Topic: What makes a true animal-lover?
Nyah Knowflake Posts: 221 From: Europe Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 13, 2008 07:12 AM
I have two ex-boyfriends who had a similar way of want to take care of the not so privileged inhabitants of the world. They both love animals, almost saying that they prefer animals before people - in the "animals are innocent, people are not"-kind of way. They always wanted to take stray animals under their wings, even more so if the animal was particularly ugly, old or sick. They are both dog-persons, and can handle dogs especially well. They "understand" them.Both of them also have a soft spot for homeless people, always giving them food, clothes or something if they have the chance. I have another person who loves animals, but I don't know yet if he has that "want to help"-thing going on or if he just enjoys the company. In his case (as well as the others) it can also be about giving and getting love and affection unconditionally. Especially this guy I think has a hard time expressing emotions and can easily feel trapped in relations, so maybe his pets can be an easy way of getting some sort of undemanding affection. I don't see any obvious connections in these people's charts and I'm not sure where to look. What do you guys think about people who wants to help stray animals? ------------------ Ascendant: Gemini Sun: Pisces Moon: Capricorn Mercury: Pisces Venus: Capricorn Mars: Aquarius IP: Logged |
Kick It unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 07:47 AM
It sounds like a Neptune/Pisces/12th thing to do. You can bunch large animals (bigger than an Ox, apparently) under house 12/Neptune and the rest of the animals, small, under house 6/Mercury. I guess each animal and breed has their own sign, but grouping them is fine.Both my Mum and Dad are Pisces Sun and have taken in stray cats. My brother and sister have played a large part though. I like most animals because I put myself in their must be terrible not being able to physically talk and just stand around eating grass (or whatever) all the time. So I go and feed some. 2 are in a seperate field as they dont seem to like human touch, thats what I think anyway. They just love eating my carrots/apples and sometime chocolate. I say eating, I mean eating. My 12 house is ruled by Capricorn, with Saturn in Libra. If that is the place to look, putting myself in their shoes is one way of interpretation. A big discussion on the radio about Zoo's and if they should be banned. I wasnt quite sure what to make of that topic. IP: Logged |
haybelly unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 09:15 AM
Oh, this is me exactly, I am a pisces and although my neptune is in my 6th house I rather work with animals than people. I train dogs and horses and especially have a gift with the horses. I have always had animals, my very own first pet was a house mouse I caught live and it lived for 5 years! I thought it must have been a world's record and I think I was 12 when I wrote the guinness book and told them, they sent me a letter back saying the oldest mouse that was domesticated lived to be 7. I think that is pretty close to how it went anyway, it was 30 years ago..... So anyway, I am rambling. I love animals, our farm is full of them, I went riding yesterday and I started out to the stables stressed and ended up relaxed and happy. Winston Churchill quotes "the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man" True.Funny, I was going to post this very same topic too I was also going ask if certain signs like certain pets better. IP: Logged |
vivid_child Newflake Posts: 14 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 13, 2008 10:25 AM
Oh how I adore animals I can only easily express love to animals (and sometimes my husband!). Linda said that Virgos are inwardly sentimental and she couldn't be more accurate. Even with my parents and close friends, if I see any signs of pending physical affection I recoil. With animals though I will hug and kiss and give ear massages and coo over every purr and beep and ring (yes I have a cat!).My love for animals has reached a new level in that I'm never going to buy a kitten again or keep pets in cages. I will only rescue from now on (I wouldn't mind rescuing a caged pet but not purchasing). Cats and horses are especially close to my heart but I'm really not fussy. Often I prefer the company of animals to humans. The only thing I've seen about animals regarding astrology is that having Sagittarius as my rising sign makes for a nature and animal lover. Also a few synastry aspects suggested that my partner and I have animals and be vegetarian (which I already am). Being new to aspects and synastry I don't remember the specifics and have lent my book to somebody. Good topic  ------------------ "The pioneers of a warless world are the youth who refuse military service." -Albert Einstein IP: Logged |
FistOfLegend unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 11:06 AM
Planets in the fifth house.IP: Logged |
Kick It unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 11:15 AM
Whys that?IP: Logged |
ladya22 Newflake Posts: 9 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted December 13, 2008 12:02 PM
I have read several times that moon in the 5th house that children and animals tend to love that person. I agree, my dogs are my babies and I also feed stray cats and volunteer at the zoo and the humane society. My mother has said that from the time I was born animals would find me wherever I was and follow me around.IP: Logged |
Kick It unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 01:27 PM
FistOfLegend, Im sure she means a natural liking for animals, not a lover in the animal sense.IP: Logged |
evander Knowflake Posts: 171 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 13, 2008 02:45 PM
i love animals (sans cats and snakes .12th house from 1st degree of Pisces till 20 Aries with north node and mars in it. Neptune ruling mc wanted to be a veterinarian for a while. then someone filled me in on some not so human ways people behave while teaching at university. And I have a huge problem with experiments done on animals. Turns out a big clash with my psychology studies. Idea of animal torture even for a significant discovery repulses me. I currently own a dog and a goldfish. And I really want to get one of those mini sharks. They are fascinating creatures. ... On the matters of the 5th house. My 5th house is unoccupied ruled by Leo in 8th house. But I know a person who really outshines me when it comes to taking care of animals. Here is her chart:
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FistOfLegend unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 02:49 PM
I read that right. The fifth house has to do with animals.IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted December 13, 2008 03:42 PM
5th house for sure (animal lover and a lover in the animal sense lol). I do believe it makes a person more 'animal friendly'. 6th house also rules 'small animals' from what I understand. I've got a stellium in the 6th, sun in the 5th. Dogs and cats tend to literally follow me around (especially cats) and I am a huge animal lover. And with a 12th house moon, I frequently rescue and adopt animals. IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 04:15 PM
interesting! my moon is 1 deg from my 5th house (or 5th with some house systems), and i LOVE animals sooo much. i also think my taurus moon and aquarius sun has something to do with it. even my pisces SN. haha probably even my sag rising and venus(half horse, afterall!).i also believe to be a "true" animal lover, you would not be inclined to eat them. not tryna start controversy though  IP: Logged |
vivid_child Newflake Posts: 14 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 13, 2008 04:49 PM
I agree heart cakes :PIP: Logged |
peace Knowflake Posts: 57 From: Dreamland Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 13, 2008 04:55 PM
Virgo Sun 5th House I love dogs! Been vegan for 2 yrs IP: Logged |
heart cakes unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 05:23 PM
vivid child! (love your name btw), i just skimmed cuz i was distracted, didn't notice what you said about sag rising. makes sense! also i agree about rescuing vs. buying, forsure.IP: Logged |
taurean_scorpion unregistered
posted December 13, 2008 05:51 PM
Wow if the 12th house and 6th house are related to loving animals than my chart would be a perfect example. My Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Chiron are in the 12th and Moon, Pluto, Uranus, Saturn in the 6th. I have Jupiter Trine Neptune, Sun Trine Neptune, and Neptune in the 7th. My 12th house ruler is Taurus and 6th house ruler is Scorpio.I WUV ANIMALS.  IP: Logged |
VirgOh Knowflake Posts: 150 From: New Jersey, USA Registered: May 2009
posted December 14, 2008 03:36 AM
Nyah Knowflake Posts: 221 From: Europe Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 14, 2008 05:14 AM
ok, from everything you have said I still can't see any real connections...  1st guy: No planets in either 6th or 12th house. In 5th house he has only got Neptune (so have I) and True Node. He has Pisces sun, but so have I. 5th house is ruled by Scorpio, 6th ruled by Sag and 12th ruled by Gemini. Neptune ruling MC. 2nd guy: No planets in either 5th, 6th or 12th house. 5th house ruled by Aqua, 6th ruled by Pisces and 12th ruled by Virgo. Moon ruling MC. 3rd guy: Aqua Moon in house 5, no other planets in the other three mentioned houses - and this is the person who I'm unsure of - he loves animals but I don't know if he has the "help those in need"-version. 5th house is ruled by Capricorn, 6th house ruled by Aqua and 12th house ruled by Leo. Mercury ruling MC. IP: Logged |
hallucie Newflake Posts: 4 From: Jenks, Oklahoma, US Registered: Aug 2022
posted February 06, 2024 02:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by vivid_child: Oh how I adore animals I can only easily express love to animals (and sometimes my husband!). Linda said that Virgos are inwardly sentimental and she couldn't be more accurate. Even with my parents and close friends, if I see any signs of pending physical affection I recoil. With animals though I will hug and kiss and give ear massages and coo over every purr and beep and ring (yes I have a cat!).My love for animals has reached a new level in that I'm never going to buy a kitten again or keep pets in cages. I will only rescue from now on (I wouldn't mind rescuing a caged pet but not purchasing). Cats and horses are especially close to my heart but I'm really not fussy. Often I prefer the company of animals to humans. The only thing I've seen about animals regarding astrology is that having Sagittarius as my rising sign makes for a nature and animal lover. Also a few synastry aspects suggested that my partner and I have animals and be vegetarian (which I already am). Being new to aspects and synastry I don't remember the specifics and have lent my book to somebody. Good topic 
Hi, I am a Sag rising, as is my sister and my dad. I think this is because the Moon & Venus would rule the 6H of pets. My sister and I both have Scorpio moons 12H. Recently Transiting Taurus Uranus has been opposing our moon sign and is being shown by us through 4 of our pets dying within the last 2 years. In fact the 2022 taurus/scorpio eclipse season was when 2 of our animals suddenly died. We also had to euthanize our oldest dog which ironically was scheduled when the moon was in scorpio. And even more recently than that, our wiener dog was allegedly killed by our neighbor. This happened Feb 2nd, ALSO during a scorpio moon. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 183683 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2024 12:20 PM
Bump!IP: Logged |