posted August 02, 2005 12:10 PM
I don't know if anyone has posted this before. Someone in the Astrology Forum posted this site and, rummaging around, I ran across this. Aside from the Pluto/Venus connections and luminary connections that Linda mentions, these other connections seem to be ones to look for. I know not everyone believes in soul mates but it's at least interesting information. Enjoy! 
1. Let Me Lose Myself in You! (or Calgon, Take Me Away)
Cross aspects between person A's birth Neptune and person B's birth luminaries and personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars)... the conjunction, trine and sextile aspects are (for the most part) a bit "easier" to handle - with the conjunction being the most intense connection. Cross aspects involving Neptune and the other person's luminaries and personal planets can even hold true with sign conjunctions and oppositions that aren't necessarily within orb aspect - but generally speaking: the closer, the better.
Finding what's sometimes called a "double whammy" cross aspect - such as person A's Neptune conjunct person B's Venus and person B's Neptune sextile person A's Venus - is all the better for creating that special connection feeling. A double whammy helps create mutuality of feeling (with both people feeling the same way about each other).
In a synastry birth chart comparison for Paul and Linda McCartney - Paul's Neptune was found to be conjunct Linda's Sun and Linda's Neptune was found to be squared Paul's Sun (a double whammy). Linda's Neptune was also conjunct Paul's Ascendant.
2. Haven't We Met Somewhere, Before? (You're so familiar)
Look for person A's birth planets orb conjuncting the angles of person B's chart (Ascendant/ Descendant axis or the Midheaven/ I.C. axis). This is especially true of person A's luminaries and personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars).
I have extended this rule a wee bit, and if one person's angles (Ascendant/Descendant axis or the Midheaven/ I.C. axis) is simply located in the same Zodiac Sign (Sign conjunct) as the other person's Sun, Moon, Venus, or Mars; then that can spell out a very strong potential for mutual romantic attraction.
Linda's Sun was out of sign orb conjunct Paul's Ascendant. Paul's Moon was sign and orb conjunct Linda's Midheaven.
3. We May Never Pass This Way Again (Karmic Lovers)
Cross aspects between the Sun, Moon, Venus and/or Angles (Ascendant/ Descendant axis or the Midheaven/ I.C. axis) in person A's chart and person B's Lunar Nodes.
The conjunction is the most intense (and compulsive) and gives the strongest "feeling" that the two of you have been together in previous incarnations. The conjunction, trine, and sextile aspects are (for the most part) a bit "easier" to handle than squares and oppositions. Again, look for a double whammy.
Linda's North Lunar Node was conjunct Paul's Ascendant. This may strongly signify that the two of them have been together in several different past lives. Her North Lunar Node was also squared Paul's Sun. Linda's North Lunar Node was also sextile Paul's Venus. Paul's North Lunar Node was trine Linda's Venus (a double whammy).
4. You Are My Destiny (Destiny's Gate)
Cross aspects between the Sun, Moon, Venus, Ascendant, and/or Midheaven in person A's chart and person B's birth Vertex. This is especially true with conjunctions and oppositions. I don't concern myself with looking for the other aspects. (Sometimes, I break my own rule and look for other aspects.) Again, look for a double whammy.
Linda's Vertex was conjunct Paul's Sun and Midheaven which was a very powerful connection between the two of them. Secondarily, Paul's Vertex was trine Linda's Moon and Venus.
5. Hey, Venus! (Love in the Afternoon)
Cross aspects between the Sun and/or Moon in person A's chart and person B's birth Venus. This is especially intense with conjunctions, squares, and oppositions, but trines and sextiles are awfully comfortable and nice.
Again, look for a double whammy.
Paul's Venus was in opposition Linda's Moon and Linda's Venus was squared Paul's Moon (another double whammy).
6. Immortal Lovers (Ooh baby, ooh baby)
Now here's one you probably haven't heard of before... I originally got clued into this connection by astrologer Kira Ivory, although I'm not exactly sure how she uses them. The Immortal Lovers concerns the minor asteroids named Eros and Psyche.
If this is a relationship between a male and female - then first look for the male's birth Eros conjuncting the female's birth Psyche. This even appears to work with sign conjunctions which aren't in orb. In my experience, finding this cross aspect between lovers is fairly rare... (If this is a relationship between same-sex partners, then first look for the more masculine partner's birth Eros conjuncting the more feminine partner's birth Psyche.)
Bringing it down a notch, this also seems to work fairly well with (in orb) aspect oppositions. As a general rule I don't consider trines and sextiles when comparing Eros and Psyche.)
Then... check to see if anything's up between the female's birth Eros and male's birth Psyche. Finding a double whammy cross aspect between lovers (involving conjunctions, oppositions and squares) is rare... Note: Finding a double whammy between family members seems to be rather common (which is sort of a scary thought, but consistent with many of the differing theories on reincarnation).
Paul's Eros was in aspect opposition Linda's Psyche and Linda's Eros was sign conjunct Paul's Psyche (another double whammy).
"To learn is to live, to study is to grow, and growth is the measurement of life. The mind must be taught to think, the heart to feel, and the hands to labor. When these have been educated to their highest point, then is the time to offer them to the service of their fellowman, not before." - Manly P. Hall