Topic: chiron and saturn in synastry
SLC777 unregistered
posted June 29, 2005 10:07 PM
Would a conjunction between one's chiron and another's saturn be significant? IP: Logged |
algysh unregistered
posted July 01, 2005 02:01 PM
hi  I read it somewhere that the conjunction bw saturn and chiron is v. significant.... Howevevr i do not quite remember whether it is a positive or a difficult aspect. It implies a strong karma..past lives shared together... If you want more info try googling and search for ''chiron aspects in synastry'' or chiron conjunct saturn in synastry''.
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lllog Newflake Posts: 13 From: springfield, MO Registered: May 2012
posted July 02, 2005 08:22 PM
Your Chiron conjunct his or her saturn indicates that they can bring structure and discipline into your life that will help you deal with past pain that you have been carrying around since childhood.If its his or her Chiron Conjunct your saturn the it you who can bring the structure and discipline to their life and help them deal with their suppressed pain. Lanny
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Lady331 unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 08:34 AM
How about Chiron opposition Saturn in synastry {double whammy}?IP: Logged |
Gemini Nymph unregistered
posted August 28, 2005 10:42 AM
According to Carol Willis:CHIRON aspects bring attraction and fascination, also bizarre reversals, and this can go both ways or applied to both parties. In the circumstances of ordinary life, Chiron aspects are a mutual monkey wrench in the works and often backfire. The Chiron dance is a fascinating, if treacherous one, sort of like watching a slow train wreck - you can see it about to happen, but can't stop it, and can't take your eyes off of it. There can be an obsessive, hypnotized quality to Chiron connections. There's always potential for healing with Chiron, and where effective healing is rejected, things tend to go south and become chaotic, with new wounds inflicted. There is often disagreement about what effective healing would consist in, and how to best achieve it, and therein lies the rub. Chiron aspects eventually go toward both parties in a more involved relationship feeling very wounded and regretting ever getting involved with the other, whereas just the fascination aspect remains in a more detached yet humanly caring relationship. That's at: I can tell that this is very true of my most recent relationship-turned-long-distance-friendship, and we have double whammy moon-Chiron conjunctions. We had a great thing going until he ran into visa trouble and had to go back home (which is in on another continent). Now we both have accepted reality, and while there's still something between us and we're not happy about our circumstances, we both mutually accept where we both are at in our lives and that an intimate relationship isn't going to work. I suppose there has been a lot of healing through this experience, at least for me, but it hasn't be easy gaining that healing then being forced to give up something I wanted so much due to circumstance beyond my control. I had another significant chiron conjunction in a relationship - his Sun was conjunct my Chiron. In that case, he had a tremendous impact on me as a person, literally changed my life for the better, but then he died suddenly. I still dream and visions of him, I still am deeply connected to him spiritually, and he still has a healing impact on my life, but it's not how I would have liked things to turn out. Talk about circunstances beyond one's control. I suspect with Saturn the lessons learned and healing gained will be pretty tough, although there should be a lot of growth, insight and maturity gotten from it. IP: Logged |
Canadiangirl Knowflake Posts: 629 From: Canada Registered: Nov 2013
posted January 07, 2014 12:08 AM
I have saturn sextile chiron with someone. I'm the saturn in this case. How is a sextile different from a conjunct? Less intense?IP: Logged |
jjj Knowflake Posts: 257 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted January 11, 2014 12:14 PM
I find Chiron and Saturn aspects very binding (have Chiron-Saturn square DW with someone)... kind of... if you have other significant Chiron aspects like Chiron-Venus, Sun or Moon, then Chiron-Saturn makes you both hang around and stick to these lessons until they are learned, as catharctic as it might be. But Saturn doesnt let you quit, as good or bad it might be. With intense aspects (con, opp, square) this might be more challenging and resented maybe. I checked it once... had Saturn-Chiron in all my significant rel.ships.IP: Logged |
Canadiangirl Knowflake Posts: 629 From: Canada Registered: Nov 2013
posted February 16, 2014 11:25 PM
I have saturn, moon, mercury and venus trine chiron with someone.IP: Logged | |