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  Is this true hate? (Page 4)

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Author Topic:   Is this true hate?

Posts: 153
From: india
Registered: Apr 2005

posted June 09, 2005 04:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sarah9     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Pixie,

Thanks for the insight. Really, i think ure right abt a lot of things here and the main thing is and an issue i need to resolve within me is the 'Analysis'.Virgo moon!ugh!

Ill take a deep breath and just relax. And any updates from now will only be significant ones.

pheeewwww.....i need to relax!


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Posts: 153
From: india
Registered: Apr 2005

posted September 28, 2005 10:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sarah9     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Guys,

Just thought ide update abt my cancer and me....

From the time we last became friends and to today....worlds have changed.

- We did become friends and he kept joining me for lunch so we could talk but we could never get over the awkwardness.

- Both of us resigned on the very same day from the org. When he came to tell me he was going and when i told him i was too....i think it was the most painful moment of my life. I didnt even ask for a mail id contact...

- He had announced it to friends abt 15 days back and told me so while going. I gs he didnt receive any reaction frm me then cos i didnt know.

- He has moved away to another state. It mustve been tough on him being a cancer and suddenly leaving his family etc.

- The last person he saw before getting out of the gates was me...we just looked at each other and then he was finally out of my life.

- I will always remember my sweet, emotional cancerian. Who forgave me and loved me enough to bridge the gap in the end.

But maybe time ran out or i wasnt in his plane....

Ill always remember him....


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Posts: 153
From: india
Registered: Apr 2005

posted September 29, 2005 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sarah9     Edit/Delete Message
....Oh and yes...

Everyone who knew me and him actaully came and told me that HE was one person who loved me from the bottom of his heart....when asked how they knew.....didnt say anything. How did they know? and why do they tell me this now?

The best thing fate did for us was to make us leave together.If either had left before, im sure the other wouldnt have been able to stand it...

Do these things really happen? Why cant we be with the person whom we love and who loves us back? Its so painful because it was once so beautiful.....i remember always thinking one thing.....we would run out of time. I gs we did. It was just a month after we being friends that we left.


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