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Author Topic:   Celibacy

Posts: 573
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posted December 15, 2008 06:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
That is very good link about Virgin people. I forgot, that Nikola Tesla was also Virgin. I will see, why he was like that.

Here is other Queen, Virgin Queen. - 167k -

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blue moon

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posted December 15, 2008 06:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
Saturn in 5th I think may crop up because of the seriousness of this placement, in the house of creativity. Saturn is solidity, structure, form. It fits well with people who are driven in their endeavours, where their life is their work. To an extreme level this might exlude the chance of a romantic life and even social relationships.

I thought Queen Christina was a lesbian?

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posted December 15, 2008 06:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
Deleted: twice sent!

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posted December 15, 2008 06:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
Hi BM,

Didn't you mention that most of them have Ascendant Virgo?
I will get critic once again: from Virgo members.

About lesbian: I didn't find anything like that and I had a book:
Great Women in the History!

Therapies cannot change the fate! - C.G.Jung

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Posts: 573
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posted December 15, 2008 06:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
Hi BM,

I think that lesbians are virgins or not?

I was always thinking about lesbians: what in fact they are doing together? I am a bit stupid about that kind of relationship.

Do you know or maybe Kick it, master for relationships?

Therapies cannot change the fate! - C.G.Jung

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blue moon

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posted December 15, 2008 07:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
None of that got into the press of course. MGM's publicity department was too busy heralding Garbo's return to the screen in the role she was born to play. As a fictional character, the Christina in the film was indeed perfect casting for Garbo. The aloof, independent queen in the film gives up her throne for love of a Spanish nobleman and, when he dies, leaves Sweden to take her slain lover back to his native land. The real Christina was a lesbian, who gave up the throne to pursue artistic studies in Italy, where she lived as a man under the name Count Dohma. Ironically, the character Garbo played in her first big film, The Saga of Gosta Berling (1924), was named Countess Dohma. The only concession to the real Christina's sexuality were some subtle hints that the film character was romantically attracted to one of her ladies in waiting and scenes of Garbo hunting and meeting with advisors dressed as a man - which only added to the star's glamour.

Why ask Kick-It about being a lesbian? LOL Koiflower is the lady to ask.

Virgo Rising ~ I don't know if there is a link with this and celibacy or virginity. There is a link with high standards. It's not necessarily the same thing. Just like Saturn in 5th. It could be serious dedication to creativity, not excluding an active sexual life.

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Posts: 573
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posted December 15, 2008 07:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
Here is my landsman: Nikola Tesla's Natal Chart (how nice!):

I have enough of Virgin for today.

Therapies cannot change the fate! - C.G.Jung

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posted December 15, 2008 07:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bruce     Edit/Delete Message
A professional astrologer told me that people with planets aspected to each other in houses 12, 4 and 8(inner houses) often are monk-types.

Somebody asked that here

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Posts: 573
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posted December 15, 2008 07:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
Hi BM,

I know that Kick it - is a man. Maybe he studies that?

Why koiflower?

In fact we don't know exactly who is (was) Virgin and who is not. We are not gynaecologists.

Therapies cannot change the fate! - C.G.Jung

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blue moon

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posted December 15, 2008 07:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
You are right, we can only go on what people tell us. Koiflower is a lesbian. She's written about it on this thread. Kick-It, so we are lead to believe, is a man.

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Posts: 573
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posted December 15, 2008 07:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for buena36     Edit/Delete Message
Dear BM,

Now is all clear.

Thank you. I don't want to ask anybody, what lesbians do. It is stupid question and I am sorry for that.

Therapies cannot change the fate! - C.G.Jung

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Posts: 2930
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posted December 15, 2008 09:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
I am skeptical of the Saturn in 5th

My mom has that placement,and she had my older halfbrother at 15 years old. She had me at 17 years old.

She has Saturn in Scorpio in 5th
She also has Moon in Scorpio in 5th square Pluto in Leo in 3rd.
She has Neptune in Libra in 5th square her Venus-Uranus. Add Sedna in Aries in 11th,and it's a t-square.

It really depends on what else is in the chart.

I tend to be celibate. I lost my virginity at 22 years old too. I think that it's my Mars square Saturn-Neptune opposition in my Right Ascension Chart. Mars rules my 8th house too. I have Saturn contraparallel Venus-Neptune.


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Kick It

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posted December 15, 2008 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kick It     Edit/Delete Message
I am a master at something Buena and that is debating. I guess the whole virginity thing is defined by male thing in female thing, so I guess lesbians are on the list. Gay men too, but, there is a thing in another thing involved somewhere.

Yes, I was born Male, which means at my age, I am a Man.

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posted December 15, 2008 10:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for FistOfLegend     Edit/Delete Message
Some of you are saying Saturn in the fifth. Does that mean they can't obtain a lot of pleasure when it comes to sex?

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blue moon

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posted December 15, 2008 12:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for blue moon     Edit/Delete Message
Buena, if you will forgive me pointing it out, a more correct translation into English would be countryman.

It's an easy enough chart to read:-

Pluto on the Ascendant.

Venus Opposite Midheaven, Square Mars in the 6th.

He's not lacking in passion, it's all directed into his life work. He's obsessed with it.

I've got natal Mars/Venus Square. It's energy needs directing into creative pursuits. I can get why he chose his life path, though it is quite extreme.

p.s -> To be more correct he has Venus CNJ Sun Opposite MC Square Mars.

This has reminded me of reading somewhere about the significance of empty 7th, 8th and 5th in persons who life a celibate life. If I can find the quote, I'll put it up.

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Posts: 7516
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posted December 15, 2008 01:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
Kick It ~
C section is a breeze compared to "natural" birth. Yeah, sure it is hard too.
Please inform me how many C-sections, and/or natural births you have either a) had, or b) witnessed in order to gain the authority needed spout this *intelligent* statistic/opinion

What a load of horse manure!!!

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Kick It

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posted December 15, 2008 01:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kick It     Edit/Delete Message
My Mum had three at the same time by C-section. Straight from the horses mouth!

Anyone on here had three at the same time?

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Mama Mia

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posted December 15, 2008 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mama Mia     Edit/Delete Message
Three what? Babies..So your talking about tripplets..C-sections are awful and way more risky then natural birth..AND it takes much,much longer to recover from that. and you have to be very careful when recovering.
I rateher have naturual birth anyday..

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Kick It

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posted December 15, 2008 02:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kick It     Edit/Delete Message
I will consider that when giving birth next time. Thanks

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Posts: 1125
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posted December 15, 2008 04:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sunshine_lion     Edit/Delete Message
two at a time. I had babies two at a time, by c-section. maybe a bit easier about delivery, but much slower recovery. I imagine kick-its mom took years to recover, having children 3 at a time, one of them possibly being him.

Koi - man things change quickly, here bi-sexualality is really the in thing. you would have been more popular than chocolate to pms'ers.
''I have a very high sex drive, but can go for very long time between partners if inclined, or hiding myself away for a time. feast or famine, no in betweens.

although I pretty much pleasured myself daily during those times, but I think It still counts.

bah - kick-it knows nothing of raising kids and what it takes. love ya deerie, but I am right this time. after all, I had them 2 at a time.

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Posts: 1125
From: ann arbor mi
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posted December 15, 2008 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sunshine_lion     Edit/Delete Message
dbl post

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Posts: 291
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posted December 15, 2008 04:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for missneptune     Edit/Delete Message
Wow! This thread got really off topic! The reason that may keep me waiting, is that I learned from my mother it is better to wait, plus she was a teenage mother, something that I really didn't want to be. Do think Sun/Mercury in the 8th square Pluto would have to do with less "action" than most? Eros, Lust, and Sedna are all in my 5th house, Eros is trine my Saturn and sextile my Venus, so maybe Saturn has to do with waiting till being "mature" enough...

Sun - Leo
Moon - Pisces
Ascendant - Sagittarius

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Posts: 7516
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
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posted December 15, 2008 08:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message
My Mum had three at the same time by C-section. Straight from the horses mouth!
Your mother said it was a breeze?????
The morphine must be very potent in the UK to affect one's mind so completely

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Posts: 1559
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posted December 15, 2008 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for koiflower     Edit/Delete Message
sunshine lion - me popular in the States?!!! I'm booking my ticket, straight away!!! Obviously our natal charts have given us a high drive! Mine is channeled into my work and time spent at LL

missneptune - listen to your Mum!! She wants what's best for you. Of course, once you start the physical intimacy thing, feel free to do it as often as you like - it can add 4 years to your lifespan!!!!

Happy lovemaking everyone!!!

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Posts: 443
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posted December 16, 2008 12:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lana29865     Edit/Delete Message
IMO 'celibacy' should be understood as abstaining from ALL kinds of sex, not only intercourse. So, if you are practising oral sex (or whatever), you are not celibate.

There's a fundamental difference between making a deliberate choice of celibacy and just not having good luck in finding sex partners. That should probably also be seen in the charts...

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