Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
celticfyre unregistered
posted August 24, 2005 01:22 PM
Thanks Fayte and Sue!
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sthenri unregistered
posted September 04, 2005 08:48 PM
Hello I am angling after a Cancer man myself, and while not a Scorpio my sun is trine Pluto and my moon is in Cancer in the 8th. I feel a strong affinity with Cancers, especially male and all my best friends that are male have been Cancers. They are strong and good, and caring about the future, and will go out and stop you from doing anything they feel is wrong for you.I feel strongly my emotional needs are met by Cancers, sun, moon, mars, or midheaven, or even ascendant. Enjoy the love, but when he gets moody remember you can make demands, Take Care, Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted September 05, 2005 01:29 PM
yeah, he does seem to get moody, tho not really directed towards any one person. He has told me he has a tendency to "run hot and cold" and compartamentalized everything in his life. His girls are his priority and he said he feels guilty when he can't devote 100 % to whatever relationships are in his life. and just when I he's disappeared and i think its for the duration--- he reappears again when i least expect it or he totally surprises me by being there. frustrating is not quite the word i want to use maybe unnerving or challenging but I suppose this is typical behaviour. It is defintiely a little confusing we've been seeing each other for about 3 months and sometimes it just makes me wonder am I in his life or not really.------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted September 05, 2005 05:22 PM
wow celtic, this is the exact description of the one I am dating. See the astrology forum for is venus in leo cold? Does yours have venus or mercury in leo? Mine does that, runs off for a week or two and then pops back in when I have given up hope but happy to see him. I wonder if he cares, and start to focus on little things. He hugs me and if he refuses to break the hug I know he's back. If he can't wait to go then he's moody's frustrating to be left dangling, but it's not as bad as say an Aquarius. I tell myself, in comparison I have it easy because I am moody too. Still I wish mine could be with me more. Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted September 05, 2005 06:39 PM
hey natasha, no his venus is in gemini, and mercury in cancer. i really need to find out his time of birth as i have no idea his ascendant or moon. however he seems so textbook. Has high regard for his mother (she's deceased)loves history, keeps everything never throws anything away...when his basemtn flood due to a leaking pipe it ruined many of his bookswhich he then had to get rid of and it about killed him. He is really sweet and affectionate and loves it when i pamper him and take care of him. and he has told me that when he was married he loved being married even though the ex wife turned out to be a real *itch, and that when he was committed to someone he was committed. so i guess my question is if he is at that stage of committment yet. I do know there is no one else other than his daughters in his life so I have no worries there. He does not strike me as the user type and I feel his actions are heartfelt and sincere and he has told me he cares for me a great why am i puzzled???? Good question!------------------ ML IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 10, 2005 07:42 PM
I am puzzled...and scared that I could loose this wonderful man and that may be what fuels my paranoia when he has to pull back/disappear/side step what ever actions you call it....maybe cuz i think I have fallen in love with him....I don't know all I know is i hate feeling this crazy!!!!------------------ ML IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted September 12, 2005 04:38 PM
Hey you!Just a perspective from a Cancer: when I pull back in my shell, it's rare that I want to be completely alone. In fact, sometimes it hurts if the person I’m with just leaves me to my own devices. Generally I sit there feeling desolate and abandoned (my own fault, I know) wishing someone understood me well enough to find a way to reach me. It’s pretty sad really. What means more to me than anything is when someone sees me retreating, and knows me well enough to understand that my retreat is often related to hurts (real or imagined). Knowing this, they find a way to hug my shell. How does one do this? The best way to deal a crab that has retreated into its shell, is to approach it as it approaches things - indirectly. For example, a quick hug and a “I love you and am here to talk to you whenever you are ready to talk…” Or you could bring the crab its favorite treat or some other comfort item (like a blanket or a Kleenex), set it down next to it, give him a quick kiss on the cheek and go back to whatever you were doing. Saying kind things about the crab is always a good plan as well. I think most crabs struggle with a fear of abandonment, especially when they pull far away into their shell. These little signs of affection are so important because they allow you to let the crab know that you haven’t abandoned them to their sorrow, but aren’t going to force them talk. In essence, you are giving their shell them a big warm hug, and telling them without so many words that you accept them even when they withdraw. Generally these little kindnesses, will cause the crab to feel warm and safe, and it will poke its little head out just a bit – maybe enough to talk about what hurt it. Hopefully this makes sense. I can’t grantee that all Crabs have the same needs, but I can’t see a thread on cancers without trying to respond. I know we’re a bit confusing as a sign, and not always the easiest to deal with, but the beautiful thing about crabs is we are very predictable once you understand us and our moon-driven moods. You’ll also find it’s very easy to deal with us. Just hang in there, my friend, and more importantly, hang onto your boy crab with all your might. I guarantee you he wants to be held Good luck! IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 13, 2005 12:49 PM
Hi Isolaede!thanks for your post. Its funny the greeting "hey you!" is how he greets people on the phone that he has affection for. What you said in your post does make sense and I was hoping that a Cancer at some point would reply. Right after I posted last , he called had been painting all day (i had offered to help earlier and heard nothing back from him)He had thought of going out that night but was too exhausted so I offered pampering and a back rub and he was all for that. So I went over and we had a nice little evening. So that was very reassuring. Thanks again for caring to post. ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 21, 2005 04:56 AM
O ,WELL MY FAVOURITE TOPIC !!!!!!!!!! i would agree with everything that has been said above be it pix's or sue's opinion . firstly and most iomportant for any woman is strongness . but the question how do u define strong ? if u define it in terms of taking responsbilities , no one can accuse cancers of running away from it . i dont think i am weak in any sense . i am cancer-sun , taurus-moon and cancer-merc (just as u are guessing about your man ) . second , why we like scorpio women ? before this i must add i have cancer friends, who can be construed as weak by thier looks,they are introverts ,never the one to question thier parent directly upfront , happy with scorps females . so i am really confused what is meant by strong (sue,if u could be of help here ) . now , why we like scorps , the very first thing that attracts is thier respectful ways , i know scorps are suspecting but they dont show it and it doesn't really bothers us ,why b'cos we'll invest so much emotions if we have liked someone's respescting ways that his/her suspicion is bound to die. this is the intial phase . when we are able to put off your suspicion ,it helps in providing a solid base for the relation . and cancers dont play mind games , nor do they threaten anyone of thier importance b'cos cancer like to gradually show thier capabilities (this one of the reasons for our friendship with sags )so giving time and space for realtions to grow . a physics law says , something that goes up very fast ,comes down very fast , thats why we go slow . but ofcourse all this is matter of persepective , we are known as clingy , once we get attached. next,his daughters are the most important .that always needs to be kept in mind , call it old fashioned or whatever . and its good that u get along with them . water /water realtions are said to be difficult but i dont know if thats right . the best example would be fayte . i had a cancer gf and she 'll always be part of me . i would say , just have faith in yourself and your man , untill something untoward happens , u are very much part of his life . if he has committed , surity increases b'cos they see committments as responsbilities . thats what explains his committments to his daughters . he will always be there for them even if they ditch him . see , we have a very simple rule , "if your own blood doesn't clot ,what else will" . and we work on this ,always . some of the signs find us the hardest to understand but then again for some of them we are the simplest one . caps , aries ,aquas for the first scenario , libras, sags ,water people and gems for the second one . my feeling is , the best way to deal with cancers is to be staright ,respecting , no taunts , sympathetic and positive attitude , did ask too much ? best of luck . ask anything that u feel confusing about us . one more thing , i just remembered , cancers like talking and being talked and thier interests normally are philosphy , emotions , politics , history , movies , dramas . so talk to him as much as u can , he wont mind , infact he would like it . listen to him if he talks , they like giving speeches .  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 21, 2005 10:31 AM
Thanks for posting cancerrg! Gives me more reassurance that he is not going to totally flake out and dissappear. however I may go for stretches of a few days or more before hearing something from him and intitally that caused some anxiety and my head started playing games with me and yadda yadda yadda! One question tho, alot of the time I am the one lately initating contact, leaving a message on cell , e-mail etc and would a cancer see that as pesty???or dependant??I have no idea as Cancers seem not to play by the same rule book as other guys  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted September 21, 2005 01:36 PM
Celtic:I’m so happy to hear things are going well for you and your crab. Again, I can only speak from the female Cancer perspective, but I've never been unhappy to hear from the people I care about. I'm not always good at responding depending on how busy my day is, but it warms my heart in a very special way to hear from people I care about. For me, it’s a validation that the person I love is thinking about me and cares about me. I don’t think there is any such thing as too dependant for a cancer. Ultimately crabs need a ton of love and affection to keep them warm and happy. Especially if he has a Taurus moon, he’ll really need the feeling of security and absolute loyalty from you. Cancer + Taurus moon = a double propensity to want to possess things and people completely. This isn’t a negative thing he’ll just want to know that you are completely his. So keep sending your crab little notes – I’m sure he won’t mind. : ) I would also talk to him at some point and clarify where you stand with him. I’m very receptive to people telling me what they need from relationships because ultimately I want to make the person I’m with happy. I think most cancers do.
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fayte.m unregistered
posted September 21, 2005 01:37 PM
I suppose it depends on the Cancer....but all the ones I have met...including my husband when we met....LOVE to be COURTED! that spells romance and intellectual/spiritual interest. Amber/musk/vanilla...sandalwood... Hope that helps! Also cooking them a nice meal...or baking them some treat. Hot cocoa with lots of whip cream by firelight or candles with nice sensual or euphoric music.  IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted September 21, 2005 02:06 PM
Ooooh Fayte......whip cream, firelight and you wanna get married to ME : "love" xx IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 21, 2005 02:56 PM
Hey guys! Yeah I still need to find out WHEN he was born not having the missing info is making me crazy. But with all the courting hot cocoa and candles you mentioned...hhmmm is it possible for one to be a closet Cancer and not know it??lol... the only thing I have in Cancer is midheaven and does that mean anything???------------------ ML IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 22, 2005 11:50 AM
i would simply ask u to go by what isolaede said . i think he wouldn't dislike it . i would just reapeat what isoleade said ,talk to him staright what u want from the realtion . has said anything to u uptill now reagrding where u stay in his life ? if he hasn't , i think this example would help u understand him a better . i have wanted to propose someone (its not love but i think i like her) for the last six months but haven't . thats a bit of shyness , bit of fear of rejection and bit of let it go attitude . cancers dont really run after someone ( this a has a big pyscho reason , later on that)even though i know the gals reaction (cancers are known to be pyschic , they can easily understand everyone's emotions very fast ). dont construe this as mind game or something , its just thier inherent stupidity that they themselve know too. yeah , thier rule book contains a single word "starightforward" . and looks do matter in the initial phase , they wont ever ridicule u , if u are not but your chances do diminish . i dont know if u are in that situation but for cancer boys like me , this thing crops up . its not like scorp 's feeling , its differnet . different in the sense that my scorp friend need someone whom the world must see but with us the woman is completly private even for our eyes . a woman should be like a woman , no sex kittens. btw, u can check out astrology forum , there are a lot cancer threads there . it 'll give u fair idea of thier mindset . i have just reapeted what i have been posting . to tell u something more , i liked your way of putting the things . this is one thing that makes us like scorps be it male or female . scorps are enchanting and he knows it ,so just go with flow . why dont u people see'laws of attraction 'togetther . its a old one but i liked it . if u knew hindi , i would have given u really good romantic movie's name .  good luck .
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fayte.m unregistered
posted September 22, 2005 01:33 PM
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freebird unregistered
posted September 24, 2005 03:36 AM
I agree with all the advice everyone has given.Although my expereince with cancer men are limited.I don't know some how I feel it's much easy for a scorpio to understand cancers and vice versa. For Cancers be yourself they would like you the way you are otherwise in the first place you both wouldn't have been attaracted.Only thing is difficult to understand is moodiness and tendency to be in their shell like sometimes not answering the phone or avoiding confrontations.Rest is fine for me. I remember when first time I met my cancer female friend.We both were new but on the first day I had to go and tell her hi and introduce myself. Later that day she purposely ignored me and I was cool thinking it's just cancer trait.Next day we hang out togather and had one of our best girly nights.So backward and forward sometimes I don't like it but it's just like Scorpio judging how much risk is involved before taking that leap or trusting someone. What was that movie's name ? IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 24, 2005 09:22 AM
ek dujhe ke liye , ddlj , khamosi (the old one featuring rajesh khanna ,waheeda rehmen) or even hum dil de chuke sanam . any of your favs? IP: Logged |
freebird unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 02:27 AM
Ofcourse DDLJ ,HDDCS I find now SRK boring and arrogant soMujhse Dosti Karoge for Rani Acting Naa Tum Jano Na Hum for Stroyline. Saathiya for Stroyline. Actually I don't mind seeing any Romantic Comedy. From Princess Diaries,You've got mail to Finding Liberty. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 25, 2005 12:12 PM
the lst time that i found good was in swades before that baazigar . none else. yeah , saathiya was good , not for rani but i liked the whole movie . ok, have u seen sg's pic , i feel she has a resembalnce with her .check it. i dont see all the movies these days , only the one that interest me . ok, have u seen 'suraj ka satwa ghoda ' by shyam benegal . if u get the cd , see it , its differnent . have u seen chupke-chupke (old one) i think its the best comedy beside bombay to goa . btw, its the first , that a gal says she dislikes srk who's your fav. ? IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 12:53 PM
Only thing is difficult to understand is moodiness and tendency to be in their shell like sometimes not answering the phone or avoiding confrontations.>>>yeah he is like that doesn't answer the phone alot.rarely answers the home phone (Due to the ex)and his voice mail answers his cell most of the time...if I actually get him on the phone I am surprised. sometimes I don't even leave a message because I figure what's the point it'll take him forever if at all to return the call. So yeah its I am noticing that the moon is gooing to new and I figure he will go under for a while and I won't see or hear from him at all until he feels like it...UUUGGGHHH!  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 03:48 PM
mmm....I know what you mean I had a cancer friend like this, she wasnt contactable a lot of the it was up to me......she was always wounded or "going thro something"......i couldnt sustain the friendship in the end. But guess what I gotta another Cancer friend and she is wonderful. She has Leo rising and Moon in Gem......she is always contactable !!! xxxIP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 07:40 PM
Well, gang...I now my Cancer's birth time and have found his moon is in Taurus, and he's a Pisces rising (of all things) My moon is in Pisces and I am a Libra rising. For most of what I have found this is a promising if I can just get over with my natural Scorpio tendencies where he just makes me CRAZY!!!!!!lol. I know he has a need for privacy for his own self and other reasons and our relationship is not really known in our firehouse which makes it kinda like we are carrying on some sordid affair or But really no one needs to know but it does make for interesting interaction between us when we are there together. However he has a way of looking at me sometimes when he is talking to me that tells me that "yeah we are on a different level than we are showing everybody else." I think somewhere on this thread or other soemone mentioned something similar about how Cancers have a specific "Look" in there eyes when addressing the object of their affection or something like that. Anywya so far so good with the exception of the "moon crazies" as I have come to call it...LOL  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 07:45 PM
Yes I know, I had a guy friend with pisces rising and cancer venus and he would never let anyone know, it was our secret. Being an 8th house moon, with pluto trine sun you can imagine how nuts I went. over the top. don't do that.Please, just let him come to you, it may seem like he has the control that way but actually it's not true. You have the control if you play "see if he cares". If he calls the shots then he is thinking about you 24 hours a day, if he expects you to come to him and organize things he will lose interest. For a pisces rising organizing is everything because he is so sensitive it makes him feel less masculine. In his eyes he has to compensate and Cancer, and Pisces risings always like to call you in the relationship and you have to be simply available. It's boring but that's the relationship. If you act unavailable or aloof or worse, flippant, than he will get offended. You may not be able to work for a few years once you live together:> Good luck, my cancer guy slipped away, but then his rising was gemini:< too detached. Take care, Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted September 25, 2005 09:02 PM
Well, its good then to always be available to him. because I always am and you could consider that a weakness I have---being always available. All my girlfriends and a few boys have told me I'm too accomodating and playing hard to get was a way to woo interest....Thank goodness here it works in my favor. oh and BTW he is sooo easy to seduce once I learned what it took...LOL  ------------------ ML IP: Logged | |