Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 22, 2006 08:16 AM
celticfyre  Mine jokes about the seeming cannibalistic too. But as long as he cannot see the crab, only the crab meat, he is ok with it.Your Cancerian is slowly revealing himself to you! Let him! I am not saying it will go as far as you hope,(but with patience it could!) but with each little opening up towards you, about himself and his life, brings you two closer. He is most likely gauging not only your reactions but sincerely sharing little snippets of his life with you because he wants you to notice HIM!  Good luck celticfyre! ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 23, 2006 11:26 AM
i am just thinking we are not the long lost bros .  ( actually , this long lost bro formula is such a smashing hit in indian movies and i am so influenced by them ) IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 23, 2006 12:44 PM
hey Fayte and RG!I guess here is where I get confused. If my crab (or crabs in general behave this way) slowly reveals himself so I notice HIM then he backs away or sideways or whichever direction is handy when I do. I guess what I am trying to say is why would he back away freak out or whatever when I do start giving him what he is expecting?? does that make any sense? Not that I would change my tactics now or anything. I guess the answer could be that is the way Cancers are pure and simple. RG---you may have to eleborate on teh long lost brother thing...I am not sure I follow  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 23, 2006 04:20 PM
celticfyre  But is he actually moving away(or sideways) or actually just acting shy or surpised you REALY do notice?------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 23, 2006 07:59 PM
well, now it seems its more like shyness I guess, before it was like he got scared that I would actually care about him.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted April 23, 2006 08:16 PM
YES! THAT sounds like a Cancerian male!  They often cannot believe or are afraid to truly believe that true love can indeed be theirs! They want it so very much! But are terrified of it not being so. So they hesitate and become shy and even coy.....and acting like they do not care, or care as much. But they DO CARE! It is a protective mechanism for their loving easily hurt gentle hearts. But in can indeed become wonderful! Then WOW! Like I said before! The love a Cancerian gives when they "finally"(and that can take a long time) feel safe and in love and loved Absolutely Worth the wait!  ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted April 23, 2006 09:25 PM
Fayte,Precisely, why I don't want to give up on him. I felt what was probably a fraction of that when we were together and it was the best feeling  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 24, 2006 01:32 PM
i am not very sure if i could answer your question very satisfingly mainly bcos even i am not sure of my emotions or the logic behind them , i am just learning . actually this forum has helped me understnd me in a much better way . but then again, i am trying . i think the answer lies in the approach . we are pretty private people in these sense (this also includes crabs who are out of their shells , and in case that crab is still in his/her shell then ofcourse it becomes all more difficult ) i'll give you a very simple example , i like the crab lady( and this time , i have a strong feeling of lust too which has been more subtle earlier . so its essentially strong likeness for her dignity and spiritualism as wellas lust for her physical charms) but then even i wont talk to her publicly , i sometime dont recognize her mainly bocs this will start the office gossip but at the same time her scorp friend is having an extra marital affair in the same office but she isn't bothered of the office talk . i am not passing judgement on someone but my simple point is , the difference in approach . i know i am all right but then even i wont go public even at the cost of losing her . why do we back away , i dont think its actually a bck away in literal sense but yes , we take time to reaffirm ourself that this the right person for me . there is very strong pyscho reason for it too . cancers dont take much time to to fall in love and even they know it . so this backing away is a defensive mecahinism to reaffirm by being detached and trying to see the big picture . i dont think its anything else . apart from it , its also shyness and all . IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted April 24, 2006 01:46 PM
oh that long lost formula . ever seen an indian movie ? actually some years back ,there was a strong current of movies with the same kind of stories ( like your hollywood being obsessed with dinos and what not ) one of the strongest formula was long lost bros . in which normally , two bros get seperated due to circumstances ( in big fair , at railway station or kidnapped by the villian ) now they will meet again when they have turned adult , one of them is sure to be a good guy and the other one double sure a bad guy ( but good at heart , indian heros are never bad at heart . indians are emotional people ,they wont accept a hero as essentially bad ) they will either fall in love with the same lady or the twins . they will firstly fight but then they will come to know that they are bros ( by the same kind of mark on their bodies or by an identical locket ) when they come to know they fight for eachother now and kill the villian togetther who was sure responsible for their mysery ( rape of mother or death of father ) thats the long lost bros story . weird ,heh.......... but you gotta see it to believe it . its not . thats the magic that captures the imagination of more than half the world . IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted May 01, 2006 11:05 AM
A thread about Cancerians and different opinions about them, plus famous Cancerians. ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted May 02, 2006 08:57 AM
Hi Fayte,Good thread. Funny the only real medical problem my crab has had was his gallbladder and it was they kind that manifested itself probably over time like all do but he started having trouble with it just out of the blue and had to have it remove shortly after he started having symptoms. and on a side note it would seem we are sorta rebuilding on our relationship whatever it turns out to be. He has shown up on my duty nights for a bit for no real apparent reason. Sunday his daughter asked me to come to her concert at school, just makes me kinda wonder.  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted May 02, 2006 09:17 AM
Quote: "He has shown up on my duty nights for a bit for no real apparent reason. Sunday his daughter asked me to come to her concert at school, just makes me kinda wonder."THAT IS VERY PROMISING!  Are you going to go? Does he know that his daughter invited you?  And his showing up on your duty roster I do not feel is just a coincidence!
------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted May 02, 2006 09:56 AM
Hey,Yeah, I think he does know,but I will mention it to him -- I told her I would --he was there when she asked me but he was a few feet away. I am trying not to get hopes up--just going with the flow as you know we Scoprios can be a bit guarded as well  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 09:45 AM
Actually, he showed up again with his daughter on my duty night (with a purpose of speaking to the chief about some rennovations issues at our new station) However, who did he call to find out if the Chief had arrived yet? ME...on my cell...he didn't have to do that ..could have called the station and talked to anyone that answered. Well, I am going to the concert tonite...this should be interesting...of course the EX will be there but there is only one talking to her...LOL Easy rule to follow LOL epecially for a Scoprio.. I have no idea what sign she is one day I will have to find out could explain alot..  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 10:04 AM
VERY COOL!  Buy the daughter some little trinket. Wrap it and give it to her after the show.  If you do encounter a moment with her, the gracious and civil. No matter how rude she may act, you must be a lady and not stoop to her level. But hopefully it will not be a problem. Have fun!  ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 10:08 AM
Oh of course...I am the eptiome of the high road... Should be a nice night  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 03, 2006 12:14 PM
"cancer men are always gentlemen unless the woman stops being a lady " moral: cancer men always prefer dignified ladies . ALWAYS . IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 12:20 PM
Hey RG  That's me always dignified. I try to think of Grace Kelly (another Scorpio Gal) whenever the moment calls for dignity and grace under fire. ...oh that is not to say I might not be boiling underneath....LOL {{{{RG}}}}}------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 04:29 PM
Agreed!  A woman must be dignified in public with a Cancerian male. Oversexed fluff chick bimbos are out! At least with a mature minded Cancerian. They are not looking for pretty pretty all nails and glitter foo foo trophy wives or women. They want real. They want someone who will never embarrass them expecially in public. Beauty is not a requirement but dignity and self respect is. So is intelligence and good manners.------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 05:38 PM
See more reasons that I am perfect for him.  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
CapGirl unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 06:35 PM
Yay, Celticfire! I am following your story and rooting for you!! Have a wonderful evening!! Maybe the daughter is some sort of ... facilitator... I want to say "spirit guide" but I think there's another term for it, but bringing two soul mates or twin flames together. 
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celticfyre unregistered
posted May 03, 2006 08:55 PM
that's funny that you should say that Capgirl...I think it was her that goosed him in my direction in the first place. I mean I am sure the attraction was there ,but she "facilitated" as you say. She and I have bonded so I am hoping only good to come of it.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 04, 2006 10:12 AM
quote: A woman must be dignified in public with a Cancerian male. Oversexed fluff chick bimbos are out! At least with a mature minded Cancerian. They are not looking for pretty pretty all nails and glitter foo foo trophy wives or women. They want real. They want someone who will never embarrass them expecially in public. Beauty is not a requirement but dignity and self respect is. So is intelligence and good
my words ! wouldn't need a single more word . completly perfect . in my own case, i wewnt for this crab gal even though the other gal was physically more better . the reason was , her dignity and that i could endlessly talk to her about subjects as varied as "gandhi". IP: Logged |
fayte.m unregistered
posted May 04, 2006 11:19 AM
cancerrg  quote: "her dignity and that i could endlessly talk to her about subjects as varied as "gandhi".My husband and my very closest friends say that kind of thing about me. My husband and I talk to each other about such things every spare moment we have! He gave me the most beautiful compliment I would ever want. He said "I love your mind, I love how you think". And I may come across as a snob to some, but I know how to behave in any formal public situation, or in any group. Manners ARE important! Proper etiquette is so negliected nowadays. I am not talking of snobbish actions, but common courtesies and knowing the way to behave in a variety of situations. Too many times folks go with an all purpose style of public dress and behaviour. But in matters of the public, proper manners and even subjects open to discussion vary greatly.
------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
Selena Newflake Posts: 0 From: Russia Registered: Apr 2010
posted May 04, 2006 05:11 PM
Hello Celtic and everyone, I was away last 15 days, and now I am catching up with your news. Please keep trying, just be patient, it looks like the Crab is slowly peeking out of his shell. I am a Cancer, and when I really like someone, I actually pretend that I don't, I avoid talking to them at parties, but I make sure that I am close to them so I can watch their reactions. So silly, I know, but that's the Crab for you. Looks like your Crab is finally coming around, and yes, we Crabs like to use "facilitators", sisters, daughters, friends, uncles, unties, anything, just to fish out where we stand. So be extra nice and kind to his daughter, I am sure she is the intermediary... Anyway, Cancers adore Scorpios and vice versa, this is the winning combo, I wish you all the best, keep us posted, Love, Selena. IP: Logged |