Topic: Koi - on Sappho in synastry
darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 15, 2008 08:15 AM
Koi,you mentioned that Sappho plays a certain role in your synastry (and life) and I noticed a strange pattern in synastry with people I have a "creative crush" on, too. My Sappho is in Libra in my 10th house and conjuncts DNA and Babel (she is connected to the Sumerian asteroids quite strongly), trines Psyche, squares Vertex and Eros and opposes Chiron. My Draco Sappho is in Aquarius in my 2nd house (in equal: the tropical falls into 11th and the Draco Sapphho into 3rd house), conjunct Pallas and the nameasteroid of 1st singer in my chart. Singer 1 (gay): His Sappho is in Aquarius conjuncct his SN and Moira, opposite his DNA His Draco Sappho is in Libra.
Singer 2 (gay) his Sappho is in Cancer and part of a grand trine with his Chiron/Saturn and Neptune. his Draco Sappho is in Gemini)
Singer 3 (not gay) his Sappho is in Aquarius and only quinkunx his Mars-Jupiter-name asteroid-conjunction. His Draco Sappho is in Virgo and conjuncts that Mars-Jupiter-name-conjunction. Jude: his Sappho is in Aquarius in 2nd house and trines his Saturn and sextiles his Venus and Chiron. his Draco Sappho is in Aries in 4th house and opposes his Moon exactly. Synastry with me
Singer 1: His SAPPHO / Moira / SN conjuncts my MOON / Ur and trines my KARMA and TRINES my DNA Singer 2: His SAPPHO conjuncts my Eros / Saturn / Vertex and squares my DNA and squares my Chiron his DRACO SAPPHO conjuncts my DRACO MOON /Dr Ur and trines my DRACO KARMA (and also trines my tropical MC) Singer 3: his SAPPHO conjuncts my Pallas and DRACO DNA his Sappho also conjuncts my MOON / Ur and trines my KARMA
Jude: his SAPPHO / dr Juno conjuncts my MOON/ Ur and my DRACO DNA and trines my KARMA and also trines my Draco Psyche
his Draco Sappho conjuncts my Draco Venus and opposes my Draco Union. It really stunned me that in every single case of those four there was a strong connection of their Sappho to my Moon, Karma and DNA. How probable is that?  BTW in the case of the three guys who have all their Sappho in Aquarius, they are not of the same age (1962, 1972, 1979)
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alvarella777 unregistered
posted December 15, 2008 11:30 AM
I'll follow this thread - because I have not gained a clear picture on SAPPHO's impact yet. With me, it is in Cancer in my 8th house, here are some aspects from SAPPHO to other points in my chart (orb 0-2). I noticed that SAPPHO is strongly entangled with other "love relevant"-points in my chart: - cj. SUN - cj. Genius - cj. Wisdom - cj. Sado - cj. Guinevere - cj. Sun/Mars - cj. Mercury/Vertex - sextile DSC - sextile PLUTO - sextile Psyche - sextile Part of Identity - sextile Part of Fate - sextile draco Juno - sextile Sun/ASC - trine ASC - trine NEPTUNE - trine Oprheus - square JUPITER - square Part of Fortune - square Osiris - square Toro - square Fascination - square Union - opposite Venusia - opposite draco Valentine What feel do you get from this kind of Sappho-placement? ;-)
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 15, 2008 12:43 PM
Alvarella,I`m sorry I am not completely clear about Sappho`s meaning. That is what I found on Zane Stein`s site: "SAPPHO There is something extremely sexual about this body yet that is only one level of its influence. On another level there seems to be a strong tie to what one really wants deep within; one's truly personal, basic, unique desires. Sappho transits often (but not always) refer to a situation where sex or sexual overtones become the issue. Perhaps that is because these desires are easier for us to accept, or closer to the surface, than some of our other basic urges? When not focusing on sex, Sappho's transits can bring our attention to other deep and basic wants. If Sappho in one chart is in close conjunction to a planet or major cusp in another chart there is almost always some sexual attraction, and the Sappho person is rarely against the idea of pursuing the affections of the other person.. If there are contacts between both individuals' Sapphos and planets in each other's charts, the sexual urge is definitely mutual and strong. It is important as well to note which point is being aspected since the nature of the aspected planet or cusp will describe the strength of the attraction, what about that person is causing the fascination, and how strongly the person will respond to the attraction. The natal house position of Sappho usually contains some desire the person has, although often he does not know exactly how to obtain it. For example: in the 9th, the person may long to travel to other countries yet lack the knowledge of how to obtain finances to do so; in the 11th he may bemoan the lack of ability to make friends; in the 4th there is a great desire to own his own home. Aspects to natal planets will aid or hinder the eventual acquiring of the object of the desire. Looking over the hard aspects will help you understand exactly what you feel is keeping you from your desires, and from being happy. In fact you tend to exaggerate the importance of whatever it is you feel is missing. Transits and progressions will show when opportunities may occur for achieving the object of your longing." Does that resonate with you?
EDIT: I just noticed that when I noticed singer 1 and became infatuated with him, Transit Sappho was conjunct my Moon and trine my Karma (and his Sappho and SN); and besides me being absolutely enthusiastic about him, it denoted the time I stared writing poetry. I`ve been writing about 300 pages of poems during the next 3 years or so. lol When I had a short, but pretty steamy flirt with a boy Transit Sappho was transiting through my 7th house; when I met him, the Transiting Venus/Sappho conjunction was opposing my Sun and Mercury.
Later that year I met a guy at my school (one year older), who played the piano and was just a brilliant artist, and I developed a very romantic soul admiration for him. Transit Sappho was transiting through my 9th house and trine my Sun and Mercury and sextile my own Sappho. When I saw singer no 2 on the TV and was completely fascinated, Transit Sappho was in Libra conjunct my MC, Pluto and DRACO Karma. It also was square my Venus and trine my DSC. When I saw a certain musical on video and became fascinated yet again, which led me to not only discover the internet, but also made me start writing again; this time not so much poetry, but short stories, fanfiction, such things. When I saw that video, which lead to that development, Transit Sappho had just crossed the Ariespoint and was conjunct my IC. When I wrote and posted my first story, Transit Sappho was once again transiting my 7th house in Gemini, and it actually was conjunct my Karma and trine my Moon and natal Sappho.
When I first met and talked to Singer 1, Transit Sappho was transiting my 8th house (interestingly conjunct the degree, Transit Sappho was on, when I first saw him!) and exactly trine my Amor as well as trine my Mars and trine my IC. When I coincidentally bumped into him last year Transit Sappho was opposite that degree in Aquarius (that is really spooky, isn`t it?) and sextile my Amor and Mars and trine my MC. When I met and talked to singer 3, Transit Sappho was in my 6th house in GEmini but widely conjunct DSC and opposing Amor and Mars as well as trine MC. Now I really haven`t seen Jude yet. But when I really noticed him, Transit Sappho was once again in Gemini in my 7th house exactly conjunct my Karma and exactly trine my Moon.  And when I am going to see him in Hamlet, Transit Sappho will be in my 9th house (it will involve me travelling to London lol) and trine my Venus. It will also be on the antiscia point of my natal Sappho. I`m not sure WHAT exactly this means, but Sappho`s transits seem to be kinda significant for my creative "enterprises". But mostly when I got "inspired"; t here seems to always be a connection to other people, no lonely creative doings. When my first "play" had been performed publicly, Transit Sappho was in Aquarius again, but only having weak aspects; sextile my Amor and square my Uranus. Nothing so remarkable.
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 15, 2008 04:45 PM
Wow - totally fascinating DD!! You are attracted to artistic types!!! Sappho was an artist/poet in her own right! Will go and do some synastry involving Sappho and let you know how it turns out!!Alverella - Zane's take on Sappho is interesting! We both have Sappho in our 8th house (a strong desire to have a relationship, maybe?!) IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2008 03:54 AM
I've collated some interesting stuff from my own experience. Will type it out in the morning.... Wow! This is great  IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted December 16, 2008 07:54 AM
hi DD  On J´s Chart his Sappho is exact cj his 5Thcusp in 20 squares his Moon and sextiles Amor. So..he is deeply atracted and feel an urge to develeop the 5H issue´s?Like expressing his creativity,finding things for fun,sex why not? and also children! aS it squares his moon,maybe his urges make him feel unease emocionally?but sextiiing amor means that are well conected with his way of expressing love. In my Chart: Sappho is in the 8th in 9 tightly conjuncts my Juno and Osiris.Trines my sun.Squares my mars and valentine.´s related to death,loss,possessions,union of body and spirit do i know to which issue of the house is related? As it cj juno and osiris i know that my wanting really has do do with uniting with a partner who is loyal and deeply committed to me. by trine my sun,so this urge is easily acepted by my own way of being,while by squaring mars,what keeps me away from fulffil this wish is my "lack of action or excessive action"? squares valentine so this need is somehow at odds with true love? in sinastry: hIS Sappho opose my Moon.Trine Amor and cj MY Psyche.Kikunks my NN.skuare my Lilith My Sappho opose his Jup.trine his Isis.Cj his Karma (1).trines my Lilith.sextiles my NN.kikunkx my Psyche. DW:Sap-Psych Sap-NN Sap-Lilith sO THERE´S a strong deep mutual atraction.Has do to with lilith´s issues and with Psyche´s. as there are conections with karma and NN,means a fated need to develop our desires with each other. IP: Logged |
wheelsofcheese Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted December 16, 2008 08:20 AM
Ooh, interesting this Sappho lark. Me and SO have Sappho in each others' 7th houses.IP: Logged |
alvarella777 unregistered
posted December 16, 2008 11:59 AM
Thanks for posting this material DD! Yeah, I'll be back. Maybe I feel strong enough (haha - just joking) to even study the Sappho-placements in my EX's chart and mine. From a first superficial view on that ... we look like "heaven-made" lovers again. Haaaa - this is crap;-) But I'll have to study further. Will be back soon and eager to read more!IP: Logged |
koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2008 05:51 PM
I thought I would start off with my Juno links to major attractions, followed by my Sappho links with each person:My partner's Juno conjunct my Sun 6° My first love's Juno conjunct my Venus 0° My first crush's Juno conjunct my Moon 3° My huge crush's Venus conjunct my Juno 3° My huge crush's Juno square my Juno 5.5° My ex's Juno trine my Mercury 2° The transits are the approximate times I met these women. Partner/Me Sappho trine Uranus 3° Sappho square Psyche 1° Sappho trine Eros 4° Sappho in my 8th house t.Sappho semi-sex Vertex 1° t.Sappho sextile BML 2° Me/Partner Sappho sextile Psyche 1° Sappho square Valentine 1° Sappho trine Eros 4° Sappho Pallas 3° t.Sappho sextile Vertex 0° t.Sappho sextile BML 3° t.Sappho square Ceres 2° First Love/Me Sappho conjunct Moon 3° Sappho sqaure Mercury 2° Sappho square Venus 2° Sappho trine Karma 1° Sappho in my 9th house (I was in foreign country) t.Sappho trine Pluto 1° Me/First Love Sappho trine Asc 2° Sappho trine Sun 0° Sappho square Venus 1° Sappho square Uranus 1° Sappho square Pluto 1° Sappho square North Node 2° t.Sappho square Vertex 1° First Crush/Me Sappho quincunx Sappho 2° Sappho conjunct Moon 3° Sappho in my 3rd house t.Sappho trine Uranus 2° Me/First Crush Sappho semi-sex Neptune 0° Sappho semi-sex Vertex 2° Sappho conjunct Karma 2° Sappho square Pluto 4°
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2008 05:51 PM
Huge Crush/MeSappho conjunct Vertex 0° Sappho trine Psyche 3° Sappho square BML 3° Sappho quincunx Ceres 2° Sappho in my 7th house t.Sappho sextile Pluto 1° t.Sappho conjunct South Node 1° Me/Huge Crush Sappho trine Saturn 2° Sappho sextile Moon 4° Sappho trine Mars 3° Sappho square Sun 4° Sappho semi-sex Venus 4° t.Sappho conjunct Mars 1° t.Juno conjunct Venus 0° Ex/Me Sappho conjunct IC 2° Sappho opposite Valentine 0° Sappho sextile Venus 3° Sappho sextile Uranus 1° Sappho sextile Pluto 2° Sappho trine North Node 1° Sappho in my 3rd house t.Sappho sextile Sun 3° Me/Ex Sappho square Uranus 4° Sappho square North Node 3° Sappho square Vesta 4° Sappho trine Chiron 2° t.Sappho square Juno 2° t.Sappho quincunx Sappho 1° Overall Impression:
** my partner and I share Sappho trine Eros DW ** transit BML highlighted ‘other woman’ syndrome ** close aspects with Venus adds sexual attraction (sextile, square, semi-sex) ** my first love and I share Sappho square Venus DW ** the squares add a hot potency to sex ** the most active sex was Sappho square North Node (with 2 partners) ** Sappho desires the Moon (sextile, conjunction) ** Vertex aspects/transits appear with 4 women ** 7th, 8th and 9th houses make sense, but not sure why two 3rd house placements occur  IP: Logged |
annaf Knowflake Posts: 41 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 16, 2008 06:10 PM
Koiflower,you said: "close aspects with Venus adds sexual attraction (sextile, square, semi-sex" Aspects to your venus or that of the woman? Thanks, 
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 16, 2008 06:16 PM
In my case, Sappho is slightly more attracted to Venus. Both work very nicely together, though 
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darkdreamer unregistered
posted December 17, 2008 09:04 AM
Koi,interesting, so you`d say Sappho is the more attracted and passionate one? Well, it would make sense, as someone else`s planets would trigger whatever SAppho represents in one chart. And if Sappho represents attraction and desire, the Sappho-owner would desire the other one. See, that is what really surprises me, as in the cases I noted here, it was always THEIR Sappho conjunct my Moon. Of course Moon rules my 8th house, so all 8th house issues would be triggered by their passionate creativity. Sappho falls into Libra into my 10th house, but I don`t feel like I desire a career. I want to work, right, and I want to enjoy what I am doing, but I am not striving for a very ambitious career (and Pluto is also in 10th house, so I don´t really understand that). However, whne I think of this placement: Sappho in Libra in 10th house, the lines of a certain song come to mind: "We made beautiful music, you and I." from A chorus line from the song "Let me dance for you". I don`t know why I have to think of this line, when I think of my Sappho, but somehow it resonates with me. The Sabian of my Sappho is: CHANTICLEER´S VOICE HERALDS SUNRISE
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koiflower Knowflake Posts: 1984 From: Australia Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 18, 2008 01:36 AM
Hey DD!! Happy Birthday!!I have similar synastry with my first love as you have with Singer 3. My Sappho conjuncts their Moon and trines their Karma!! I was their first love, too. So in noticing in my synastries that Sappho seems to desire a little more, I have never asked ALL these women in detail, what their feelings were for me. I can only assume that "synastry" is a two way exchange of energy, with varying degrees of power from one person to the other. Therefore, a synastry such as conjunct Moon, I feel, still has the ability to love Sappho dearly. quote: Sappho falls into Libra into my 10th house, but I don`t feel like I desire a career.
You don't need to desire a career and I think Sappho is well placed here for your career. A certain amount of Literacy skill is required in your occupation. I imagine you being a fantastic teacher with a good command of language. With the creative literacy skills of Sappho in a Libra placement, you must write some beautiful poetry. Students respond well to teachers that have a deep appreciation and creativity toward language. Pluto in your 10th just adds to your depths of understanding and use of language. No wonder you're in love with singers and actors!!! I bet you appreciate a profound and clever script! My sabian Sappho is: A Mother Leads Her Small Child Step By Step Up A Steep Stairway Now, get out there and celebrate, my dear!!! 
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7057 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 30, 2010 04:52 AM
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 11334 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted June 11, 2011 01:08 PM
bump for asteroid forum------------------ Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung You must lose your life for My sake in order to find it . Jesus He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged | |