  Will racism prevail in the US election? (Page 6)

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Author Topic:   Will racism prevail in the US election?

Posts: 13873
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posted October 28, 2008 01:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
Fact is, you did attempt to change the subject to derail the line of posts about O'Bomber and O'Biden's Marxist Socialism.

No, the fact is that the first two posts of this Page 5 that weren't authored by you, were in fact about you. YOU were the subject.

O'Bomber's business taxes would roll through the American economy like a tsunami and sink it like a rock. That's what Marxist Socialists do best...destroy every economy over which they get control.

No, it frankly won't. We are getting a new President, and regardless of who it is, the very fact that our nation is under new leadership will help the economy.

Things will inevitably improve. Obama would be better, because he'll likely have better advisors, and he'll be less likely to get distracted by a foreign policy p!ssing contest, which we all know McCain would relish. Obama has the weight of expectation by his race, his constituents, and his party to give him the motivation necessary to tackle the problems important to the U.S. McCain doesn't have the same pressure, and therefore won't have the same motivation. If something goes wrong with McCain's plan, he'll wait too long, and make a show of firing/ousting/call-for-the resignation-of whoever he deems responsible (much like Bush).

Barack Obama was rated as the #1 most liberal senator in 2007 (even ahead of Bernie Sanders!) - " Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., was the most liberal senator in 2007, according to National Journal's 27th annual vote ratings." Source: Brian Friel, Richard E. Cohen and Kirk Victor, National Journal

The reason being that he was campaigning for most of the year, missed a number of votes, and when he did vote, he voted along party lines. You completely miss the context if you make it a comparison with Bernie Sanders.

I'm going to continue pointing out O'Bomber's Marxist Socialism and all the supporting information which is now coming out that O'Bomber and the press have attempted to hide from the voting public.

No one's stopping you, and everyone who knows you knows what your sources are, so I'm not terribly concerned about your diligence in getting out the Republican talking points. Those you fool deserve to follow you. That's the way it's always been.

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posted October 28, 2008 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
katatonic ~
if the multimillionaire, whose secretary pays more actual taxes than he does, would just pay his fair share instead of writing it all off, the wealth in this country would be redistributed without anyone feeling a pinch.

this would hardly require a hitler type regime.

Amen to that!! I probably pay more in taxes than my boss the CFO who employs an accountant to adjust his assets down to nothing. But I guess you've got to do *something* when the limit on contributions to an IRA is a measly $5,000 per year.

I'm not averse to a flat tax in this country -- but it would never happen. I bet I could hear the angry screams all the way from NY and LA and WA DC if loopholes were summarily closed

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posted October 28, 2008 02:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
i am not a fan of the old english system of taxing the wealthy to death. i AM in favour of rich people paying their taxes. this probably makes me a LIBERAL in some people's eyes.

it might surprise some here to know that THEORETICALLY i am in sympathy with the republican ideal of less government, less taxes and more freedom for everyone. however i haven't seen them doing that for a long time, if ever. the democrats at least stand for the right of the little guy to food, shelter, education, etc.

i find it laughable that mccain puts obama down as a "celebrity" candidate and then refers to ronald reagan every chance he gets. the republicans have done a pretty decent job of moving us toward a totalitarian state with their usurping of personal liberties in the name of defense against a terrorism which is grossly misrepresented and exaggerated. it is sad that anyone who tries to address the imbalance of this "free" market system is accused of being hitler.

i am not complacent about obama, but given the checks and balances of this government i do not see his stepping in as a threat to our freedoms. he will be a welcome thorn in the side of corporate america and pluto in capricorn will be right there in his court.

i saw mccain last night, appealing to the fear and greed in the public. how wonderful of the government to offer to take over your mortgage. until they take over your home...!

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posted October 28, 2008 02:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
The leaders of the free world are just little boys throwing stones...
It's easy to ignore until they're knocking on the doors of your homes...

- Elbow, Leaders of the Free World (2006)

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posted October 28, 2008 04:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
Invoking the red menace
By Alexander Lane
Published on Monday, October 27th, 2008 at 07:13 p.m.

SUMMARY: The McCain campaign went from tiptoeing around allegations that Obama is a socialist, to outright calling him one.

Sen. John McCain's campaign has seized on Sen. Barack Obama's offhand remark that he wants to "spread the wealth around" to allege Obama is a socialist.

Even in the context of a heated presidential campaign, that's a remarkably incendiary accusation. (Oh really? Like the kind of accusation that an American wouldn't tolerate from a supposed journalist?) It's become a standard part of the McCain campaign rhetoric, uttered by surrogates and candidates alike. (You don't say)

Gov. Sarah Palin's remarks in Springfiled, Mo., are a good example: "Senator Obama says that he wants to spread the wealth, which means — you know what that means," she said at a rally on Oct. 24, 2008. "It means that government takes your money, (handed) out however a politician sees fit. Barack Obama calls it spreading the wealth, and Joe Biden calls higher taxes patriotic. And yet to Joe the Plumber, he said it sounded like socialism. And now is not the time to experiment with socialism."

She has repeated the line in Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and most recently in Leesburg, Va., on Oct. 27, 2008. It consistently evokes boos and jeers from a crowd protective of the American system of government.

But is Palin stoking their anger honestly?

Socialism refers most commonly to a system in which the government owns the means of production and distribution of goods. That is, the state truly is responsible for creating and spreading the wealth. Let's look at the root of Palin's claim — Obama's Oct. 12, 2008, exchange with plumber Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, who has come to be known simply as Joe the Plumber — and see if that's what Obama was suggesting.

Wurzelbacher approached Obama on the street in his Holland, Ohio, neighborhood, and said he was close to buying a plumbing company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year. He complained that Obama would tax him more, punishing his success.

Obama responded that he was raising the top tax rate so he could decrease taxes for those who make less than $250,000.

"It's not that I want to punish your success," Obama said. "I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance at success too."

"Seems like you would be welcome to a flat tax then," Wurzelbacher said.

"You know, I would be open to it except for here's the problem with a flat tax," Obama countered. "You'd have to slap on a whole bunch of sales taxes on it. And I do believe that for folks like me who have worked hard but, frankly, also been lucky, I don't mind paying just a little bit more than the waitress who I just met over there who — things are slow, and she can barely make the rent. Because my attitude is if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's going to be good for everybody. If you've got a plumbing business, you're going to be better off if you've got a whole bunch of customers who can afford to hire you. And right now, everybody's so pinched that business is bad for everybody. And I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

So when Wurzelbacher brought up a flat tax, Obama responded by endorsing progressive taxation – the principle of taxing those with higher incomes at a higher percentage than those with lower incomes. And it is in that context that Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth."

Progressive taxes do indeed spread the wealth a bit. But they do so much more modestly than government owning the means of production.

Few serious policy makers — including McCain — consider progressive taxation socialist. In fact, on the Oct. 26, 2008 edition of NBC's Meet the Press, McCain stood by a comment he made in 2000 that "there's nothing wrong with paying somewhat more" in taxes when you "reach a certain level of comfort."

"You put into different, different categories of wealthier people paying, paying higher taxes into different brackets," McCain told host Tom Brokaw, as if to say progressive taxes are a no-brainer.

Indeed, progressive taxation has been a cornerstone of American tax policy since the federal government first collected an income tax in 1863. It was based on the Tax Act of 1862, which President Abraham Lincoln signed, and which imposed a "duty of three per centum" on all income over $600, and five percent on income over $10,000.

Obama's proposed top tax rate of 39.6 percent, (up from today's 36 percent) is considerably higher than that. But it's not particularly high in the context of modern times; as he pointed out to Wurzelbacher, it's about what top earners paid in the Clinton years. In 1987, the top tax rate was 38.5 percent. In 1944, it was 94 percent on the top portion of the highest incomes.

So no, Obama's tax increase on those making more than $250,000 would not represent a transformation of the U.S. system of government. His desire to "spread the wealth" through progressive taxation makes him no less a capitalist than McCain, or Lincoln. Palin's allegation that Obama wants to "experiment with socialism" seems designed less to inform than to inflame.

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 29, 2008 12:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Barack Hussein O'Bomber and Joe O'Biden are Marxist Socialists. Marxist ideology is found in their pubic statements..when they slip up or forget their story line canned comments.

The very idea of "spreading the wealth around" is contained in the Marxist tax/economic plan.."To each according to their need...From each according to their ability". Straight Marxist drivel which empowers the government to steal the property of some citizens to give to other force, threat or intimidation.

O'Bomber is on tape from 2001 or 2002 talking about and lamenting that the Warren Supreme Court...the most radical leftist Supreme Court in US history didn't go far enough in their so called "civil rights" rulings. According to O'Bomber, it's regrettable the Warren Court didn't get into permission to "redistribute wealth" by judicial decree.

So, all you defenders of the Marxist Socialist O'Bomber can attempt to spin O'Bomber's own words, you can duck, bob and weave but the facts of what O'Bomber is and what he intends are found in his own words and found in his past and present friends, mentors, pastors, associates and his deeds over the years which are now coming into focus despite attempts by the O'Bomber press to suppress and obscure who O'Bomber really is. People/voters are now paying attention.

Who knows if there's any truth to the theory being expressed in the video which is contained in this article. But, the guy who is speaking knows all about Marxist revolutions...he's former Soviet Union KGB and they wrote the book on Marxist Revolutionary tactics.

October 29, 2008
Biden's 'generated crisis'
Ronald Cherry

A possible context for Joe Biden's words comes from an unexpected quarter. The VP nominee warned:

"Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking... Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy." Joe Biden

Now watch this video. Yuri Bezmenov speaks of a required crisis for a Marxist Revolution to be successful; he should know. I believe we are in the middle of a Marxist Revolution in the United States. It is a peaceful revolution for now, but once the next generated crisis occurs, special powers will be granted to Barack Obama; and we will then have the beginnings of totalitarianism in America.

Katatonic, did you hear that secretaries pay more income tax than CEOs and CFOs of corporations...through the grapevine? I know some CEO's and gee, I don't remember even one of them telling me they discussed their tax status with corporate secretaries.

Still attempting to spin O'Bomber's statement acoustic..aren't you! O'Bomber said what he said. And what O'Bomber said lines up directly with what he said about redistribution of wealth...a Marxist Socialist idea. McCain/Palin are perfectly right to talk about it since it's an unconstitutional grab of other people's property intended to be given to others.

In this country, we attempt to provide "equal opportunities". We do not attempt to "equalize outcomes" by stealing what belongs to one person to give to another.

If you like Marxist Socialist government then do as I suggested to you years ago... emigrate and make room here for someone who wants to actually be an American..instead of an "accidental American" who owns their American citizenship due to an accident of birth.

Here's some possible destinations for you acoustic.

North Korea

Emigrate and be happy..and take all the other "accidental Americans" with you. We'll struggle on without you but I think we'll manage to survive your departure from the shores of America.

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Posts: 501
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posted October 29, 2008 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
jwhop first let me apologize if you are older and have more firsthand info than i assumed. you sound so much like sean hannity who is in his 40's - of course he was around then too, as a toddler and pre-pubescent.

second let me re-state that i am not in sympathy with the weathermen or marxist socialists. i still know people who sympathized with the motivating discontent with how our "free market" system has been tampered with by people who have money to pay for politicians...and a desire to create a fairer system has motivated people throughout the ages - that is why we have our democratic republic in the first place.

however if you are anywhere near my age it cannot have escaped you that people change as they age (usually mellowing), that bill ayers is truly getting on in years, and that the weathermen were at their height a VERY SMALL group compared to the population at large.

thirdly you do not need to look to the future for the kind of threats you fear from obama...the current economic crisis has given the government the perfect opportunity to put the homes of millions of americans in government ownership. this is a free market?? smacks of socialism to me!! or is it just a corporate takeover? a fine line to say the least...

as for the CEO dig, i also know some ceos and they have discussed their tax status with ME, who knows what they say to their secretaries??

my main point again is that the dreaded "engineered" crisis is ALREADY IN PLACE and it was not obama's people who set it up. whoever steps into the white house in january will be tested by an international crisis. and a national one too.

your insistence on kindergarten tactics (nicknaming people in a derogatory fashion, shouting "cooties" [read SOCIALISM]) and trying to create boogiemen out of perfectly reasonable candidates completely deflates any argument you might have.

here are some other possible destinations where "socialism" HAS ITS PLACE...


there are more but i don't have time to check on them right now...

oh and by the way norway, the world's 4th largest oil exporter, is also one of the wealthiest economies in the world. check out their socialist welfare model!! and if you think it's cold there, well, we are in a warming cycle!!

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Posts: 13873
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posted October 29, 2008 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
Politifact got it right, Jwhop. I know that upsets and offends you, but tough sh!t. That's life. Deal with it.

Obama/Biden have NOT proposed the confiscation of all wealth for distribution based on perceived needs. That's an outrageous, dramatic, unwarranted suggestion, and one which wouldn't have a chance of passing through Congress or the Supreme Court. Completely unrealistic is what anyone with an ounce of rationality would say.

As to a generated crisis as a means of grabbing power, what do you think of the conspiracy theorists that have supposed over the years that this tactic would be utilized by Bush? At almost every crisis of Bush's Presidential career there has been a contingent of people suggesting that Bush would, at some point, declare Marshall Law. Do you think it was only crazy when Democrats suggested it about your President, and not crazy at all when Republicans suggest the exact same thing?

Out of curiosity, I have to wonder astrologically if your opinions of Leo politicians are informed by your own experience with yourself.

I can't help but think that your go-to request for people who disagree with you to leave the country sounds an awful lot like the perceived calls for silence that you hate. If you don't enjoy living with all of your countrymen who oppose your opinions, you're welcome to leave yourself. You think Europe's going Conservative. Why don't you take a closer look? Beats getting your wealth redistributed, doesn't it?

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 29, 2008 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Polifact never got anything right. You forget yourself acoustic. Where do you think I live and what newspaper do you think is the hometown newspaper in my area?

You're out of your depth attempting to discuss the St Petersburg Times with me. I stopped reading that fishwrapper long ago. Being reliably left, they're losing subscriptions and advertising revenues as readers desert them over their lying and their advertisers follow the readers...and desert the Times too.

Don't attempt to put words in my mouth acoustic. Your vocabulary isn't large enough, your ability to define words is more than suspect as is your ability to reason logically.

I never said O'Bomber was going to or had talked about confiscating ALL private wealth/property for redistribution.

There is a place for taxation in the United run the legitimate functions of government. Redistribution of wealth is most certainly not a legitimate function of government in the United States.

Redistribution of wealth is O'Bomber's plan and it's the Marxist Socialist plan...straight out of the ass of Karl Marx.

As for the corrupt duo of Kommander Korruption and Barack O'Bomber, both Leos, I did the right thing and kicked them both out of the Leo Club.

If you don't believe Germany, France and Italy have gone far more conservative in their leadership with their last national elections, then acoustic, you have even more air between your ears than I previously thought. Britain is going to follow suit.

Katatonic, I've listened to Bill Ayers say he wasn't sorry he and his little communist terrorist group bombed the Pentagon, bombed Police headquarters and bombed the Capital. In fact, he said he wished they had done more. They also killed some innocent people and he and his bomber wife should be executed. Instead, we find Bill Ayers and his bomber wife palling around with the Marxist Socialist O'Bomber and his Socialist wife, Michelle...for years. Not only that but we find O'Bomber and Ayers dispensing money to communist agitation ACORN. You may think these people have "mellowed". I don't. They've merely wormed their way into American institutions and are teaching Marxist Socialism to multiple generations of American students.

I'm sorry but you're mistaken about the bailout plan. The government is not taking over ownership of the homes owned by American citizens. The government may well wind up being the payee on checks made out to pay the mortgages on some homes but if that happens, it will generally mean those mortgages are in default or in foreclosure and the government bought the defaulted mortgages from the underlying lender.

As for what caused this "engineered" crisis in the financial markets, you can look straight at Barack Hussein O'Bomber, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, members of the Black Caucus, Franklin Raines, Tim Johnson, Jamie Goerlick...and ACORN. It was the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which started that snowball rolling downhill and Barack Hussein O'Bomber has his fingerprints all over that do his advisers, Franklin Raines, Tim Johnson and Jamie Goerlick who looted Fannie Mae to the tune of more than $150,000,000 with the kind of phony accounting practices which put lots of executives in prison in the first 3 years of the Bush administration.

Bill Ayers..."Kill all the rich people..break up their cars and apartments..bring the revolution home...kill your parents...that's where it's really at". Charming friends O'Bomber and his wife keeps.

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From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 29, 2008 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Now, it's come to light there's a tape of a party held in honor of a so called Palestinian with ties to the PLO, a terrorist organization. At that party was Barack Hussein O'Bomber. At that party, a poem was read in which Israel was called a terrorist state. Imagine that, Palestinians calling anyone terrorists.

The LA Times has that tape and have attempted to suppress it from getting out before the election...because O'Bomber is casting himself as a supporter of Israel...which he isn't.

Of course, O'Bomber sent one of his advisers to talk to the terrorist regime of Hamas but he got caught doing it and O'Bomber had to throw him under the bus. The same bus he threw the adviser whom he sent to Canada to tell the Canadian government he didn't really mean it when he said he was going to unilaterally renegotiate NAFTA. That was just talk to reel in the suckers so they would vote for him. He got caught on his mission too.

O'Bomber has a habit of throwing people under the bus when they get caught following his instructions.

He's also thrown his pastor under the bus...the Reverrrrrend Wright and even his own grandmother...when he called her "a typical white woman"...and he didn't mean that in a flattering way by any means.

LA Times Refuses to Release Tape of Obama Praising Controversial Activist
Video of farewell party for alleged PLO worker shows Obama toasting 'friend and dinner companion' with questionable past.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Rashid Khalidi, a professor and activist tied to the PLO, was feted by Barack Obama at a farewell dinner for the Palestinian activist.

The Los Angeles Times is refusing to release a videotape that it says shows Barack Obama praising a Chicago professor who was an alleged mouthpiece for the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was a designated terrorist group in the 1970s and '80s.

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posted October 29, 2008 06:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
thought you didn't listen to FOX jwhop!


so why, pray tell, is the la times talking about this tape if they won't release it? perhaps it really doesn't say anything of the sort...? and if they released it that would be apparent??

you are a fear-and-gossip monger. i have lived in socialist countries, visited them, and would LOVE to go to russia. however i am NOT a socialist, a marxist, a communist or an anythingist! i AM someone who would like to see things for myself that might broaden my mind. i would like my brown-skinned grandson to have a shot at whatever he chooses to do with his very bright mind and compassionate heart without being attacked for having the gall to think outside the box.

so are the muslims in bed with the communists now? because islam is not a communist idealogy. when did the crossover/coalition get going?

my mother once explained utopia to me - i was about 8 at the time - as a place where everyone had what they needed, no money was necessary, and no one felt threatened by other people having what they did not. my mother was a LONG way from being a communist. she believed in the material "advantages", social responsibility, education and creativity, in that order! however at 18 my mother was a member of a "radical" group of disaffected Catholics considered to be "communists" by the establishment. they did TERRIBLE things like start a soup kitchen (this was 1936), distribute clothing and medical aid to the poor. she gave time and money to charities all her life. this is socialism in action. terrible, isn't it. communist it isnt.

well, it's been fun venting, but i have better things to do than to talk to brick walls. hopefully everyone will vote on paper!! may the best man for the job win, and may we help each other out because whoever wins the **** is about to hit the proverbial...

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From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 29, 2008 06:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
I don't watch Fox News katatonic..don't watch Hannity and don't have time to listen either...nor to Limbaugh. I have background music from FM105.5 on while I'm working in my office.

I read about the LA Times holding a tape a few days ago...perhaps on Drudge and I don't really remember where. Today, I decided to do an Internet search for the story...thusly...LA Times refuses to release tape of Obama at party. Copy and paste the emboldened title I assigned and you'll find the second hit in the que is the Fox News story I posted. I use the Yahoo search engine.

I don't know whom the muslims are "in bed" with but I do know virtually every terrorist group and every terrorist nation has endorsed...O'Bomber and want him to win the election. Gee, I wonder why they would want O'Bomber soooo badly.

Oh yeah, now I remember. O'Bomber wants to talk to America's preconditions necessary and bomb our allies..without consultations. Maybe that has something to do with it.

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posted October 29, 2008 06:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
I never said O'Bomber was going to or had talked about confiscating ALL private wealth/property for redistribution.

Are you saying he's a Socialist or not, Jwhop? What? Are you on the fence now?

Is this another of your internal conflicts for which you have no answer? If we're gonna go with your Socialism idea, then you're saying Obama's going to confiscate the nation's wealth for redistribution. You said, "To each according to their need...From each according to their ability," and, "We do not attempt to 'equalize outcomes' by stealing what belongs to one person to give to another." Now you're reversing course on that train of thought?

Polifact never got anything right.

Yes, Politifact did get it right, and Obama's tax plan has the same structure it's had going back to Lincoln. How is that more Socialistic? It's not. Plain and simple.

As for the corrupt duo of Kommander Korruption and Barack O'Bomber, both Leos, I did the right thing and kicked them both out of the Leo Club.

I think it's fascinating that you opt not to have an opinion of what an American Leo is capable of.

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From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 29, 2008 08:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Barack Hussein O'Bomber is most certainly a Marxist Socialist.

I have no internal conflicts acoustic. Sun and Moon both in Leo...both on the same page. I thought you knew that.

O'Bomber would not dare attempt to nationalize all private property and wealth. You sound like a raving lunatic. Instead, O'Bomber is going to attempt appointing Socialist judges to uphold his Socialist policies...which will be challenged in courts and attempt to pass legislation to raise taxes on the productive members of American society to give to people who don't work, don't pay any income taxes and call giving them money stolen from others...a "tax cut". That's about 40% of America who O'Bomber claims will get a "tax cut" under his disasterous tax plan. But, a lot of those people who Bush took off the income tax rolls are going to get the surprise of their lives when O'Bomber and the leftist Congress let the Bush tax cuts expire. Many of those who work but don't have a tax liability now are going to get handed a tax increase averaging about $3,000.

What's also going to happen is a dramatic rise in prices as those businesses who are able to pass on those tax increases to consumers, do so.

One other thing that would happen if O'Bomber is elected is corporations will flee the United States for countries like Ireland where the corporate tax rates are only about 11%. They'll do that to stay competitive with producers of goods and services from other nations.

Politifact is not right and cannot be right as I've already shown. Additionally, there's not sufficient revenues to be had from "taxing the rich" to pay for all O'Bomber's give-aways to those who don't pay income taxes. demoscats in congress are already talking about grabbing individuals IRAs and other retirement funds and rolling them into a "one check" social security payment. These Marxist Socialists are going to destroy the economy of the United States if they get their way.

acoustic, I am an American Leo. I know exactly what I'm capable of.

I also know that Kommander Korruption was the most corrupt President in the history of the United States. He finished # 1...even ahead of Richard Nixon. If O'Bomber manages to lie his way into office, he and Kommander Korruption will fight it out for the top honor of most corrupt.

Neither Kommander Korruption or Barack Hussein O'Bomber are fit to be called Leos and give Leos everywhere a bad name.

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posted October 30, 2008 12:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Belage     Edit/Delete Message
So much for Obama being a socialist, marxist and communist. ;-) The conservative mag The Economist has just endorsed Obama:

The Economist, 1 November 2008 issue.
(PRNewsFoto/The Economist)

The Economist Announces Wholehearted Endorsement of Senator Barack Obama for President of The United States of America

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posted October 30, 2008 01:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
Received in email today:


When the rich bail out the middle class and the poor in the form of a slightly higher (3%) tax rate on income over 250,000/year -

that's called ...

SOCIALISM ( or "redistribution of wealth").


When the middle class and the poor bail out the rich in the form of 700 billion dollars worth of corporate welfare for Wall Street, exorbitantly high prices at the gas pump in a time of war (that's known as "war profiteering," come to think of it), exceedingly low wages, and lack of healthcare benefits -



SOCIALISM is when money flows from THE TOP to THE BOTTOM.

CAPITALISM is when money flows from THE BOTTOM to THE TOP.

Money that flows from the top to the bottom is BAD.

Money that flows from the bottom to the top is GOOD.



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Kick It

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posted October 30, 2008 01:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kick It     Edit/Delete Message
Got it!

Apart from the last 6 pages or so.

I want Obama to win.

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 30, 2008 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
I really do wish Europeans would butt out of American elections.If not, they may not like it all that much when Americans start telling Europeans whom to vote for.

Among those who should really butt out of our election process is The Economist. We don't need input from the half baked Economist to determine who to vote for..or against.

In fact, Europeans telling Americans whom to vote for leaves a very bad taste in most Americans mouths.

The Economist Newspaper Limited Registered in England and Wales. No. 236383 | Registered office: 25 St James's Street, London, SW1A 1HG | VAT Reg No: GB 340 436 876

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posted October 30, 2008 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
Poor jwhop, it must be difficult living with such a bad taste in one's mouth constantly
How irritating to have to share this planet with people who don't agree with you!!
I really do wish Europeans would butt out of American elections.If not, they may not like it all that much when Americans start telling Europeans whom to vote for. In fact, Europeans telling Americans whom to vote for leaves a very bad taste in most Americans mouths.
For the benefit of this not-so-bright hick Midwesterner, could you please *QUOTE* the words of Europeans or other Out-Worlders *****TELLING***** you to vote for McCain or Obama?? I don't see an endorsement as a demand or directive.....

Pretty please??

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Kick It

Posts: 1032
From: Leeds
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posted October 30, 2008 01:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kick It     Edit/Delete Message
I really do wish Europeans would butt out of American elections.If not, they may not like it all that much when Americans start telling Europeans whom to vote for.

Among those who should really butt out of our election process is The Economist. We don't need input from the half baked Economist to determine who to vote for..or against.

In fact, Europeans telling Americans whom to vote for leaves a very bad taste in most Americans mouths.

The Economist Newspaper Limited Registered in England and Wales. No. 236383 | Registered office: 25 St James's Street, London, SW1A 1HG | VAT Reg No: GB 340 436 876

Did you just write that or was it quoted from another source?

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 30, 2008 02:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Well, how are all the "VICTIMS OF AMERICA" today?

Have you gotten through your crying jag after watching O'Bomber tell you how bad off you are and exactly whom has caused your misery and unfulfilled dreams? Exactly whom has their jack booted heels on your necks holding you down..and back from living the full, unadulterated American dream?

Of course, I didn't watch the little Marxist Socialist on TV last night. I had something far more important to attend to. The cigars in my humidor needed rotating so I was forced to miss O'Bomber's rant against America, rant against Bush, rant against McCain and rant against the capitalist economic system.

But then, I didn't need to watch to know what this hot air peddling, demagoging empty suit was going to say. I would think he paraded a bunch of people before his viewers with their tales of woe and victim-hood at the hands of America, Bush and McCain and said he was going to fix it all by levying a tax on those greedy bast@rds at the top of the income scale...those earning $250,000 or more.

Bet he didn't tell you the top 1%..that's top one percent of income earners already pay 40% of all the income taxes. Bet this little Marxist Socialist didn't tell you the top 10%..that's top ten percent of income earners already pay 70% of all income taxes. Bet O'Bomber didn't tell you the top 50%..that's top fifty percent of income earners already pay 97% of all income taxes. Bet O'Bomber didn't tell you the bottom 47%..that's bottom forty seven percent of income earners pay 0..that's right, zip, zero, no income taxes.

Well, I did turn the TV on to watch the last few innings of the weather delayed World Series at 8:30 and heard O'Bomber's last bit of bullshiiit..which as I recall was.."together, we can save the world". I can't imagine there is a more arrogant empty suit in America...or any candidate in American history more uniquely unqualified to be President of the United States.

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posted October 30, 2008 02:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
zala, thanks for injecting some humour into this conversation! what we have here, unfortunately, is a DOUBLE LEO (with no doubt some very nasty outerplanet links) arguing with everyone. and if you disagree with HE you are a peon!! and of course he is loving the attention!!

no one is telling anyone who to vote for. but isn't it strange that practically everyone in the world, from allies to enemies, can see who the more reasonable candidate is? that may be because most of them have lived with socialism and know that obama is NOT a socialist but that he UNDERSTANDS the appeal of socialism BECAUSE HE, SIR, HAS STUDIED IT...along with a lot of other things! while all mccain has studied is how to pulverize the enemy and follow orders...

jwhop do you remember those essential "duck and cover" exercises from back in the day when we were told the russians were going to bomb us any day?? great protection, heh?

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From: Madeira Beach, Florida
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posted October 30, 2008 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Did I quote what...or copy what?

OK, for your information, the text is mine. The office locations of The Economist was taken from their own website.

As for the endorsement of O'Bomber, The Economist is right in line with some other endorsers of O'Bomber. Terrorist leader Col. Moammar Gadhafi of Libya, leaders of the terrorists Hamas, government of Iran, mentos non compus leader of North Korea..Kim Jong Il and virtually every communist and/or socialist group in America..and the name only a few.
BTW, The Treason Times also endorses O'Bomber; big surprise there.

Enemies of America love O'Bomber.
O'Bomber has quite a haul in endorsements.

To endorse someone or something or some course of to recommend him/her/they or it to the audience they hope to influence.

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Posts: 11376
From: Madeira Beach, Florida
Registered: Aug 2001

posted October 30, 2008 02:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jwhop     Edit/Delete Message
Gee katatonic, you don't give me half enough sign/planetary credits.

Sun and Moon in Leo..yes but also Pluto in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Aries and Scorpio Rising...and Sun, Moon, Pluto and Mercury in the 10th House. Still, I'm just a lovable little fuzz ball...because I also have Venus in Libra.

I admit, I do despise bullshiiit. Blame my Leo Moon for that and blame my Mercury in Virgo for the ability to spot that bullshiiit and Mars in Aries for the way I choose to deal with those who spout drivel.

I grew up in Southern California. We were pretty laid back about "duck and cover" exercises. Who would dare attack Southern California?

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Kick It

Posts: 1032
From: Leeds
Registered: May 2008

posted October 30, 2008 03:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kick It     Edit/Delete Message
Double Leo? Ouch!

I will pave the way, give him centre stage and let him show himself up.

Finally some astrology at last!

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