Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 17, 2005 05:36 PM
Spacey? Haha - oh yes. Especially if I’m tried or distracted I can be a bit of an air head. I hate that aspect of my personality because as a girl I don’t want to seem stereo typical or brainless, but I do have my moments. When I’m tired I also get extremely loony – my humor is way off, and the things I say often won’t make sense to the majority of the world’s population. So don’t worry when your man is a little “out there” or odd, just do your best to take care of him. Something has upset his inner balance if he’s acting like that. It could be lack of sleep, stress, the weather, lack of food or a host of other things.And I agree with RG - it really does sound like this guy is already commited to you. He's just not showing it as well as I might like right now. As always, hang in there Celtic. : ) IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 17, 2005 06:02 PM
I knew a pisces rising for a while and he would often ask me questions about myself that he already knew. I thought he was putting me on and cancer moon me got overly sensitive. He was usually checking me out emotionally, as in looking to connect. It seemed he would do this when he was either mad or sad, or emotional because he would literally get his mind confused.I don't have any advice except to ask him about his life when he does that and connect with him, have dinner, make dinner with him, doing something together may make him feel stronger, more secure, more connected to you. He sounds a bit and overwhelmed. It's a signal I got a lot from my pisces rising friend and I would ignore it, or would get alarmed about his health. For me food and wine worked best, but only if I offered to come over and cook and pour the wine, it was easier and more giving that way. I don't know but being a Cancer he wants you in his house eventually right? That's the fantasy of a Cancer male, a woman, his mate, being there for him, in his house. Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 18, 2005 12:00 PM
Oh hanging in guys... hanging in.Natasha , I have spent time at his house...kinda funny he would have an excuse like "sorry the place i so messy" --it wasn't that messy..and once he wanted to come over to my house as his place is such a wreck --i haven't had time to clean.. even I can't stand it. and I'm sure it still wasn't that bad. My thing is I would like to spend more time at his house  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 22, 2005 10:29 AM
okay, my boy crab and I had a small discussion... I told him that I knew that I wasn't always his prioity and that I knew that, but was just checking if we were okay. and He basically said that is was that he just felt that he didn't have enough time to devote to a realtionship and didn't want to be unfair and that he wasn't sure what he wanted and had to get his head stratight about what it was he did want...he sounded very conflicted. Not to mention that there had been comments from people at the station I didn't press him for who or what was said and that it made things awkward. Isaid well they got a lot of room to talk as there are 3 couples there who are married and one of them met there and became married and there are several other couples that used to be there as well so really unless there is conduct unbecoming or unprofessional or interfereing with station business shouldn't be anyone's else's business. He agreed at that and I told him it would be a shame to let us slide altogether because we do get along so well and he agreed. I told him we could take things as slow as he needed to and he said okay and we could talk more about it later and we could work on it together and he agreed. He restated that he just needed to be able to get his head together about what he wants, so that's kinda where things are right now. So any input is welcome..I defintiely feel better for a soem odd reason maybe because I know what I;m dealing with I don't beleive we were put togehter for no reason I have more faith in the powers that be than that or to let this relationship peter out to a vapor I fight for what I want or what is worthwhile and this is worthwhile. ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 22, 2005 10:47 AM
He sounds like he is looking for some direction or reaction from you to figure the relationship out. And he is confusing the relationship with figuring himself out. I do that a lot too, where I am so confused about the relationship I think it has to do with me personally and withdraw. Instead now I talk it out with inner identity:> I look at my goals periodically and decide whether or not my S.O. wants to help out or not at this point. Then I talk about it.If he has discussed his fears before and been rejected he may be afraid, so he will need a lot of reassurance. Just hang out with him a lot at his house. or buy a waffle maker and invite him over for brunch, make a brunch for him with eggs, waffles, his favourites as a surprise. Cancers love these things and like to be reassured that they are appreciated for small things. I can't imagine another sign that likes hanging out doing small things with someone, other than maybe virgo. Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 22, 2005 11:09 AM
Oh I could give him plenty of direction believe me, but I also don't want to scare the bejeezuz out of him and cause him to retreat further...also he mentioned and I forgot to mention this too...I know Cancers hang on to every body...his last relationship was with a gal in Georgia and he hasn't seen her in 1.5 years tho they still talk on the phone ocasionally but he said I don't have time for a local realtionship I certainly don't have time for a long distance relationship and he said all of that like I said with confliction and confusion....I don't feel this gal in Georgia is really any threat here. So I am not concerned about that. I can certainly give him plenty of TLC and do the small things like you said, it a matter of getting him in the positon to do those things.------------------ ML IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 22, 2005 03:50 PM
dream woman (mine not his ) just be there , no one can say for sure whats going to happen . not us, not u and most probably not even he . so just have faith in your love and be there. i know its difficult . i'll again repeat what i have said earlier ,i feel -he feels reassured about your presence . take my case ,i met the gal or rather just saw her an hour back . she was on the other side of the road , i saw her , our eyes didn't meet . i ddin't even go and say hello . not bcoz, i was ignoring her but simply bcoz, i felt - we will meet and talk at length later . in reality that day might never come , bcoz that day would only come if i go and talk a bit today , then only can i talk to her at length . thats the logical way . the question is why a cancer misses this logical step , firstly - he's subconciously busy with his imagination and away from his practcal part, secondly- they always see the brighter side ( yes they seem gloomy but deep down are eternal optimist) thats why i feel - i'll gat another day to talk , thats my reassurance, thats why we easily get along with sags. thirdly, cancers generally think thriugh thier heart rather than thier brains. brain is always used when thier being defensive and using it for thier business . lastly again, have faith on your love . IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 24, 2005 08:56 AM
thanks Natasha and RG!... I e-maild him summarizing my thoughts just to get them out of my head so I could accomplishe just other tasks of daily life...this whole thing has been really trying and disapointing and I hope he and I can get some face to face time discussing the situation so I can get to the bottom of what is going on inside his head in true scorpio fashion and so we can work on it together...I think he was so hurt and wounded by his ex-wife that it sends him retreating more than not and I think soemtimes "not having the time to devote to a relationship" may be an excuse from getting close as he may really be afraid to get that close...I don't know just a thought.------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted October 24, 2005 10:48 AM
celticI left you a message in Lovers talks of support and challenges..... Are you getting enough support girl........? xxx IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted October 24, 2005 11:38 AM
always prefer a face to face with a cancer . cancer's have a bad habit of making assumptions , so its always better not to let your words be construed . but , if u are good at words , it can have completly different affect . those mails are always treasured . u'll find cancers with alot of all mails . infact , i have a tongue cleaner thats almost 15 yrs. old . ITS A PART OF MY TREASURE NOW . btw, waht was his last wife's sign . do u know her other details . why dont u put your and his chart for compatability , alot of people might help u here . always there for u! ah, sue , i too need your love and support . IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted October 24, 2005 12:45 PM
hi are you man?I was hoping the support would come for celtic from her man.........? xxx  xxx IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 25, 2005 12:14 AM
Hey Sue and RG! thanks for the replies...Sue forgive me for being dense but could you elaborate a bit more on the "support and challenges"?? given the 3 cards pulled they all seem dead on to my situation but I think am too tired and worn out to look hopeful...maybe I'm not getting enough "support" mother doens't want to see me wasting time (two previous relationships one 15 years another 5 years neither of them culminating into a marriage or family) and maybe she's too jaded to be postive ..I don't know she wants the best for me but unless soem guy is turning cartwheels for me and showing progress she doesn't beleive in them. RG I have no idea what his ex-wife's sign is at all her story is kinda odd so I don't even know if her astrology sign would even apply for her personality a nutshell they divorced after she had a head injury and her personlity changed overnight and not for the better, but he the dutifull cancer with unconditional love to give did his best (they were married 14 years)and when he was out of town across the country seeing to his mother who was at that time believed to be dying..she told him she wanted a divorce over the phone when he called to tell her that the plane had landed safely and his world fell apart and for the last 6 years he has been battling her concerning custody of both his girls and now only one since the oldest is an adult. BTW she has since remarried and now is due to have a baby in Novemeber. So that is a little background. anyway now I asm getting rambly since I am tired and I appreciate everybody's help and good wishes I really do. One day I hope to post some really good news here soem day..and be able to post to help others but right now I am too down to see but my own shadow. IP: Logged |
sue g unregistered
posted October 25, 2005 10:06 AM
celtic.....I believe the support should com from a partner...your mother is right...metaphorically speaking of course....he should be doing cartwheels for you girl....arent you worth it???? All too often have I seen the woman supporting the man....he taking....dare I say it without getting lynched....but every cancer man I know expects a LOT of support from the partner...she often is an extension of the mother...cancer bein ruled by moon....moon and mother etc. I think the message in this card is ....... you are finding him challenging ......but are you feeling his support..he may love you ......but is love always enough....there are different forms of it arent there....are you happy with the way he is treating you. Maybe, just maybe, in part yer mammy is right. Having been married 3 times, and now aged almost 47, I can see a lot of what women put themselves thro (and men of course) sometimes takes a long time to break the pattern, but of course,the sooner the better. I never went with a married man....would proably have ended up going CRAZY, being a true Scorp and all........errr actually I was always the married one (naughty girl) Hope this helps DO deserve better treatment tho.... and cartwheels  xxx IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted October 25, 2005 11:02 AM
Thanks Sue,Yeah I think initially he was doing cartwheels (as much as a Cancer can I guess) He initiated the first date, he was always there for me and helped me out a great deal with my firefighter training with out me asking, he came up on our practice burns unsolicited to give encouragement and support and we had a fairly regular date night each week. Then his daughter came home from her mom's for the summer and that when it all changed and he doesn't have as much time and he has new job responsiblities that require him to go in on his own time and now there have been comments made from people at our station to him about us (not to me, him) and now he says he feels awkward, now I think tht has caused him to retreat from me further...and now I dont know how to act or what to do :::sigh:::: ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 25, 2005 12:55 PM
He has a pisces ascendant and a cancer sun right? first thing he will need is a lot of faith and hand holding all the way through the commitment time. It's a decision making process, not black and white for him...and he is looking at all the angles. You can give him options but that's about it. For him it will always be a process..a slow one..pisces is slow and careful and thoughtful about where to commit to.You are looking for signs of going towards you and that's good, because he has to push himself with a little faith towards your relationship. encourage baby steps if you can, and take care of yourself. he is looking for signs of faith too, baby steps from you, he is hopeful and timid...he needs encouragement and faith and encouragement from his friends too. Not being clear headed about the whole thing, he wants to see some sign and possibly a romantic one. This takes a lot of work, I know. Having no patience for encouraging baby steps I have left men who I wish now I had encouraged more, or at least I see where I was too impatient with the future. Being this way requires less of an ego around the man so I suggest putting more energy into yourself and your work, and home life and letting whatever energies you have leftover be available to him. Deep down he is a man's man I guess and wants to take care of you. And it's so cliche, but everyone wants to know if you are a traditional type or an independent woman? Sure we have different definitions but in dating it's a crucial question, and water signs are so full of unexpressed needs and questions. Maybe he is confused like a lot of us on his role. Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 25, 2005 01:36 PM
So Natasha, I wonder if I have been too hasty in my expectations of him all along?? or has he reached the point of deciding which way to run?I think I have expressed to him how much I care for him just short of saying "I Love You" for fear I would send him reeling and skittering backwards over himself. (despite the fact that I do). and I told him we can take things as slow as he needs to and we can do it together. So I beleive I have committed myself to the baby step portion already. I do have things I can work on and throw myself into--there are a few that could involve him but I could ask others to help so should I ask him to help or should I as someone else? Also it seems contradictory that if someone needs space and time and you give them that how do you do it and not withdraw from them? Because for my own self preservation my inclination is to let him come to me--to not seek him out is this not what to do with a cancer type? becaue wouldn't that put into play a vicious cycle where both parties withdraw and don't come out? ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 25, 2005 05:48 PM
Celtic:Hey girl - long time no speak. Everyone here is so great, aren't they? They are giving you excellent advice in general. Natasha especially really hit the nail on the head in so many ways. I agree thoroughly with everything she advised. Now as to your last question, I definitely understand your inclination with withdraw and let him come to you. My gut instinct is to do the same thing when I’m hurt or unsure of a situation, however I fear that completely withdrawing is rarely the best option when you love someone. In this case, I worry about your withdrawing too much, because your Cancer boy might already feel like he doesn't deserve your attentions (because he's been so busy lately) and your withdrawing might just confirm that for him. Then again, there is a chance your pulling away might make your Cancer boy run in quickly and grab hold of you (like the crab that sees it’s precious shiny getting away). However that sounds like a pretty risky gamble and not one I’d willingly take. The trick with Cancers is to ensure they never get a chance to pull back into that ever handy shell. I think what Natasha is suggesting is that you direct your primary energies into projects / work to help yourself feel more balanced and whole. Don’t change the way you are treating your man – if anything step up the romance a bit. But for your own inner balance, find something to focus your energies on. Definitely include him in your plans – let him know you’d love it if he could help you but understand if he can’t. DEFFINITELY do whatever it takes to make yourself feel more happy and whole. Focus on building your life, and choose to include him in it. It’s a subtle shift but it will probably help keep you encouraged and happy. Sue in her wisdom has also pointed out something rather important – sooner or later you need to draw a line in the sand and decide if your cancer man can make you happy. Right now he’s getting a lot of leeway because of his children, I’d say the real test would come when his daughter goes home. If he’s still not stepping up to the plate after that then you should probably have a little sit down, chat, come-to-Jesus meeting with him. <hugs> Girl, you are the best. Seriously, your man is so lucky to have a woman that would fight so hard to hold onto him. You are the kind of person most of us Cancers dream about finding. Don’t let all of these difficult times make you forget that, ok?
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 25, 2005 10:03 PM
hey girl!well, his daughter IS home she lives full time with him he has the majority of custody..see therin lies the rub. So what youare saying about not letting go of still e-mail him call him leave messsages even if there is no reciprication still ask him out to do something even if the cahnces are that he can't etc? ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 26, 2005 10:23 AM
celtic with a child full time at home romance is going to be more difficult. He will need to find a babysitter or you will have include her in all your plans. I am going through a bit of the same with an Aqua as we have to coordinate everything around the times his ex decides when she wants to drop off his daughters, and when he arranges things with her.That can make it hard. So, I am still being romantic, next week I will offer to take him and his daughters if he wants, to a show. We can't see each other every week, otherwise the planning wears us down. Other than that I just offer to help out if I can in some way, driving, or planning but many times to him romance is dinner and a walk through a bookstore because he is so tired. I would still do small things to please him, but let him know you would like to hear from him more often during the day at work, and then let him make plans-unless there is a show or an event coming up. Does he call you? I prefer calls to email in busy lives. It makes the relationship more real. At least you are not alone, I am in the same boat. It's hard to have faith isn't it? Hugs, Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 26, 2005 11:47 AM
Yes Natasha , it is hard to have faith. and now since someone has made comments about us to him at the station he's a little freaked out now and that doesn't help. One of my friends who knows that we are seeing each other siad she hadn't heard anything being talked about. So until I know the particulars I can only assume it was mentioned to him as a criticism and now he has withdrawn even more. So there I am, left eith no wwhere to go.  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
sthenri unregistered
posted October 26, 2005 11:51 AM
Hugs Celtic, big warm Hugs!Natasha
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 26, 2005 11:53 AM
Thanks Natasha,Thanks Bunches  ------------------ ML IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted October 26, 2005 02:41 PM
awww *hugs girlfriend, big hugs..  IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted October 26, 2005 04:56 PM
*sighs* Gosh, Celtic, that’s too bad about his daughter being around. It makes your decisions that much more complicated. It kind of worries me that your man got all freaked out about the people at his work noticing you were together. Why should that bother him? When you are with someone you should be proud to be seen with them, and to have others know you are with them. I know when I’m in love with someone I make no secrets about it. My family, friends and everyone else knew about it when I fell in love with my Cancer boy. I’m not sure what’s up with your man, but it seems a bit odd that he’d be so worried. Is there some kind of professional ethical standard being broken by you two being together? That aside, if your Cancer returns your feelings of admiration, then yes, make plans, offer to include him and his daughter in them. Even if he can't do half the things you invite him too, your consistent efforts should warm his heart. Focus less on trying to be part of his life - instead try to include him in yours. Make sense? But does your man return your feelings? I imagine that is the question that keeps coming up in your mind and I’m sure in your fears. To answer that question you really need to be brave, Celtic and confront him. Seriously, I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record here, but you HAVE to sit down and talk to him. At this point, what do you have to loose? You are afraid of loosing him, yes, but you are also suffering and have considered withdrawing from him. You need to be as honest with your needs as he has been with his. Cancers respond beautifully to honesty and sincerity. You don’t have to be pushy or demanding but you do need to find out if you are fighting for someone that wants to be fought for. You need to let him know how his actions have made you feel. Don’t play the strong, tough girl. Let your man see how fragile he’s made you. Cancer’s are, in my very humble opinion, always ready to jump up onto a white steed to save people. In fact, for me, it’s important for me to feel like I can save or help the people I’m with. So now is the time for true vulnerability- stand naked before him in a spiritual sense and be ready to tell him goodbye if he doesn’t reach out, grab hold of you, and enfold you in his safe, protective arms. Ultimately you’ll be helping yourself and him if you just lay everything out in the open. You both need release. Now you just have to be brave enough to lay claim to it.
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celticfyre unregistered
posted October 26, 2005 08:27 PM
Well the thing about the station is isn't his work nor mine but we both volunteer there he's been there longer. He is also a fire lt. and I am well not an officer and I am new. We also have a chain of command that has to be adhered to. Having said that it makes no sense to me in that regard since half the station is married to the other half and there are those whose children are also memebers so issues regarding conflicts of interest are hypocritical at best. I have no idea the nature of the comments or who said them or what...unless soemone said soemthing extemely unkind and untrue such as sleeping with him to get ahead or some advantage which is surely not the case. The other end of this is that he tends to keep stuff very private...mainly because of his crazy ex- wife and her custody battles with soon as she finds out a name that person winds up being supeoned to court. When I first met him when I joined the fire station His ex wife and her current husband spent about 20,000 on private detectives who we saw lurking about the station parkin glot and following him around to find soemthing to use against him ,which they could not. So he is very protective of his kids and his private business for those reasons. I sent him an e-mail earlier in the week asking about sitting down and talking. I have not gotten a reply. I could send you a copy so you could see I have just about done everything that I can or know to do. But that is just it I can't seem to draw him out to talk right now. I've even sent him e-mails about other stuff that are on a lighter note that do not mention us just so he knows I haven't abandoned him, but nothing. ------------------ ML IP: Logged | |