minutes of arc. Interestingly, John Kerry has Cinderella aspect of Chiron contraparallel Neptune, and he married Theresa Heinz who is a multimillionaire. John Kerry has Pluto,Saturn,Mars,and Uranus retrograde. I don't feel all those retrograde planets would be good for taking a strong firm stand, and he also has Mercury square Neptune with 1'10 orb. His Mercury squares his Neptune-MC conjunction. Bush has no planets retrograde nor close hard Neptune aspects. He has Sun square Neptune over 7 degree orb. That's about it. That's not much of an influence.
I feel that Bush will win, but it will be a close race. Another thing to keep in mind is that Bush's Sun conjuncts USA's Cancer Sun. All he has to do is appeal to USA's sense of patriotism, and he could win.
No...I am not a conservative nor a Republican. I am just not one of those wishful thinkers. I don't want Bush to be president. He's too conservative and Bible Belt for my taste. I am a pantheistic Universalist, and I would even say that I am a pagan. Let's face it. I feel that there is more conservative people in USA than liberal people, and that is why gay marriages are not legal in USA yet. If we were truly a liberal country, gay marriages would be legal. In the very beginning, this country was not based for liberty for all. The Native Americans lost their own country and Blacks were slaves. Blacks didn't get civil rights until 1964. They got civil rights thanks to inspiration of the great Reverend Dr Martin Luther King Jr, a Christian minister. John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson were instrumental too.
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 12:21 PM
OK GlaucusI'm just not sure that Venus square Chiron in NATAL is a positive aspect.. I'm going to find a Magi astrologer and see if l can convince him to come here and post, ok?  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 12:54 PM
I think that I know what I am talking about I actually got into Magi Astrology in 2000,but I didn't like it too much. I only like it for presidential elections. I found Magi Astrology useful to predict the last 2 Elections. The last 2 elections, I concluded that Bush is the winner. This year,I conclude that it's McCain. the book, LOVE AND MONEY hard aspects and easy aspects aren't interpreted differently. they just give a personal aspect,and give the interpretation for that from what I read, they said that all natal aspects are gifts. They don't view natal aspects like regular astrologers do. page 61 of KEY TO SUCCESS IN LOVE AND MONEY by Magi Society After an enormous amount of research, The Magi Society discovered that without exception, every aspect can provide the native with unusual talents and skills (if the native works hard to improve himself or herself). The Magi Society believes that all of us can use each and every natal aspect to help us obtain a special talent or skill, or we can be influenced by the presence of the planetary aspect in our birth chart. The choice is ours. Hitler was weak-willed in this regard, and he let his Venus-Mars aspect get the better of him, He could have harnessed the power of the aspect to provide him with a special talent, such as graceful bodily movements,money from sports,a beautiful body,and so on. But instead, he took the most undisciplined and immoral route and ended up with a love of war. This was his choice,not the stars. for instance page 298 they interpret
Chiron and Venus Personal Aspect: This is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. Some interpretations:charismatic beauty,love of family and marriage,strong marriage and family orientation,a career involved with making money,love for the New Age and what is part of the New Age,money from marriage and family,money from endeavors that are ruled by Chiron and what has to do with the public, and a charismatic amount of money. The native is almost always in love and being in love and therefore always needs to be in a love relationship,resulting in tendency to fall in love easily.
That's all they interpreted for personal aspect under Chiron-Venus they didn't differentiate as negative and positive aspects like they did with synastry(linkage and activation) and election aspect(enhancement and turbulent)
Well..the New Age stuff doesn't apply to him. He's definitely no charismatic beauty. But he is married to a multimillionaire heiresss, and that fits with Venus-Chiron. His wife's money helped finance his political career bigtime. on their website: Like Walter Payton, Gretsky was born with an unusually high number of Personal Aspects and every one of them is an astrological sign of a special ability. This means in general that the more Personal Aspects a person is born with, the more special talent and skills the person has. This is true no matter what the angle of the aspect is, even oppositions or squares. (Many astrologers believe that Personal Aspects (natal aspects) that are formed by squares or oppositions are bad but our research shows that in the case of Personal Aspects, none are bad and every one of them is more like a Divine Gift of elevated talent. Every Personal Aspect is empowering and therefore, we think they must be gifts from Providence. But this is not the case for what we call HISTORIC ASPECTS. A Personal Aspect is an aspect that a person is born with but a Historic Aspect is an aspect that occurs in the chart of an event as opposed to a living being. With Historic Aspects, oppositions and squares are not good, just as Clashes are not good in CACs.) It is nice to know if you or someone else is especially talented, but it is great to know the type of special talent a person has. In Magi Astrology, you have the ability to analyze Personal Aspects so that you can actually tell what special talents someone has. Our example of this will be Franklin Delano Roosevelt. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 12:59 PM
Hey its coolI know that book and i'm all the Magi member sites and i've never seen this aspect being a positive one, that's all! IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 01:00 PM
I agree about venus/chiron IF it is either conjunct, trine or quincunx... BUT square or opposition is NOT a cinderella aspect in the natal!!IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 01:06 PM
There is no need to yell at me like I am stupid.Venus square Chiron is not a Cinderella Aspect(that's Neptune-Chiron), but it is a Super Aspect and the most significant Romance Aspect. My point was that Venus square Chiron is not a bad aspect according to Magi Society's book, KEY TO LOVE AND MONEY in the book, LOVE AND MONEY, the personal aspects aren't differentiated into good and bad they are just interpreted by the planets are in combination. whether it's a conjunction,opposition,trine,quincunx,parallel,contraparallel, it still has the same interpretation. it's in their book it's on website: on their website:
Like Walter Payton, Gretsky was born with an unusually high number of Personal Aspects and every one of them is an astrological sign of a special ability. This means in general that the more Personal Aspects a person is born with, the more special talent and skills the person has. This is true no matter what the angle of the aspect is, even oppositions or squares. (Many astrologers believe that Personal Aspects (natal aspects) that are formed by squares or oppositions are bad but our research shows that in the case of Personal Aspects, none are bad and every one of them is more like a Divine Gift of elevated talent. Every Personal Aspect is empowering and therefore, we think they must be gifts from Providence. But this is not the case for what we call HISTORIC ASPECTS. A Personal Aspect is an aspect that a person is born with but a Historic Aspect is an aspect that occurs in the chart of an event as opposed to a living being. With Historic Aspects, oppositions and squares are not good, just as Clashes are not good in CACs.) It is nice to know if you or someone else is especially talented, but it is great to know the type of special talent a person has. In Magi Astrology, you have the ability to analyze Personal Aspects so that you can actually tell what special talents someone has. Our example of this will be Franklin Delano Roosevelt. all aspects indicate potential talents....doesn't matter if it's an easy or hard angle
so according to their philosophy, my hard aspects would indicate certain gifts Moon square Neptune Moon square Saturn Moon quincunx Pluto Sun quincunx Saturn I also have Saturn contraparallel Mercury-Venus-Neptune in Mecury,Venus,Neptune,and Saturn in planetary synchronization in declinations,and Magi Society would say that indicates a significant talent. my Sun,Moon,and Saturn form a 3 point planetary geometry. in this case,Magi Society calls a Mystic Triangle...they would say this indicate a significant talent
my Moon,Neptune,and Pluto forms a 3 point planetary geometry...they would say that this indicates a significant talent
I have Moon,Saturn,Neptune t-square....they would say that this indicates a significant talent remember..they view planetary geometry of 3 or more points as a significant talent
here is a Magi Society's example of a mystic triangle
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katatonic Knowflake Posts: 501 From: ca, usa Registered: Jan 2008
posted October 02, 2008 01:42 PM
i've never had much time for the magi breakdowns - just my gut reaction and observation since i discovered them.isn't saturn going or about to go thru mccain's 12th?? and isn't obama about to experience his jupiter return? however i too have my doubts about the election itself. on top of everything else there will be a void of course moon, on inauguration day as well... and i sincerely hope you are wrong glaucus because i feel in my bones that mccain will not see the term through - and who does THAT make president??? IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 01:55 PM
I'm not shouting Glaucus, i'm just asking you to accept that possibly i'm right... venus square chiron is not a romance aspect... venus conjunct/trine/quincunx chiron is! If i'm wrong then of course l will accept it but l have been studying Magi Astrology for over 2 years now.  I know what a mystical triangle is.. l have one myself in both geo and helio... plus a mystical rectangle. The mystical triangle is most potent when Chiron is at the apex of it... Are you using Magi softwre here Glaucus cos the Magi software is different to Astro... are you aware of that? IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 02:17 PM
YeahIncluded that in my first post "Possible health problems too with transiting Saturn in his 12th opposing his Saturn in 6th and transiting Pluto in his 3rd square his Mercury in 12th. There is a definitely a possibility of an age- related mental health crisis. I am very concerned that his age and possibly bad health will affect his work and his judgment" Yeah...I sincerely hope that I am wrong. We don't need the continuation of Bush's policies.
Yeah...Sarah Palin would end up being our president! GOD HELP US! also Election Day chart and USA's transits on Election Day show that there is a strong possibility that it will be a very disappointing time for the nation,and there could possibly catastrophic results afterwards. remember...USA has Sun square Saturn, and so very bad things can happen to the country. It shows a strong conservatism. The founding fathers should have waited a bit before signing the Declaration of Independence. USA has Mercury retrograde too. They didn't know about Mars square Neptune nor Mercury oppose Pluto because they didn't know about the outerplanets.USA has those aspects. We are the most powerful and wealthy country on Earth,but we definitely have serious problems too.
later on, I am going to do a Magi Astrology analysis on USA's chart and show the indications for our wealth and power.
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 02:28 PM
You did used an exclamation point when you addressed the use of exclamation points and capital letters is considered shouting. I said Magi Society says that all natal aspects show it doesn't matter if it's square or a trine as long as it's an aspect within 3 degree orb and even better if it's part of geometrical configuration...even a t-square or grand cross. Therefore, my t-square would indicate a significant gift even though it's a stressful aspect configuration according to regular Astrology. However, in an election chart or say like the founding of a nation or business, it would very bad. therefore, Venus square Chiron is a Romance Aspect and Super Aspect but if it was in an election chart or the founding of a business, then Venus square Chiron would be bad...would definitely be bad for love and money. I am using Solar Fire.
I got the interpretations from out of Magi Society's book. they don't differentiate easy and hard aspects when it comes to natal aspects. IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 02, 2008 02:30 PM
ahhh ok... well is that book about 5/6 yrs old?I only ask because they have changed their minds on LOTS of things... and l honestly don't think they don't differentiate between hard/soft aspects in natal chart anymore! Chiron/saturn square or opposition in natal is a horrible Magi aspect for instance  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 02:42 PM's true they do change their minds about things and even add new things constantlyin the LOVE AND MONEY book, they didn't say that Saturn contraparallels were Saturn clashes but by 2000, they said that they are. so now....all hard aspects on a certain day are bad in a natal and not just in an election chart? so they don't consider them gifts any more? so now...all hard aspect configurations like t-squares,grand crossses on a certain day are bad in a natal and not just in an electional chart? so they don't consider them gifts any more? could you please give me some verification of the changes that they made in regards to the aspects.
even if Venus square Chiron is a bad aspect Transiting Neptune forms at least one positive aspect to that aspect...and its the trine to his Chiron even though it quincunxes his Venus. In a synastry....if a person has Venus square Chiron,and Neptune forms at least one positive aspect...trine to Chiron...that's ROMANTIC SUPER LINKAGE Did they change that rule too? Man...I hope that they put out another book so they can address the changes.
I know that they are starting to using asteroids. I am well aware that they are saying that Juno is the most sexual planet and has to do with affairs. I always thought Ceres was underrated even though it's a large asteroid. Now even the astronomers promoted it to dwarf planet and demoted Pluto to dwarf planet. They are both equals in Astronomy,classed as dwarf planets. Both are considered minor planets now. Pluto has a minor planet number like Ceres. Eris is also classed a dwarf planet and has a minor planet number. It's the largest dwarf planet and largest minor planet. So are MakeMake and Haumea which are the 3rd and 4th largest dwarf planets as well as 3rd and 4th largest minor planets. Sedna,Orcus,Quaoar,Varuna,and Ixion are very likely to be classed as dwarf planets. I also wonder about Chiron's fellow Centaurs. There are over 40 centaurs now. Over 10 of them are named. there is a centaur named after Chiron's wife, Chariklo. I wonder if Chariklo might be significant in relationships...especially if involved in romance planets to form romance linkages or involved with another's aspect to form a romantic super linkage. I am sure that they will add Eris to the mix too. It's Pluto's larger fellow kuiper belt object. I read that they are using Sedna. If including Sedna in my Chart. I have 4 point configuration of Moon,Neptune,Pluto,and Sedna. My Sedna sextiles Moon and forms a yod with my Neptune sextile Pluto.
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 02, 2008 02:57 PM
This is what their book interprets page 302 Chiron and SaturnPersonal Aspect: This provides the native with unusual ability to be a force against Judeo-Christian beliefs,morals,and family values, and against marriage as an institution. This aspect also gives the native an ability to dominate the destinies of others,for better or worse. The native very often has a desire and ability to destroy marriages and break up families, and is often against the free enterprise economic system, preferring socialism or communism. Because this is a Saturn aspect, a turbulent can result in conventionality. Especially in a woman, the turbulent Saturn-Chiron aspect is the SECLUSION ASPECT,with the native often living last decades without a loved one. If a person has this aspect,there is a greater need to be much more careful about any involvements, In any relationship of love, a Romance Super Linkage is required to offset this natal aspect. Please remember all other natal aspects must be taken into account when analying a chart, and there could be offsetting aspects. doesn't differentiate until it gets past the word,communism. Even before that,the aspect seems bad any way regardless of the angle. hahahaha McCain has a heliocentric grand cross of Mercury,Saturn,Neptune,and Chiron. if Magi Society says that all turbulent aspects that happen on day are bad in a natal chart now, then his grand cross would be considered bad. The thought of that is scary,with the grand cross that he has.EEEEEEK! HELP US! Even if the aspect configuration indicates a significant talent according to Magi Society said before, free will is the ultimate factor. I just don't think McCain is evolved enough too use that grand cross to benefit our nation. that is scary!
He is not for communism nor socicalism though. I don't think that he's a force against Judeo-Christian beliefs. He did dump his first wife to be with his wealthy current wife. I don't think that he's against marriage as an institution. As for being against morals and family values, I am not sure either. I don't know the man. If we end up deeper in wars, many people will be be leaving their loved ones, and so he could be perceived as not carrying about people's marriages and families. from their books, I get the impression that Magi Society believes that Judeo-Christianity is good but other religions aren't. They don't see New Age as bad though. I get the impression that they see capitalism as good and socialism and communism as bad.
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 07, 2008 03:58 PM
Here is Magi Astrological analysis of John McCain and his comparison with Sarah PalinI found this very interesting "The key element in their geometry is the how her triple conjunction interacts with McCain's T-Square, which is his focus planetary alignment. Her triple conjunction is positioned in such a way that it trines his Chiron and quincunxes his Venus creating a combined Cinderella Mystic Triangle. Combined Mystic Triangles are very powerful bonding alignments, and by having a Cinderella Linkage as a part of the Mystic Triangle there is a huge measure of compatibility and shared fondness. This Mystic Triangle will be of great assistance in their business relationship and will serve as a barrier to anyone who tries to divide them." I already mentioned how transiting Neptune will be trining McCain's Chiron and quincunxing his Venus to form a Mystic Triangle on Election Day in my Election Prediction Magi Astrology post. this astrologer points out that Palin's Sun-Mars-Saturn also trines McCain's Chiron and quincunx his Venus to form a Mystic Triangle. Of course,transiting Neptune is conjuncting Palin's triple conjunction. That means that transiting Neptune is aspecting their Cinderella Mystic Triangle.
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Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted October 08, 2008 09:18 PM
HeyI found this for you... may be of some interest???
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted October 08, 2008 11:17 PM
ThanksI have been posting there. I am Raymond Andrews.  IP: Logged | |