Topic: A Cry In The Light
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 1521 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted October 05, 2004 02:46 AM
I miss you, I can't wait to meet you. Where ARE you?Ugghh!!! ((NOTE: This is a free and spontaneous expression of a transient experience. Sweeping judgments need not apply.)) IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 148 From: Ukraine Registered: Dec 2003
posted October 05, 2004 06:42 AM
they must be  don't worry  IP: Logged |
astro junkie Moderator Posts: 7750 From: Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 05, 2004 09:07 AM
HSC -I feel like that every day in my life. Sometimes I wonder if I'm praying wrong. In all honesty, sometimes I DO find myself "praying wrong" when I'll ask for something to sort of *poof* materialize. And when instead, I pray for the inner-calm to be able to recognize a higher source and a bigger loving picture to life, then I'm stronger in the way it was intended, by being a little ego on two legs, with more free will than imagined. We've got all these Libra Transits, you would think with these emotions we're feeling, they'd be watery Transits instead. But Libra does rule partnerships & marriage. Libra ruled by Venus wants a beautiful life with a beautiful love. PS: The Transiting Moon just moved into Cancer, the same Sign as transiting Saturn, and the same Sign as my Natal Moon. And the Sun is in Libra, just like my Sun. Should be an interesting day. IP: Logged |
miss_muffet Knowflake Posts: 337 From: Registered: Mar 2004
posted October 05, 2004 01:17 PM
Just a thought...What if they are waiting for us to wake up? O.O I believe that in loving and respecting yourself, you will find your path to happiness. True happiness lie within yourself and that a person should not rely on someone else to find happiness. I have come across so many people that would depend solely on someone else to be happy. This is sooo wrong. The one person that will always love you (the way you want and deserve) in your lifetime that you can absolutely count on is YOU! If you can find peace within yourself, you glow with confidence. And that, in my opinion is the best sex appeal you can ever have. I guess my point is: Be happy for who you are and don't try too hard to find a partner. Let them find you. IP: Logged |
scorpbaby Knowflake Posts: 484 From: Ny, USA Registered: Jun 2004
posted October 05, 2004 05:00 PM
I know AJ, sometimes I feel like I'm praying wrong too! Lastnight I meditated so much, and I started to pray for a love to enter my life, as if it would happen overnight or something HA. Sometimes I find myself keeping my eyes peeled for "him" (love man) And I look at every guy as a potential love. It's kind of nice because, I feel so Receptive to love when I do this. I love what you said Miss Muffet, those are words I try to remind myself each day. Like that saying, "you're not going to find it if you're looking for it". I always wait for that gut feeling, when I make eye contact with a guy, that feeling always tells me. I haven't had that in quite some time...  IP: Logged |
astro junkie Moderator Posts: 7750 From: Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 05, 2004 05:11 PM
Maybe when people keep saying "it will happen when you least expect it" it's because when a guy is "hunting", he'll go for the most unassuming target in sight. Maybe that's why, although it feels great for us to feel open to love, it somehow puts out a vibe which reminds the guys they will have to deal with more competition. IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 1521 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted October 05, 2004 05:38 PM
thanks for the replies, especially AJ...Aj, I have the third decanate (pisces) of Cancer directly on my descendent.... so,... miss, That's a lofty sentiment. But, history is full of people who have benefitted unspeakably from romantic partnerships, and "found themselves in the other". Dostoevsky would never have curbed his gambling problem and written his four greatest novels (four of the greatest novels ever written), if not for an incredible woman whose name is too obscure to recall. It's not always a matter of just snapping your fingers and willing to believe in yourself... sometimes we find someone who believes in us, and inspires us to believe as well.....
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scorpbaby Knowflake Posts: 484 From: Ny, USA Registered: Jun 2004
posted October 05, 2004 05:41 PM
That's plausible for sure AJ. O Stupid men, just kiddin It seems I attract more guys when I'm open and bubbly,which would make sense, but then it's the one's that are more into me then I am into them. But it's nice to make guy friends this way, and they end up being genuine guys just no attraction on my part. The guys that I'm usualy most attracted to approach me when I'm feeling uptight or nervous. IP: Logged |
astro junkie Moderator Posts: 7750 From: Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 05, 2004 06:11 PM
Yup - I can relate to that energy, maybe it's a Scorpio or Pluto energy which is strong in my chart. There has to be that tension. For me it's quite specific, and I'm attracted to like only every millionth person. For me, it's a really tense thing because all my Scorpio planets are in the 6th House (of Virgo). Plus my Venus & Pluto in Virgo in the 4th. So it's a combination of hot passion and old fashioned stability. Rare combination if everything finally falls into place.Good thing I have another aspect which encourages me to work hard and long on a relationship, in other words, I don't give up, even if it seems not much is happening. IP: Logged |
sthenri Moderator Posts: 3334 From: Montreal, Canada Registered: May 2003
posted October 05, 2004 06:34 PM
Mmmmm..whenever I put a vibe for love, I get men who start acting really sexy, I have to careful about that vibe especially in church.Then they are angry at me because there is competition. I seem to have a really strong personality when I am thinking about Love. I have to contain myself around men otherwise I give the impression I am looking around at everyone else, with my Mercury in Gemini/7th house I am drawn to everything in sight. Did I mention an altar boy flirted with me? He asked me "If I come here often?" Take Care, Natasha
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scorpbaby Knowflake Posts: 484 From: Ny, USA Registered: Jun 2004
posted October 05, 2004 06:56 PM
Yea AJ, you must have a lot of drive with Scorp in the 6th house. The 6th house has to deal with things we work for right? That's nice you can put your Scorpio energy to work there. I'm also one who's only been really attracted to what seems like every millionth guy. I also aspire for a passionate yet stable love like you mentioned. Oh it makes sense to me now Scorp(passion) Taurus(stable) I have sun/pluto in the 1st opposite my moon 7th. I get a strong internal response when I meet someone "I think" will fulfill this desire. I've been waiting for so long for love, is there something wrong with me?. I've definately had enough time alone to get know who I am and what I want, thats a good thing I suppose. But I'm very serious about love I don't want a silly fling, and I'm in college so silly FLINGS are all guys care for at this age. I'm sorry I've definately complained about this before! Just Venting...I'm growing impatient though. I've actually been saving myself for the right guy, I can't believe i've had the willpower to actually do this. I ended up telling one guy, I was with, that I still was a "V", and he was in shock. I wish it would all change soon..IP: Logged |
miss_muffet Knowflake Posts: 337 From: Registered: Mar 2004
posted October 06, 2004 10:34 AM
Heart,I know that there are a lot of people who benefited from romantic partnership. This is great. But on the other hand, many many more have lost their lives because they do not love and believe in themselves enough to NOT live their life through another person? All I am really saying is that you have to know yourself before you can really know another, love yourself before you look outside to love another, and believe in yourself before you can really believe in someone else. I cannot really understand how someone can depend on another person to make her/him happy. If one can't be happy with oneself, how can he be happy with someone else? Maybe it's my Aries Sun speaking, or my Scorpio Asc; but whatever it is, I sincerely believe that only me can make myself happy. No one else. Miss Muffet
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KarenSD Knowflake Posts: 521 From: San Diego CA USA Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 06, 2004 01:02 PM
"All I am really saying is that you have to know yourself before you can really know another, love yourself before you look outside to love another, and believe in yourself before you can really believe in someone else."I second the above, and it's been a long road for me until i've been able to realize that and put that into my own world. Well-said (written), miss m. IP: Logged |
scorpbaby Knowflake Posts: 484 From: Ny, USA Registered: Jun 2004
posted October 06, 2004 01:12 PM
(2 thumbs up Miss M)IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 1521 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted October 06, 2004 02:17 PM
Miss,I am in a hurry, though id like to give a more thorough reply. I will say only that I do not believe we are as separate as your words seem to imply. hsc
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Yin Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: Registered: May 2004
posted October 06, 2004 02:45 PM
I'm right here, just south of Boston, MA  IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 1521 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted October 09, 2004 05:01 AM
yin, Howdy neighbor! miss, Another thoguht about this: There's a line at the end of the movie 'Adaptation': "[You are not what loves you, but what you love.]" I need to love someone to find out what i love (and who I am).
I think it makes sense that we would learn to love others by learning to love ourselves, but I think the opposite must be equally true. Know the universe, the gods and the stars, and you will know yourself. Go outside yourself and you will find what is within. It makes no difference. There's no such division as "outside" and "inside"... That's why we may know the world through ourselves, and ourselves through others; because all things reflect each other. This being the case, it must be true that we may know ourselves in the world (and others in ourselves). It is not a question of one or the other. It is a matter of the identification of each with it's other. Sometimes it helps to go with the flow-- the flow is, in my case, extroverted, looking for something outside myself.. Isn't that what religious systems and rituals represent, and what Magick is about; working from the outside in? And don't actors find it easier to get into character when they've gotten into constume? So, I go with the flow... "A trainer fed his monkeys 3 treats in the morning and 4 at night. The monkeys complained, so he fed them 4 in the morning and 3 at night. The monkeys no longer complained." -- The Book of Chuang Tzu "3 in the morning and 4 at night" The trainer had not given anything up, but had adapted his method to accomodate the madness.
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paras Knowflake Posts: 1328 From: the Heart of It All Registered: May 2004
posted October 09, 2004 06:34 AM
Hey, HSC... no offense meant here, but, what would you say to the concept that you come across as being a little... ummm, obssessed... with "finding your soulmate"? Ever think maybe you should just let go and let it happen, in its own time?I swear, I'm not trying to criticize you here, just giving you an outsider's perspective. Trust that this Libra has never wanted anything as badly as he's wanted to find "the one", so I can totally understand and sympathize with that desire. Just not something I actively pursue, or see much sense in pursuing, either. I think events of such major import will happen when they're supposed to, and nothing we can do will bring them a minute closer. You know?  IP: Logged |
purple_scorp Knowflake Posts: 251 From: Australia Registered: Sep 2004
posted October 09, 2004 09:16 AM
and....for those of you who are trying to manifest a meeting with a soul mate, you better add to the equation that your soul mate is awake and at the same point in their spiritual journey as you are in yours. Otherwise, it's very frustrating.purple_scorp IP: Logged |
GemStar Knowflake Posts: 441 From: USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted October 09, 2004 10:40 AM
Good Point purple_scorp!IP: Logged |
astro junkie Moderator Posts: 7750 From: Registered: Nov 2003
posted October 09, 2004 12:57 PM
Purp Scorp -Sounds like you know from experience, is that true? I'm glad you brought it up because it seems that is the current challenge with myself and my friend. .gloria IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 1521 From: north of Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted October 09, 2004 03:52 PM
paras -Point taken. And, I would have to agree with you, that, for most people, my preoccupation/obsession would border on unhealthy. Of course, there are no catch-all, cure-all prescriptions, as far as these kinds of cliches go. For my part, I experience a form of alienation from society that most others cannot begin to accept, let alone understand. It seems to me that your average joe isn't obsessed with finding a soul-mate because he/she can find one just about anywhere. (Naturally, I exaggerate here, for effect, but the gist is true enough.) Partnerships are extremely valuable to me because: 1. I am a Scorpio with an Aquarius Moon, Uranus Conjunct Sun/Venus/MC, and a Cap ascendent; most people can't - or would rather not - relate to me. 2. I am a highly self-destructive Scorpio, at that. 3. I am an Earth-Horse, in the Chinese Zodiac; Earth-Horses can seemingly survive on thin air, but are miserable without love. 4. I have Jupiter in Leo in the 7th house. The descriptions I have read of this are quick to point out that, a person with this placement loves passionately and can benefit immensely from partnerships. 5. Speaking of loving passionately, Note how Venus opperates in the above-stated Conjunction. 6. Gemini in the fifth and Mercury Conjunct Mars; Communication (on all levels) is essential for me. 7. I have an I.Q. of 136; that alone eliminates 96% of the population as far as mates go; unless I want to be explaining myself all the time, which I do not. Shall I go on, or is that enough to distinguish my life experience from your own?
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pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 440 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted October 09, 2004 04:09 PM
I wonder... Just throwing them out here, whether they hit the truth or not is up to you~ Are you aloof? Because of your placements... or Are you too eager, in your quest to define yourself within how you love someone or in wanting to love someone? How do you think you come across... Do you think you can alienate 'potentials' by either form? I am sure you analyze yourself more than the average person, so the answer may change from day to day. Keep yourself open to any experience.. the fun ones, the profound ones.. a High I.Q. may distance you from discussing the near and dear to your heart with everyone you come in contact with, but it need not prevent harmony or the ability to discover more things about the capacity of E.Q. Be a gentleman, never allow your ego to put yourself before another who's interest you have garnered. Show your sensitivity.... Just throwing shite out there, Off to work!IP: Logged |
eightdegrees Knowflake Posts: 209 From: Burlington, VT, USA Registered: May 2003
posted October 09, 2004 05:34 PM
HSC:I feel your frustration over here in CT, where I'm also longing for a conscious relationship. But- I'm also not. I try to straddle this dichotomy as much as I can. You're as right to say "We're not as separate as you think," and "You can find yourself in another person," as Miss Muffet is to say, "You have to know/love yourself before you can know/love another." Both are true- another dichotomy. The whole Universe IS in you, and in others. Therefore, you can find it in someone else just as you can find it in yourself. But I think there is something very sacred about finding your own sacredness- or at least starting to- before you truly love another. (Oh, excuse me- we're being interrupted by the lonesome, "poor me" that lives inside me- and you). "F%@* THAT! I HAVEN'T BEEN KISSED IN OVER FIVE MONTHS! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH _ME_ FOR GOD'S SAKE! WHY WON'T SOMEONE LOVE ME?" She gets really ****** at that mellow other woman inside me who says, "Don't worry, it's all for the best, whatever's meant to happen will happen." And it's true that there are plenty of historical figures that have benefitted from an inspiring love in their lives- but I think there are plenty more average and not-so-average humans who are miserable because they base their identity on another- got lost in relationship before they knew who they were. I've been single all but 9 months out of my almost 23 years. I know where you're coming from. I'm just as intelligent as you are. I'm attractive, funny, kind, blah blah blah- you'd think I have men falling over themselves for me- but I don't. All the one's my age are too immature, I'm not interested in the old ones, and I haven't found an inbetween yet. But I've learned to enjoy my singledom, and take comfort in the fact that if I'm being made to wait, it's because I'm being prepared for something great. I know I will have the love I want in my life- I give thanks for that, rather than dwell in the emptiness I sometimes temporarily feel. I have an Aqua rising and Venus, 3 planets in the 10th house and Mars in the 8th. It's difficult for me to find people I can TRULY relate to, as well. Try Mars in the 8th on for passion! YOWZA. I'm almost scared of it sometimes. But I have no one to give it to! So I pour it into other passions I have- like cooking and art. Who needs sex when I have a whole chocolate cake out in the kitchen! PAR-TAY. I don't know. Is there any solace in my words? Or at least a little comfort in the fact that there others out there? IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph Knowflake Posts: 627 From: Registered: Jul 2004
posted October 09, 2004 07:13 PM
Er, may I interject something? Speaking as someone who is very single, has a 165 IQ and hasn't been kissed, well, in a hell of lot longer than 5 months, all this has the flavor of Napa Valley whine festival and if looked at more objectively, the reason why certain peeps here haven't found their "soul mate" is painfully obvious: you're not ready for your soul mate. If you haven't found your soul mate and long neurotically for one, you have the *biggest* indicator that you need to work on yourself, in particular your ego, first and foremost. Otherwise, if you were to meet your soul mate, your ego would try to consume that person and expect them fix everything about yourself you don't like. How realistic is that? Not even a soul mate can do that for you. You soul mate should lift you up to a level you can't reach on your own, and vice versa. For it to be mutual, the two of you need to meet each other at a point in your respective lives where you really, genuinely cannot progress any further without the help of the other. How can this happen if you arrive on the scene still dealing with ego issues and emotional neediness that should've been resolved before leaving high school??? Seriously now. And please, please, PLEASE don't start with the "I really can't live without love" business in my general or virtual vicinity. I am a GEMINI with a PISCES MOON in the 7TH HOUSE, for crying out aloud. As far as I'm concerned, you're finishing off your first bottle of whine before the cheese course has even been served. Hell, you're still standing at the door, expecting someone to take your coat, while the rest of us Sgt Pepper's Lonely Heart Club members are done with the desert and are gathering in the palor for a sing-along of "Eleanor Rigby" and "A Litte Help From My Friends"! I doubt anyone here has felt the need for a "twin soul" to "complete" themselves as a Gem-Pisces can (unless you are a Gem-Pis, or a Pis-Gem). I'm 33 and haven't even dated for 8 years, let alone come close to finding that twin soul (and if I have found him, if he's who I currently am suspecting of being the one, he's presently living 900 miles away, when he's in the country, and is too busy with his career and other personal issues, including getting over a ex-girlfriend, to include me in his life). I made the conscious decision to stop pursuing relationships and my obsessive hunt for the "one" when I was 25, because I knew I needed to work on myself. I can't deny being a lonely person who finds being alone painful. I've had 8 freaking years to own up to that, and studying astrology didn't help keep up my denial. But I also know it's not the end of the world and my life is rich in other ways. Now if a neurotic, perpetually child-like and highly unstable Gem-Pisces can do that, so can you. But you're going to have to lay off the whine and sober up a bit first, OK? And another risk of being *overly* harsh (as opposed to my regular degree of harshness)...HSC, speaking as one high IQ to another, if you are fixated over how your IQ is possibly obstructing you from finding a happy relationship, then you are too fixated on your IQ. And that's not a problem with your intelligence and how it eliminates possiblies; it's a problem with your EGO that has relied too much for too long on a score for test that doesn't mean a whole lot in real life when you get right down to it. OK? I know Scorpios often have a deep, subconscious ego-related phobia about being an "insignificant nobody" who isn't special and thus not gushingly adored by others, but I think you really need to work on the humility factor before going on another date. IP: Logged | |