Topic: What transits cause the death of a Father?
savanna20 Knowflake Posts: 388 From: Malibu, CA Registered: Sep 2008
posted December 11, 2008 03:38 PM
A good friend of mine gave me sad news this morning that his father of 82 years old passed away from health problems last night. What causes that? I was looking at Saturn in the 6th that it? If not, what else? IP: Logged |
evander Knowflake Posts: 210 From: east of eu Registered: Apr 2008
posted December 11, 2008 03:46 PM
in my case saturn squaring sun and uranus squaring it at the same time. but thats just what initiated the final breath the cancer had other indicators in my opinion. ------------------ sag sun, cap moon,sag mercury, aries mars, scorpio venus IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2918 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted December 11, 2008 03:57 PM
Transiting Saturn in Virgo in 6th conjunct Pluto in Virgo,trine Sun could indicate it. may I take a look at his chart? I suspect strong kuiper belt activity was involving and not just the kuiper belt object,Pluto. I am going to check my mom's transits when her father committed suicide and see what could be indicators for her father's death.
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Deliverance Knowflake Posts: 475 From: Bolloxville, Nutbush Registered: Mar 2005
posted December 11, 2008 04:02 PM
Savanna,Im sorry to hear about your friends loss. I think Tr Jupiter conjunct Capricorn Sun is an transit that could point to the passing. Jupiter - Expansion/freedom of soul from body, Sun in Capricorn - Soul/Life or father If this is your friends chart - Sun in Capricorn can also represent the father Transiting Jupiter is prominent in a lot of death charts IP: Logged |
savanna20 Knowflake Posts: 388 From: Malibu, CA Registered: Sep 2008
posted December 11, 2008 04:36 PM
Yes, this is my friend's chart. I have no info on his father.Glaucus-go ahead. This is my friend's chart that is posted. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2918 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted December 11, 2008 04:39 PM
I need the birthdata so I can look at his chart on Solar Fire.IP: Logged |
savanna20 Knowflake Posts: 388 From: Malibu, CA Registered: Sep 2008
posted December 11, 2008 04:51 PM
Oh...right!  Jan 14 1968 born at 10 am in L.A., CA IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2918 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted December 11, 2008 05:53 PM
I looked at the transits the way that Cosmobiologists and Uranian Astrologers do. I looked for any activations in regards to Mars/Saturn midpoint which is known as the death axis using only the 45 degree series aspects (conjunction,opposition,square,semisquare,and sesquiquadrate) which are the event-oriented aspects. using 1 degree orb for only applying aspects.
His Secondary Progressed Venus is semisquare his Mars/Saturn midpoint and Venus/Midheaven midpoint. That combination can indicate a possible event about the death(Mars/Saturn) of a loved one(Venus,Venus/Midheaven)
and that secondary progressed midpoint picture is activated by transit from: Transiting Sun - the planet that is related to the father conjuncting his Venus/Midheaven midpoint,squaring his Mars/Saturn midpoint Transiting Venus - the planet that is relate to love (not necessarily romantic, but can be about what one values) semisquaring his Venus/Midheaven and Mars/Saturn midpoints Transiting Saturn/Uranus midpoint - has to do with separation,tension. conjuncting his Venus/Midheaven midpoint,squaring Mars/Saturn midpoint Transiting Mars/Saturn midpoint - midpoint known as the death axis sesquiquadrate his Mars/Saturn midpoint,semisquaring his Venus/Midheaven midpoint therefore it's the midpoint picture of TR Sun = Venus = Mars/Saturn = Saturn/Uranus = SP Venus = Natal Venus/Midheaven = Mars/Saturn these are the type of midpoint pictures that cosmobiologists would look for in events involving death. Secondary progressed to natal, and Solar Arc to Natal indicate a certain events but only when activated by a transit.
That's definitely what happened in his case with both transiting and natal Mars/Saturn midpoints involved with their aspecting each other. I am really preferring Cosmobiology more and more when it comes to looking at transits,events. I have been looking at a lot of transits the Cosmobiological way now. Raymond
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jcweimpw Knowflake Posts: 8 From: Pinckney, MI 48169 Registered: Jul 2007
posted December 11, 2008 06:17 PM
If you are interested you can look at my birthchart (and several of my siblings) to see what transits might indicate death of a father. My father died on October 11, 2008 at 12:20 p.m. at home (Pinckney, MI) His birthdate was 1/24/25 time unknown, River Rouge, MI. My birthdate is 11/16/54 6:26 a.m. Detroit, MI. I also have birthdates and times for three of my sisters.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2918 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted December 11, 2008 06:34 PM
I also looked at Pluto's fellow Kuiper belt objects that could relate to death,transformation because they orbit beyond Neptune like Pluto. Transiting Ixion is conjuncting his Venus with 1'05 applying, and that could indicate death of a loved one.
Transiting Quaoar is semisquare his Mercury with 27 minutes of arc,and that can indicate spiritual thinking that can be connected to death. Mercury rules his 4th house can relate to family. Transiting Varuna is semisquare his Jupiter with 17 minutes applying,and that could indicate possible transformation of belief systems. Jupiter rules his Midheaven,and that can be very important transit. It could relate to family with 10th house being associated with the father. Transiting Makemake is square his Midheaven with 19 minutes separating and opposing his Chiron with 13 minutes applying, and that can indicate death causing pain in his life. Transiting Deucalion semisquare his Pluto with 26 minutes applying and sesquiquadrate his Ascendant with 1 minute applying can indicate personal transformation. Raymond IP: Logged |
savanna20 Knowflake Posts: 388 From: Malibu, CA Registered: Sep 2008
posted December 11, 2008 06:54 PM
Thank you for the info-it was very insightful!  IP: Logged |
triplepisces Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Registered: May 2008
posted December 11, 2008 07:09 PM
@savanna20: I'm sorry to hear about your friend's loss I casted a solar return chart (outside wheel) to see if there is connection between 8th house, 4th house, Saturn, ruler of 8th house, 4th and planets in those. The axis AC/DC, MC/IC of natal and SR chart and where they fall into are also important. IP: Logged |
triplepisces Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Registered: May 2008
posted December 11, 2008 07:16 PM
Solar Return Mars conjunct 8th house cusp oppose SR Pluto. Both also conjunct her natal IC so her natal IC oppose SR Pluto as well.SR AC (the center of the year) lies in the natal 8th house conjuncts Neptune and oppose DC. Normally when I see planets conjunct or oppose DC indicates a significant relationship either appear or dissolve.... IP: Logged |
triplepisces Knowflake Posts: 145 From: Registered: May 2008
posted December 11, 2008 07:19 PM
@jcweimpw: i'm sorry to hear about your loss too.. IP: Logged |
CrabbyFish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: Stranger In A Strange Land (Eugene, OR) Registered: Jan 2007
posted December 11, 2008 07:24 PM
Pluto transiting the 10th house? Isnt that the house of the Father (among other things)IP: Logged |
CrabbyFish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: Stranger In A Strange Land (Eugene, OR) Registered: Jan 2007
posted December 11, 2008 07:25 PM
Perhaps a breakdownb and transformation of that area of his life. N I see the SUN and Mars will be entering it after Pluto leaves. That seems healing to me.IP: Logged |
good girl Knowflake Posts: 89 From: ohio Registered: Nov 2008
posted December 11, 2008 08:08 PM
I think astrology is best when kept simple. And to me pluto the ruler of the 8th (death) changing sign (to capricorn; father) in the 10th (father)... a classic.When you add to that saturn (father) is 1 degee to conj. the desc..... And mercury ruler of the 4th (family) conj. Mc... I'm sorry to hear about your loss, your friends loss. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2918 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted December 11, 2008 08:39 PM
I really don't believe transiting Pluto in the 10th house has anything to do with father's death. I have transiting Pluto in my 4th house for years,and my mom is still alive. I hope that she stays that way too. I would look for transits involving Pluto hitting a planet, especially a personal planet. I also believe that with Pluto being one of many kuiper belt objects,it doesn't have sole rulership of death. I think that whole kuiper belt region can be associated with death....especially the plutinos which orbit like Pluto. That's why I even looked at Pluto's fellow kuiper belt objects I do believe that Pluto's unique as the psychoanalyst,shaman,guide of the subterranean depths whether it's the unconscious mind,the other side I also wonder why western astrologers came up with Saturn as the father. I also wonder if that's the case, then what about people that have Sun-Saturn aspects as well as Moon-Saturn aspects. I have Sun quincunx Saturn and Moon square Saturn. there are so many things that I question in mainstream Astrology. I also wonder why use tropical zodiacs for Australians and New Zealanders that are born in Southern Hemisphere when tropical zodiac is a Northern Hemisphere season based zodiac. I don't even bother using tropical zodiac in Astrology with those people. That's when I'd focus a lot more on the planetary geometry.
the Mars/Saturn midpoint is very interesting. I definitely explore that more in deaths. I also would check out Saturn/Neptune midpoint in regards to health problems. Raymond IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 853 From: processing destination...... Registered: Sep 2008
posted December 11, 2008 09:10 PM
I think Saturn's sometimes associated with the father because of the planet's 'authoritarian' vibe. Limitations, discipline, etc...daddy stuff, in a very conventional way. Sorry to hear about your friend's father's death, condolences IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 2918 From: Sacramento,California,USA Registered: Jul 2006
posted December 11, 2008 10:48 PM
My Sun quincunx Saturn with 12 minutes of arc. My Moon square Saturn with 1'56 orb. Saturn is in a mystic triangle with my Sun trine Moon.Both my stepfather and mother were strict with me,and I experienced them as very serious as well as conservative. They were very restricting,controlling,authoritarian. Therefore,I had high Saturnian upbringing by my parents. I never knew my father. He was out of the lives of my mother and me when I was a year old. He was pretty much a mystery to me for he was unknown, and that fits with my Sun in Scorpio if using Sun as the father. My Sun is conjunct the kuiper belt object Ixion with only 5 minutes of arc, conjunct the kuiper belt object Quaoar with 2'58 orb, contraparallel the kuiper belt Orcus with 1 minute of arc,oppose the kuiper belt object Sedna with 3'14 orb, and contraparallel my Pluto with 42 minutes of arc. I would say that my Sun influenced with that unusually high degree of kuiper belt energy can indicate the father that I never knew and thought was actually dead. I read that Saturn was the traditional planet of death and disease. Vedic Astrologers and Classical Astrologers that don't use the outer planets still view Saturn that way. I never knew my father. My mother thought he had been dead due to rumors that she heard him dying of an overdose. On New Years Eve 2002 before turning 2003, I was doing research on my roots,trying to find relatives including dead ones. I decided to look for my father. I found him on California death record index. It turned out that he died in August 15, 1993. Therefore,I was right to believe that he was alive for a long time. My mom was surprised to find out too. I got both his birth certificate(didn't have a birthtime) and death certificate too. It was finding my father that helped me confirmed my hunch that he had Moon in Pisces like me. I had that hunch back in 1998. I found out that his death was connected to dilated cardiomyopathy,ingested Nortripyline(aka Pamelor)which is an antidepressant which is used to treat not only Depression but also ADD. He had a fatty liver too. I checked my transits for August 15, 1993. I was in the Persian Gulf on the ship that I was on. I was on WESTPAC deployment. It was a very stressful time for me. I was feeling a bit depressed too.
Transiting Uranus semisquare my Moon - '45 - emotional unpredictability Transiting Neptune semisquare my Moon - '42 - emotional dissolution Transiting Eris semisquare my Moon - '02 Transiting Eris parallel my Moon - '03 (Transiting Eris-Moon bilevel........transiting Eris was semisquare my Moon - '01 when my maternal grandfather committed suicide 4 years later......I believe that Eris as a kuiper object has to do with transformation and can be involved with death) Transiting Node semisquare my Moon - '08 - emotional connections Transiting Saturn/Node midpoint semisquare my Moon My Sun/Pluto midpoint is sesquiquadrate my Moon with only 5 minutes of arc. Sun/Pluto midpoint could be about transformation involving the father.
therefore, TR Node = Uranus = Neptune = Eris = Saturn/Node = Natal Moon = Sun/Pluto That pretty much looks like a great deal of emotional stress,tension that could connected to the I unconsciously picked up on his death maybe. My father and I share Moon in Pisces. Transiting Saturn/Uranus midpoint(separation,tension) was semisquare my Sun/Node (paternal connection) was semisquare my Pluto/Asc (transformation) Transiting Saturn/Neptune midpoint (chronic illness) was semisquare my Sun/Node (paternal connection) was semisquare my Pluto/Asc (transformation) therefore TR Saturn/Neptune = Saturn/Uranus = Natal Sun/Node = Pluto/Asc Secondary Progressed Mars was square my Saturn/Midheaven midpoint, and Mars-Saturn combination can be about death squaring my Jupiter too. Jupiter rules the liver. Transiting Node triggered that secondary progressed aspect therefore TR Node = SP Mars = Natal Jupiter = Saturn/Midheaven. Progressed Sun was sesquiquadrate my Eris with transiting Saturn semisquare my Eris Eris with it being a kuiper belt object like Pluto could be about transformation therefore transiting Saturn triggered my Progressed Sun semisquare Eris TR Saturn = SP Sun = Natal Eris Transiting Ixion square my Mars - '07 with kuiper belt object plutino, Ixion squaring the dispositor of my Sun-Ixion-Quaoar (using Mars as co-ruler of Scorpio) could be an indicator of the death of the father.
Transiting Saturn conjunct my Mars in 6th house - 1'22 orb with traditional ruler of death conjunct the dispositor of my Sun-Ixion-Quaoar(using Mars as co-ruler of Scorpio)could be an indicator of the death of the father. with 6th involved, it could be health issues.....but also my stressful work environment being out to sea during WESTPAC. Transiting Saturn contraparallel my Pluto - '13 with traditional ruler of death conjunct the dispositor of my Sun-Ixion-Quaoar could be an indicator of the death of the father. Raymond
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Tigerlily Knowflake Posts: 394 From: somewhere far, far away Registered: Nov 2004
posted December 12, 2008 01:29 AM
I just checked my transits for the day my father died.On that day transiting Sun was conjunct/opposite my Pluto/Vertex midpoint axis. Transiting True Node was conjunct my Vertex. Transiting Chiron was opposite my natal Saturn. Transiting Uranus was conjunct/opposite my Sun/Moon midpoint axis, my Venus/Mars midpoint axis and my Sun/S Node midpoint axis. Transiting Pluto was conjunct/opposite my Vertex/N Node midpoint axis. IP: Logged |
buena36 Knowflake Posts: 566 From: Europe Registered: Jul 2008
posted December 12, 2008 11:39 AM
Hi,My father died, when: 1.Progressed Moon was in conjunction with Natal Mars (in 10th), 2.Uranus Transit was in exact conjunction with Natal Mars (in 10th). 3.T Pluto and Jupiter in square with my Venus in 8th. Buena IP: Logged |
Peri Moderator Posts: 2715 From: Kyiv, Ukraine Registered: Dec 2003
posted December 12, 2008 11:40 AM
it can be progressed mars or saturn on or square ICIP: Logged |
savanna20 Knowflake Posts: 388 From: Malibu, CA Registered: Sep 2008
posted December 12, 2008 12:11 PM
Interesting and thanks everyone. I just saw a similarity in all my siblings' charts. Pluto was about to transit their natal sun when my father was killed. And literally, Pluto was directly transiting my natal Sun when he was killed. I was 1. IP: Logged |
good girl Knowflake Posts: 89 From: ohio Registered: Nov 2008
posted December 15, 2008 09:23 PM
Glaucus;Why do you say that you don't think pluto transiting the 10th had anything to do with this death (and then relate that pluto is in your 4th)?? Pluto is the ruler of the 3rd in your chart. In her chart it is the ruler of the sign on the cusp of the 8th (death house) That at least in part explains why it brings a different experience to her than you. Traditionally then, where you find the ruler is where you will meet the experiences of that house. So she was experiencing the 8th through her father. (and then also changing signs into the sign that traditionally rules the father, and in the house that rules the father---- but never mind all that) I know you prefer using more elements in a horoscope, but why do you discount this? IP: Logged |