Topic: Is this true hate?
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 08, 2005 11:16 PM
I totally agree with sg, regarding- "You should really be careful how you act now."Because how you act will give the impression of- 1. Its over 2. Its Not over 3. Im Undecided. I really think you should not decide at all if either option seems too dramatic for you for if you choose option 1 or 2, it may be final. If you like him go for it, If you dont feel like it dont. He wont be burned twice, well not from you anyway, let alone three times.
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monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 08, 2005 11:17 PM
It sounds more like true indifferenceIP: Logged |
sarah9 Knowflake Posts: 153 From: india Registered: Apr 2005
posted May 08, 2005 11:53 PM
Hi Monad,true indifference from who's side....mine or his? Im curious and wondering how ure so sure abt him being totally for it. Like i said before, he cld be playing some emotionally manipulative game.....and like i earlier pointed out, he hasnt 'SAID' anything? Ill watch for some more clues and then ill go for it but it wld be so much better if there ws some flow of conversation. My virgo moon refuses to beleive anything unless is oral/ verbal in nature.... Thanks for the insight Monad. Its very clear and i appreciate that.Wish the guy in question was that clear too. Love Sarah IP: Logged |
sarah9 Knowflake Posts: 153 From: india Registered: Apr 2005
posted May 09, 2005 08:01 AM
Yeah, seems like i got excited too soon.....So weird.....he passed me by today and he could have greeted me right? No, he didnt. Just walked away??? What have i already hurt him 'AGAIN' when im not aware? If so then i think we r basically totally incompatible. I need a break frm this emotionally and mentally exhausted. Love Sarah IP: Logged |
sarah9 Knowflake Posts: 153 From: india Registered: Apr 2005
posted May 13, 2005 07:47 AM
Hi guys,Well, i think i finally did break the ice....and well the result was predictable. My closest colleague went up to him today (shes leaving the org) and asked him whether he had a problem with her or with me? (he stopped talking to her as well when he cut ties with me). He told her that he thought he was interfering too much in our business and so stopped. When i joined them, i asked him the same. Whether he had a problem since he had totally stopped speaking to us. His version with me was, that he was busy and he really had no problems. He wasnt maintaining any eye contact at all with me. And he left in a hurry. Havent met him after that but from my side ive tried my best! Ide like ur opinion on this? Did i do something wrong again? Shld i have spoken to him alone? What do these vague answers mean?I did try didnt i?What do u guys think? Love Sarah IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 15, 2005 07:41 AM
Maybe he loved you and thought you loved him back, leading to his dissapointment?Maybe he is playing mind games, trying to get some sort of revenge on you. I am only guessing, sarah.
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monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 15, 2005 08:06 AM
I dont know. It sounds like hes trying to avoid you at all costs. I may be possible that he is aware that you NOW do like him, but oh no, hes not falling for that one again. Be careful what you wish for cos you just might get it. It sounds like indifference on both sides. -You dont care about him and he dont care about you. It sounds really really over. Evertime you do something nice he gets all excited again, falls in love again, then you become indecisive and he gives up again, is this fairly accurate.Generally women can have whoever they want, while men often take what they can. Be friends with him, who knows, as I said maybe one day you will love one another again. Its really really up to you to make the move, but dont ask me what to do, Im alone still too. Isnt life about living and having fun. If you share an affinity with this man why do you continue to reject his company. Painfully I will again point out that maybe he doesent want you. Dont do anything. If you are meant to be together then it will *most likely* happen. BUT if your intuition says so you should probably listen. GUESS 1. he thinks its over between you and now he is playing games with you. GUESS 2. you are playin games with him GUESS 3. you share a unique bond which is as has always been difficult to ignore. END it now whatever it is/ is not and start anew and see what you get. If hes anything like me he would just enjoy your company, but have you denied him the privelige to LOVE YOU, though? I dont know maybe he doesent like you at all. IP: Logged |
sarah9 Knowflake Posts: 153 From: india Registered: Apr 2005
posted May 17, 2005 12:22 AM
Hi Monad,and Thanks for those very clear and concise answers.I think they helped. Iam just letting it be. If its meant to sort itself out it will or else well, maybe it really wasnt meant to be. But its going to be very tough since we r in the same place. As for 'Mind games', he might be playing them with me. I am not. I just liked him/like him and i wasnt looking for any conclusion to this. I was being in the moment bcos thinking of any conclusions to relashionships has only got me pain in the past. And like i posted the title of my topic, and the way u ended ur post.....maybe he dosent even like me anymore.Thats fine, my guilt feels gone ever since i went up to him. Now...its only fate. Ill keep you guys posted if anything ever comes up. But i need u to wish me all the luck in getting over this. Thanks once again for the help guys!  Love Sarah IP: Logged |
Gooberzlostlovefound Knowflake Posts: 1205 From: and the embers never fade in your city by the lake Registered: Jan 2002
posted May 17, 2005 02:36 AM
Looking forward to your update.Wish you best of luck!!  IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 17, 2005 05:51 AM
hahahahahahahaha! my work here is done
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Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Jun 2005
posted May 17, 2005 09:18 PM
lol @ monadall ur replies were great Love SG IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 17, 2005 10:05 PM
Then it has begun AhahahahahahahahaaaIP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 17, 2005 10:18 PM
Thanks secret garden I love you tooIP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 17, 2005 10:22 PM
was that it?IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 17, 2005 10:24 PM
mwahIP: Logged |
sarah9 Knowflake Posts: 153 From: india Registered: Apr 2005
posted May 18, 2005 02:01 AM
You guys are sweet  Love Sarah
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Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Jun 2005
posted May 19, 2005 12:04 AM
awwwww love @ monad*monad is bombarded by hugs and kisses till bruised badly* Love SG IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 19, 2005 01:09 AM
Thanks sg that should do me for a while.IP: Logged |
Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Jun 2005
posted May 19, 2005 03:45 AM
awww monad come back for moreeeee when u need it i like givin those out, by the dozens Love SG IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 19, 2005 07:28 AM
prove to me you love meIP: Logged |
Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Jun 2005
posted May 20, 2005 01:23 AM
"Thanks sg that should do me for a while." ___________________________________ its gonna DO you...really... "prove to me you love me" _________________________________ *faints* id do anything fer u baybeeeeeee. anything anything jes ask Love SG IP: Logged |
monad Knowflake Posts: 366 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted May 20, 2005 03:46 AM
wowIP: Logged |
amisha121877 Knowflake Posts: 1005 From: Tri-State, USA Registered: Jul 2004
posted May 20, 2005 11:50 AM
just my opinion but:how about initiating him going with you to a diner, movie, bookstore or something and then bring it up while looking him dead in his face (of course, have a unrelated conversation before and after) but don't try to talk to him in front of others, when you guys have stopped talking to one another and you know there is a bit of tension between the two of you. I mean, ??????. If you are just plain curious as to why he doesn't seem as attracted to you as before and nothing else just for closure's sake (believe me, i know what that's like to have someone like you when you don't like them like that and then when they are tired of trying - move their own separate way and then you feeling like maybe i did like him a bit more than i thought but now i know and it's too late????) please let the cancer continue his healing/transition and leave it be as it is.......pass a smile and a wave when you see him, that's all. Besides, maybe he's gained more interests/hobbies since you guys last hung out. you know? btw, did you ever discuss your past relationship with cancer(the one that ended 4 months between you and cancer speaking with one another)? anway, if it's meant to be, it'll be. p.s. i'm a 9 too. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Knowflake Posts: 5081 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted May 20, 2005 12:16 PM
HI sarah 9! I have been self absorbed and ignoring other's posts for a while now, but I felt like opening this shell here.... speaking of shell..... I get the impression from your words, of two crabs. circling 'round each other and doing the seduction dance. parry thrust retreat I think you two will be just fine when he gets over his shyness and you let him.  good luck.  IP: Logged |
Secret Garden Knowflake Posts: 18 From: Registered: Jun 2005
posted May 21, 2005 03:52 PM
monad, thats all you have to say to me? SG IP: Logged |