  scorpio moon men in love... (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   scorpio moon men in love...
heart cakes
posted October 27, 2008 09:52 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
23, thanks for your reply. i guess in my case i am a bit 'lucky' because his moon expresses through his third house. though i do think it makes him a little bit eratic and possibly contributes to a certain emotional nervousness he has. but it feels overall like he wants to take things as deep as possibe. so far, at this stage, he seems to require a lot of reassurance of my feelings for him and expresses that his intentions are to build a solid, strong, nurturing relationship and be there for eachother. so i am grateful that he is in touch with this drive and desire in him and for the most part, his emotions. though the nervousness thing, with revealing myself, is still there and strong.. like for instance, he will take things really deep and, yeah it does seem to be more about ME revealing my feelings in depth.. he doesn't elaborate a whole lot on his, though the feelings are obvious in how he communicates, you know? which i can see as being possibly frustrating or confusing down the line, the lack of verbalness. anyway, so yeah he will take it really deep and we'll be feeling great and then suddenly he will seem very nervous and the whole feeling will shift and he seems slightly sad or anxious.. and my reassurances seem to help, but unfortunately like i said, it makes ME nervous! i guess the trick is to not take it personally and maybe to be prepared for a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. i don't want to acknowledge your post directly but i will give you a giant , and thank you..

thanks for your input too oceaneyes!! complex for sure! and yeah they are kind of a paradox; part of the mystery i suppose!! it's like an emotional openness, but so very hidden at the same time. a momentum that is strong and powerful but that keeps to itself, always protecting itself. i will keep your experiences in mind should things go rocky. i feel this guy is a keeper and i must honour his experience and do my best to work with it. the difference between my taurus moon and his scorpio, i think, is emotionally i am a cuddler, and he is a squirmer. or, maybe he's like a really amazing sensual hug and then he slips away.. he told me he was thinking about us holding hands and he really wants to but is nervous about it. HMMM!.. confusing!

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posted October 28, 2008 03:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i guess the trick is to not take it personally and maybe to be prepared for a bit of an emotional rollercoaster

I think not taking it personal is a good thing, I think it's just how these characters are. I won't say it is an emotional rollercoaster though, I don't think Mr 23 really is always emotional like that. really the best thing to do is take a day at a time and really don't think about it. Most of the time I don't.

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heart cakes
posted October 28, 2008 02:56 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thanks 23..

i think for us, i feel the internal shifts in him so deeply because my pisces SN trines his moon. my pisces SN picks up on most peoples' internal moods in a flash as it is most of the time, without my really even being aware (and it takes a lot to "de-peronalize" it inside myself, and mentally), so it is difficult for me in that sense. i think it is in the nature of pisces to be so attuned to the point of identification and even becomming the energy it is around. so i think this is what is giving me this underwater feeling, and i'm trying hard, now, to work with that so that it does not completely overwhelm me. i think the trine is just very powerful in this case.. hmmm..

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posted October 28, 2008 11:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VirgOh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
FYI, things are rocky now between me and my Taurus gal,, so I am caving in and hiding, I am keeoing to myself and taking it all in

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heart cakes
posted November 01, 2008 03:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
virgOh, sorry to hear of that.. i hope things work out for you and much love results. thanks so much for your feedback and insight. it's helped a lot.

thanks to everyone else too. i think the main 'issue' i'm having is that my taurus moon likes to be really emotionally stable and peaceful and grounded and it's really natural for me to be in this state, and it's my default. it's not that i don't feel deeply, but i always try to look at things practically and 'take care of' the feeling, or the situation, bring it some warmth and calm, you know? and his scorpio moon, i'm feeling as such a deep vulnerability, but a vulnerability that is always reaching for this emotional resonance and 'realness', *within* the emotion, whereas i tend more toward soothing. so i can see how we'd really help eachother. right now i'm just tripping out at how deep it is, and how BIG of a deal this relationship will be, if it happens (which we are both very sure it will). the words integrity and passion keep coming to mind to explain how his emotional thrust feels, but it is also so raw and intense in a way, and it makes my heart really open up and i feel like i'm taking in his vulnerability too! it's quite a trip!!

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posted November 02, 2008 07:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cristiname     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
heart cakes,
I am a Cap with a Sco Moon.

first, I can't honestly say I understand what all this is about. I can't seem to put my finger on it, you know?

so I'll just go on the things that strartled me. the things that pops up is definetaly that "shall I give him the control" stuff. and this overall feeling that all this IS in fact about control.

one thing I dread in a rel is being controlled; the other is having to control someone else.

I used to have this Leo bf that once actually told me "be the boss; make the rules". and I suddenly became very cold about him. of course, with him, we had easily slipped into a parent-child relationship. and that was such a turn off for me.
sorry - I didn't get your sun sign.

my advice to you is don't! you gotta pull your own weight. and mind your own and his boundaries.

you said at some point - should I respect his own timing? is that a real question? of course you have to do that. with everybody - but especially with this combo.

you keep talking about your SN in Pisces; but you seem to not notice that the future is with your NN - in discriminative, over-annalysing VIRGO! and along with your Taurus Moon who's terrified of losing control of a situation (for fear that it may change) - I think this is what you should pay attention to.

one other thing. give him time to think things over in his own way. if you want something, tell him in a safe way - in a way that is about you (I would like this not "I would like you to do this for me). also let him know that you have taken him under consideration - and then pull back! give him space to figure out what he feels about it and how he'd like to respond.

I'd say more but there's so much stuff here that I don't really know what

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heart cakes
posted November 02, 2008 01:28 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thanks cristiname!

wellll.. what i meant by 'control' is sort of on an emotional level. i will try to explain it. now that i've thought about it more, i've realized how difficult it is for me to surrender emotionally. i've been in some doozy relationships with guys i could not trust, and should not have (but initially did, hence the dooziness). because of that, i developed a strong outer shell that is very hard to penetrate, and with all my aquariusness, i tend to default to thinking and analyzing my feelings, rather than living with them and trusting them to guide me. my pisces SN is emotional, yeah, but i find it tends more toward psychicness and feeling others' feelings, than being in touch with my own. so trining his moon, i'm finding i'm really feeling the depths of HIS emotions and that is what has made me feel out of my element (haha literally, since i only have one water planet; my uranus conjunct his moon).

so basically the dynamic is this: i FEEL his emotional depth and intensity, his vulnerabilities and also his deep genuineness. i think i got confused because my picking up on this scared me and then felt his increasing vulnerability when my fear made me pull back from the moment, emotionally. i guess TRUSTING him is a more apt word than giving him CONTROL. it's like i stopped trusting people, in the all-encompassing, unhealthy way i used to. i learned a lot since my last boyfriend 3 years ago and just had my saturn return in virgo and i've learned the fine art of discrimination.. so i think it is, in me, a balance between relaxing and trusting and not getting overwhelmed (and potentially being sucked back into piscean obscurity). but the main thing is i feel that i can trust him, and he is such a great person. knowing what i do now, and having learned what i have, i would never give my trust over to anyone if my intuition was telling me not to (which it had before, and i did not listen).

interestingly, my NN conjuncts his ascendant by 1 degree (it's in his 1st), my chiron is our composite DC exactly and his chiron conjuncts my moon, AND we have composite chiron in the 7th. we both feel it is a really healing thing we've got going and we've shared so many similar experiences and understand where we need to go in life and our energies just encourage the other. it feels really good.

i think for me a struggle i've been having is feeling and knowing that i can trust him, but having created such a hard shell for myself after being abused so much, that my experience of his deep emotional sincerity has thrown me. it's not about giving him control over me, but rather, letting him inside and trusting in this process and him. maybe it's my SN in the second house that makes me very rigid and like a self-contained loop i try to hold on to control of my life by closing off to risk and intimacy, but my venus has pluto right on top of her as we speak and my saturn return just happened in my 8th and is now on my NN and i really feel like a certain quality of surrender, and trust is necessary now. but it's true; for me the balance is so necessary. holding onto myself and also trusting others and the universe to guide me.. it's kind of a precarious balance sometimes!!

thanks for your words!! they helped put some more things into perspective for me..

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posted November 02, 2008 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for writesomething     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Have any of you scorpio moons ever said you loved someone and didnt mean it? or said it to get something out of the person?

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posted November 02, 2008 04:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cristiname     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
writesomething - absolutely not!

heart cakes - that's wonderful - what you're writing. trusting him would be something he'd appreciate a lot under these circumstances; and it's certainly some sort of karmic lesson for you with transiting Saturn in your 8th; if you'd be so brave, I'm sure the rewards will be worth it.

what you're describing sounds very very familiar; didn't you say your moons are opposite eachother? I have that with a very close friend. that brings a tremendous awareness of other's and your own feelings; he sometimes says things to me that make me shiver - things that only I know about myself. it's so scary. but wonderful at the same time

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heart cakes
posted November 04, 2008 02:04 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you cristiname! can i ask you, do scorpio moons, despite their vulnearbilities and reluctance to reveal their emotions, WANT that, volunatrily, from you? i feel like he so appreciates and encourages me to open up, but sometimes it confuses me, cuz after i do, he gets extra quiet.. but then later will reveal his deeper feelings in bits and peices.. but the quietness scares me sometimes, and i just wanna know if they want it all up front, or if they would prefer to probe it out? i'm new to opening up emotionally, and though i want to with him, ultimately and totally, i don't know whether i should pace myself or just say what i feel at all times!?

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posted November 05, 2008 04:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cristiname     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
well - do remember that this is my experience -and I'm 30 and my Tau Moon is 37 (and we came a long way)

once he asked me, in totall owe "have you ever had someone you could trust, completly?" sadly, I had to say "no" (and in my head, I went on - expect for

and I did that, much like you say, little by little. I learned how to do that by watching him - he was my example (of course, he also has Aries Asc). At first, for years, he was the only one doing any 'revealing' - and I was beyond surprise, I was shocked - as some things, I felt, were not "meant to" be spoken like that. you know... I needed to see him do that and "survive" many times - before I finnaly had the courage to try it myself.

and his reactions made all the difference, too. I learned to trust him - and franckly, it took us years; and every mistake he's made took us back until he learned that I didn't appreciate that kind of behavior (like I needed what I told him to stay between us; I was afraid he may use it agaisnt me - and he did, a few times, until he understood that he lost more than gained by doing so, etc).

small steps - waiting to see the effect; a test of trust, if you will. not if he can be trusted, but if I can do that, with my feelings.

in my opinion, every Sco Moon has had someone abusing their trust in their childhood. someone manipulating them emotionaly, or using their emotions and needs against them. so - we kinda need to know for sure that "you" are not like that. fear is ver strong - and those silent moments you mention are when his system is adjusting. integrating the new experience (like a wow! inside. "look, this happened and i'm ok; wow! so it can happen - even to me; etc).

and yes, I for one do need this. it's liberating, it's empowering. I need to be able to trust someone and in time, I learned to choose them better.

make sure you understand what he sees as 'betrayal'. the 'silliest' things could go there and you may have no idea or simply ignore them. like my ex sitting on the front seat, next to the taxi driver, and not in the back, with me, when I came home from the hospital. or him tricking me into attending a meeting - where he had to bring "someone"; it made me feel like a stranger; his lie was to me him keeping me at a distance, treating me like 'anybody' - and one thing a Sco moon needs to be is 'significant' to their significant other.

that's what you simply must never do. even if you're fighting and you wanna get back to him. that goes too deep for him to simply "delete" when you later appologize and explain you meant 'no harm'.

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heart cakes
posted November 05, 2008 03:47 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wow, cristiname!! this is actually WONDERFUL news to me! i think taurus and scorpio must be really great for one another, or maybe it's my moon in the 4th. but to me, this sounds heavenly. i love to be steady and reassuring. i'm hugely patient too, especially as love is concerned. i'm so glad to know that just being comforting and present, revealing myself and hanging in there can help him so much. i really feel that at an intuitive level, too, but i guess it's the mystery of his silence that sometimes makes me wonder what's going on in there for him, and can at times make me feel insecure. it's kinda cheesey but i feel like emotionally i'm a nurturer and i like to be and give a calmness. he's noted many times how calm i am and how much that soothes him.. and yeah my telling him my feelings has given him what seems like courage to open up too. i have to say i really REALLY like the idea of bringing him comfort and helping him feel secure and that he can trust. i think my life set me up for this; really abusive parents who i know were just recycling the abuse they endured by their own parents, and my always ALWAYS trying to help them feel loved, cheered up, etc, but receiving abuse in return. i know it set up my resolve to be a really grounded, compassionate person, and understand peoples' pain in very deep ways, and to do everything i can to be a caring, supportive person. in the past i would attract abusive people who were hurting but who were unable to transcend that and who took my love for granted. with him, i can feel his pain and vulnerability, but i can also tell that he takes it out on himself, and never others. he has a great heart and great determination and is so positive and warm.. so i really feel like we can both bring one another what the other needs. i feel like in my life i NEED to bring reassurance and stability and comfort to those in pain. i think there is a good balance here. i feel like it also heals me a lot to help another heal. our composite rising is scorpio 5 and my chiron is taurus 5, so perhaps in my ability to assist healing within this relationship, i heal too! and having scorpio rising, it seems we are meant to go to these depths together! my moon feels like it has a purpose being conjunct his chiron as well!

and, i am so glad you have such an amazing friend to share life with. it sounds really beautiful and healthy..! your experience and advice is very very helpful. i can't see myself ever trying to hurt him to get back at him or anything, either. i'm super conscious of things like that, and when i'm with someone, i'm WITH them, they are a part of me!

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posted August 30, 2024 04:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Did they all live happily ever after?

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posted March 29, 2025 03:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Krista_Kay_1993     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Any scorpio moon men interested in dating add me holly sorenson on facebook

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