Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2005 11:13 AM
do u know , cancers though always like to be in company of thier loved ones but they always find it hard to approach anyone . its a very difficult thing to understand , actually but that s the way it is . i'll give u my example , i didnot choose to get into corporate sales only because i always found approaching part , the most difficult one even after i knew i had more chances of growth there . its not that i can't talk well or can't make relations . i know i am very good at it , given some time and i can make anyone have faith on me . they are basically behind the curtain 'people . its kind of phobia . and when u talk of phobia , cancers are a lot of times phonophobic , they dont know what to say after a moment , i am myself a blabberer but even i find phoning someone a difficult task. quote: I can just get over with my natural Scorpio tendencies where he just makes me CRAZY!!!!!!lol
Surprised to know . never knew we could make u all crazy . its love more than anything else . its not the cancer but the love . good for u. ah, i'll try making a scorp crazy ,if i meet someone .good that u told us. (*thinking of ideas )there is something called 'relation of silence ' i have alraedy recounted it earlier . reapeating it for u because i feel this is what it is . i had a cancer gf . we never spoke those three wonderful words even though we both knew eachother' s feeling . we actually never needed to . what is the use of mouth when eyes can speak . to be a bit sure , just go on giving him hints through your subtle gestures . he knows what is going on , even if he hasn't said. u dont even need those words if u can speak through your eyes and people in love can , believe me . i personally haven't found it very hard to read ever. then again i have never approached a single gal in my life . infact , there's a new gal in my office , its been just two days but i know her mind , it might be just simple interest but i can tell that by her eyes . we haven't even came face to face uptill now , just side glances . availability : oh, i can understand that . my scorp friend keeps on phoning just to know wheree i am . thats special of him , it actually makes him bring near to me . thats why , i said scorps are enchanting .got the point ! seduce : yeah its really easy . not a big deal . wanna make him commit to something ? there's a trick to it . very simple trick , infact. tired of reading . beware , there is more to come  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted September 27, 2005 01:00 AM
Hey Cancerrg! thanks for your insight and explanations...yeah and I would like to know that commitment trick lol I am all ears and I wasn't tired of readin...  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted September 27, 2005 06:35 AM
Wow, theirs like another thread about this. What is with cancer men? .... J/kIP: Logged |
luvscorp unregistered
posted September 29, 2005 04:51 AM
Hey Celtic, thks for u note on my post  Can totally identify with u on this one ... crazy in love ....... it is difficult not to love 'em ........... dealing with the weeks of silence is the nightmare - then they contact you like no time has passed and nothing has happended. Am dying to know what this seduction trick is ........... pleae don't keep us in suspense..  Do these guys continue to do this forever or to they stabilise at some point?  IP: Logged |
freebird unregistered
posted October 01, 2005 11:47 AM
Cg Is this the way somebody seduced you ?whoa..well I guess we all are waiting for this.IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 01, 2005 12:06 PM
infact no body has seduced me over . waiting for a scorp , actually waht do u say ? quote: whoa..well I guess we all are waiting for this.
?????????????????????????????  IP: Logged |
freebird unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 11:25 AM
[/QUOTE] seduce : yeah its really easy . not a big deal . wanna make him commit to something ? there's a trick to it . very simple trick , infact.[QUOTE]we were waiting for the committment trick. IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 05, 2005 11:28 AM
I think the commitment trick wound up on another thread. check astrology---Cancer men-what on earth?------------------ ML IP: Logged |
freebird unregistered
posted October 09, 2005 06:47 AM
Thanks ! celticfyre for the link. Got that thread...well interesting thread.IP: Logged |
Plutonian unregistered
posted October 10, 2005 09:44 PM
i dun mean to be a damper here...i'm a scorp and have started seeing a cancer recently. it took us long enough to start the relationship rolling with his side stepping and disappearing acts. i'm just getting a lil curious here, do cancer men cheat? unless it's only my cancer. he's got sag rising, venus in gem... IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 11, 2005 09:49 AM
better check out astrology-cancer men what on earth thread .IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 11, 2005 01:00 PM
Hey Plutonian - I'm a Cancer with a Sag rising, and Venus in Gemini as well and there is no way in the world I'd cheat on anyone. I have my Sag rising to keep me honest to a fault, my Cancer to keep me loyal to the end, and my Gemini Venus to confuse everything. Haha. Seriously, a Gemini Venus is a hard placement to deal with - when combined with the Sag ascendant it might mean that your partner is always looking beyond at the next horizon wondering if there is anything else out there for him. This would generally only happen when things were bad, however I can't imagine any situation that would make me cheat. Even the idea is abhorrent to me. So my advice to you is to have a heart to heart with your man. Tell him he’s seemed distant and that some of his actions have made your worry. Tell him you are crazy about him and want to make things work. His Sag honesty should drive him to open up to you, and his Cancer defensive tendencies will be circumvented by your tender words.*hugs* Good luck girl! Post more questions any time- there are all kinds of Cancers on these forums that would be more than happy to help you understand our tricky, sometimes difficult sign.
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 11, 2005 01:28 PM
Isolaede {{HUG}}My boy crab has his venus in Gemini too. HIs moon in Taurus and his rising is Pisces. how would you interpret that combination?? ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 11, 2005 02:50 PM
Celtic: Why what an interesting combination of influences your man has. Okay, first of all let’s talk about why Gemini in Venus is tricky. There’s the whole mental over analysis of feelings first. Gemini in Venus can tend to dissect all of their feelings (and yours) nine ways to Sunday. When combined with the Cancer tendency to worry this might mean that your man is constantly second guessing your feelings for him. I do this FAR more than I should. I can over analyze and worry myself into a tizzy, only to find out that I was just jumping at shadows in the end. When you throw your man’s Pisces Ascendant into that mix, he might be over analyzing snatches of feelings he thinks he sensed on his emotional radar. Perhaps one day you are a bit distant, his empathy picks up on that and the over analysis begins. His extremely vivid Cancer/Pisces imagination could provide all kinds of reasons WHY you might be distant, some of them silly and extreme. Unless he has some help from his Mercury he doesn’t seem to have the influences of someone that would just come out and ask you what was going on either. The thing that saves your man from this tricky side of Gemini Venus is his Taurus moon, which will be the “voice of reason” in his own head when his over analysis gets to out of hand. You can also help you man by using your own empathy to sense his emotional distance, and confront him when he withdraws. Talk to him on a mental and emotional plane. Find out what happened and quell his concerns before they can really begin. Leave him in no doubt of how you really feel about him. Now here’s the really sticky one. Gemini Venus’ are known for being flighty and unfaithful in relationships. I’m doubly burdened in this respect, because not only is my Gemini in Venus but Venus falls into the 7th house. My Descendant is also in Gemini. So if there is anyone on this planet likely to display these fickle, unfaithful Gemini tendencies, it would be me. I’ve spent a lot of time coming to terms in my Gemini placements. When I first did my chart, I was honestly horrified and went through a lot of self analysis to see if there was some aspect of my personality that was unfaithful (see there's that Gemini over analysis in action again). What I saw didn’t encourage me much – in the past, when my relationships starting going south I did find myself day dreaming about a love more peaceful and happy. I would never have cheated on my boyfriends but I imagined one day meeting someone else down the road. So was this a form of mental unfaithfulness? I had to really look at myself to answer this question. In truth I think the heart of my problem was not unfaithfulness, but a fundamental inability to know when to end things. With my Cancer Sun / Taurus moon placements I would stay in relationships WAY beyond their expiration dates. In fact, I’ve never broken up with a boyfriend. So relationships would get bogged down, argumentative, negative and miserable and the loyal parts of me would linger, while the Gemini Venus / Sag Ascendant would cast its eyes outward and imagine a love more peaceful and easy. So how does one deal with this tricky aspect of a Gemini Venus? Well, the answer to that question is – hopefully you will never have to. As long as your relationship is healthy and you are both working on it, your Cancer boys Gemini Venus will probably never look outward and even imagine being with someone else. His Cancer/Tarus combination is just too loyal for that. Of course problems will always come up, but you can dodge them by talking through everything. Approach things in a logical manner before they can escalate and become too big. The other advice I can give you is try to keep things fun, and try to engage your Cancer boy’s mind. Another element of Gemini Venus is they need mental and social stimulation. Communication about ideas with a mental equal is essential to keeping a Gemini Venus madly in love with you. His Pisces ascendant would also prefer things light and enjoyable. So talk about things, do lots of things with him. Have fun. Don’t get too cocooned in your own lives that you forget to get out and enjoy life. This can be tricky because Cancer’s often do like to hide in their little holes, but try to get him out, breathing in fresh air, and surrounded by different energies from time to time. Keep him talking about things – philosophy, spirituality, etc. It will keep your relationship fresh and fun which is exactly what the doctor ordered for that tricky Gemini placement your man and I share. All in all, I would not worry. Always remember that Cancer’s single Cardinal trait is loyalty. And Taurus moon placements are known for their rock-solid dependability. Even if your man was the kind to imagine himself in another situation when things were really painful to him, I doubt he’d ever cheat on you. I’ve known a lot of Cancer’s in my day, some of which were relationship gypsies, but I’ve never known a Cancer to cheat. In your case, Celtic, I honestly just think you are running into your man’s other placements. His Cancer sun and his Taurus moon make him a VERY slow mover. If he really likes you, he’s going to take forever to establish your relationship because he’ll feel that it should be built in slow, careful stages. Anything that means something to him is worth taking time on. I really think you have a keeper – he sounds like a gem of a man. : ) *big hugs* So keep on holding onto him, and I’ll keep cheering the two of you on.
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 11, 2005 04:51 PM
Isolaede,Thanks for that insightful reply. yeah I think that was right on . his mercury is in Cancer BTW so i guess he's not gonna come out directly and ask what is going on. Yeah and wanna talk over analyzing things? my moon is in Pisces...the first part where you were saying you about empathizing could have described me you could have just flipped the my ascendant is Libra so is my I guess I'm not a nuclear as most Scorpios...cuz all I want is balance and harmony...LOL Yes he is a real gem...hence you see why I am in love with the man..and he did tell me that "once he's committed--he's committed" my question is when does he reach that point since he moves so slow...  keep up the good vibrations i need as much positive energy in my direction !! ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted October 11, 2005 08:40 PM
I have a gemini venus and I've NEVER cheated on anyone. I don't even think my venus ever comes out with all my heavy placements. (water sun, cappy rising, moon in the 8th) The trend of a "flighty cancer" (yeah, there's a such thing ) IMO would be one with an air moon. I only say this cause Im thinking of a girl born 3 or 4 days after me who I used to be friends with. She has a libra moon and while she could dress good, man was she a player. It was like she had no self-respect I think a gem venus only makes me want to talk more in close relationships. I dunno, I have an earth moon too so I can kinda relate to your man but its in the 8th house which makes me a little more moody, hehe . But I'm also kind of slow when it comes to stuff like moving in to relationships too. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 12, 2005 06:55 AM
as for the cheating , i would simply go with what isolaede has said . what i feel is that cancers have a pre-commitment and post commitent phase . pre- commitent , they might cheat (in sense that he might move over to grener pastures they like beautiful confident ,compassionate women though this isn't the first preference but that too in the pre stage, once commited , only commitent counts ) but once commited , they dont anything to rock the boat . b'coz thier basic feeling is that they shouldn't feel guilty ( thats thier achille's heel , so if a cancer has to used , just make him feel guilty) and they take realtions as responsbilities , the value that they give thier own words is very high . i would also agree with what isoleade interprets as being in realtion even when they have expired . once you are in a relation with a cancer , u become a part of his/her life whether in a good or bad way , u'll always be in his memories . no one is forgetten. quote: Yes he is a real gem...hence you see why I am in love with the man..and he did tell me that "once he's committed--he's committed" my question is when does he reach that point since he moves so slow...
first thing first , he's not a gem but a cancer ( bad joke ,huh... ok , i'll think of something else next time ) In his mind he might have commited already though he hasn't said it .thats why he seems so cool , but in his mind , he's not . he understands the gravity of the situation that he might be the one to loose u. the words might be used in two cases , first if he feels the urgency that even a bit of late might jeopardise the realtion . second,when he feels completly free from the current responsbilities( to a mangable extent)and can give u a good life , monetary security is important to them .your question is very very tough to answer , i have tried to answer what i might to do in this case. i have been in a situation where the woman (she's cancer too)came from the upper strata of the society whereas i have still to shape up my life but even though she's not physically present in my life but she is part of my life . thats why i dont like using the word ex . and i feel its the same with all the cancers including that gal . IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 12, 2005 07:06 AM
btw , isolaede what does venus in leo mean ? i am cancer-sun, taurus- moon, aries -asc, merc-cancer , virgo-mars. any insights .and yeah , i dont think cancer-merc mean talking in indiretly , i feel its more of blunt kind . they might be diplomatic but if u ask them a genuine opinion , they might give u a blunt answer , thats why they prefer strightforwardness in raeltions , thats why no mind games and thats why no running behind any gal . atleast thats the case with me . even people at LL feel , i am very blunt at times . btw, i share isolaede's bf's birthday and your man's astro aspects . i feel special  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 12, 2005 10:47 AM
btw, i share isolaede's bf's birthday and your man's astro aspects . i feel special >>>> you are special!!! 
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Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 12, 2005 03:30 PM
Celtic,You poor thing, that Pisces moon would make things tricky for you, huh? Believe me, I understand over analysis. I’m the queen. Fortunately my Leo Mercury bluntness and my Sag ascendant honesty make me just come out and ask sooner or later, but that can take DAYS of me sitting around thinking things to death and being afraid. As for your man, he might already BE in that committed stage. He just hasn’t talked to you about it because he’s worried about something (like scaring you off). Have you considered just sitting down with him and having a talk? I’m not suggesting you come out and ask him if he loves you or is ready to marry you - I’m just suggesting that you ask him what he sees as the state of your relationship. Are you exclusive, etc? There’s a lot he’s probably just not said yet because he’s biding his time, waiting until the foundation of your relationship is more firmly established. I’m actually in the same boat as you now with my man. He has that same slow-moving Taurus moon, and a Gemini Mercury so I doubt he’ll breach any discussions about our relationship, which means good ol’ me with my wacky influences is probably going to have to summon up the courage at some point. But not now. Haha. I’m still in the building and biding my time phase now and not ready to be that courageous. Your man may be thinking the same thing, dear lady. So if you can find the strength, then go ahead and initiate a discussion. See what happens. : ) My thoughts are prayers are with you. IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 12, 2005 04:38 PM
Isolaede,I probably wouldn't need to have that talk or be this state that I'm in if I was able to spend more quality time with him. We haven't had any "us" time in the last 2 weeks. I had helped him with a ladder at his house so he could finish painting the outside of his townhouse. I gave him a massage afterward which of course lead to ..well you know not to kiss and tell here but we were interupted due to time constraint as he had t go return the ladder he rented and then go pick up his daughter from his ex- wife. I received no contact except a return e-mail about fire station business...and the only time we have seen each other has been at the station where the littlest of affection or conversation to each other can be had. Last nite there was a company meeting were his youngest actually came looking for me to say Hi and give me a hug then she told me "i smelled pretty" that was the nicest thing that happened to me all week. His oldest was there and I talked to her for a bit she had been sick and wasn't feeling well and I know she came home so she could be home for her dad to take care of her as I'm sure it feels better to be home when your sick than her Air Force dorm. (at least i would do the same thing) So he had double the destraction , in addition to all the other stuff going on before and after these meetings people are pulling you here and there especially if they don't see you at other times of the week so it is a big mish mash of conversations and "wheres so and so I need them for such and such" He did ask how I was after I said hi , but it was the way he said it almost like he was concerned as he asked just something in the tone of his voice, but then he got pulled away from me and the rest of the evening there was no other opportunity to talk or even exchange a good bye. I mean right now I feel so bummed --I feel like going underground myself. I feel afraid even to call him as i never seem to get him only voice mail and not call back, e-mails are virutally are unreturned so I am just at a loss as to what to do..I mean I have a birthday present for his daughter and she is having a pj party saturday but I don't think she is aware of it because she acted like she didn't know he had agreed to it--in fact she seem sorta bummed too. Her actual birthday is monday. anyway I am rambling away at a stream of conciousness here thanks to you all for letting me ramble...helps to disperse the negative vibes  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 12, 2005 05:22 PM
I like you already, CancerRg. With my guy's birthday you are indeed very special. A gem even (haha - not the twins kind *wink*). Let’s see… I can’t claim to be an expert on Venus in Leo, but I will give you my impressions. Perhaps we can get some feedback from some people that share your Leo Venus as well.The simplest way one can look at Leo in any planetary position is to look for the cat-influences in introduces into that part of the chart. I grew up with a father, mother, and sister with Leo suns and heavy Leo influences so I'm very familiar with the big cats. In the case of Venus in Leo it makes you warm and cuddly with those you care for (cats pile up and sleep together for warmth, there is no sense of personal space, just a need for closeness). It also makes you purr contentedly when your are given attention. It makes you a pack animal, when you adopt a person into your pack you protect them, take care of them, and are loyal to them. In some ways you see your loves as possessions but not in the same way a Taurus does, it’s more like they are your pack and you are the pack leader. They belong close to you. I hope that makes sense. So when some other creature makes a move on your mate, you would probably be inclined to be jealous and protective of what you see as your territory. You might even roar a bit. That mate belongs with you after all. Taking this out of the cat analogy now…Venus and Leo is a great position imho (it’s one you and my Cancer share). It’s bold, generous, loyal, caring. It tends to need absolute adoration from a partner though. You’ll need to be with someone that thinks the world of you and pays you LOTS of attention. You may brag a bit to your love, or joke about how other women want you. This is just another aspect of Leo venus' need for attention. But this tendancy can be hurtful or worrisome if your mate is one of the more possessive signs (*cough* Cancer or Scorpio). You’ll want to find someone that is very affectionate - Hugs, petting, cuddling and the like. This is probably the same kind of affection you give those you care about, and you’ll want the same in return. The loyalty aspect is one of the things I love about Venus in Leo. Most people with this aspect are absolutely loyal. The only thing that will make you question that loyalty or want to look elsewhere is if you feel you are not loved, appreciated, and adored. Even then you’ll probably remain loyal, but I bet your Cancer tendencies would make you withdraw in a big way. I also have a soft spot of Leo romanticism and generosity. Leo Venuses tend to be very generous and treat their lovers grandly. Overall, one of my favorite positions for Venus is Leo. It has a lot of flair, and style, yet still manages to have a reputation for loyalty. So feel lucky, my fine friend. : )
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MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted October 12, 2005 06:02 PM
I think moon in pisces ppl are just the sweetest ppl around. Remember the guy I mentioned earlier in the thread-yeah  IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 12, 2005 07:00 PM
Awwwh Celtic... *huge hugs* seriously girl, don't give in to discouragement. I can see why things are so hard on you. Your guy has a lot of things going on in his life right now. You know how you mentioned how he asked how you were doing? I think what your empathy picked up on there is he was feeling incredibly guilty about not being able to spend more time with you there, and his asking you how you were doing. I’ve done that before – when I really want to be able to spend time with someone, but things constantly drag me away, I’ll spend a ton of time worrying about their well being and wondering what they are thinking of me. Then when I come up sometimes I’ll ask how they are doing in exactly the way your man did, because I’m feeling so bad and I just don’t know what else to say. At this point, you NEED to talk to him. Withdrawing form him will just start a negative cycle where you both pull away from one another out of hurt. If you talk to him, you’ll be giving him a chance to say just a few words that will permanently banish your fears. Additionally you’ll be letting him know just how important he is to you. Talk to him with as much love and care as you can, explain how you’ve been feeling. Be honest. It will take a lot of courage, but be completely open and vulnerable. Give him a chance to do what he should do as a man that cares about you… give him a chance to comfort you. My gut tells me that you are both locked in your own worries and fears right now, and the only way to get around this barrier is for one of you to knock it down with honesty and communication.Hang in there, girl! We're rooting for you! IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 12, 2005 07:03 PM
Mmmm moon in Pisces! Phycic empathy - very very nice to have in a potential mate. : ) IP: Logged | |