Topic: What natal aspect do you think can make someone REALLY good at sex?
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 12:38 AM
Four Sagittarius girls. Two had their Mars conjunct my Mars in Capricorn, amazing chemistry. Two had Mars square mine, one in Libra and another in Aries, and sex for me felt like I was always trying to get on her page.Best sex: Mars conjunct Mars. Not nearly the best love, but a great f*ck. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted October 30, 2008 12:40 AM
Scorpionic, I said Venus conj Venus, but with the same person I had Mars square Mars too (Leo and Taurus) and ... oooh boy  That was and has so far been the best. ------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 01:07 AM
VirgoMask-I talk to the Sagittarius girl with Aries Mars almost every day, I love her, I wish she and I could be a compatible couple. Her Scorpio Venus forms an EXACT CONJUNCTION (!!!) to my Venus, but her Mars forms an EXACT SQUARE (!!!) to my Mars. I just felt like I was reaching for something that wasn't there with her. I couldn't mentally tap into her rhythm. Everything felt amazing when we weren't having sex!! All 4 of these Sag girls had Scorpio Venus!!! To clarify this mess: Me: Scorpio Sun @ 20 degrees Scorpio Venus @ 22 degrees Capricorn Mars @ 9 degrees Great Sexual Chemistry (conjunct Mars/Mars): Girl 1: Sagittarius Sun @ 22 degrees Scorpio Venus @ 12 degrees (widely conjunct my Venus) Capricorn Mars @ 1 degree (widely conjunct my Mars) Girl 2: Sagittarius Sun @ 15 degrees Scorpio Venus @ 17 degrees (nicely conjunct my Venus) Capricorn Mars @ 12 degrees (nicely conjunct my Mars) Difficult Sexual Chemistry (squared Mars/Mars): Girl 3: Sagittarius Sun @ 20 degrees Scorpio Venus @ 23 degrees (exactly conjunct my Venus) Aries Mars @ 10 degrees (square my Mars) Girl 4: Sagittarius Sun @ 19 degrees Scorpio Venus @ 5 degrees (out of orb of my Venus) Libra Mars @ 13 degrees (square my Mars) IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 01:14 AM
VirgoMask-Wow, after hearing you, maybe I should give the girl with whom I share Venus Conj Venus and Mars Sq. Mars another chance!?!?! Hmmm.... ... with Venus's urge to harmonize (in a Venus/Venus *Conjunction*) and Mars' urge for conflict (in a Mars/Mars *Square*), maybe you're on to something... ...I wonder... IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted October 30, 2008 01:23 AM
Mars conj Mars - complete unison in sexual style, maybe even breeding contempt because of familiarity. They found their ideal man. Venus conj Venus - complete unison in loving style. You found your ideal women. I wonder if there is a sense of idealism and dreams and living up to them with these aspects? What about the ol' Venus conj Mars? Or do you think they are cross-purposes? IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted October 30, 2008 01:26 AM
Scorpionic...go for it. LOL. I initially thought Mars square Mars would be bad, but after reading all of this, I remember how amazing the whole experience was, it lingers with me for years (after 7 years he's also contacting, as he did 3 years ago...and we were only seeing each other for all of five minutes way back I know I'm not alone on this one LOL). Connections like that don't come along too often I think. ------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 01:32 AM
23-I've never knowingly dated a girl with Capricorn Venus conjunct my Mars. However, I have dated girls with Mars in Scorpio, in conjunction with my Sun, Merc, Venus, Jupiter... and these relationships burned red hot and then suddenly faded into nothing, leaving me with nothing but questions. Sexual chemistry with Scorpio Mars girls was too hot, too fast, and I was left confused. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted October 30, 2008 01:45 AM
23, I don't know - I've had 2 occasions with men where we had Venus conj. Mars, and I swear, it's like it was no big deal. One was a good friend who had a 'thing' for me for years (his Mars in Scorpio to my Venus)...I just wasn't feeling it with him. Now, this was in my early 20's when I wasn't really 'in touch', and while I thought he was a really, really sexy guy (beautiful chart..and we both have Taurus rising) just didn't feel right to me, though there was always a strong attraction. Maybe timing? I don't know. I'll let you know in a couple of months when I see him again though  Another boyfriend I had with his Libra Mars conj my Venus. Meh. I was in love with him, but it was not sexual for some reason. And his Sagittarius sun fell right into my 8th house...I was attracted to him emotionally, mentally, he was a Russel Crowe lookalike. But it just wasn't with us for some reason. And our Plutos were going to town on each other's Venuses too. Yet our Venuses squared....I don't think that was pleasant. It's almost like it canceled out the the whole thing or something  Now, the guy I have the Venus conj Venus and Mars square Mars with ...I just remembered that our Venus and Mars also oppose each other. We're like swimming in these aspects!!! I think you're right on about the Venus-Venus thing, 23, because it feels very idealized when it fits. Mars-Venus is great, I've found, if too much other baggage doesn't get in the way. But it's almost like icing on the cake...without the cake, it's just sweet stuff without a place to put it  IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 01:47 AM
Oh, f*ck. I don't have an "exact" Mars/Mars square with the Aries Mars Saggie girl. It is a little fewer than 2 degrees... pardon me, I'm drunk... Phillies win the World Series... ...I've been celebrating like any proper Philadelphian, but I never checked the Aries Mars girl's chart. Ooops... still, less than 2 degrees for a Square is very valid... ... go Phillies!!!!!!!! IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Houston, Texas Registered: Aug 2008
posted October 30, 2008 01:50 AM
I agree with Pluto to Venus, Mars, or Sun. I was with a man that had venus and mars closely conjunct in Scorpio and he was the lousiest lay I ever had! My girlfriend had the square in taurus leo with jupiter also involved(she was like the town bicycle)and everyone said she was lousy in bed. So it just goes to show you that you can never be too sure.IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 01:59 AM
Scrappy:Haha... I know all about "Taurus and the town bicycle"... the Aries Mars girl I just mentioned... she has her Sun Ruler and Chart Ruler in Taurus... Jupiter in Taurus... and she is known to get around... Its disgusting really, so after a bout of prerequisite sex as she would have it, I decided to avoid her. IP: Logged |
belgz Knowflake Posts: 719 From: sydney Registered: Feb 2007
posted October 30, 2008 02:00 AM
My ex has venus in scorpio and mars in sexy leo.Not only is he sexy and lethal hes the best in bed. Its like when we have sex hes taking my soul with him. Crazy in bed and loves sex. Natally his venus and mars is square exactly. His mars is conjunct my venus and his venus is trine my mars.. I think it really is important the synastry aspects also because you may sleep with someone and find him the best in bed he may be YOUR TYPE but someone else may sleep with him and find him boring and ****
------------------ Sun.. Cancer Moon.. Gemini Mars.. Cancer Mercury.. Cancer Venus.. Leo Ascendant....... Virgo IP: Logged |
Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 02:05 AM
I had a Taurus Sun girl complain once, verbatim, that she was considered the "town bicycle". Scrappydog- That was an excellent choice of words, because "the town bike" was *precisely* the exact same cliche she referred to for describing her own reputation...
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Scorpionic Web Knowflake Posts: 812 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Dec 2005
posted October 30, 2008 02:09 AM
With "Taurus and the town bicycle", the opposition to filthy Scorpio is very clearly deciphered.IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted October 30, 2008 03:05 AM
Heehee. Taurus Town Bicycle oppose Filthy Scorpio...Skateboard ??Not drunk, just sleep-deprived. It's 9 AM here. Why the hell am I still awake?
------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Ranti Knowflake Posts: 91 From: Chiangmai Thailand Registered: Feb 2008
posted October 30, 2008 05:09 AM
house placement too.... Scorpio 5th rules!IP: Logged |
Unmoved Knowflake Posts: 2160 From: Born in S.Africa Registered: Jun 2007
posted October 30, 2008 06:38 AM
I agree with 23 100% on Mars in Capricorn. Mars is also exalted in Cap, isn't it? So, ahem... Yep. *Unmoved then raises her eyebrow in Scorponic Web's direction, then mumbles, "note to self: with all his scorpio influences, DO NOT be alone in one room with that one. Or should I? "* IP: Logged |