Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2006 10:56 AM
Good Luck....I wish we'd hear from you more, like in other places besides this thread. 
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celticfyre unregistered
posted November 05, 2006 12:40 AM
Thanks Dulce!...after being in a very dark place after the fallout of my Crab backing away again I am starting to come out again myself. I have also been in a very dark mood as well....there has been a bunch of things coming into play to bring on this mood the catlyst of which was My Crab backing away. What I have decided to do is keep my eyes open for other opportunities but Oddly enough I have not given up on him, He is starting to come out himself and he is getting to where he will talk with me,but nothing too personal more like staion stuff, and he has recently helpedme with some feeback and developmentalworries of mine that are separte form any personal relationship we my have. I has relied on me to do things more in a professional nature than personal, but I guess it is a start. Some of the damage done I beleive is due to a mutual friend of ours who is also at the station who I have come to the conclusion that as far as he is concerned she is not my friend. there have been horrible rumors spred about the three of us and I am not so sure that she wasn't someone who perpetuated them. It was this type of exposure that had sent him running for all know he is damaged to start with and all this exposure and everyone telling lies about him and me and whatever upset him to no end and caused him to be reinforced that he can'thave a normal relationship that involves friends and the station and his girls liek anyone would have out in the open. I have subsequently found out odd things about this mutual freind that have casued me to regret that I could have put her into my confidence...I should have known better than to trust a Leo (sorry guys I know ther are soem wonderful Leo people out there and I have a few who are really good friends, but If I am gonna get really screwed it will be at the hands of a Leo. It has been that way all my life. I have heard how she will stir things up for the drama quotient that she is a trouble maker that she is "wacked" and a freak...which to soem degree I have agreed with. She had never approved of my relationship with my Crab and seems to have done what she can to block me from any progress or spending any time with him or monopolizing his time with her drama station issues. She has recently been gone due to medical leave and the tension that was there when she is around is gone and he and I can actually gan out a little with out the feeling of being observed all the time. It was she I am sure who started all the original issues where he and my relationship all of a sudden be came a station issue becasue she went to the cheifs because she wanted to change duty nights because she felt she was causing an issue...she started again with this same crap this last time saying all puting it in the guise of soemthing else but I recognized it for what it was and so I said sure she and I should talk about it but then she avoided me about it.....she essentially dropped a grenade in my lap with this and I tried to defuse it by bringing it to his attention, and letting him know that I was upset about it myself as I was dealing with my loss in my own way,but it sorta backfired on me where he got really mad and said to leave him out of it...he said to wrok it ou o r nt between her and me---he didn't really care, bu tI made it clear to him that I wasn't the one sustaining the drama I was trying to put a stop to it. Well I found out a few things from other people about their perceptions of her and the fact that different people have similar perceptions makes me feel as if Ihave made a real mistake trusting her. She is married with 3 children so it is not like she is a single woman here, but I have felt like she is my rival for his attetntion she certainly doesn't act like she's a married mom of 3. But she acts alot like I said before and that she sees me as a rival for his attention, thus she constantly creatres station drama that she has to talk to him about and he mannerisms and behaviour she makes it seem so high school whipsers into his ear in front of me, sits really close to him and all the petty stupid things that would cause generation of rumors.She would also flaunt her freindship in front of me. So that is what I have been dealing with for the last couple of months and now htat I recognize a few of these things I am better to deal withthem now. I hope to be able to repair things with my Crab and it seems we are doing that very slowly, I hope I haven't put him to the point of not being able to trust me or for him to hold anything against me. I still ahve some hope that we can , but I have no idea what the future holds f anything more than what we have had or have right now. Sorry this was so long but now that I have come out from under my rock I had to put a few things down. Thanks everybody  I wnat to repair ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 05, 2006 07:44 AM
Ughhhhh, I can totally relate to you about Leo part. I had one I had to deal with throughout fake and so pretentious. That woman is definitely not a friend to you based on her actions.  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 05, 2006 09:39 AM
Oh my goodness...LOL I thought I had problems typing on my laptop while it was sitting in my lap---but after reading that last post of mine...oh my gosh the typos....LOL  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
and Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted November 06, 2006 12:03 PM
i cant believe how big this thread is...------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit"-Khalil Gibran "The only people I would care to be with now are artists and people who have suffered: those who know what beauty is, and those who know what sorrow is: nobody else interests me."-- Oscar Wilde-- "De Profundis" IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 06, 2006 08:03 PM there a problem with the length of this thread? as I have stated before I saw no reason to make multiple postings with multiple threads. and If anyone cares to look they will see that this is a thread with over a year and a half of issues both good and bad..because like a lot of people here I can't and don't have anyone I can talk to on this level about this subject matter from an astrology perspective. Heck I don't have hardly anyone to talk to about him as it ison a non astrology level and when I did it backfired on me so I prefer to get my advice here.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
and Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted November 06, 2006 08:05 PM
oh no i didnt mean it that way.  ------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit"-Khalil Gibran "The only people I would care to be with now are artists and people who have suffered: those who know what beauty is, and those who know what sorrow is: nobody else interests me."-- Oscar Wilde-- "De Profundis" IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 07, 2006 07:36 AM
And we welcome you for that , always ! IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 07, 2006 05:56 PM
Thanks RG! {{{{HUGS}}}}} AND--it's okay..I'm still a little prickly about things so don't mind me. Wounded Scorpios don't react too well sometimes.
------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 09, 2006 09:33 AM
there is something for you in Free for all , check that out ! IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 10:52 AM
Thanks RG! I found it!Incidentally..yesterday was a day full of surprises. I discovered my Crab had made a My Space account ---I have one too but it is set to private so you have to have an account to request to "be my friend"...I would have expected him to set his to private as well but he didn't and he messaged me several times thru it yesterday, one to wish me Happy Birthday --after he called me to wish me a happy birthday which just blew me away that he called. here are the url's to our spaces on his pics is a very nice picture of him and his oldest daughter. so for those who want to know what we look like ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
CapGirl unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 01:30 PM
Happy Belated Birthday!!!!  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 01:31 PM
Thank You Cap Girl!------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 14, 2006 01:44 PM
Oh wow! You both look good, but could you post a link of you're pic here? Your's is set to private and I don't have a myspace anymore (deleted mine). Pretty please????  Ps. You're doggy is soooooo cute!!! 
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celticfyre unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 01:57 PM
okay I temporarily went public with my MY space so you guys can see who don't have an account------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 14, 2006 11:20 PM
thanks Dulce, there are more pics of the doggy...she's older in them.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 15, 2006 10:45 AM
Oops, I forgo6t to say that I did see your pics and I must say that you have very nice eyes....large ones at that!  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 15, 2006 10:57 AM
That I do Dulce..very large...but without make- up they disappear...LOL------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 15, 2006 11:55 AM
just tell me something , what made you feel that , we too should have a chance now to see you ? just curious ! infact , i am still confused about how this happened ! (let me pinch myself ! ) i dont have a myspace ac , so i couldn't see all the pics ( the one of her daughter ) so if you can send a link ..... and i am seriously thinking of joining myspace now .. btw, you are better than expected . you are way more beautiful . beautiful face , beautiful heart . your crab is sure a lucky one .
so dulce , now its your turn IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted November 17, 2006 09:45 PM
RG I have only had the MYSPACE for a short while---and since I am not very computer oriented to posting pics and what not (i ahve no idea how to do it on here) and I don't have an album site. the myspace seemed like a logical thing.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Newflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 18, 2006 05:34 PM
quote: so dulce , now its your turn
Alright, Alright....if I ever come across a pic of myself that I really like, then I will. 
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cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted November 21, 2006 10:18 AM
Ok, good excuse !  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted December 19, 2006 12:41 AM
Hey guys Just letting you know I am still around and kicking....there are some new things with my Crab but just coasting to see what happens.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 19, 2006 07:04 AM
have been thinking of you , good that you posted ! and how are your prepartions for christmas going on ? IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted December 19, 2006 07:21 AM
More pics please Celtic.....loved yer red hair!!!! xxx
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