Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 05, 2006 02:51 PM
thanks Yeah I have noticed the posting issue, too.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
CapGirl unregistered
posted April 05, 2006 03:04 PM
CelticFyre...I've not been on this board long, but as you know, I am following your thread and am so happy for you of this recent small progress. I myself am dealing with a (capricorn) man whom I feel has some issues due to his previous marriage/ex-wife, and it has been a bumpy, off/on relationship of 18 months, so I can relate. It definitely takes patience, strength and understanding, to just stick by them in the background of their lives. I have also sought out my own support on another board or two, and have a couple women with whom I email. Anyway, keep the positive energy and peaceful feelings going! It's the best way to cope.
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celticfyre unregistered
posted April 05, 2006 03:18 PM
Thanks, CapGirl I'm trying.  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 05, 2006 03:21 PM
celticfyre  Well I have your latest posts on this in notepad so I can work on a reply even if the posting is still glitching. Later!  ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS-
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Selena Newflake Posts: 0 From: Russia Registered: Apr 2010
posted April 05, 2006 03:39 PM
Very nice, Celtic Now that mercury is not retrograde any more, communication gets much simpler and easier, good that you waited. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and "your Crab" (how sweet, I would love someone to call me "my Crab"). Keep us posted, S. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 06, 2006 07:17 AM
ah, that makes me happy .  BTW, the crabby gal that have been talking of , says she is commited to someone
my loss! IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 06, 2006 07:18 AM
ah, that makes me happy .  BTW, the crabby gal that have been talking of , says she is commited to someone
my loss! IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 06, 2006 08:08 AM
AWWW....well there will be another!------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2006 11:44 AM
Hey Celtic, its me MoonDuchess.... I just hope you, and Cancerrg, are doin' okay-sendin' ya lotsa love  IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 09, 2006 12:30 PM
oh, thanks moon ! i seriously need it !its special especially coming from the ever dignified cancer women ! ( infact, i always keep falling for them bcos of it ) and yeah,celtic ! there would be another one . i am the ever optimist !
and the more serious issue , i want to see you now . and i am sure a lot of other people want it too . take it as a reqeust or whatever , i wanna see our dream woman. IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 09, 2006 01:01 PM
well, I would have to get instructions on how to post pictures on here or where ever they get posted to...soemtimes I am not too computer savvy.Moon---{{{HUGS}}} how are you there girl! Thank's for the LUV! ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2006 01:49 PM
Oh everything's fine....just found out some news about a transfer to a better nursing program than my community college, Im souped to say the least I start in the fall.IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 09, 2006 03:16 PM
Congrats Moon! Glad to see another beginning to fill in the ranks. We nurses need all the help we can get.I'm an RN in my day job in additon to volunteering for EMS/Fire calls. Good Luck to you in that endeavor  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2006 07:21 PM
Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning that you were nurse in a earlier post. Thanks  IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 10, 2006 09:17 AM
quote: well, I would have to get instructions on how to post pictures on here or where ever they get posted to...soemtimes I am not too computer savvy.
oh ,very smart dont duck the request  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 10, 2006 10:06 AM
LOLLOLLOL no ducking here---I really don't
------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 12, 2006 10:51 AM
celticfyre  OK.... Let me get this straight.... You and he were previously more involved with each other? HOW deeply involved?I am not clear on everything, but my experience with Cancerian that when they are in work mode.... DO NOT engage them in ANY private business! DO NOT ever expect them to treat you like an intimate in the workplace. That is too personal to them. Not for public display. Respect for themselves and you. Do not mistake it for aloofness or coldness or ignoring you out of rudeness etcetera. Yes..if you let your emotions get in the way..the ones of a private nature, not a work relationship nature, he will appear cold and or rude. You would be embarrassing him by making him feel emotionally naked to his other co-workers. He does not want his personal life on display, or to feel it might be. If this causes you to assume he is acting cold, insensitive or rude.... Get over it! It is more likely that he is in fact VERY, even possibly overwhelmingly emotional in his feelings towards you. But there is a time and place proper for the emotional aspects, BUT, that is NOT at work! Keep Work and Private emotions separate...or at least try to. You and he can be civil and even friendly. But do not overdo it! Act as any other worker towards each other. Cancerians often NEED to keep their private and work worlds separate. If he still has strong feelings for you, and it appears he does, he CANNOT let that out at work! It is even more difficult because he cannot escape contact with you at work. So he MUST do his best to block his emotions in the workplace and consider you as any other worker....except it is too hard, so he Overdoes his emotional distancing from you at work, So he does NOT accidentally "forget" himself and go all personal with you at work. And you all personal with him too. Very embarrassing! If he finds a private moment you and he can talk. But only to set up a later private a NON work location. But my advice is...keep work and private TOTALLY separate! Come to an agreement about this together. You both need to know the protocols and boundaries that will work for each of you so you can work together but still keep the non work issues private. It is no one else's at work business what you and he are towards each other when out of the workplace. And if he is still having custody troubles and has to deal with an Ex.....he needs time to work through all that. But he must do it himself! Do not interfere or try to get involved, until/unless he asks. AS far as that going out business with several others, and your being ignored..... A Cancerian will try to divide his time(conversation) amongst all in a public grouping like that. And an intimate or former intimate he still has feelings for, bad or Good, who is present at this public gathering... He will ignore because he knows he might not be able to keep his emotions from showing...private emotions...bad or Good....and because he feels, embarrassment could befall you, and or him. Cancerians do not want their private "emotional" lives out where all can see them. You think your stomach is in knots? His is probably in agony! He may well be very worried to the point of even paranoia that too much of what was or is between you and him will suddenly become talk of the shop with extra gossip(untrue, speculations) thrown in. Every time he sees you at work...I can picture him wanting to run and hide. Not because he is mad, or does not have Good interests in you, but because it is..."oh God! What do Ido now? What do I say if she asks me a personal thing now, here, at work? What if she gets upset at me because I treat her like just a friend or worker here? How can I get her to understand, that is what I MUST do, to keep my work persona and my private emotional self separate? Well...I hope some of that helps or makes some sense to you. I am just winging it here with my I am still unsure of some of the specifics of it all. ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS-
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celticfyre unregistered
posted April 12, 2006 11:05 AM
Yes Fayte! very helpful. I will replay more and have some questions to ask when I have more time. Thanks you so much for your input! I wish I had know more of this before things went south or southwest, northest er whaterever since we are dealing with a cancerian..LOL------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 12, 2006 12:25 PM
Sorry it took me so long to reply back again. Been very busy. But thank you!   ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
CapGirl unregistered
posted April 12, 2006 03:35 PM
Just my .02, but I still think this is primarily a matter of a man having commitment fears, moreso than due to any Cancer personality trait or work-related issues. I recall that he "bugged out" on Celtic prior to the turmoil getting stirred up at work...
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celticfyre unregistered
posted April 12, 2006 05:47 PM
Okay Fayte,He and I started dating and we became intimate and I considered us a couple. He has been divorced for 6to almost 7 years now. His ex is remarried with a new child with her new husband. The custody stuff is essentially worked out except for when details such as health insurance, monies for such, child support etc come into play and she refused to work anything out amicably he has to take her to court to get her to comply with anything or if she deviates from it. He has primary custody. I think Capgirl is right about a fear of committment but I think here is a guy who has that who is also a Cancer and operates as such with all the insecurites for both. He did apologize for everything that happened and the way it happened. It was a very heartfelt apology. I was very disarmed by the whole thing acutally. Now--he has been very friendly,playful and almost flirty with me. I don't know of he was in an exceptionally good mood or if he felt freer as his youngest had gone to visit his oldest daughter and he was getting a break for a bit. I do notice a difference in him when he doesn't have to worry about his daughter. So now I don;t know what to make of things. I would like to try again if he were willing but I figure I should wait a bit . I don't know. IP: Logged |
CapGirl unregistered
posted April 12, 2006 06:10 PM
I just sympathize, Celtic, if it's the push-pull like I've experienced. It will seem that you take 2 steps forward and then 3 steps back. Like now, it may be perhaps that he has pushed you away for long enough and far enough, so that he's now gotten over the feelings of panic/suffocation, and he's pulling you back in... but then cycle will repeat. Or it could be the other variables in his life, easing up, which I really hope is the case, because there's little hope for change for the relationship otherwise, unless counseling is sought.IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 13, 2006 12:54 AM
celticfyre  I will get back to you in the morning. But one thing.... How old is he now and how old when he divorced? Cancerians can take a LONG LONG time to recover from a bad breakup! Did she leave him or did he leave her. Until tomorrow, hang in there! He is opening up! There is hope! 
------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 13, 2006 02:06 AM
Fayte,He is 41 same as me. It was about 6-7 years ago.So he was about 35. She left him,(and the kids)it was very traumatic. She informed him over the phone when he had arrived from the airport when he flew cross country to be with his mother who was dying of cancer that she wanted a divorce. So talking about kicking a guy when he is down. Thanks Fayte  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Selena Newflake Posts: 0 From: Russia Registered: Apr 2010
posted April 13, 2006 02:13 PM
Yes, Celtic,hang in there, don't give up now! When I met my Scorpio, I was so scared by the intensity of my feelings, that I ran away and hid. I didn't know how to deal with them, because I never felt like that before, I just prayed that they would go away - they didn't! It took me over a year to slowly come around, but still I had this deep pain in my stomach just thinking about him, let alone anything else. And I also, like your Crab, have Venus in Gemini, I find my Crab part tries to hide, and my Gemini part tries to rationalize the emotion and deny it (of course, it is impossible, because it is so real and tangible). Anyway, hang in there, we want happy end! I hope that you, and all other wonderful knowflakes have wonderful Easter, all the best, Peace and Love, Selena. IP: Logged | |