  Will racism prevail in the US election? (Page 5)

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Author Topic:   Will racism prevail in the US election?

Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Barack Hussein O'Bomber is a Marxist Socialist. O'Bomber has always been a Marxist Socialist. O'Bomber's friends, mentors, pastors and associates are Marxist Socialists. O'Bomber used his positions on Foundation Boards to fund Marxist Socialist Organizations.

O'Bomber's statement he wants to "spread the wealth around" is a Marxist Socialist statement right out of the economic policies of the Karl Marx playbook. O'Bomber meant exactly what he said and there's no mistake as to what he meant.

Here's a soundtrack from the time O'Bomber was a State Senator in IL. In this soundtrack you will hear O'Bomber moaning and whining that the Warren Supreme Court wasn't radical enough....that they didn't go beyond establishing Civil Rights but stayed within the framework the Founders of America established in the Constitution and didn't permit the redistribution of wealth.

Now, let's hear no more.... "Barack Hussein O'Bomber is not a Marxist Socialist".

Can we get a chant for O'Bomber from all the Marxist Socialists on this forum? How about "Obama is the ONE, the 'Messiah' we've been waiting for".

Katatonic, do you really think the SDS..Students for a Democratic Society were really just "idealists"? Do you really believe those involved in attempts to overthrow the United States, involved in attempts to overthrow the Government of the United States were merely "idealists". Do you actually believe Marxist Socialism is merely idealistic?.

Tell me katatonic, when Lenin, Stalin and Mao murdered about 200 million Soviet and Chinese citizens...willfully, intentionally and deliberately...were these Marxist Socialist butchers just exercising their.."idealism"?

When Weather Underground members...the Marxist Socialist domestic terrorist bombers Bill Ayers and his terrorist bomber wife, friends and pals of O'Bomber and his wife Michelle O'Bomber..when members of this group sat around a table talking about the murder of 25 million Americans...were they just exercising their "idealism"?

Let no more be heard about the "Idealism" of Marxist Socialists. History has already proved they are the most murderous butchers in the history of planet none.

What is hysterical is that when viewed in a historical context, the Marxist Socialist "Kool-Aid" drinkers are among the first to be exterminated when they've succeeded in bringing a Marxist Socialist regime to power. Lenin called these people..."The Useful Idiots of Socialism".

One last thing. I don't know what has happened to the standards at Leftist U. I hear and see people being called racists...when they refuse to drink the O'Bomber Kool-Aid and when they advance factual arguments which leftists cannot overcome..which is just about every single argument. How, oh how did these leftists ever manage to pass "Leftist Rhetoric 101"?

It's not useful to merely call people who disagree with you..."Racists". You need something with more oomph, something more colorful, something which covers the entire spectrum, something which shuts the opposition up and ends the argument. That's what they teach in "Leftist Rhetoric 101".

Thus, when you're engaged in an argument with someone whom you cannot overcome with Marxist Socialist nonsense rhetoric; your first line of defense is to "attempt to change the subject". However, that won't work with everyone. There are some who will continue to bore in. They will continue to dissect and shred the argument you already made and whatever defense of Marxist Socialism you've put forward. For those people, you need something in shut them up. You must never, ever attempt to engage in a factual debate with these people because the facts are not on your side. So, they're...:

Nazi Racist, Demonic Fundamentalist Christian Imperialist Capitalistic Fascist Homophobes.

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Posts: 2376
From: meet me in montauk
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posted October 27, 2008 11:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for writesomething     Edit/Delete Message
i dont even bother reading your posts anymore. its funny about the whole socialism thing. im sure half the morons at these rallys dont even know the meaning of socialism.

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Posts: 2761
From: Sacramento,California,USA
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posted October 27, 2008 12:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

you made a great point. It's about time that I stop reading his posts too. You can't just take them seriously....especially when he's very biased....his jumping to the conclusions about Obama being connected to that woman's mugging which turned out to be lie, well..that proves how prejudiced he is.

so he isn't worth my time exchanging words with.

therefore, he is on my permanent ignore (which means that I won't bother looking at any of his posts...if I see his name on a thread, I am skipping over the post.

to me, jwhop is negative Erisian type...very divisive,sowing discord

we need unity in this forum.

as for socialism

well...somebody gave me their opinions about accusations of socialism

The accusation of "socialism" has everything in the world to do with blacks historically. It was a very specific,
consciously chosen and key tactical weapon used by the whites to try to undermine, condemn, or halt, the activism in the Civil
Rights Movement. The sentiment is very much alive and well in 2008.

It is also tied to, (used as a weapon against) any sort of activism undertaken by any disenfranchised group. Hence all the
condemnations of "community organizing" efforts. Community organizing. as most of us understand and value it, doesn't happen
amongst the wealthy or the powerful. It happens most often in neighborhoods with high population of 1) the poor and 2)
non-whites. "Community organizing" IS a focus on those who are most hurt by unregulated capitalism (that's not a slam against healthy capitalism). And the white and powerful hate it. Get plugged into the folks in the top 1% of income in this country and you'll discover some pretty shocking, awful things.

A lot of it makes sense to me.

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 12:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
"i dont even bother reading your posts anymore. its funny about the whole socialism thing. im sure half the morons at these rallys dont even know the meaning of socialism...writesomething"

"you made a great point. It's about time that I stop reading his posts too. You can't just take them seriously....especially when he's very biased....his jumping to the conclusions about Obama being connected to that woman's mugging which turned out to be lie, well..that proves how prejudiced he is.

so he isn't worth my time exchanging words with.

therefore, he is on my permanent ignore (which means that I won't bother looking at any of his posts...if I see his name on a thread, I am skipping over the post.

to me, jwhop is negative Erisian type...very divisive,sowing discord...Glaucus"

writesomething, consider those "morons" you mentioned are getting a practical education in the murderous doctrines of Marxist Socialism. I consider it a "Public Service" and one of my "Good Deeds" of the day(s).

Glaucus, take your "asteroid interpretations" and stuff them "where the sun don't shine". Do you even understand the basic theory of Astrology? Do you understand that asteroids are but a mere grain of sand on all the beaches on earth...when compared to the gravitational pull of the Sun and Planets?

I don't know what's going to happen.....Glaucus"

Perhaps you will also want to not use my screen name in your comments...if you don't want responses..from me.

Notice there's no factual arguments here from either of these 2 O'Bomber supporters.

They're taking the O'Bomber/O'Biden Marxist Socialist road of fleeing the argument...because they can't win the argument in a factual discussion of issues.

You can see that Marxist Socialist theory of disengagement the Marxist Socialists in the O'Bomber campaign disengage with those who ask them tough questions. Tough questions of a type usually reserved for Republicans or Conservatives.

Obama campaign cuts off WFTV after interview with Joe Biden
posted by halboedeker on Oct 24, 2008 11:12:15 AM

WFTV-Channel 9's Barbara West conducted a satellite interview with Sen. Joe Biden on Thursday. A friend says it's some of the best entertainment he's seen recently. What do you think?

West wondered about Sen. Barack Obama's comment, to Joe the Plumber, about spreading the wealth. She quoted Karl Marx and asked how Obama isn't being a Marxist with the "spreading the wealth" comment.

"Are you joking?" said Biden, who is Obama's running mate. "No," West said.

West later asked Biden about his comments that Obama could be tested early on as president. She wondered if the Delaware senator was saying America's days as the world's leading power were over.

"I don't know who's writing your questions," Biden shot back.

Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife.

"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

McGinnis said the Biden cancellation was "a result of her husband's experience yesterday during the satellite interview with Barbara West."

Here's a link to the interview:

WFTV news director Bob Jordan said, "When you get a shot to ask these candidates, you want to make the most of it. They usually give you five minutes."

Jordan said political campaigns in general pick and choose the stations they like. And stations often pose softball questions during the satellite interviews.

"Mr. Biden didn't like the questions," Jordan said. "We choose not to ask softball questions."

Jordan added, "I'm crying foul on this one."

Nevertheless writesomething and Glaucus, you're wise to disengage from arguments you can't possibly win on the merits.

You might also want to consider that perhaps it's not a good strategy to respond to posts you're ignoring.

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 01:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message


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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 01:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Marxist Socialist Tactics...punish them and shut them up!

O'Bomber's pal and buddy, the Marxist Socialist domestic terrorist bomber Bill Ayers is a big fan of Hugo Chavez...and his Marxist Socialist Revolution in Venezuela. So is Bill Ayers son...who has been in Venezuela learning Marxist Socialist Revolutionary tactics...from Hugo Chavez.

Venezuela's Chavez wants to jail rival
Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:06pm EDT

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened on Saturday to imprison his main political rival, intensifying a campaign against a man he calls a crime boss just a month before he faces tough regional elections....

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Posts: 501
From: ca, usa
Registered: Jan 2008

posted October 27, 2008 02:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
and i notice YOU jwhop do not have anything more to say about "obama's goons" after it turns out that those stories you posted LAST time as fact were 1) lies and 2) jumping to conclusions about unseen attackers.

i do not believe you were there back in the 60s, early 70s when the weathermen were active. i was and some of my friends were pretty close to marxist socialists - as an idea, a guiding ideal. and there were plenty of blood thirsty extremists around too. perhaps we should abolish college since most of them were "graduates of our most prestigious institutions". i never had much time for the destructive side of the radical movements but you know there was a time when women were jailed and beaten and otherwise punished and shunned for insisting on the right to vote. there was a time when black people were prevented from marching from montgomery to selma by mounted police with tear gas, clubs and guns. there was a time when our founding fathers were considered outrageously radical traitors to the mother country. there are always going to be forward looking people who push us toward greater freedom AND responsibility who are branded as dangerous for their "heretical" ideas. jesus was one of them!!

and there are always going to be people who sit around and complain about the state of the world yet fear anyone actually trying to do anything about it!

there is a vast difference between obama's trying to address the inequality of the distribution of wealth in this society, and vowing to blow up one's enemies. the gentleman who infiltrated the weathermen made some interesting observations. those peple were lost in their theories and therefore lost their appeal to all but the most obsessive amongst them.

he mentions that they were trying to work out the logistics of "eliminating" 25 million people. sick, yes. no sicker than henry kissinger stating that the best solution for ALL world problems was the elimination of 6 BILLION people!

i have not seen one current clip of obama backing you up. i have seen a lot of people pointing the finger at the (coincidentally) darkskinned "goons" and assuming they are acting on obama's orders. i have heard reports of election machines that scored a vote for mccain when the obama button was pushed. there is a lot of hysteria around this election and you're right its not all about race but race is a COVERT issue in a lot of the other worries about obama and the reason that woman's "attacker" had to be a 6'4" black man.

there are plenty of people who do not want to appear racist so they play the RADICAL MARXIST SOCIALIST card because that sounds legit. as i have pointed out here before, there are plenty of partially socialist countries around the world where people have the right to pursue the lives of their choosing and the system is set up to prevent the need for droves of homeless disengaged people to beg from those of us who have more than we need.

i could go on but i understand that i am talking to a brick wall. you are entitled to your opinions but please spare us the rational, youtube supported, arguments, the superior stance when you have been caught jumping to conclusions, and the name calling which puts you right up there with the weathermen in your rhetoric (and my kindergarten friends too).

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 03:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
"and i notice YOU jwhop do not have anything more to say about "obama's goons" after it turns out that those stories you posted LAST time as fact were 1) lies and 2) jumping to conclusions about unseen attackers."

The truth about this poor mentally unbalanced girl surfaced AFTER I posted the story.

"i do not believe you were there back in the 60s, early 70s when the weathermen were active."

I was indeed...."back there" in the 60s and 70s and very aware of the SDS, Weathermen and other radical communist groups like the SLA..Symbionese Liberation Army. I was also very aware of the American traitors like John Traitor Kerry and Jane Traitor Fonda.

"there was a time when women were jailed and beaten and otherwise punished and shunned for insisting on the right to vote."

That ended in 1920...not the 1960s or 1970s...and may I say, ending the discrimination against women voting was long overdue.

"there was a time when black people were prevented from marching from montgomery to selma by mounted police with tear gas, clubs and guns."

That ended with the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1965 and is no longer an excuse for radical Marxist Socialists to dwell upon or attempt to use to divide Americans or promote class and race warfare...which are straight out of the Marxist Socialist playbook.

"there was a time when our founding fathers were considered outrageously radical traitors to the mother country."

There was a time when King George III quartered troops in American homes at the householders expense. There was a time when this same King taxed Americans without representation. There was a time when this same King sought to prohibit Americans from buying from any other source than England. There was a time when this same King dissolved American institutions, dissolved American councils and dissolved American Parliaments. There was a time when this same King transported Americans accused of crime far across the sea to England and denied them counsel and the right of calling witnesses in their defense. I'm talking about the "insane" King George III. You could read all about it in the Declaration of Independence...for the reasons Americans declared their independence from Great Britain. Good stuff there.

"there are always going to be forward looking people who push us toward greater freedom AND responsibility who are branded as dangerous for their "heretical" ideas. jesus was one of them!!"

Looking back to the 19th Century 5th rate Socialist thinker Karl Marx is not forward thinking, forward looking or "Progressive" in any way.. Neither is killing 200,000,000 citizens of the defunct Soviet Union and Communist China..."idealist" in any way whatsoever. I've heard the lying refrain that Jesus was a Socialist before and nothing could be further from the truth.

"there are always going to be people who sit around and complain about the state of the world yet fear anyone actually trying to do anything about it!"

Let the thumb sucking whiners emigrate to Europe and be happy. America is a center right country, not a citizenry of brain dead leftist morons and "Useful Idiots of Socialism".

"there is a vast difference between obama's trying to address the inequality of the distribution of wealth in this society, and vowing to blow up one's enemies"

Taking money or property from one person to give to another is not a proper application of American tax policy...and it's also unconstitutional as found in the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution and also the 14th Amendment.

"he mentions that they were trying to work out the logistics of "eliminating" 25 million people."

Straight out of the Marxist Socialist playbook. Kill all who will not accept their slave status or who will oppose a Marxist Socialist government the "Useful Idiots of Socialism" have helped bring to power.

"i have not seen one current clip of obama backing you up"

I don't know what you mean. There are numerous video and audio clips of O'Bomber making his "spread the wealth around" statement as well as talking about the "Not Radical Enough" Warren Supreme Court..which didn't allow for "redistributing wealth"..much to O'Bombers dismay.

"i have heard reports of election machines that scored a vote for mccain when the obama button was pushed."

I have seen no such reports and "hearing it through the grapevine" is not a credible source of information.

"but race is a COVERT issue "

The only people I've seen or heard playing the "race card" are O'Bomber himself, his supporters..including whom every single thing has a racial content..and some of those speaking on behalf of O'Bomber on the campaign trail...oh yeah...and some in the O'Bomber Press Brigade who are so totally clueless they couldn't find their as$es with both hands.

"there are plenty of people who do not want to appear racist so they play the RADICAL MARXIST SOCIALIST "

Thanks for tipping me off that anyone who opposes an O'Bomber in fact a "racist". Couldn't be because he's an empty suit with no experience whatsoever which would qualify him to actually be President. Couldn't be because O'Bomber is lying through his teeth about every facet of his past and present, Couldn't be because Marxist Socialism runs counter to the laws of the United States and is counter to everything the vast majority of Americans actually believe about good government. Couldn't be because Americans have seen the results produced by Marxist Socialist governments and want no part of a repeat performance.

"name calling which puts you right up there with the weathermen in your rhetoric (and my kindergarten friends too)."

Do the absolute lies told on this forum about Governor Sarah Palin ring any bells with you? Nevertheless, what I've said about O'Bomber is the truth. What I've said about his mentors, friends, associates, pastors and stated policies...are the truth and easily checked by anyone with the least effort and an ounce of intellectual curiosity or intellectual honesty.

Now katatonic, where's all that evidence I asked you for which details all O'Bomber's "Executive experience"...which exceeds the "Executive experience" of Governor Sarah Palin?

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Another local television station banned from interviewing O'Bomber and O'Biden.

Seems if reporters aren't going to ask O'Bomber/O'Biden softball questions but are rather going to ask tough questions...the kind of questions most Americans would ask...then, they can't ask any more questions of O'Bomber or O'Biden.

Gee, most Americans would be asking now..."What is O'Bomber and O'Biden trying to hide from the American voting public?

It's been duly noted that O'Bomber hasn't given a press interview in about a month. I think some people are beginning to catch on to the fake persona created by O'Bomber's handlers and advisers.

Shut them up and shut them out is the motto at O'Bomber/O'Biden headquarters.

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Posts: 13873
From: CA, USA
Registered: May 2005

posted October 27, 2008 05:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message


Your post starting this page was so over the top as to warrant the responses you received. You're wrong to think it has anything whatsoever to do with what you believe to be an argument.

Most people recognize when someone is speaking fairly and reasonably. Most people recognize when someone is speaking rationally. Those are the kind of people that warrant response. When what they recognize is raving, and when the raving contains beliefs they find utterly irrational, it's no surprise that they'd give up on engaging that person. It most certainly is NOT the superiority of that person's argument that is the deciding factor.

Got it?

Laughing at Joe Biden and the Obama campaign being offended by the suggestion that they're Marxist seems a bit odd. Wouldn't McCain be offended if a questioner tried to tie him to Marxism? You'd have to be an ignorant dolt to believe an American is not going to be offended by that kind of talk.

The truth about this poor mentally unbalanced girl surfaced AFTER I posted the story.

A poor, mentally unbalaced girl in the Republican party? Really? Kind of flies in the face of everything you believe to be true, doesn't it? It's amazing how often that happens, and you don't even realize it.

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Posts: 2761
From: Sacramento,California,USA
Registered: Jul 2006

posted October 27, 2008 06:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message

Feds disrupt skinhead plot to assassinate Obama

WASHINGTON – Law enforcement agents have broken up a plot by two neo-Nazi skinheads to assassinate Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and shoot or decapitate 88 black people, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives said Monday.

In court records unsealed Monday in U.S. District Court in Jackson, Tenn., federal agents said they disrupted plans to rob a gun store and target a predominantly African-American high school in a murder spree that was to begin in Tennessee. Agents said the skinheads did not identify the school by name.

Jim Cavanaugh, special agent in charge of ATF's Nashville field office, said the two men planned to kill 88 people, including 14 African-Americans by beheading. The numbers 88 and 14 are symbolic in the white supremacist community.

The men also sought to go on a national killing spree after the Tennessee murders, with Obama as its final target, Cavanaugh told The Associated Press.

"They said that would be their last, final act — that they would attempt to kill Sen. Obama," Cavanaugh said. "They didn't believe they would be able to do it, but that they would get killed trying."

An Obama spokeswoman traveling with the senator in Pennsylvania had no immediate comment.

The men, Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond. Agents seized a rifle, a sawed-off shotgun and three pistols from the men when they were arrested. Authorities alleged the two men were preparing to break into a gun shop to steal more.

The two men were arrested Oct. 22 by the Crockett County, Tenn., Sheriff's Office. "Once we arrested the defendants and suspected they had violated federal law, we immediately contacted federal authorities," said Crockett County Sheriff Troy Klyce.

Attorney Joe Byrd, who has been hired to represent Cowart, did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday. Messages left on two phone numbers listed under Cowart's name were not immediately returned.

No telephone number for Schlesselman in Helena-West Helena could be found immediately.

Cowart and Schlesselman are charged with possessing an unregistered firearm, conspiring to steal firearms from a federally licensed gun dealer, and threatening a candidate for president.

The investigation is continuing, and more charges are possible, Cavanaugh said.

The court records say Cowart and Schlesselman also bought nylon rope and ski masks to use in a robbery or home invasion to fund their spree, during which they allegedly planned to go from state to state and kill people.

For the Obama plot, the legal documents show, Cowart and Schlesselman "planned to drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama shooting at him from the windows."

"Both individuals stated they would dress in all white tuxedos and wear top hats during the assassination attempt," the court complaint states. "Both individuals further stated they knew they would and were willing to die during this attempt."

Cavanaugh said there's no evidence — so far — that others were willing to assist Cowart and Schlesselman with the plot.

He said authorities took the threats very seriously.

"They seemed determined to do it," Cavanaugh said. "Even if they were just to try it, it would be a trail of tears around the South."

The court documents say the two men met about a month ago on the Internet and found common ground in their shared "white power" and "skinhead" philosophy.

The numbers 14 and 88 are symbols in skinhead culture, referring to a 14-word phrase attributed to an imprisoned white supremacist: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and to the eighth letter of the alphabet, H. Two "8"s or "H"s stand for "Heil Hitler."

Helena-West Helena, on the Mississippi River in east Arkansas' Delta, is in one of the nation's poorest regions, trailing even parts of Appalachia in its standard of living. Police Chief Fred Fielder said he had never heard of Schlesselman.

However, the reported threat of attacking a school filled with black students worried Fielder. Helena-West Helena, with a population of 12,200, is 66 percent black. "Predominantly black school, take your pick," he said.


Associated Press writers Erik Schelzig in Nashville, Tenn., and Jon Gambrell in Little Rock, Ark., contributed to this report.

BTW...this wasn't the first Obama assassination plot foiled. There is no telling how many other assassination plots in the works.

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 07:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message

Your post starting this page was so over the top as to warrant the responses you received. You're wrong to think it has anything whatsoever to do with what you believe to be an argument.

Most people recognize when someone is speaking fairly and reasonably. Most people recognize when someone is speaking rationally. Those are the kind of people that warrant response. When what they recognize is raving, and when the raving contains beliefs they find utterly irrational, it's no surprise that they'd give up on engaging that person. It most certainly is NOT the superiority of that person's argument that is the deciding factor....acoustic

Yet another O'Bomber supporter attempting to "change the subject"...away from O'Bomber's obvious Marxist Socialism...and instead, make me the subject. Haven't you learned anything at all acoustic? No, of course not.

Laughing at Joe Biden and the Obama campaign being offended by the suggestion that they're Marxist seems a bit odd. Wouldn't McCain be offended if a questioner tried to tie him to Marxism? You'd have to be an ignorant dolt to believe an American is not going to be offended by that kind of talk. ...acoustic

Considering that John McCain spent 51/2 years being tortured in a Marxist Socialist POW camp in Hanoi, North Vietnam, I would think he would be outraged if someone called him a Marxist or Socialist or a Marxist Socialist...and rightfully so. O'Bomber and O'Biden have no such excuse since the economic redistribution of wealth policy they're putting forward is most definitely right out of the Karl Marx Socialist economic playbook. I would say the "dolts" are those who don't recognize Marxist Socialism when they see it in action and hear it out of the mouths of those who spout the Marxist Socialist drivel.

A poor, mentally unbalaced girl in the Republican party? Really? Kind of flies in the face of everything you believe to be true, doesn't it? It's amazing how often that happens, and you don't even realize it....acoustic

I would say anyone who takes a knife or other sharp instrument and carves a B or any other letter into their by clinical definition.."mentally unbalanced" they Republican, Independent or demoscat.

As for the rest of your comment..."It's amazing how often that happens, and you don't even realize it." could prove how often that happens in Republican posting all the instances of it "happening" right here acoustic.

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Posts: 13873
From: CA, USA
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posted October 27, 2008 08:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
It's not changing the subject when I've already opined on this subject with you. That you won't listen is not my problem.

Obama/Biden haven't put forth a Marxist policy of wealth redistribution. Period. End of story. Their plan doesn't even hint at abolishment of the classes, which would be the point of wealth redistribution under a Marxist plan. No, the wealthy will still be wealthy under Obama's plan. That will not change. It is frankly offensive that Biden would be treated to such an unwarranted question.

As for the rest of your comment..."It's amazing how often that happens, and you don't even realize it." could prove how often that happens in Republican posting all the instances of it "happening" right here acoustic.

I wasn't talking about "Republican circles." I was talking about how often things aren't the way you prefer to see them. You've attempted to make the case that Republicans are of better mental health than non-Republicans, and it's come back to bite you in the ass. There are lots of other attitudes and opinions you've had that also come back to bite you in the ass.

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Posts: 7410
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Nov 2004

posted October 27, 2008 08:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
It is kind of refreshing to note that there is someone jwhop appears to loathe more than Kommander Korruption

Carry on.
The bloviation from Florida is tiresome but I support the 1st Amendment

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 27, 2008 08:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
It's not changing the subject when I've already opined on this subject with you. That you won't listen is not my problem....acoustic

You're still trying to change the subject from the in your face Marxist Socialism of O' me. Seems you still haven't learned anything here.

Obama/Biden haven't put forth a Marxist policy of wealth redistribution. Period. End of story. Their plan doesn't even hint at abolishment of the classes, which would be the point of wealth redistribution under a Marxist plan. No, the wealthy will still be wealthy under Obama's plan. That will not change. It is frankly offensive that Biden would be treated to such an unwarranted question....acoustic

Wealth redistribution is exactly what O'Bomber and O'Biden are talking about. Are you not paying attention? Do you not know what "spreading the wealth around" means. Further, they're both lying through their teeth for a variety of reasons. The first being that there isn't a trillion dollars to be had by levying a tax against the rich. It's not there to get. This Marxist Socialist tax plan O'Bomber/O'Biden are spouting is going to fall on the middle class..where there's enough people to get that extra trillion dollars in the first place. One day I'll take you through economics 101...and not the Marxist Socialist variety.

Marxist Socialists don't want to abolish the so called classes. They want political power. If you ever bothered to look at one of the Marxist Socialist governments you would know it's all about power and not about the "equal sharing of the productive output of that society". I know you haven't bothered to so much as have a look or you wouldn't be spouting the drivel you constantly spout.

O'Biden was asked perfectly logical questions...considering what O'Bomber had said. The question is even more pertinent since the audio tape surfaced where O'Bomber was lamenting the Warren Court didn't go into "redistribution of wealth" by judicial decree.

Well, the studies by psychiatrists have shown Republicans/Conservatives are happier and better adjusted than leftists...who have been compared to narcissistic children. The clinical psychiatrists who made those evaluations are well qualified to have an opinion on that subject. What are your qualifications/credentials to have an opinion on that subject acoustic?

You're batting 0 for 1000 by now acoustic and yet, you keep digging your hole deeper. You're already in way over your head.

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posted October 27, 2008 11:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Greetings to Mini-sotta! Say, is New Bright-on one of those misnomers I've read so much about?

Must say Zala that I'm surprised to see you here and not mounting a defense of the Marxist Socialist Barack Hussein O'Bomber...but instead, attempting to change the subject to jwhop.

Now Zala, if only you could convince the O'Bomber/O'Biden campaign that the 1st Amendment is alive and well in America...perhaps they would deign to answer some of those pesky press questions O'Biden was asked...instead of attempting to shut them up and shut them out.

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posted October 28, 2008 12:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
You're still trying to change the subject from the in your face Marxist Socialism of O' me. Seems you still haven't learned anything here.

Wait, I've addressed this "Socialism" issue numerous times including my very last post in this thread, and you say I'm changing the subject? you know how to make sense?

Beyond that, "YOU" are and were the subject, so I wasn't changing the subject an iota. How about you "learn" to recognize a subject?

Do you not know what "spreading the wealth around" means.

Yes, and I've told you previously what it means as far as the Obama campaign is concerned. That you choose not to pay attention, does not mean I have not addressed the issue. Further, I'm not Bush. Let me articulate what I mean by that. I don't feel the need to go to great lengths to explain that I understand the issue before answering. I'm far too efficient for that. I just answer the issue, and that's it. If you don't get it, tough.

The "trillion dollars" is a moot point. Anyone involved in political debate should know as much. Your premise that Obama must raise the money for his programs from the middle class through taxes is only one option. There are others, and anyone your age should surely know some of them by now. There's the Republican route: raising money by submitting the government to more debt. There's also the Clinton route: realize you can't have everything you want, and taking a more moderate route (most Presidents go through some form of this scenario. In summary, your fears are mostly unwarranted. Not impossible, but not likely either.

If you ever bothered to look at one of the Marxist Socialist governments you would know it's all about power and not about the "equal sharing of the productive output of that society".

Interesting that you should say that considering that you're trying to tribute Marxism to Obama for wanting to spread the wealth around. I think you've just undone your own argument.

Of course you're not assessing Marxism correctly, but I think that's a foregone conclusion.

Now if you want to talk about making plays for "power," you need not go beyond Bush whom even the Supreme Court has disagreed with.

ell, the studies by psychiatrists have shown Republicans/Conservatives are happier and better adjusted than leftists...who have been compared to narcissistic children.

Obviously not. Of course I'm reminded of the guy shooting up the UU church in your birth town in July as well.

My qualifications? Moon conjunct Pluto. Mercury quintile Pluto. Sun and Jupiter in the 8th. Nothing you'd understand I'm sure.

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posted October 28, 2008 10:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
I've grown used to your blatant lies on this site acoustic. Do you ever tell the truth about all?

I know in Leftist Rhetoric 101 lying is taught as a rhetorical tool.

There's the:
"Little lie"
"Common lie"
"Big lie" and the
"Damned lie"

Leftists are encouraged to never tell the truth when a lie will suffice. Wouldn't want to lose their edge. That's why we have Joe Biden denying O'Bomber is a Marxist...even when O'Bomber's own words are
repeated back to O'Biden and those words are straight out of the Karl Marx economic tax plans..."spread the wealth around" opposed to the "creation of wealth" by the proper application of capital and hard work.

So, here's acoustic denying he attempted to make me the subject of his responses but here's what acoustic opened with on this thread.


Your post starting this page was so over the top as to warrant the responses you received. You're wrong to think it has anything whatsoever to do with what you believe to be an argument.

Most people recognize when someone is speaking fairly and reasonably. Most people recognize when someone is speaking rationally. Those are the kind of people that warrant response. When what they recognize is raving, and when the raving contains beliefs they find utterly irrational, it's no surprise that they'd give up on engaging that person. It most certainly is NOT the superiority of that person's argument that is the deciding factor....acoustic

Sure sounds like O'acoustic is talking about me as the subject of his post...and not talking about O'Bomber and O'Biden...and, is thus attempting to "change the subject".

My comments about O'Bomber are not over the top. They're the plain and simple truth about O'Bomber and O'Biden. Marxist Socialists attempting to institute the Karl Marx tax plan of taxing the middle class out of existence.

Oh wait, O'Bomber says he wants to help the "middle class" but his tax policies are going to hit the "middle class" and hit them hard when his price increases for everything in the US economy rips through every business in America and they pass those tax increases on to the "middle class" and everyone else in the form of higher prices. The dirty little secret O'Bomber/O'Biden are hiding are the "hidden taxes" people don't see.

So, let's hear a big cheer for O'Bomber from all those who want to get the greedy bast@rds, the Corporations, small, medium and big businesses and lay a heavy tax on them. It's only fair that they pay their fair share..isn't it?

But guess who actually owns those corporations? It's not those "greedy bast@rds at all. Those corporations are owned by city, county, state and federal employee pension funds. Those Corporations are owned by Labor Union Pension funds. Those corporations are owned by mutual funds and millions of small investors who have their IRA's and other personal retirement funds invested in Corporations..either directly or through ownership of shares of Mutual Funds. Those people are your neighbors, your fellow employees. Go get em..oh, and feel sooo proud that your guy is going to get those "greedy bast@rds"...and tax the hell out of them.

But, you just authorized all those taxes on yourselves. And, it's even worst than that. These businesses have budgets. They account for every cost of doing business. They know what the "cost of goods sold" is and they also have a bottom line net profit percentage they're aiming for. They treat every cost, including tax increases the same. Bearing in mind that businesses pass those costs on to consumers..buyers of their products and services, they also pass along their built in net profit percentage to buyers as well. If that net profit percentage is..say 10%, then for every $1 of tax increase, businesses will pass along that tax increase as $1.10 added to the price of their goods and services to the buying public. And, we haven't even talked about the goods and services businesses buy from each other in order to sell a product or service to you. Those businesses will also pass along their tax increases to the businesses which buy their component goods or services and those will be added..with that same net profit percentage to the price they charge the buying public...YOU.

Give yourselves a big cheer. You're getting ready to screw yourselves...unless you don't buy food, clothing, cars, gasoline, electricity, natural gas, water, furniture, electronics, Internet service or any goods or services at all. Otherwise, you're getting ready to give yourselves the shaft.

Now, guess who is least able to pass along those increases in taxes O'Bomber wants to levy against businesses? It's the small businesses; those niche businesses who are..your plumber, your electrician, your auto mechanic and all other small businesses who are always in tight price competition with others in business markets. What do you suppose those small businesses are going to do..those who can't pass along their own tax and price increases along to YOU?

They're going to attempt to cut their costs to stay in business. They're going to lay employees off and since small businesses account for the largest percentage of all employee hiring, they're going to be forced to lay, your husband, your wife, your father, your mother, your sisters and brothers and your stay in business.

Give yourselves a big hand..for getting all those greedy bast@rds.

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posted October 28, 2008 11:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
Wow! A string of illogic from you. This is getting embarrassing.

So, here's acoustic denying he attempted to make me the subject of his responses but here's what acoustic opened with on this thread.

That's not the post I "opened" with on this thread. The post I "opened" with is the third post where I predict multiple assassination attempts if Obama gets in to office.

The post you're referring to came after two people swore off answering your idiotic posts. Obviously, if people are talking about YOU, then YOU are the subject. Understand?

My comments about O'Bomber are not over the top.

They obviously are. How can you not get that?

Oh wait, O'Bomber says he wants to help the "middle class" but his tax policies are going to hit the "middle class" and hit them hard when his price increases for everything in the US economy rips through every business in America and they pass those tax increases on to the "middle class" and everyone else in the form of higher prices. The dirty little secret O'Bomber/O'Biden are hiding are the "hidden taxes" people don't see.

Oh, give me a break!

Yes, we may experience higher prices, but not as a result of Obama's tax policy. It's going to come due to the lowered interest rates from the Fed. Are you going to try to pull your oil trick for this one, too? Blame it on politics, and not what's actually going on in the market?

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posted October 28, 2008 12:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Well acoustic, you certainly should be embarrassed by your colossal ignorance of how business and taxes actually work.

You are after all a self professed employee of a bank...who doesn't seem to realize that banks loan money...only on the perception they will actually be paid interest.

Nevertheless, it's not surprising to me that you don't know a single thing about business operations. I've had some discussions with you in the past which removed all doubt of that from my mind.

O'Bomber's business taxes would roll through the American economy like a tsunami and sink it like a rock. That's what Marxist Socialists do best...destroy every economy over which they get control.

The comment about "what you opened with" was made as a response to your response to what I said...and I wasn't posting to this thread when you made your previous comment.

Fact is, you did attempt to change the subject to derail the line of posts about O'Bomber and O'Biden's Marxist Socialism.

Take note acoustic, that's not a winning tactic with me. I'm going to continue pointing out O'Bomber's Marxist Socialism and all the supporting information which is now coming out that O'Bomber and the press have attempted to hide from the voting public. Everything from his Marxist Socialist associates, his background, his so called economic policy of doom to his whining about the US Supreme Court not redistributing wealth as a matter of judicial decree. Straight Marxist Socialism.

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posted October 28, 2008 01:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Obama's Ties to Socialism, Marxism, and Communism

1. Obama's Father Wrote About Socialism - His father wrote a paper called "Problems With Our Socialism" that advocates 100% taxation of the rich, communal ownership of land and the forced confiscation of privately controlled land. Source: Greg Ransom, PrestoPundit

2. Obama's Mother Was a "Communist Sympathizer" - " Friends describe her as a "fellow traveler", that is, a communist sympathizer, from her youth, according to a March 27, 2007, Chicago Tribune report" Source: Spengler, Asia Times "The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics - Barack Obama" Source: Tim Jones, Chicago Tribune

3. Obama's Parents Met in a Russian Class (Back then it was the Communist USSR) - "His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (her father always wanted a son), was white and just 18 when they met in a Russian class" Source: Sharon Cohen, St Louis Times

4. Obama's Teen Mentor was Frank Marshall Davis (a known CPUSA member) - "...through Frank Marshall Davis, Obama had an admitted relationship with someone who was publicly identified as a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). The record shows that Obama was in Hawaii from 1971-1979, where, at some point in time, he developed a close relationship, almost like a son, with Davis, listening to his poetry and getting advice on his career path. But Obama, in his book, Dreams From My Father, refers to him repeatedly as just Frank." Source: Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in the Media "Kathryn Takara of the University of Hawaii, who wrote a dissertation on the life of Frank Marshall Davis, confirming Davis was a significant influence on Obama when the senator attended Punahou prep school in Hawaii from 1975 to 1979" Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)

5. Obama's Brother Roy and Cousin Odinga are Marxists - "Barack Obama's older brother, Abongo "Roy" Obama. He is a Luo activist. militant Muslim and a Marxist." Source: Barbara Busby, “The person who made me proudest of all,” Obama wrote, “was Roy Source: Bill Sammon, The Examiner "Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country" Source: Invenstor's Business Daily

6. Obama Attended Socialist Conferences at Cooper Union - "He went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn and started lecturing his relatives until they worried he'd become "one of those freaks you see on the streets around here." Source: H Kennedy, NY Daily News

7. Obama Was Hand Picked by Alice Palmer to Succeed Her in the Illinois State Senate - "Nine years before Palmer picked Obama to be her successor, she was the only African-American journalist to travel to the Soviet Union to attend the 27th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, according to an article Palmer wrote in the CPUSA newspaper, People's Daily World, June 19, 1986." Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)

8. Obama's Run for the Illinois State Senate was Launched by a Fundraiser Organized at Bill Ayers' and Bernardine Dorhn's Chicago Home - Ayers and Dorhn are former terrorists from the Weather Underground who's SDS organization received financial contributions from the CPUSA. "Obama's run for the Illinois state Senate was launched by a fundraiser organized at Ayers' and Dorhn's Chicago home by Alice Palmer. Palmer had named Obama to succeed her in the state Senate in 1995, when she decided to run for a U.S. congressional seat." Source: Jim Corsi, WorldNetDaily based on Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection (Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein)

9. Obama Had a Close Relationship with the "Anti-Capitalist" Group ACORN - "Obama has had an intimate and long-term association with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (Acorn)...Chicago Acorn appears to have played a major role in Obama’s political advance...Acorn’s radical agenda sometimes shifts toward “undisguised authoritarian socialism.” Source: Stanley Kurtz, National Review

10. Obama Attended Several Meetings with the Democratic Socialists in Chicago and Was even Endorsed by Them - "Obama’s socialist backing goes back at least to 1996, when he received the endorsement of the Chicago branch of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) for an Illinois state senate seat. Later, the Chicago DSA newsletter reported that Obama, as a state senator, showed up to eulogize Saul Mendelson, one of the “champions” of “Chicago’s democratic left” and a long-time socialist activist. Obama’s stint as a “community organizer” in Chicago has gotten some attention, but his relationship with the DSA socialists, who groomed and backed him, has been generally ignored." Source: Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in the Media "In its broadest sense, democratic socialism could refer to any attempts to bring about socialism through democratic means as opposed to violent insurrection." Source: Wikipedia

11. Obama Endorsed Openly Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders - Video " "Sanders is the first self-described socialist to be elected to the U.S. Senate." Source: Wikipedia

12. Many Obama Supporters Idolize Che Guervara - Obama Campaign Worker Seen With Communist Cuba Flag Depicting Marxist Che Guevara on it. Source: David Benzion, Lone Star Times

"Guevara later served as Minister of Industries, in which post he helped formulate Cuban socialism...Guevara played a key role in bringing to Cuba the Soviet nuclear-armed ballistic missiles that precipitated the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. During an interview with the British newspaper Daily Worker some weeks later, he stated that, if the missiles had been under Cuban control, they would have fired them against major U.S. cities." Source: Wikipedia

More "Che" fans from Obama's site: http://illinois.barackobama .com/pa...rd/public/CC8v http://nevada.barackobama.c om/page.../public/gGVCjm /page/c...up/IowaHQ/CJQ3

13. The Communist Party USA Endorsed Obama - "Our Party actively supported Obama during the primary election." Source: CPUSA Website (This line has since been removed from the CPUSA website) - Search for this quote. Also see THIS post on the CPUSA blog...

Then we have this blog on (Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama):

From the blog: "Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama - This group is for self-proclaimed Marxists/Communists/Socialists for the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency...We support Barack Obama because he knows what is best for the people! Source: Marxists/Socialists/Communists for Obama Source: Aaron Klein, WorldNetDaily

14. Obama's Church is Rooted in Liberation Theology which is Rooted in Marxism - " The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology" Source: TUCC Website "Simply put, Liberation Theology is an attempt to interpret Scripture through the plight of the poor. It is largely a humanistic doctrine. It started in South America in the turbulent 1950's when Marxism was making great gains among the poor because of its emphasis on the redistribution of wealth, allowing poor peasants to share in the wealth of the colonial elite and thus upgrade their economic status in life." Source:

15. Obama's Opening Band - The band that opened for Obama's Oregon rally (The Decemberists) is named after an 1825 revolt over the Imperial Russian succession (Decembrist revolt) that Meloy views as an attempted communist revolution. They also open many of their shows by playing the Soviet National Anthem... Source: Jeff Johnson, OneNewsNow Source: Jerome R. Corsi, WorldNetDaily Source: Oleg Atbashian, Pajamasmedia

The Decemberists performing the Soviet National Anthem:

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 28, 2008 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Part 2 - Barack and Michelle's Socialist, Marxist, and Communist Quotes

"They don't want the whole pie," she told the women. "There are some who do, but most Americans feel blessed just being able to thrive a little bit. But that is becoming even more out of reach. If we don't wake up as a nation with a new kind of leadership, for how we want this country to work, then we won't get universal health care. The truth is, in order to get things like universal health care and a revamped education system, then someone is going to have to give up a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more."
- Michelle Obama

"So we're going to provide a $4,000 tuition credit, every student, every year, but, students, you're going to have to give back something in return. You're going to have to participate in community service. You're going to have to work in a homeless shelter, or a veteran's home, or an underserved school, or join the Peace Corps." - Barack Obama

So he wants to make "every student, every year" an employee of the state? And is this another step towards socializing higher education?

"And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy to people who aren’t like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiments as a way to explain their frustrations" - Barack Obama

Karl Marx famously claimed that religion was an opiate of the masses. He was explaining his view that the wealthy bourgeoise cynically used religion as a device to keep the poor, simple proletariat happy in their misery and squalor so they would find it immoral to rise up and overthrow their capitalists oppressors.

"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK," - Barack Obama

Hmm, is this quote for Marxist or Fascist? I can't decide...

"It’s because you have an obligation to yourself. Because our individual salvation depends on collective salvation." - Barack Obama

"The great task before our founders was putting into practice the ideal that government could simultaneously serve liberty and advance the common good. and Government, he believed, had an important role to play in advancing our common prosperity." - Barack Obama

Collective? Common prosperity? "the ultimate goal of socialism is common prosperity" Source: Yang Chungui, The Marxist

"I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets." - Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)

"Political discussions, the kind at Occidental had once seemed so intense and purposeful, came to take on the flavor of the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union" - Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)

Nothing more to say here...

"Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising the capital gains tax for purposes of fairness." - Barack Obama

No, not because it would increase revenue, but for "fairness". Yes that's right...punish success...

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From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 28, 2008 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Part 3 - Obama's Platform

Comparing Barack Obama to Self Described Socialist Bernie Sanders on socialism related policies:

Barack Obama was rated as the #1 most liberal senator in 2007 (even ahead of Bernie Sanders!) - " Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was the most liberal senator in 2007, according to National Journal's 27th annual vote ratings." Source: Brian Friel, Richard E. Cohen and Kirk Victor, National Journal

Commentary on Barack Obama's Economic Policies - "Among other things, he is concerned about the "winner-take-all" economy where, he says, "the gains from economic growth skew heavily toward the wealthy." Actually, the gains from economic growth can skew toward anyone willing to work hard and make personal and family decisions that improve their chances for success. This is boilerplate wealth redistribution, an economic philosophy at the center of the former Soviet Union. Obama and Democrats wish to embrace it now in order to make more people dependent on government, rather than encourage people to rely on themselves and the opportunity America offers to most citizens, even illegal aliens. Guaranteed equal outcome is socialism. America was built on and sustained by a "can do" spirit. Today, too many are taught a "can't do" spirit. They are told that because of factors over which they have no control -- race, class, poverty -- it is impossible for them to do anything for themselves and so they must increasingly rely on government. Government doesn't cure poverty." Source: Cal Thomas via pressdemocrat

About Obama's Health Care Plan - "the costs would be staggering" Source: Stuart Butler via William Neikirk, The Swamp

"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project, most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can’t afford it." - Ronald Reagan - Video

Ronald Reagan explains in this VIDEO why capitalism is more productive than socialism

Hugo Chavez' socialist policies were to blame for oppression in Venezuela - "Food shortages are plaguing the country at the same time that oil revenues are driving a spending splurge on imported luxury goods, prompting criticism of President Hugo Chávez's socialist policies...Milk has all but vanished from shops...Families say eggs and sugar are also a memory...Government price controls on staple foods are so low that producers cannot make a profit" Source: Rory Carroll, The Guardian

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posted October 28, 2008 01:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
only one thing to say about all this fear mongering.

if the multimillionaire, whose secretary pays more actual taxes than he does, would just pay his fair share instead of writing it all off, the wealth in this country would be redistributed without anyone feeling a pinch.

this would hardly require a hitler type regime.

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Posts: 7410
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posted October 28, 2008 01:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
Greetings to Mini-sotta! Say, is New Bright-on one of those misnomers I've read so much about?
No doubt! Us hick Midwesterners ain't too bright, is we?? Perfect Example: A woman who tells her favorite candidate at a rally in Lakeville: "I can't trust Obama, he's an Arab."

And to add weight to your allegation/"joke", my city was named after an erstwhile health resort, part of a conurbation on the south coast of England (ancient name: Brighthelmstone), and you know how you feel about those commies over Europe-way


Carry on.

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