  Two Grand Trines! (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   Two Grand Trines!

Posts: 866
From: Richmond, VA USA
Registered: Dec 2007

posted November 22, 2008 03:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for amowls     Edit/Delete Message
I have a loose air grand trine with

Sun 19 Aqua
Moon 23 Libra
ASC 27 Gemini

I also have a tighter air grand trine with:
Mercury 24 Aqua
Moon 23 Libra
Chiron 23 Gemini

My life has been easy and never difficult. So easy in fact I think it's been pretty boring. I'm super lazy, too.

Thankfully I have a mutable t-square with Venus at the apex:
Venus 29 Pisces
Saturn/Uranus 29 Sagittarius
ASC 27 Gemini

The t-square really pushes me to resolve my love life, I feel.

Missneptune, I don't see any grand trines in your chart, but you do have a Yod between your Neptune, Moon and Sun/Mercury. I'd look into that.

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Posts: 3274
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posted November 22, 2008 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message
Missneptune, I don't see any grand trines in your chart, but you do have a Yod between your Neptune, Moon and Sun/Mercury. I'd look into that.

Hallelujiah! Finally someone else pointed out the yod... l was beginning to think my observation was lost in space

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Posts: 232
From: South Carolina, USA
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posted November 22, 2008 09:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for oneruledbymars     Edit/Delete Message
I think those orbs are too wide Lara!

*three snaps in a triangle (or a yod, whichever you prefer)*


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Posts: 2761
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posted November 22, 2008 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
actually I did notice the yod, but the orbs on that yod are wide too

as you know a yod is when 2 points are in sextile and a point is quincunx them with the lines drawn into be an isosceles triangle

but the orb of 3rd point from the midpoint of the 2 points in sextile is too wide

in a close-orbed yod, the focal point of the yod is in opposition to the midpoint of the 2 other points.

so from a geometrical standpoint,it's not a yod even though it may be one in regular astrology

her Sun quincunx Neptune as well as her Moon in Pisces are very sensitive,inspirational,imaginative and those can be good for creativity...especially her Sun-Mercury conjunction in Leo which is the sign associated with creativity,self expression associated with the 5th house.

also her Neptune is square her Mars-Midheaven opposition,and that's a highly sensitive,imaginative,creative configuration

Her Sun sextile Midheaven can be good for creativity,self expression.

The Moon in Pisces trine Chiron can be creative too,especially when tapping into spiritual,holistic consciousness

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Posts: 3274
From: London
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posted November 22, 2008 10:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message
[quote]I think those orbs are too wide Lara!
*two snaps in a triangle*



hehe yeah, 2 degrees just doesn't cut it does it... that 'loose' grand trine is ruining my martian astrological street cred

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Posts: 241
From: Portland, OR, USA
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posted November 23, 2008 04:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for missneptune     Edit/Delete Message
"A Yod occurs when two planets in sextile (60° apart) and both form an inconjunct (a 150° angle) with a third planet. The third planet in the inconjunct represents the action point of the Yod; the mid point between the other two planets is the reaction point.This is also referred to as the Finger of God or the Finger of Fate and is an uncommon configuration.The configuration is usually troublesome and difficult to handle during childhood but can develop into an ingenious force in later period. This configuration is often foudn in the charts of spritual persons of repute".

I have a Yod in my chart, after reading about it. My sextile to Neptune and my moon has a orb of 3 degrees and 50, which is a tad larger over three degrees. I really am intrigued about all these configurations, because I've never really understood them, obviously with mislabeling my post as having two grand trines!

Sun - Leo
Moon - Pisces
Ascendant - Sagittarius

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posted November 23, 2008 01:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
question - what is REGULAR astrology??

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Posts: 2761
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posted November 23, 2008 01:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
I was referring to the Mainstream Western Astrology w/ the use of the tropical zodiac and houses

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posted November 23, 2008 02:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scorp31     Edit/Delete Message

Maybe this should be another thread but… you have mentioned geometrical astrology a few times and pointed out a couple of differences between geometrical astrology and western astrology.

Do you favor one over the other if so why, or do you subscribe to some of the philosophies of geometrical astrology and use them along with western astrology? Just curious.

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posted November 23, 2008 03:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for enchantress299     Edit/Delete Message
An exact grand trine would be appear as a very close conjunction of 3 planets in a 3rd harmonic chart.

If a person thinks that a person has a grand trine. The way to see if it has any power is to see if the 3 planets are conjunct within 10 degrees in the 3rd harmonic chart...some astrologers say 12 degrees.

Really? I didn't know that. I went to go check out my grand trine in the 3rd harmonic chart... In the 3rd harmonic, I've got Uranus at 15 Aries, the Moon at 23 Aries, and Mars at 25 Aries... So that's all within 10 degrees of each other. Does that mean that my grand trine does have power then?

In my traditional chart, those grand trine planets are all within 3 degrees of each other.

Virgo Sun/Aries Moon/Scorpio Rising

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Posts: 2761
From: Sacramento,California,USA
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posted November 23, 2008 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
"Do you favor one over the other if so why, or do you subscribe to some of the philosophies of geometrical astrology and use them along with western astrology? Just curious"

I actually I am a regular Astrologer for years, but I am very interested in geometry in Astrology. That's what aspects that mainstream astrologers use. They are geometrical, based on divisions of the 360 degrees of a circle. Grand Trines,T-Squares,Grand Crosses,and all other aspect patterns are geometrical figures. Modern Astrology tends to be more geometrically based than Astrology in the old days and Vedic Astrology. Ptolemy used aspects by sign and not by geometrical angle. Vedic Astrologers do that. I think Classical and Hellenic Astrologers do that as well.

I was stressing that even more Geometrically based systems, Cosmobiology,Uranian Astrology,and even Magi Astrology use much tighter orbs than Regular Astrology because they are mainly focused on Geometry and so they look for actual aspect patterns within orbs of 3 degrees and no more than 4 degrees on one side. They also focus extensively on midpoint pictures.

Midpoint pictures actually have corresponding harmonic triangles, but not all harmonic triangles are easily seen in the chart. For example...My Pluto squares Sun/Mars midpoint with 14 minutes of arc, but I discovered that based on Golden Section Aspects devised by Theodor Landscheidt, I have a Golden Section Aspect Triangle of Sun,Mars,and Pluto. All aspects in that triangle are within 1 degree too. I think that 1 degree orb was the orb that Landscheidt used for golden section aspects. I found out that there are Golden Section Aspect Triangles(3 points in golden section aspect to each other) and that they have corresponding midpoint pictures. So that's an example of how midpoint pictures can correspond with a harmonic triangle that is not easily seen in a chart.

an example of
a geometrical configuration easily seen in a chart that is within 3 degree orbs and 1 side within 4 degree orbs is my my t-square for example

Saturn in 5'08 Gemini oppose Neptune in 1'48 Sagittarius - orb of 3'19

Moon in 3'10 Pisces square Saturn - orb of 1'56

Moon square Neptune - orb of 1'22

so I have Moon oppose Saturn/Neptune midpoint in 3'28 Virgo with 17 minutes of arc due to the closeness of my t-square.

I also want to reiterate that there is a lot of diversity in Astrology, and I am not into the negative Erisian thinking of "You're Right,and I am Wrong" in regards to Astrology. I have a "to each,his/her own approach" which is how I approach life in general...especially when it comes to religion. My beliefs fit with New Age,Neopaganism,and Unitarian Universalism. I am not aligned with any creed. I try not to pin myself down when it comes to ideologies.

So I am open to many Astrological systems,and I try to learn from them. I don't have a belief that any of them are better than the other.

That's why I didn't deny that you have a grand trine. You do have a grand trine in regular astrolOgy which tends to use much wider orbs than more geometrically based astrologer,Cosmobiologists,Uranian Astrologers,and Magi Astrologers do.

I do regular Astrology readings,and so I would say that you do have a grand trine, but I would also point out that the grand trine is not a strong one due to no midpoint configurations. That's not necessarily a bad thing nor a good thing.

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Posts: 116
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posted November 23, 2008 03:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Scorp31     Edit/Delete Message

Thanks for the reply btw it is your expansive knowledge of astrology is what was behind my question. I like you believe in what ever works for an individuals belief system is what the person should go with.

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Posts: 1052
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posted November 26, 2008 12:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat     Edit/Delete Message
thanks for the laugh I kept looking at the chart and wondering what! Then I read the rest of the replies. very funny

For years I kept wondering why am I supposed to be so lazy having agrand trine when I know I'm a work horse. Then after about ten years yes that long - I realized I have a grand kite.

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Posts: 11
From: dallas,tx,usa
Registered: Oct 2008

posted November 26, 2008 12:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sonah22     Edit/Delete Message
"People with grand trines in their chart are considered by astrologers to have most of their emotional, mental, physical, and familial needs met early in life and as a result expect that this provision of resources, acquired without any effort on their part, will continue indefinitely. These individuals are then thought to grow into adults expecting special treatment, seldom feeling driven to work for that which they desire. As a result of this, they may fail to develop the social and intellectual skills necessary to get on in life."

Hahaha- not true for me at all. I have a fire trine, and I'm more spoiled in that I feel like I can deal with anything, not that anything bad wouldn't happen to me.

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Posts: 220
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posted November 26, 2008 05:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nightjar     Edit/Delete Message
This should be re-named the "no grand trines" thread!! allow super wide 10 degree orbs for some reason. 9-10 degree orb, especially between two outer planets is way too wide in my opinion. It could be considered a loose trine if it involved either Sun or Moon (or both), but with Jupiter and Saturn it's not close enough.

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Posts: 241
From: Portland, OR, USA
Registered: Feb 2006

posted November 26, 2008 05:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for missneptune     Edit/Delete Message
I found this really good astrology software called kairon, it rocks for looking just at only trines in the chart, etc...
Astro. com does use really wide orbs, and I don't really like the fact that they use the placidus house system as default. I definitely have a yod in my chart, and the houses included are the 1st, 3rd, and 8th. Those houses are really prominent in my chart, I have two aspects between venus and the midponts are in the 3rd house in pisces.

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