Topic: Two Grand Trines!
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted November 21, 2008 09:43 PM
oneruledbymars"is there an embarrassed smiley?" do l need it right now?  i love your mercury! lol IP: Logged |
LadyNeptune Knowflake Posts: 419 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted November 21, 2008 09:48 PM
quote: This was hilarious! I am like rolling. You all just ripped those lil charts up! You guys are like Grand Trine my ass!*two snaps in a circle* lol
LMAO! You're really funny. IP: Logged |
oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 232 From: South Carolina, USA Registered: Apr 2008
posted November 21, 2008 09:48 PM
No you don't need to be embarrassed at all. Thats some funny stuff man, but you know how us Aries love bluntness! Even all that water couldn't wash that out of my sun. And glad you like it. I aim to please you know! *wink* ------------------ Scorpio Rising Moon in Sag Aries Sun IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted November 21, 2008 09:51 PM
LOL!Good cos my mars just can't hack being rejected - especially by one of it's kind! Where's your mercury, 1ruledbytheultimateruler?
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 21, 2008 09:53 PM
a grand trine is a geometrical aspect pattern of 3 points all in a 120 degree angle to each other. 3 x 120 degrees = 360 degrees, circlean exact grand trine would have 3 corresponding opposition midpoint pictures for example, Sun-Jupiter-Saturn Grand trine would have corresponding opposition midpoint pictures of Sun = Jupiter/Saturn Jupiter = Sun/Saturn Saturn = Sun/Jupiter that's why an exact Grand Trine is so powerful. Also...has hard aspects in the midpoints configurations that gives it a great push to get them going as well as event-oriented. Cosmobiologists,Uranian Astrologers believe that conjunctions,oppositions,squares,semisquares,sesquiquadrates are event oriented. in your case
Sun in 7'43 Scorpio Jupiter/Saturn midpoint in 5'52 Scorpio (this is over 1 1/2 degree orb,and so it's too wide..some use no more than 1 degree orb too..because 1 degree orb is used for progressions and solar arcs which are used to time events..also cosmobiologists,uranian astrologers use 1 degree orb for transits for timing events) Jupiter in 1'05 Cancer Sun/Saturn midpoint in 9'11 Capricorn (way too wide to be a midpoint picture) Saturn in 10'39 Pisces Sun/Jupiter in 4'24 Virgo (way too wide to be a midpoint picture) therefore you have no midpoint pictures which suggest that it is a very weak grand trine which is exactly a good thing for midpoint oppositions involving Saturn can indicate difficulty. I know somebody that has a grand trine with close orbs,and so she midpoint oppositions involving Saturn, and she has had a lot of difficulty in her life including depression and health problems. so from a geometrical standpoint, you don't have a grand time. That's what the geometrically oriented astrologers including especially cosmobiologists,uranian astrologers,and magi astrologers would say. but regular astrologers would say that you do have a grand trine because all 3 planets in the same element and the orbs of the aspects in the grand trine are within the orbs that regular astrologers use which are much wider than geometrically oriented astrologers use any way(they don't focus on zodiac signs/elements either). It would indicate ease and harmony but it wouldn't have a lot of push like a grand trine with a much tighter orb has with its corresponding opposition midpoint pictures and it wouldn't be event-oriented. so I won't say that you don't have a Grand Trine. You definitely do from a Regular Astrology standpoint...especially when all 3 planets are in the same element within in the traditional orbs that astrologers use.
but geometrical astrologers would say that it's not a grand trine because the orbs are too wide with a correlation of no midpoint pictures. btw....I am trying not to push my beliefs nor tell people that they don't have because it's all relative. After all,there are many astrological systems,methods. I try to stay away from the Eris trap of "you're right and I am wrong" That's why I didn't deny you have a grand trine.
I was only pointing out the geometry behind the grand trine. Raymond
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missneptune Knowflake Posts: 241 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted November 21, 2008 10:01 PM
Does anyone have an example of a grand trine, it seems like there is a bit a mix up going on  ------------------ Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant - Sagittarius IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 21, 2008 10:26 PM
another thingfrom a harmonic standpoint An exact grand trine would be appear as a very close conjunction of 3 planets in a 3rd harmonic chart. If a person thinks that a person has a grand trine. The way to see if it has any power is to see if the 3 planets are conjunct within 10 degrees in the 3rd harmonic chart...some astrologers say 12 degrees. also the trine within 1 degree is also a trinovile which is a 9th harmonic aspect. 1/3 of a circle is also 3/9 of a circle so an exact grand trine would also be a close 9th harmonic triangle. in the 9th harmonic chart, the planets would be in a close conjunction also an exact grand trine would appear as conjunctions in many harmonic charts based on 3 ..6th harmonic,9th harmonic,12th harmonic,15th harmonic,18th harmonic,21st harmonic,24th harmonic,27th harmonic,30th harmonic, and so on,
in your case
in the 3rd harmonic chart: Jupiter in 3'16 Capricorn Sun in 23'09 Capricorn (orbs are way too this suggests that the Sun trine Jupiter in 1st harmonic chart(the regular chart) is very weak Saturn in 1'57 Aquarius (the orb is close enough for a conjunction to Sun,and so the Sun trine Saturn is moderate in strength,but the orb is way too wide for a conjunction to Jupiter which suggests that the Jupiter trine Saturn in 1st harmonic chart(the regular chart) is too weak. Raymond
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scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Houston, Texas Registered: Aug 2008
posted November 21, 2008 11:05 PM
Ok, I have a pretty close earth grand trine and it's connected to my Asc. Moon 10 deg Capricorn; Venus 12 deg Virgo; Asc. 13 deg Taurus conjunct Chiron 16 deg Taurus. I have been pampered and taken care of my whole life to the point it has almost crippled me. My father is rich and I never had to work for anything, everything material(earth)has just fallen into my lap my entire life, now I am dependant on men to take care of me instead of learning to take care of myself. I always saw this configuration as a wolf in sheeps clothing-like a beneficial curse almost if that makes sense. I think it has hurt my character and my life more than helped. When my father dies where will I be then??IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 56 From: Houston, Texas Registered: Aug 2008
posted November 21, 2008 11:22 PM
What would be the best way to overcome this lazy, selfindulgent aspect? I am VERY pleasure seeking and when younger I was a criminal, I won't go into much detail, but when something actually did not fall into my lap I would rather steal to obtain it than work. I never had to work for anything so I never learned how. I always wanted instant gratification because that was what I was used to.IP: Logged |
CoralFrequency Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted November 21, 2008 11:32 PM
quote: Does anyone have an example of a grand trine, it seems like there is a bit a mix up going on
It's actually very simple. Introducing the FIRE grand trine: Aries - Leo - Sag The WATER grand trine: Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces The EARTH grand trine: Capricorn - Taurus - Virgo And.. The AIR grand trine: Libra - Aquarius - Gemini Basically if you have a planet in each sign of the same element, at the right degrees - you have a grand trine. Sun at 10' Leo, Moon at 10' Aries and Saturn at 10' Sagittarius.. would form an *exact* grand trine in fire. On the first page, in Scorp31's chart - there is a grand trine between - Jupiter in Cancer, Sun in Scorpio and Saturn in Pisces. That's what it looks like. A blue triangle. The only problem is the aspects are not very close in Scorp's chart. That's why a couple of people were saying it's not a grand trine. It depends on the orb you use. I would personally count it as a grand trine. IP: Logged |
CoralFrequency Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted November 21, 2008 11:43 PM
This is a Grand Trine between: Uranus at 4' Aquarius Moon at 11' Gemini Mars at 4' Libra Again the orb isn't very close. It would be a "perfect" grand trine if the Moon was at 4' Gemini. :edit: Actually Miss Neptune, you could almost have a grand trine if you count aspects to your Ascendant. Asc Sagittarius 14' - Sun Leo 8' - Mars Aries 6'. Even though the degrees are off, you are probably a highly creative person, since all three fire signs are present + the watery Piscean Moon. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 22, 2008 12:04 AM
"This is a Grand Trine between:Uranus at 4' Aquarius Moon at 11' Gemini Mars at 4' Libra" Moon/Uranus midpoint in 7'30 Aries not even close to being opposition to Mars in 4'00 Libra
Mars/Uranus midpoint in 4'00 Sagittarius not even close to being in opposition to Moon in 11'00 Gemini Moon/Mars midpoint in 7'30 Leo not even close to being in opposition to Uranus in 4'00 Aquarius This grand trine has no corresponding opposition midpoint pictures, and so it suggests that it's a weak grand trine from a planetary geometrical not an event-oriented configuration in regular Astrology, it's a grand trine because all 3 planets are in the same element and all aspects are within the orbs that regular astrologers use. It's a configuration of ease and harmony without the push that a much closer orbed grand trine would have with its corresponding midpoint oppositions. Raymond
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belgz Knowflake Posts: 719 From: sydney Registered: Feb 2007
posted November 22, 2008 12:25 AM
LOL this was a funny thread, but i wanted to add its still very good to have the same element as well so its still very positive they are all still in harmony just not as strong.------------------ Sun.. Cancer Moon.. Gemini Mars.. Cancer Mercury.. Cancer Venus.. Leo Ascendant....... Virgo IP: Logged |
katatonic Knowflake Posts: 501 From: ca, usa Registered: Jan 2008
posted November 22, 2008 12:44 AM
well i am with the more "liberal" camp here. while i can see how EXACT aspects are crucial, there is room for leeway especially when three or more planets are involved. my daughter has 2 grand trines in fire (largest orb is 8 in one of them) and her father has one in earth (largest orb 2 degs). while i understand the problems that CAN occur with the tremendous flow of energy involved, and agree that UNCHALLENGED grand trines or excesses of trines can be EVIL in manifestation it is due to lack of checks and balances - my daughter also has a tsquare of moon square venus on one end and pluto/saturn on the other. the orbs are 3 dgres tops. her father has a slightly wider t-square also with the moon, venus and HARD angles would appear to be the saving grace where trines are abundant. they give focus and tension to a chart that would otherwise probably indicate a lot of wasted talent and luck...maybe because venus is involved in their t-squares they have certainly never had everything laid out for them however with a bit of work they have been very successful at attaining their goals. both these people have had a lot of luck, mind you, people are generous to them almost as a matter of course, and they are MULTI-talented. but the tsquares seem to push them to make stupid decisions which they then have to work REALLY hard to counteract. the result, in her father, is that despite crashing and burning a couple of times on the way he has built a hugely successful business and though still at it is now enjoying his other (many) talents and interests daughter is still struggling with her fiery temperament (7 planets and ascendant in fire) but WHEN SHE SETS HER MIND to something, it gets done! and not by luck, by sheer will power! so miss neptune, though you are not technically the grand trine PERFECT EXAMPLE, there is plenty of trine energy going on in your chart. and yes, creativity is a major asset from these. i personally think the water one especially IS a grand trine. and the venus saturn opposition will probably ground you good!! excuse my english! IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 22, 2008 12:46 AM
here is an example of a close orbed grand trine EARTH GRAND TRINE OF VENUS,SATURN,AND PLUTO as you see, it's very symmetrical you can easily see each planet opposing the midpoints Venus/Saturn in 1'18 Cancer Pluto in 0'56 Capricorn is in opposition to it PLUTO = VENUS/SATURN
Saturn/Pluto in 1'18 Scorpio Venus in 0'55 Taurus is in opposition to it VENUS = SATURN/PLUTO
Venus/Pluto in 0'56 Pisces Saturn in 1'40 Virgo is in opposition to it SATURN = VENUS/PLUTO
So with 3 midpoint configurations that involve oppositions, this grand trine has great push and is very event oriented
many cosmobiologists and uranian astrologers wouldn't be crazy about 3 midpoint configurations involving Saturn...especially in medical astrology but is a powerful configuration. astrologers that study the centaurs believe that Saturn/Pluto midpoint is Nessus-sensitive. That is that Saturn/Pluto has Nessus like energy. Nessus was the centaur who used his blood to poison Heracles out of revenge for mortally wounding him with a poisoned arrow. Nessus seems to be about "bad blood" which can be figuratively or literally. Nessus was the first heavenly body that astrologers recommended a name to astronomers and got accepted. Raymond
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oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 232 From: South Carolina, USA Registered: Apr 2008
posted November 22, 2008 03:07 AM
Hey Lara, My Mercury is in Pisces.  Ahhh the detriment of it all! lol
------------------ Scorpio Rising Moon in Sag Aries Sun IP: Logged |
CoralFrequency Knowflake Posts: 1432 From: Registered: Feb 2007
posted November 22, 2008 03:58 AM
Thanks Raymond, but what did you mean by "event-oriented configuration"? It's actually the chart of a girl. Or were you saying, *if* it were an event?OneruledbyMars, I'm an Aries with Pisces Mercury also. I love it lol I love my detriment-ed (demented? lol) Mercury. The intuitive streak works for me  IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2761 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 22, 2008 04:14 AM
"Thanks Raymond, but what did you mean by "event-oriented configuration"? It's actually the chart of a girl. Or were you saying, *if* it were an event? "I am confused. what chart is actually the chart of a girl? The chart that I was referring to was the Venus-Saturn-Pluto grand trine. in Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology, the aspects that are said to indicate events are the conjunction,opposition,square,semisquare,andsesquiquadrate. Those are referred to as event-oriented aspects. They don't view trine and sextile as aspects indicating events. They see those as psychologically oriented.
As you see, they don't see hard aspects as challenging. Only the conjunction,opposition,square,semisquare,and sesquiquadrate are used with midpoints.
The close orbed grand trine has 3 opposition midpoint configurations. that's why I referred to it as an event-oriented. That would indicate that events in a person's life that would likely occur that fit in with the nature of the planets that are in the close orbed grand trine with corresponding midpoint configurations when triggered by a transit.
If a grand trine was wide and had no corresponding midpoints, then it wouldn't be event-oriented. that means,that the grand trine wouldn't indicate an event
This is coming from a Cosmobiology and Uranian Astrology standpoint. Those are event-oriented systems as well as based on mainly geometry and so a heavy focus on midpoints and close orbed aspects.
so it's very different from regular astrology Raymond
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oneruledbymars Knowflake Posts: 232 From: South Carolina, USA Registered: Apr 2008
posted November 22, 2008 09:28 AM
CoralFrequency- Sweet! Its interesting right, because it really does tone done the brashness of the Aries Sun. But you still think all of those things, you just don't say them as often as other Aries Sun do, so its hilarious to me when someone says something thats the truth but not neccesarily "nice" so to speak! lol Because I usually understand where they are coming from, and not just what they are saying. Yes the intuition, is nothing short of amazing. And I thinks its a life long journey, things seem to pour into your mind from every angle.Emotions, thoughts , ideas, creativity, but the your right the most powerful is your intuition and the dementia. LOL! Have you learned to put up boundaries yet CF? ------------------ Scorpio Rising Moon in Sag Aries Sun IP: Logged |
Scorp31 Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jun 2008
posted November 22, 2008 12:38 PM
GlaucusThank you so much for your detailed and interesting explanation, I was able to gleen quite a bit of info from your post. IP: Logged |
marsconjunctmercury Knowflake Posts: 956 From: Isle of Wight U.K Registered: Dec 2005
posted November 22, 2008 01:12 PM
I have a grand trine in Fire. Alll at 20 degrees. Although it involves the Moon Venus, and Chiron - so is that a proper one?
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LadyNeptune Knowflake Posts: 419 From: Registered: Dec 2007
posted November 22, 2008 01:25 PM
Mars: some would count it as one, some wouldn't. It depends on the views of the person viewing it. I count it, but not as strongly as a regular planet trine. I have a grand trine right now in my progressed chart. It's orbs are exact. I just got it. It's moon, pluto, and venus, all in earth. Wonder what it means? IP: Logged |
Scorp31 Knowflake Posts: 116 From: Registered: Jun 2008
posted November 22, 2008 01:37 PM
Not sure why astro made those 3 into a GT.  Lara I'm not to sure either tho every chart that I have ever had run shows the water Grand Trine. It's lke Glaucus said in an earlier post "there are many astrological systems,methods". IP: Logged |
Lara Knowflake Posts: 3274 From: London Registered: Mar 2006
posted November 22, 2008 02:30 PM
I have a beautiful grand trine in synastry with my love.his jupiter 3' virgo my sun 5' taurus his venus 5' capricorn *sigh* IP: Logged |
missneptune Knowflake Posts: 241 From: Portland, OR, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted November 22, 2008 03:00 PM
I feel like there is some competitiveness going on with "grand trines" regardless or not, I'm still a highly creative person, thanks to being surrounded by other creative individuals that inspired me to be creative. I know a lot of guitarists (it runs in my family). But I'm the only one that plays the drums instead of the guitar. Somebody said I had two bi-sextiles configurations in my chart, I'm not sure what they imply but I have one in all Fire, and another in all Water. ------------------ Sun - Leo Moon - Pisces Ascendant - Sagittarius IP: Logged |