Topic: Funny.
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 20, 2008 01:08 AM
Okay, so I can be a little serious at times (Moon sq Saturn), BUT I do have:Moon in Sag in 9th House (the mood for a laugh wtih friends) Jupiter in Gemini in 3rd House (connecting situations that create comedy) Venus in Virgo in 5th House (Virgos are a scream at sharp witty one-liners, in the 5th can be entertaining) I can make people laugh without trying. I can even make them laugh while trying! Why, heck, I even laugh at my own jokes [but not all the time]. 23 - would you mean that these people do not make fun at other people, but can still be funny? quote: Jupiter in Gemini makes for conservative people that do not humour others.
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 01:09 AM
Hog on 23. The more you hog, the more I learn. By the way, I also don't get people's jokes. I've always found that I think too much or not enough and I miss the point. Hmmm... Like now. I've always been accused of thinking too much though. One thing can mean so many things. IP: Logged |
Leonine Ox Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Escondido Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 01:09 AM
Hi Unmoved,I'm Kelly from the Noel Tyl forum. You may have read some of my wacky posts. My birth data: 10:59 PM 8/2/61 Miami Beach, Fla. Please excuse my not having learned to post charts. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:11 AM
quote: 23 - would you mean that these people do not make fun at other people, but can still be funny?
They don't make jokes and never have intentions to as such. They never use humour to impress. That's just from observation of the ones I know. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:12 AM
quote: I've always been accused of thinking too much though.
Well that's the purpose of this forum is to communicate, think and reflect and question things so you have to think about these questions  IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:13 AM
Unrelenting pain helps. But that helps with anything creative, so what makes some people take that energy and use it to create humor rather than an opera...I think humor is based on recognizing patterns, and then unexpectedly breaking with that pattern, sort of teasing the pattern. The pattern can be emotional. For example, in your first post you recognized that people in a thread about humor would likely feel a burden to be funny in their response. Your watery Moon and Asc tune you into emotions, and you compassionately soothed that potential anxiety in others by telling them you don't expect them to perform. You recognized the pattern and greeted it with sincere compassion. I think humor is playing with the pattern. Instead of saying, "No need to be funny," playing with the pattern would be saying something like, "Do share and please be funny or I'll disregard whatever you say. No pressure." In that response, you're calling attention to the pattern--performance anxiety, credentials in order to be an authority, etc. You're bringing to light what people are fearing, but in a pretend way that pokes fun at that fear. So since I think pattern recognition is a huge part of humor, I'd say Mercury and Uranus are involved. They're clever. But I like humor that calls attention to our deepest patterns, and for stuff like that you'd need some water and the Moon. The deeper the patterns a humorist notices in themselves and in others, the deeper their humor will touch in their audience. IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:13 AM
Maybe it's the Sag Moon Koi, Sag Moon is deposited by Jupiter in Gemini. Hmmm.....IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:17 AM
quote: So since I think pattern recognition is a huge part of humor
Spot on  I was wondering about the watery stuff. With the example that I used, the second one, I ridicule JT but that's because I identify with him strongly and in effect was ridiculing myself. So what I'm saying in effect, is that I'm a bit ridiculous and see how I think I'm clever? I wonder if that is a watery thing, self-analysis. Do people get what I'm trying to say? I notice that I use a lot of self-deprecation in my humour with others. Wonder why? Maybe I don't feel validated and it's an indirect way to seek validation? Ranting again  IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 20, 2008 01:21 AM
I guess I need to learn more about depositors. I can see that Jup in Gemini could be serious because there is just SOOOO much information to collect from the Universe. How could we possibly be funny when we are busy building our cognitive computers?!!  I LOVE having Moon in Sag - I think it's saves my bacon, at times!! IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:22 AM
Koi I need to think about your case. I think it's because you have Venus in 5th, you desire to entertain. Are your Venus and Moon in aspect?IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 01:30 AM
Deep jane. so, humor is shocking people so ridiculously that they can't take you seriously. Or not. Note: If someone gets the chance or desire to post Leonine's chart, go ahead. I can't. with what you've said jane, what the heck is my problem then? Oh, I remember, I'm just not funny. Ag. I'm not used to being bad at something. koi- That's the thing with me. I'm not funny if I try to be. I'm always laughing with people and the laughter usually comes from something I said. Still, I can't write jokes or funny sketches. I can't tell jokes. I usually say something being dead serious and people burst out laughing. But I don't count that because I wasn't trying to be funny. This whole thing is frustrating. I have no control over it. Also, it's more my tone than what I say. The facial expression. So, when I try to write that, I can't. I'm eccentric I thought. IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 20, 2008 01:31 AM
My Venus and Moon are 6 deg square. In fact, my Moon, Venus and Saturn are all square!! I can be very serious, in deed, and can keep my thoughts and emotions in check. I probably wouldn't be a great riding companion for Madonna.But I can also be extremely funny!!! I love my sense of humour!!! Could be my Virgo stellium in the 5th adding that extra spice and wit. I'm sure that with Sag Moon, I can keep myself 'above' most drastic situations - extremely positive, no pessimism, always looking on or for the bright side. I managed to bounce back from a family drama 3 months ago. I have moments of sadness, but they last for 4.5 seconds. Great to see you back 23. You've been having a break? Busy?
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 20, 2008 01:34 AM
Could one say that being funny is a mutable characteristic?
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jane Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 01:41 AM
Unmoved - I find you funny! Please add me to the list. Do I get a Members Only jacket?I don't think humor is so much about shocking people. It's more about seeing them. Sometimes you're seeing their view on the external world. You'll see their boredom with customs, so you shake things up by making fun of customary behavior. This can be done either by doing something a bit absurd or just as presenting a story/joke where the absurd happens. Other times you're seeing their view on themselves, or on yourself. With most humor, I think there's that element of "oh, you caught me!"; the humorist points out what we wanted or feared would happen. But the humorist doesn't catch us with the aim to scold or ridicule. The aim is more to say, this is who we are. ETA: What I mean is that humor surprises us by showing that another person recognizes the pattern in us. The surprise is the exposure of a pattern we were following, and it's funny when someone breaks that pattern in a pretend way. (If it were simply surprise that made us laugh, then someone who startled us would get a laugh from us rather than a scared gasp.) IP: Logged |
Leonine Ox Knowflake Posts: 26 From: Escondido Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 01:43 AM
Hi 23,Most material provokes an immediate reaction though I have some segments that may require more thought. I can't be too specific because I'm saving my fresh material for when I return. When I performed my first show, a fellow comedian said my style reminded him of that of Steven Wright. My Saturn square Ascendant isn't exactly a prescription for boisterous performances.
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 20, 2008 01:49 AM
Unmoved - do you feel uncomfortable with people laughing when you say something? Are you in your natural environment? Or do you have an accent according to the people around you?There are so many tv shows where the 'funny' people are people who are actually quirky. We laugh at their quirkiness, not necessarily at their extremely natural gifted ability to put opposing objects together in timely comic fashion to create a sense of humorous drama! Is your eccentricity a form of quirkiness? IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1258 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2008
posted October 20, 2008 01:58 AM
Also, different countries view humour in different ways, eg. New Zealanders tend to find puns (wordplays) in jokes to be funnier than a joke that would, say, poke fun at something.Here's a silly example, what holds the moon up in the sky? Moonbeams Okay, I think I've switched to my Moon square Saturn seriousness, or is it my Jupiter in Gemini over analysing??? I wish I had time to elaborate, but I've got to fly now! See ya!! IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 02:02 AM
Since you asked , I suppose these things incline me to look for the funny...--Jupiter quintile Uranus. Quintiles are said to be creative talents, so those two planets together could create humor. --Signs. Sun in Sag, Moon in Leo. --Venus in 3rd house. Venus trine Jupiter. Venus is in a grand trine with Jupiter and Chiron, so that could give a creative healing with humor. --I don't remember its name, but my Jupiter, Venus, and Uranus form some minor configuration together. --3rd house ruler (Saturn) in 11th house, exactly sextile Mercury (11th/8th house ruler). --Not sure yet how, but I think this might contribute. My Moon narrowly aspects all the transpersonal planets. And it squares Mercury cnj Uranus in the 1st house, so my rational mind likes to study emotions. My Moon also happens to be my 9th house ruler, I saw that house mentioned as important. --My 5th house ruler is cnj my Sun. --I have a 0º t-square involving Uranus in the first (apex), Pallas in the 4th, and Moon in the 10th. I've seen Pallas described as being about finding patterns. IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 02:23 AM
quote: I was wondering about the watery stuff. With the example that I used, the second one, I ridicule JT but that's because I identify with him strongly and in effect was ridiculing myself. So what I'm saying in effect, is that I'm a bit ridiculous and see how I think I'm clever? I wonder if that is a watery thing, self-analysis. Do people get what I'm trying to say?
Yes, I think I do: The clever one (23/JT) really just has a lack of self-awareness, and doesn't see how s/he is ridiculous. But that's exactly what self-deprecating humor shows isn't the case. I enjoy self-deprecating humor, too. But when I use it and see others use it I don't interpret it as showing that someone clever is actually ridiculous. I think of it more as it's clever to accept, even revel, in how ridiculous we are. To me, it's about seeing our own limits while still loving and appreciating what we have. So when someone else uses self-deprecating humor, my instinct is never to validate them, b/c I see their ability to use that humor as validation enough. To me, they get it. That we're all brilliant fools, and the strongest among us are the ones who can recognize that and still like themselves. So I've never pitied, for lack of better word, people who are self-deprecating. Some carry it too far and I can tell that it's from a lack of self-esteem, but with most people I find them strong and smart when they are able to laugh at themselves while still loving themselves. Actually, I think it's only the people who are able to laugh at themselves who really love themselves. And I tend to see those people as more loving in general, since I assume that they're also able to see the lovable in all people and in the world, despite the imperfections.
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 02:54 AM
jane- of course, jacket. Lol.23-I speak in an accent different from most people's and my accent has a bad reputation to belong to spoilt little rich girls who are coconuts- brown on the outside, white on the inside. Of course, this is nothing like me and what amuses people is how I don't defend the way I speak. The fact that I tell people to kiss my @ss makes them laugh. I don't get that. My words are quirky, and my use of language is different too which makes people laugh. I'm dramatic but the drama doesn't fit my quiet demeanor. This guy was chatting with me and my friends at a dinner. He was sitting next to me and he started telling us about his fancy home and cars on top of being obnoxious and rude to everyone. It was technically his father's money that he was bragging about. After an hour I had had enough. Then I excused myself to go to the loo and for my exit, I said, "I'm sorry to have to miss the wonderful details of your father's assets... but nature calls. Excuse me." I was being glib but the guy was draining me. The whole table burst out laughing him included. He was dissing me all night about being stand offish by addressing me with nicknames like "your highness" and so I didn't feel bad. One thing though, I was surprised by the laughter. In retrospect I can see how that could have made people laugh but I didn't see it at the time. The idiot responded by saying that he likes a fiesty woman. I was amused and I said, "The concept of subtlety totally escapes you, doesn't it?" The table chuckled. I couldn't hear what he said because I was on my way to the loo. IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 03:23 AM
Unmoved - Oh my friend, how can you not see that you're funny?  The "kiss my @ss" bit is funny b/c with your dialect, they expect you to be prim and proper, and reserved. By being direct and tough, you unexpectedly shatter that image in their minds. I think people also find it funny b/c they're laughing at themselves for having that type of prejudice, for thinking that life and people can be so easily categorized. They're embarrassed at their mental laziness and laughing when it gets exposed. That's more subtle though, what they feel on top is the delighted surprise at your unexpected response and probably most important, the combination of two things--"kiss my ass" and your dialect--that they see as incongruous. I'm not going to tell you why the rest is funny. Working that out is your homework assignment. Double-spaced and typed, please. IP: Logged |
deuxantares Knowflake Posts: 1197 From: Meet Me in Sofia Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 03:26 AM
Do you think Pallas has an influence on humor? IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 03:29 AM
This humour thing sounds like Math. So, as you can see, it wasn't what I said. It's probably how I said it. My friends laugh when I feel and express any deep emotion. Our president retired earlier than he should have done. He was forced to step down for one reason or another. Then, there were floods outside my house, in my area. I found out about both things when someone called me and ask me how I was coping. People found that funny that I had to find out about these things from people who found out from CNN. Her: Are you okay? I just saw a truck floating in a river. Me: what? Yeah, I'm fine. Huh? Her: I've just seen it on the news. Wow. The flood did such damage. Me: Hold up. What's this El Nino stuff you're on about? Her: I could have sworn that they were talking about your area at the coast? I just saw some flood news in... Where are you? Me: I'm where I was the last time you called. Floods? Here? Nah. It's been raining though. Second day today. this is when my friend burst out laughing. It was a long laugh. She kept on repeating what I had said, like El Nino, and when she was done, she told me to google my town's name and the word flood. Then she hung up. I googled it and lo and behold, there was a flood in my neighbourhood and I didn't know. I called her back and the first thing I said was, "Oh My God, creator, the divine. I almost died!" She just went into a laughing fit. Then I carried on speaking about how it would have been an ugly and shameful day if I had flooded and died because I wasn't even wearing my best nickers. I think I'm eccentric. Yes. IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Nov 2006
posted October 20, 2008 03:41 AM
deux - Yes, I think Pallas does. For the last hour or so I've been doing some Pallas research, looking at it in the charts of people closest to me who I find very funny. They all have a prominent Pallas; e.g., in the first house, or narrowly aspecting Mercury, Moon, or Sun. Venus too. Should probably have just said the personal planets.  Unmoved, check out what your Pallas is doing.
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Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 20, 2008 03:51 AM
jane- Hmmm... Ok. But still, I won't try to be funny. I was amused but shocked that I didn't know that there were floods in my area. I would have found that peculiar. Actually, talking to you guys, I've just realized that I've never thought about why things make me laugh. I've never gave myself to think about things like my perceptions being challenged could be why I find things funny etc. deux - I'm clueless about asteroids. Hopefully DD can help out there. I need to sleep or try to sleep. Toodldes. IP: Logged |