Topic: Sun sextile Pluto - your experiences?
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 03:52 PM
whats your experiences with this placement? its ment to be pretty potent for astrology says "love at first site" (although not literal) id love to test this placement using pictures with someone on here  IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:04 PM
lol...I haven't had it be love at first sight, but it was a strong attraction for sure I think the Sun person is very drawn to the Pluto, and someone look up to them. That's what I've experienced anyway...  It's sometimes kind of hard to isolate an aspect entirely though...can't tell when there's a lot of other factors. But Pluto and the Sun are pretty strong together. I've had it in a trine and a conjunction...both were intense. I know it's not a sextile, but a trine is kinda sorta similar, right? ------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:05 PM
Are we doing the picture thing again libralove? LOL!------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:09 PM
to test the aspect? yeh sure, its more fun than arguing!although i doubt there will be enough people to find this aspect with eachother - not enough men, and most people here are taken and have no interest. the rest are either shy or just don't want to put up there photo : ) IP: Logged |
Kick It Knowflake Posts: 1032 From: Leeds Registered: May 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:09 PM
No idea what Sun sextile Pluto has to do with love at first sight, but go ahead with the pictures.IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:12 PM
actually, its also sun conj pluto that counts.heres the full description: remember i said not to take the "love at first site" literal, cafe astrology used it as an expression of the attraction me thinks. anyway: "Positive aspect: It's love-at-first-sight, the great passion: they will be drawn to each other like two magnets, they will always have to see and touch each other. Very good sexual understanding, typically very passionate. It must be said that this type of relationship may not last forever, it may not develop into a quiet and tender love. If they part, it is close to impossible to stay friends because of the constant reminder of the passion that once existed. It's all or nothing with them. If they part, one will suffer when the passion of the other dies, it will be a very difficult time to live through. However, if they stay together, there is strength to gain from each other. " we need to put together some birth dates (times arnt needed for cafe astrology for this!) mines : 20/8/1989 posts urs, if 2 people get the aspect, they most post up pictures, thats the deal?  p.s. kick it, put up ur photo as well, don't prompt others if you don't want to post it ur self :P IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:15 PM
I already put my info up on another thread which YOU started! LOL! Guess I'll just sit this one out and watch  Libralove, you know how to make things more fun  ------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:15 PM
i cba to find that topic, just put ur birthday up and the year, not the chart, come on lolIP: Logged |
Kick It Knowflake Posts: 1032 From: Leeds Registered: May 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:28 PM
I will prompt whoever I like and no pic thanks  IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:32 PM
ok fine LeolovesVirgosLibras 9/14/73 9:05 PM Cairo, Egypt
------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:47 PM
yay, well according to cafe we have those venus & mars - pluto aspects  p.s. it would be loves virgo's if my venus was in virgo, but it shifted into libra by a couple of days when i was born! i have mars in virgo though, so it could have been something else Virgos09 lol p.s. kick it, why not? IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:51 PM
Mwahahahah, libralove!Kick it is going to watch and see what ensues probably, and step in if intrigued enough, I gather  ------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Kick It Knowflake Posts: 1032 From: Leeds Registered: May 2008
posted November 02, 2008 04:52 PM
Its because I say so. Good night!IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 05:05 PM
tbh, i just wanna see another picture of virgo mask, so you can all quit wasting your time.jk lol IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 689 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 05:33 PM
LoL. Libralove, there's a lindaland photo group where you can post your pics (and check out others too)'s the link: enjoy ;D ------------------ "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. " IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 05:38 PM
well you look g00d mvm, but every other photo is filled with "0232me" i don't know who is who!i wanna find kick it, 22, VirgOh, and the people arguin who dreailed my topic lol IP: Logged |
23 Knowflake Posts: 4497 From: Outside, to watch the nightfall in the rain Registered: Aug 2006
posted November 02, 2008 05:40 PM
quote: 22
Hey watch it Leoboy , are you saying I'm one short of a six-pack? And the derailment didn't start with ME  IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 05:42 PM
lol, 23!23! lol come on, it wasnt that bad, it wasnt 26 or something! and oh yes, certainly some crush worthy people in those photo's! IP: Logged |
artemisss Knowflake Posts: 218 From: NY, NY, USA Registered: Feb 2008
posted November 02, 2008 06:51 PM
His Sun (virgo) sextile my Pluto (scorpio) my Sun (sag) semi-square his Pluto (libra). It was definitely love at first sight, for both of us. Then pluto came in march to break it up. Lol. IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 06:55 PM
wow awesome contribution, so this aspect has some back up!IP: Logged |
VirgOh Knowflake Posts: 236 From: JC,NJ,USA Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 06:57 PM
Arte, I dunno why but I feel like Virgo and Sag can definitely work it out if they want to and it is worth it ...My ex love of my life was a Sag, it was Love at first sight, I walked in a pub in Dubai and she was visitng her parents for xmas and boom on and off for 2 years before I followed her to America then we called it quits on the 4th year I still miss her like crazy and always get a lump in my throat when I remember her ... Where are you from? You look gorgeous in that 1st pic  IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 07:01 PM
lol VirgOh, pls post up a picture IP: Logged |
VirgOh Knowflake Posts: 236 From: JC,NJ,USA Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 07:03 PM
NO and <<< sticks tongue at u  IP: Logged |
Libralove09 Knowflake Posts: 560 From: Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 07:05 PM
artemiss wont be able to say your gorgeous back! IP: Logged |
VirgOh Knowflake Posts: 236 From: JC,NJ,USA Registered: Sep 2008
posted November 02, 2008 07:06 PM
She is supposed to say I am handsome not gorgeousPost your pic first lol IP: Logged |