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Author Topic:   Soul Mates
neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
Registered: Dec 2004

posted May 11, 2005 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
I found this and fell in love with it. I haven’t found my soul mate but I had to share this anyway - it’s so cute. You don’t have to respond, I would just like you to read it…so maybe it might cheer you up If you’re not in a hopelessly mushy mood then maybe you should skip this lol

For some reason I’m just in one of those moods.


In order to find your soul mate, you must know what to look for. I have compiled the ten most important traits in recognizing your soul mate. Read them to help you decide who your own soul mate(s) is.


Your soul mate must accept you for who you are. He or she must accept your weaknesses as well as your strengths. Your soul mate does not try to change you, nor do you try to change them. He or she lets you be yourself, for the more you are yourself, the stronger your bond with your soul mate has a chance of becoming.


Your soul mate makes you feel good about yourself. He or she never criticizes, only encourages. If they cannot do this, then they are not your soul mate.


Your soul mate cares about you and what happens to you. He is the first to be by your side in accomplishment and defeat. She picks you up when others throw you down. He nurtures your spirit so you can roll with the punches, no matter where they fall.


Your soul mate is your best friend in the entire world. She or he laughs with you, cries with you, sings with you. They are there for you when life throws you those bad curves; they are there for you when you surpass your highest expectations of yourself. A soul mate will understand you and give you what you want and need without hesitation. She will make you feel at home, comfortable and at ease.

As you would with any friend, take the relationship slow. Savor each milestone of firsts: the first time your eyes meet, the first time his lips brush against yours, the first afternoon spent together walking through the park or along the seashore or even just in your own backyard. You have to remember that if you end up together, these “firsts” will be ingrained in your memory forever. Cherish them.


Your soul mate is generous. He gives freely of his time and his possessions. She will ditch whatever she is doing to be with you. He will give you your heart’s desires. She will give you her heart and soul, if need be.


Soul mates are interested in what each other have to say. My soul mate and I would spend hours contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Since we thought alike, we never did stop talking. We talked about our past, our present and our future. As we had so many things in common, each of us was interested in what the other had to say.


You may have premonitions of your future soul mate in dreams. Whether they are when you are asleep or when you are in meditation, you will picture your soul mate as if he or she were standing in front of you. You will note the color of their hair, the sound of their voice, their way of walking. You will picture your soul mate as you want them to be. If you are fortunate enough to be able to do this—and it can happen anytime, anywhere—remember it. For, in time, your soul mate will appear in front of you just as you envisioned.


One of the main ingredients for a successful soul mate relationship lies in the power of karma. In layman’s terms, karma is basically the theory that whatever you do, there will be another event to follow that is directly consequential to your actions. Therefore, the law of karma teaches us that what we do today may come back to haunt us tomorrow. How does this apply to the soul mate phenomenon?

If you are in a bad relationship, and you continue to remain in that relationship, you are setting up a path of bad karma for yourself because of the negative energies that arise. Once you learn to set up a shield against this negativity, good karma will infiltrate your life and open your soul to a promising and healthy soul mate relationship.

Not until this happens will you ever receive a satisfactory soul mate union. Both parties must bring good karma into the relationship. You have to remember that we are all souls, just pure energy “visiting” this planet; and we have been here many times. Neither partner can come from a place where negativity is present, or the soul mate experience just won’t occur..


You will feel a connection with your soul mate, as if you had known him or her before. You will feel an energy radiating between you. You will look into each other’s eyes and see each other’s soul, for that is where the true soul mate connection lies.

Not enough can be said about the spiritual connection between soul mates. It is the most important quality in a soul mate relationship. You will feel this in the depths of your heart and soul. Without it, the soul mate relationship is doomed.


Your soul mate will love you more than anything or anyone he has loved in his entire life, although he will give you freedom to be who you are. “You cannot possess a soul mate any more than you can possess a person in your physical world,” says Robert Egby, author of Thank You For The Flowers. “Soul mates are free and must always be so. Love cannot be possessed or controlled. Soul mates are together because they share an unconditional love, a mutual vibration. There are no exceptions.”

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Posts: 1007
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posted May 11, 2005 07:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for geminstone     Edit/Delete Message
Thanks, Neptune's Mermaid ~
I Love these kinds of things

~ geminstone

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 11, 2005 07:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
neptune's mermaid! You said it exactly!!!!! I left two husbands and burned my bridges! It was a scary thing to do and I had to give up virtually everything of material possessions, but I did! I am married now to my soulmate!!!!!

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Posts: 5260
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posted May 11, 2005 07:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
Couplea' yes's, couplea' no's...The NO answers mean more to me personally than the yes 'right' ones. But I already knew that, it's just hard to justify.


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posted May 12, 2005 07:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sarah9     Edit/Delete Message
Just simply Beautiful, Neptune's mermaid. And very very accurate too.

I might add 'Effortlessness' in it as well since soulmate realshionships just happen and they seem like a gift. U never need work terribly hard or be agonised like in karmic relashionships. It just 'Flows'.


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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 12, 2005 08:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
Just thought some of you might enjoy these lexigrams of "soulmates". Its not great poetry, but it's hard finding alot of applicable words to use that are found in the word.

A seal at last set,
A mate,
A soul oases met.
As salt to sea,
As sea to salt,
As muse to tale,
As tale to muse,
So as to us must
As souls to same, salute.


Or this version:

A seal at last set,
A mate,
A soul oases met.
As salt to sea,
As sea to salt,
As muse to tale,
As tale to muse,
So as a Tao
To us must
As meta souls
To same,


Anagrams for Soulmates:
Meta Souls
Assume lot
Same lotus
A muses lot
Use almost
A must lose
Almost use
O' same lust
Met a souls...
A mute loss
Also muse
Last mouse

Stela(an inscribed slab used as a monument)

To us..
Mute elms,
To use
As stela.
Let us assume..
So as to use..
As slates,
As tomes,
At least..
Let us so,
As to us amuse.
A muse.
As tales so set,
At last to same,
So mote
to us.
As muses set a seal to
some less amulet.


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neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
Registered: Dec 2004

posted May 12, 2005 10:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
Same here geminstone, I adore thing like this too - especially the premonitions and seeing your soul mate in your dreams or while meditating part

Fayte.m you’re so lucky and I’m so happy for you. You, like Linda, have given me hope. I pray I meet my soul mate someday. It feels more and more possible everyday…sorry, I’m just a hopeless romantic lol Your lexigram is beautiful I copied and saved it - I hope you don’t mind

Pixie…well I don't believe you have to agree with her. Soul mates mean different things to different people I suppose. I can’t help but want to believe that soul mates are as close to perfect as anything can possibly be. Blame my Sun. Actually, it reminds me of a description of Pisces I found when I was fifteen. I loved it so much that I’ve copied it everywhere. However, there was this one part I could never understand - but when I reread it a couple of weeks ago…it strangely made sense.

“Pisces is the sign of intense emotional sensitivity, desire for togetherness and absolute, mystical or religious love.”

My idea of love ( and soul mates ) is so great in magnitude that I’ve placed it on an incredibly high pedestal. The idea of soul mates is on a God like level.

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neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
Registered: Dec 2004

posted May 12, 2005 10:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
*I had to split my post.

I used to believe my ideas were idealistic and would never come true…until I read Linda’s books. She gave me hope to believe in the “impossible”. I wasn’t ashamed of my beliefs, hopes and wishes anymore. I felt anything was possible

I don’t believe my soul mate will be perfect - rather he will be perfect in my eyes. Just like he wont be God like, but in my eyes he will - “Your soul mate must accept you for who you are. He or she must accept your weaknesses as well as your strengths.”
I’m sure I’ll accept him no matter what

I agree Sarah, I think the love must “flow” effortlessly - it’s such a lovely thought. Especially the idea of them being gifts

I just wanted to add one thing - I think this is about soul mates.

“In Plato’s Symposium, Socrates tells the story of the myth of Aristophanes, concerning the origin of sexual love. According to the myth, the original inhabitants of Earth were round creatures with four hands and four feet and with their backs and hands forming a circle. These self-sufficient sexless beings were very arrogant and repeatedly attacked the Gods. To punish them, Zeus hurled thunderbolts at them and split them apart. Each creature was now two, each half longing to merge with it’s other half.”

It's lovely in a weird way

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Posts: 5260
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted May 12, 2005 10:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
I totally agree that Soulmates are defined differently depending upon the players involved..
You might want a smothering, all encompassing type of love, and that may feel effortless to you.. while I may want someone who just knows the appropriate times to snuggle..
and thats what makes the soulmate quest so fun to articulate.
There are Universal truths though....

I am not after a soulmate right now.
Maybe tht is wierd.. I am after connections, and specialness.. but I thought I had found a soulmate, and through time and change, I know now that he was THEN.. he was perfect for what I needed for that time in my life, but those needs changed, and it is hard to amalgamate...
People would seriously mourn for how we used to be.. we were perfect.
But nothing is effortless, I take the ownness for this.
It isn't something I feel like fixing.... I don't know if I have the tools right now, or if it can be fixed....
Maybe I will find them later....

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neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
Registered: Dec 2004

posted May 12, 2005 11:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
I don’t think I’d want a smoothing kind of love because I have a big fear of drowning or someone suffocating me. But I do agree with you. I guess, although I hate to admit it, I do desire security. I need to know someone will always be there - for peace of mind I guess.

Yes you’re right, I'm confused
Perhaps you’ve already found your soul mate.
You mentioned something about your Saturn return in astrology. Maybe that’s what’s messing with your head. I think because Saturn is about structure and building you may think thing’s are changing - but change is good. But I don’t believe it has to involve serious relationships. The changes are probably to do with your career - probably for the better, I think it’s also affected by aspects in your chart. But I am in no way an expert on these things.

Sorry, I think I should have put this in the astrology board, nonetheless best of luck

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Posts: 5260
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted May 12, 2005 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
Oh, NM.. I was just being general.. I didn't mean YOU, I meant The Universal YOU.
It's okay. thanks, babe..
I have been feeling this way a long time, and am just working through it publically, noit really looking for answers, as I would most likely find fault with them until I was ready to hear them.. right?
I am not afraid of change.
I am working on career too.

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neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
Registered: Dec 2004

posted May 12, 2005 12:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
I don’t think you’re afraid of change, and yes you’re right…answers to questions you haven’t asked are pointless. I’ve been there, they’re only useful once you're ready. I hope you don’t think I was being pushy ( although my fixed Merc may make it seem that way ), I was trying to help…and show that I understand ( emotionally ). Best of luck with all this especially your career hun

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 12, 2005 12:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
neptune's mermaid!
Thank you, and no..I do not mind! I am still trying to figure out what to do with that"b".

As for finding my soulmate...well... we both within a few weeks of each other in 1997, dared GOD and the universe to bring us our soulmate, to reveal also what we are here for, or we were taking a walk out of this incarnation! We had both hit the bottom, in every which way! We both got exactly what/ who we needed, not in the expected packages that is for certain! He did not expect a almost 400 pound disabled middle age woman to be it!(I am much thinner now!) I wasn't expecting a man 15 years younger, not fat, just a little stocky, with beautiful long dark hair and the most mesmering eyes I have ever seen! It was not about looks though, when it came to what drew us together, but definitely a result of being the right ones for each other. Oh yeah, that and Daring God etc.! I posted about all that, other times here at LL; as to how we met, and one of the past lives we had shared, but I got in a snit and erased those posts when someone made a remark I didn't like. I am sorry now that I erased them. Thanks for letting me speak. A soulmate is very much what you, neptune's mermaid, posted to start this thread. Thank You!!!

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neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
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posted May 12, 2005 06:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
So it is possible, and you both prayed for each other, that’s so beautiful…I pray to one day have what you have. It’s not about the package I agree, it’s how they make you feel…and how deeply they touch you.

It’s a shame you erased your post, I would have loved to have read it. It’s ok, when I first started posting I remember erasing some of my posts - and I still do that. Don’t thank me hun, I love to read your posts, your so honest…but I guess that’s a Scorpio thing

“A soulmate is very much what you, neptune's mermaid, posted to start this thread.”
I’m so glad you said that, I can be very idealistic and was afraid that this may be asking for too much - but it’s not, so soul mates are real.

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 12, 2005 08:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
neptune's mermaid! You are so sweet!

Well...I wouldn't call it praying in the traditional sense of the meaning! It was more like....I AM READY! DO IT NOW and bring my soulmate to me what I am here for.....Etc. He did the same. And the leaving this incarnation, for the both of us before we met was no idle concept. It was for both of us a bit too close, but in both our situations someone(s) intervened to prevent our actions in the nick of time! For him it was a person...for me a flock of ravens......

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Posts: 5260
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted May 12, 2005 08:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
Fayte, are you PO'ed at me from my response on my wandering thread?
Just curious, if you'd like me to explain or clear the air in some way?
(That's where you talked of Soulmates.... and erased it..)
I was only talking about that particular situation, and how right now, I am not searching, I don't feel I am developed enough to seek or respect a Soulmate.
If I am ready, I will put up a call, and it will come as I interpret.
I am glad you have found him; the one for YOU

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 12, 2005 09:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
pixelpixie! I AM NOT P'oD! I think I understand why it was not an appropriate posting(s) for that thread. That is why for the most part that I erased them. I didn't know how to cut and paste(I'm a newbie at computer usage too ) so I didn't move them to a more appropriate place. I have never posted or even used a computer on line much before I joined everyone at LL. Also that abscessed wisdom tooth issue was really making me cranky and in pain. If you want to tell your side, you can, but really, everything is ok now. I only mentioned my deleting the posts because I do not type very well, and wished I still had them to cut and paste to here, before I deleted them there. Now I'll have to re-type them if I decide to tell again. I have neurological damage and so it is hard to type. Don't worry pixie...I think we have since then formed a friendship here at LL,..don't you?

Heh heh...while I was trying to fix my typos, you were editing and adding to your post too! October 28? Is that right? Me Nov.3. I think we just had to adjust to each other. And I believe we have!

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Posts: 5260
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted May 12, 2005 09:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
I always do that, I'll notice typos, or think.. I could elaborate more!
So I do.
You're quick!
Yes, It's good.. I wasn't even mad at you or anything then, I always thought you were interesting, and because you are a Scorp, I get it, too....
I'm glad you understand.
I just meant lessons/connecting, on which levels, etc... I was just a bit enamoured, and also jaded.
Thanks all for the advice though...
It was wonderful in sentiment and experience, It just didn't apply there.. but hey, it applies here!
I get *crotchety* ? Is that the word?
When someone tries to tell me stuff sometimes, I will elaborate later, maybe but then you might know......

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 12, 2005 09:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
crotchety....what a strange word...and yes I get crotchety too! Now you did it! I have to hunt down the etomology of that word!!!!! Us dictionary fiends do have our obsessions!!!!

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From: Pleasanton, CA, USA
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posted May 12, 2005 09:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AcousticGod     Edit/Delete Message
Maybe it's my Capricorn practicality, but I would have to think that a Soul Mate in the way it was described will only feel like a Soul Mate for some or most of the time. I'm not the expert, but I would think that any relationships must go through ups and downs, and if you hold on to this view of what a Soul Mate is, and hold it to the letter, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.

That's my take.

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Posts: 5260
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted May 12, 2005 10:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
relationships over the years, are all about disappointments.
I don't mean to sound so cruel.. some people love the normalcy that debvelops,and in some cases, it is comforting and lovely, to hve your own 'language, and know each other soooo well.
There is infinate beauty in this.
But to hold a relationship up to the light of the initial stage, that is hard to do... things evolve.. they are meant to. Some evolutions are painful, some beautiful.
I have yet to meet the couple who started out as a catterpillar and turned into a butterfly though.. it is usually the wings first, the brilliant beautiful ( yet paper thin) wings.... then the chrysallis(SP)...., then the comfortable catterpillar, moseying along together, remembering their wings.... sometimes they can still fly.... but it requires supplementation....
My problem is in that nothing compares to the beautiful wings. I remember too well.

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neptune's mermaid

Posts: 1069
Registered: Dec 2004

posted May 13, 2005 08:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for neptune's mermaid     Edit/Delete Message
Fayte.m really? Ravens - how mysterious and yet still incredibly romantic
Pixie what you wrote was just so lovely and beautiful

“and if you hold on to this view of what a Soul Mate is, and hold it to the letter, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment.”

I respect what you’re saying but don’t think I’m stupid naive. I know relationships go through ups and downs - I have a Virgo Moon, I’m practical………well for a Piscean anyway. My perfect is different from other’s perfect - if that makes sense. My idea of perfect is about the emotional part of the relationship. As long as the love is real nothing else matters. Plus with my Venus in Aries I need a challenge otherwise I would get bored. So the usual ups and downs are actually welcomed.

I’m not going to stick with a sh1tty bf and call him my soul mate because that’s the best I can do…I don’t settle. Too many women in my family have done that and they’re either in a miserable marriage or divorced and depressed. I am NOT going to end up like that. Now to me that’s setting yourself up for a disappointment.

But again I still respect your opinion

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 13, 2005 09:43 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
neptune's mermaid!
Ravens and or large crows still warn me and help me to this day. But that is not a subject for this thread. The fact that all of you are interested in the soulmate issue, to me does indicate that you all will eventually find the person...or persons you need. I did not find mine overnight. It in fact took the going through so many lovers and encounters that I have lost track. Then two previous marriages that I walked away from, one after 17 years and the other after 7. But, even though the others were not my soulmate(s) they were the right ones at those times in my life. So do not worry too much about permanence of a relationship. Live from day to day, experience life..and it comes!

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Posts: 5260
From: Ontario Canada
Registered: Jun 2005

posted May 13, 2005 10:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message
But, even though the others were not my soulmate(s) they were the right ones at those times in my life. So do not worry too much about permanence of a relationship. Live from day to day, experience life..and it comes!


I told my mother of my wandering feelings.. and immediately she said .. "But you two are so beautiful together"
I agreed, but told her to put it into past tense.
And to honour the people we are today, instead of yearning for the people we were.. ( and YES, we were beautiful!)
I think I am sticking around for now.. for even if I am not completely fulfilled, I don't think I can find this and sustain this with anyone.. and well.. right now, I think I am supposed to continue with stability. He will listen when we talk.. that's an important quality.. a willingness to undrstand ( even if I prefer a more inate communication) For now, I am okay with this. I accept.
Don't mean to steer this thread toward me, I'm just relaying my experiences, and I can identify...

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Posts: 9809
From: Still out looking for Schrödinger's cat.
Registered: Mar 2005

posted May 13, 2005 01:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fayte.m     Edit/Delete Message
pixelpixie! glad I could help! I WANTED the first two husbands to each be my soulmate. Oh there were as I said in some of my deleted( sorry! ) posts, karmic and other reasons for my relationships with those two. They were, in retrospect, the right ones for me..THEN! For those times of my life! I don't regret having married either of them, only that I should have walked away sooner from each one. But that could have caused the events that brought me and my soulmate together, from happening as they did. Timing, yes timing is important. When it's the right time, when you are truelly ready to become that deeply connected with another, it will happen! But as you can see, I know from personal experience that one often has to discover what is not a true soulmate, but only a connection with another while we are waiting for the ONE. I believe these first connections serve to give us contrast, to make it easier to recognize the soulmate connection when it comes to us.
Also, I don't want to make anyone feel bad or jealous that I have found mine. I have paid my dues and while some of it was fun, alot of it was terrible. It was a long haul and not often an easy one, that path to find my beloved ONE. I was 42 years old. He was 28. He had never been married. You are fine pixie! I have been where you are. I really do understand and care! Us Scorpios have very deep feelings, especially when it comes to love. People think that we are tough, but we are really love softies under it all.

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