Topic: Astrological Beauties
maya-v Knowflake Posts: 744 From: New York Registered: Dec 2004
posted January 20, 2005 11:13 AM
Who do you think, among celebrities - personifies their signs the most and who makes the job look good? For me, the list begins like this - Uma Thurman - Pure Taurean Earth Mother (Strength and Beauty) Matt Damon - Perfectly Balanced Libran - (everything has to be fair!) Julia Roberts - Steamy, Mysterious Scorpio (With the strength of Pluto) Angelina Jolie - Whacky, Wierd DoubleSided Gemini*edited* Brad Pitt (lol) - Perfectly Evasive Archer (Sly, Slimy Neptune blessed its former charge Sag with that quality) Anyone got more? IP: Logged |
ghanima81 Knowflake Posts: 1103 From: MAINE! :) Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 20, 2005 11:27 AM
Angleina is a Gemini, which actually makes more sense... crazy knife weilding, blood vial wearing Angleina, then UN Goodwill Embassador- mother of adopted Cambodian boy saint like Anglelina... two sided lady!!Cool idea though! Jennifer Aniston is pretty true Aquarian... can't even settle into marriage with Brad Pitt cuz it goes against her freedom loving crazy air head! Ben Affleck is pretty tried and true Leo... power, money, attention, addiction. And he's now dating Jennifer Garner, an Aries... this could be a pretty interesting relationship to watch!! OOOOh the sparks! All I can think of for now.. IP: Logged |
sassygrrrl Knowflake Posts: 527 From: U.S.A. Registered: Aug 2004
posted January 20, 2005 12:29 PM
IMO Madonna and Mick Jagger are the personification of Leos . They seem truly happiest when they are center-stage. IP: Logged |
maya-v Knowflake Posts: 744 From: New York Registered: Dec 2004
posted January 20, 2005 03:59 PM
How abt Jim Carrey? He is supposed to be born on Jan 17th but I seriously think he has some strong Aqua vibes! Does anyone know his b'day?IP: Logged |
running_bull Knowflake Posts: 167 From: the desert, usa Registered: Nov 2004
posted January 20, 2005 04:14 PM
Pierce Brosnan strikes me as an attractive, solid, dependable, and responsible Taurus male. Just a really good example of it. *I'm not just saying that because we share a birthday*  IP: Logged |
Sun_Scorpion Knowflake Posts: 1126 From: UK Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 21, 2005 05:58 PM
Oh I love these topics, I did one like this about a year ago it was alot of fun!!  I agree with the Uma Thurman one!! Earth mother indeed, and extreamly hard worker too, shes got quite alot of earth and fixed signs in her chart so once she starts something (eg Kill Bill) she wont finish till its done to perfection. All that weight training, painfull, hard martial art work ect!! Oh! RunningBull I love Pierce (Shaken.. not stirred) Brosnan!! Great choice for a bull, he seems very sensous and steady. And oh man do I Jim Carrey!! Hes like the funniest actor ever!!!  His charts really interesting to, as Im sure everyone would guess just by watching a film with that manic, wacky, fast paced humour, theres gotta be some Aquarius in there!! It dominates his chart with Capricorn (his sun) so hes a mix of both. Check it out, they've done an anylses of it here: I found it facinating, especially the Uranus Quincunx Sun- ' the mark of rebellious and willful behavior that could get in the way of Carrey's considerable ambition. It further speaks to a dictatorial streak, abrupt speech and excitable behavior.' Definatly!! LOL!!
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future_uncertain Knowflake Posts: 627 From: ohio Registered: Aug 2004
posted January 21, 2005 10:53 PM
I adore Catherine Zeta Jones. Sag rising, Libra sun, Pisces moon... the girl is blessed!IP: Logged |
Sun_Scorpion Knowflake Posts: 1126 From: UK Registered: Aug 2003
posted January 22, 2005 07:32 PM
You might like to read this Future Uncertain, its a really interesting interpretation about CZJ's chart. Also I found it amazing looking at her actual chart, you can instantly see the Grand Trine, between Earth signs Venus in Virgo, Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Taurus!!
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aries-chick Knowflake Posts: 427 From: The Ocean Registered: Jul 2003
posted January 22, 2005 10:04 PM
Yep CZJ is beautiful Sun/Moon opposition is meant to be pretty attractive and it is in her case. When I did her chart ages ago and saw that day has either Pisces Moon till 6 pm ...Aries after, I always pictured her as more of an Aries moon, she's a bit fiesty like that or seems it either way (and for some reason she reminds me a bit of Angelina Jolie minus the wacky stfs, and she does have an Aries moon). But the fiesty look could deffinetly be in the Sag ascendant too and her birth time's at 2.40 pm in most places which would make her a Pisces moon..More actors.. Joaquin Phoenix ... screams Scorpio to me, very scorpion looking, massive intense blue eyes Josh Hartnett who is a Cancer/ Aqua moon, you can tell he has this werdo funny side and Kate Beckinsale - Leo/ Gemini moon IP: Logged |
Aphrodite Knowflake Posts: 3951 From: Registered: Feb 2002
posted January 23, 2005 03:07 PM
Colin Firth - Virgo SunI just like him. He's so handsome and smart. IP: Logged |
neptune lady Knowflake Posts: 153 From: Registered: Jun 2004
posted January 28, 2005 12:31 AM
And don't forget Cancerian George Michael who was so attached to his mother, that he went into deep depression after she died.IP: Logged |
GemStar Knowflake Posts: 339 From: USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted January 28, 2005 08:02 AM
Hey-did you all see how many squares and oppostions that were located in CZJ's chart. Wow...looks like some major work for her in this lifetime...I wouldn't trade stardom for this many obstacles!IP: Logged |
maya-v Knowflake Posts: 744 From: New York Registered: Dec 2004
posted January 28, 2005 01:56 PM
How abt Colin Farrell? And I love how astrology makes Brad Pitt a very sexy guy, apart from his looks! I think his personality is waaay sexier than those poster boy looks!IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 129 From: new zealand Registered: Dec 2004
posted January 28, 2005 11:17 PM
Pamela Anderson, and Sharon Osborne, both cancerians.IP: Logged |
pidaua Knowflake Posts: 3122 From: Sierra Vista, Arizona Registered: May 2002
posted January 29, 2005 02:53 PM
Yummmmmmy...Josh Hartnett...Man, there is something about that guy that makes my tummy flip  IP: Logged |
MysticScorpio Knowflake Posts: 166 From: Registered: Nov 2004
posted January 30, 2005 09:34 AM
me too! Josh Hartnett is so gorgeous, I just love his eyes, so deep. He's a cancerian btw.IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 265 From: ireland Registered: Sep 2004
posted February 14, 2005 02:49 PM
Isn't Sharon Osbourne Libra sun with Venus in Pisces (lucky woman).......IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 265 From: ireland Registered: Sep 2004
posted February 14, 2005 02:50 PM
sorry should read venus in Scorp, not Pisces ooopsIP: Logged |
viper Knowflake Posts: 164 From: Jersey - Channel Islands Registered: Jan 2005
posted February 14, 2005 05:40 PM
If your gonna mention Taurean beauty - Sorry - Michelle Pfieffer any day.Simple, exoticaly gorgeous beats UMA - sorry xxx IP: Logged |
MysticScorpio Knowflake Posts: 166 From: Registered: Nov 2004
posted February 16, 2005 08:12 PM
I agree viper, Michelle is beautiful. I love her, she is just very feminine, one of my fav actresses right after Julia Roberts. I wonder what asc Michelle pfieffer has? Does anyone know? And I had no idea that having the sun opposite your moon makes you pretty attractive, I have Scorp Sun/ Taurus moon so this piece of info really works for me hahaha IP: Logged |
Virgo-AriesArtist Moderator Posts: 1189 From: USA Registered: Nov 2001
posted February 16, 2005 10:07 PM
Nicole Kidman...I don't know, she strikes me as incredibly classy, and so darn versitile, I almost turn green with envy (j/k). She's a Gemini Sun, Sag Moon, Venus in Leo------------------ -K "Most people love with restraint As if they were someday to hate We hated gently, carefully As if we were someday to love"-Venus Trines at Midnight IP: Logged |
Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 332 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted March 03, 2005 02:18 AM
Maya you asked about Colin Farrel and he is a Gem, you can tell from his language if you ever hear him on TV, lol, he cusses right and left so that if you bleep him out all thats left is 'a, me , the , that , this , is, yes, no.' most Gems I know have some sort of affinity for cuss words and they use em for weird humor...(myself included?) Jay Leno is a Taurus and you can tell from his love for cars, his wife, and that hes considered one of the more conservative, family-oriented comedians around. Whenever Pam Anderson or Anna Nicole Smith comes on his show and do something embarrassing like shoving their b**bs in his face he always gets embarrassed...hahaha Interestingly my favorite comedian, Jerry Seinfeld is also a Taurean. his weird sense of humor totally gets me to lmao. Two Arian funny guys: David Letterman and Conan o Brien. Can you tell Conan's a fiery ram with that mass of red hair? lol Johnny Carsons born on Oct 23 I believe, I think that makes him Scorp. I think his eyes, and his delivery, the typical sharp kind that most scorps have, was totally hilarious. Im a sucker for comedians! lol However the first thing that'll turn me off is someone lame too, ughhhh IP: Logged |
Luna Knowflake Posts: 27 From: New York Registered: Jul 2002
posted March 04, 2005 06:10 PM
Famke Janssen Scorpio looks, scorpio sexiness, power roles... The best eyebrows on the planet.IP: Logged |
sthenri Moderator Posts: 3093 From: Montreal, Canada Registered: May 2003
posted March 04, 2005 06:57 PM
CZJ made a great choice in husbands, Michael is so hot, I have always loved him, Libra I think right? She is beautiful and fiesty, yes very much Sag rising,Still think Halle Berry is gorgeous, another sixth house sun like myself:> Natasha
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Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 332 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted March 06, 2005 11:35 PM
yeah Natasha CZJ and Michael are both LibrasIP: Logged |