posted February 12, 2020 02:35 PM
Now I am one of the rare guys here who told someone that i wanted kids with her. It went like this : Me "so what do you think the colour of the our first born's eyes will be , my oceanic blue or your chocolatey brown" i said this in such an easy way as well
She "don't talk about that" (kind of snappy)
Me "why? You see deep down i want a little one with you , haha ofcourse not now , but it's my happy dream"
She "I don't want"
Me " Well not noww duh , but do you want later?"
She "I don't wish that"
Me "You know you can hold him or her in your hands and sing to it with your lovely voice and they are cute , plus it's not like we would be poor
because of them , kids are like gold"
She "oh just leave me" (smilingly pushed me a bit )
Me "I wanna know why ?" (why she doesn't want them)
She "because no , you understand?"
Me " well i understand you are still in school , your mum would be mad and you don't have money" "But why not later?" "When we are in a secure place"
She " Lalo (my name) , it doesn't work like that and i see you more like a friend "
Me " nice, me i see you more like my future wife "
After that she was laughing and asked we change the subject 
So aspects between us my 5th house ruler mercury in leo who also rules my 1st house squares her taurus moon ruler of of her 4th and 5th house (tense tense tense , her texting style annoys me sooo much but in person communication is fine)
Her aqua mars ruler of her 1st house which is natally in her 12th house is opposite my leo venus which is in her 6th house but like just the beginning of her 6th so really close to her 5th and could still be giving off some 5th house vibe
my 5th house ruler mercury in leo is - in her 5th house - so talking about kids with her feels just sooo normal and i can so easily think (mercury) of having kids with her
my mars (in libra) opposite her moon in taurus (she is like a 1 degree taurus moon and my libra mars is just at the end so has some scorpio energy there) and in addition to this my mars is in her 7th house , so yes i do view her as someone i would
want to marry and really , really , really want her - to the point of saying pretty much as it is , i like you in the future let's have some kids , i actually only ever said that to her and i feel this aspect along with mercury are to mostly blame
and MY JUPITER (ruler of my 7th) is conjuct her moon (ruler of hr 5th) in taurus which i just feel means we might end up with lots of kids and i am very looking forward to it if that is the case
other aspects that are present and definitely lending a hand
my saturn conjucts her venus (0.06 degrees) : I have not been with anyone since i have taken notice of her so yep i could say i am completely committed to her even tho its not very official yet , but i can be patient
Also my saturn in taurus rules my 8th house and her venus in taurus rules her 2nd and importantly her 7th house , so do i believe she could be my one and only ? yes absolutely , when she becomes a bit more mature that is
We also have compatible moon signs i am capricorn moon and she has a taurus moon , they don't trine tho which is a just too bad but its good enough , both of our moons are in each others 11th house so i figured it
will be friends first and we will just grow together and live a nice life in the future together , and anyways with all her taurus placements mercury , venus and moon in taurus there is no other option but to go slooowwwlyy
Which my capricorn moon and stubborn leo venus totally can do muhahahaaha
And ofcourse there is more haha her pluto trines my venus (2 degrees ) and her pluto rules her 8th - she has pushed me twice to tell her some dirty things on the phone (mars aqua ) to turn her on , was a bit scary at first cause took me by surprise
but i enjoyed it in the end (i guess it might also explain why she said no kids - she is pluto (mrs no kids) and i am venus (ohh kids!!) or idk but thats how i see it lol
And her saturn (in gemini) trines my mars (libra) (1 degree) so you know mars wants to rush a bit (me) saturn wants to take things slow (her) trine = i understand her and can slow down a bit , while also pushing her in a light friendly way
And also we have moon (mine) trine her venus) but its wide at 7 degrees so maybe doesn't even count
And finally to make this even more of a rollercoaster uranus square mercury ( shocking electrifying discussions) , saturn (mine) conjuct mercury (her) , uranus conjuct mars , mars trine uranus , uranus (me) square venus (her)
and neptune (me) square moon (her) , and her uranus trine my sun , her mars trine my ascendent , and my mercury trine her ascendent and sextile her sun
There you go guys the aspects that makes me want to have kids with my lover/friend/girlfriend/possibly future wife , enjoy
As for why i want kids .... hmmm i will say its a few things for me
1. Someone in my family will have to do it (we own a lot of property so that is 1 reason , future inheritance , keep it in the family)
2. I am the oldest sibling so me first ofcourse , who else?
Also my cancer sun love kids and nurturing and leo venus in 4th house means i am destined to live in a big palace , so why be selfish and keep it for myself when i can have a few amazing little ones with me.
And my mars in the 5th natally in libra = persuses (mars) pleasures (5th house) and persuses (mars) having kids (5th house) in libra (legally through marriage or some forms of contract)
my 8th house ruler is saturn - takes sex seriously so i am basically the kind of person who takes sex seriously
The type who would say " we have sex then we keep the baby "
I take a serious responsible look at it - i will only do it when i am sure that there is no risk of abortion , something my emotional cancer sun (in the 1st house (big ego can't argue with mwy sun haha)) would absolutely not do and will avoid doing - it
would be a betrayal if the one i did it with butchered the baby and i would suffer some very dark days in deep depression if it happened to me.
So personally and i don't need that in my life and my saturn only likes the serious stuff
and my moon trines my saturn so i feel at peace with my strict self. It also gives a sense of control of your emotions the saturn trine moon
Kind regards