Topic: Scorpio Woman /Cancer Man
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted December 31, 2005 12:51 PM
i was very near to starting it this year but then something happened and 'woof' everything was gone . it always happens that way with me thats may be my aries asc.working and well, i dont have any eighth house placements but i know i will win (and bill gates will lose ) so pray for me ! and like your crab , i have a tongue cleaner thats almost fifteen yrs. old now , i use it sometime but it ofcourse is a treasured thing for me . i dont think i'll ever throw it .
tell u something more , your crab is sure a lucky man ! i have known quite a few scorp women (there are a lots of them in my office and here too ) but you always sound so lovely . hey, i am not exaggerating . its true . your man is sure lucky ! be the way you are ! and yeah lastly , wish u a very very happy new year ! some more silliness that 'i' wanted to share .
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shop22much Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted December 31, 2005 09:26 PM
how and why did this thread grow so much????IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted January 01, 2006 02:55 PM
Maybe because she was having problems and needed help just like anyone else in this forum. Hey Celtic, how are you these days? Hows it going with the crab? Hope you had a good holiday! 
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celticfyre unregistered
posted January 02, 2006 08:50 AM
Happy New Year everyone!!After having a wonderful December/Christmas/Newyear with my crab and even meeting my mother who came in for the holidays---I have lost him. I will post more details when I have more time to post. ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted January 02, 2006 10:36 AM
oh, Im sorry to hear about that  IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted January 02, 2006 12:38 PM
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cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted January 02, 2006 12:38 PM
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celticfyre unregistered
posted January 03, 2006 12:41 AM
Thanks guys, Right now I feel so miserable. I crossed a line or soemting with him that I didn't mean to and didn't know it was there to cross. But he said he had tried really hard to feel the same thing for me that I had for him and it just did not happen and he wanted it to. He doesn't want to be unfair to me or waste my time and he doesn't want me to be uncomfortable around him since we are at the station alot and he doesn't want that to interfere with anything there. He told me that I had alot to offer and I deserved someone better than him who could return it. He said I didn't do anything wrong even though it felt like it. He said he just couldn't keep going on trying if the feeling wasn't there and he didn't want to keep leading me on and he apologized profusely over and over about it. He said we just had to stop and he needed to pull back. He said he didn't know if he could ever have what I thought we had. He told me about a previous realtionship that was working for him becasue she was so far away and when they had started to discuss her moving closer that is when things fell apart. I swear that ex- wife of his did a real number and still continues to because he has to fight so hard for his girls all the time and he just can't devote anything to himself it seems for fear even the little bit of happiness he could find for him self may get used against him. That I am sure is part of it. He also said I came closer than anyone else did to breaking through. I don't know I just feel very foolish and embarrassed now I just want to fall off the face of the earth and disappear or more appropriate disintegrate into flame and hope I can rise again. I just don't know how many more times I can do that. I'm sorry guys I hate to be this low and I hate to be pathetic but thats how I feel right now. This Eagle has crashed and burned and feels like they are under the Gray Lizard.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted January 03, 2006 11:15 AM
Wow, it really does sound like the ex-wife did a number on him. That's what happens to us (well for me) when we have bad experiences with a member of the opposite sex. We, like capricorn, remain distrustful of that gender after the scar. It's kind of like me and my relationship with my father. I've always had issues trusting people (especially the opposite sex) and up until recently I never connected the dots. I'm learning now w/ my scorp/pisces bf (like you girl ). I think its very beautiful that you came close and I'm sorry that you didn't break through. I do think you are someone very special to him, but I guess maybe the issues are many. I'll send you love, light, and healing  IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 03, 2006 04:15 PM
Thanks Moon---very much appreciated here and thanks for your thoughtful words, too.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 04, 2006 01:01 PM
Also in response to the post of "how and why this thread grew so much" it is as MoonDuchess said and because at the time there were several threads on this theme and it got confusing hoping around threads and I wanted one place to converse that would not be confusing.Every one here has been extremely helpful to me and I appreciate it so much-- you have no idea. I hope to hear from the rest of you to weigh in on the latest. It is soemthing I still have trouble beleiving right now has happened. I feel the universe has played a really cruel joke on me. ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 04, 2006 02:39 PM
I can't help but wonder if venus going retrograde had some influence here...???------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Planet_Soul unregistered
posted January 04, 2006 02:53 PM
I am sorry  Maybe it is/was not yet time. There are some scars that are so profound.... It says a lot about him that he was honest with you. Hopefully you will be able to remain freinds, and who knows there is always tomorrow. IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 04, 2006 03:29 PM
Thanks Planet,I hope the same. I can't help but feeling in my gut that there is more for he and I and I would hope that he would want to try again some time. I don't want to give up on him still. ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Isolaede Newflake Posts: 18 From: Sunny CA Registered: May 2009
posted January 04, 2006 06:44 PM
Oh my god – dear Celtic, I am SO sorry you had such a wretched beginning to your new year. For the record, you are in no way pathetic. You are hurt, and feeling rejected and sad. Your feelings are pure, and natural. Just as pure and right as the love you have for your Cancer man. There is no shame or sin in loving. To love someone with all your heart is to give someone a great gift. If in the end, they turn away from your offering then that is THEIR loss. You held out something precious and beautiful to this man, and he turned away from it. Certainly he is wounded and saddened from his past, but he’s also a blind fool, in my humble opinion.In the end, I think for some of us (Cancers in particular) its can be easier to run away from a good thing than to risk all for it. I know the older I get, the more hurts I experience, the less inclined I am to risk all for love. I think this was all just too fast too soon for your man. It sounds like he’s had a real bad time of it, and he’s just not ready or willing to take the risks required to love you. He’s probably tired, and just wants to live a nice uncomplicated life for a while. Or at least that’s what he thinks he wants. But we often say and do things in haste and later rethink them. So you might find your crab waddling back into your life at some point in the future. I know for me, sometimes I push away the things I want the most because I’m afraid of them being taken away from me. I’m not saying this is what your man is doing – I think at this juncture it’s best just to take him at his word. But I do fully believe that every person appreciates things the most once they are gone. When we are in a loving situation we’re often times so close to one another that we loose perspective. Much like someone pressing their face against a painting – we loose the ability to truly see what we’re looking at. Your man might not be able to appreciate how beautiful you and what you offer him are because he’s been so close. Having you suddenly gone from his life might make him see things he was blinded to before. So let him go, dear Celtic. And know that no matter what happens, you did NOTHING wrong. You gave a man the gift of your love and for this season he turned away. Your karma holds nothing but promise for your future. Even if this door closes, you will find your rebirth and you will fly again with a mate worthy of your noble soul. Life holds nothing but promise for those that live with their hearts fully open and full of love, so grasp a hold of hope and have faith that your future will be a bright one. I'm sending you love, care, and a great big virtual hug from across the miles. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted January 05, 2006 11:58 AM
there is always a tomorrow( as everyone said ) especially with a cancer in these type of situations . but dont think of it even a bit .move on dream lady ! enjoy life ! IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 10:24 AM
Thank you Isolaede, and RG {{{HUGS}}} to both of you. I did forget to add some things not that it really matters now but he also said how great I was and that he wished he could return what I gave to him but He couldn't feel it in himself and feel comfortable and he said he really tried, but that it wasn't there. I refuse to beleive that and in fact I told him that there WAS something there. I just don't think he is letting himself even tho he's tried. I think he is so wounded that the shell is extra hard and he has protected himself so much that he has almost walled himself in so to speak. He also said I deserve someone who could return what I give and that tha tperson wasn't him. He cited that he was "so screwed up in the head" and tha t he had "ugly things in his past and in his life" like he was trying to protect me from those things. I reminded him that he wasn't the only one some of that stuff is what binded me to him to start my life has all been roses..sheesh. But it didn't seem to have an effect. We did agree on one thing that we should have communicated better because I would have felt so insecure and thus becoming "clingy" imagin a cancer calling soemone else "clingy" but I wasn't even close to what I ususally would consider clingy behavior for me. But I guess its all academic now. I don't know. It's all so frustrating!!------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 11:03 AM
Is it me, or is everyone having this issue with Cancers at the moment? there is another thread in Astrology just like this, plus my situation and a few others mentioned.Natasha is also having issues with a Cancer, with so many recurring themes and situations. I refuse to believe this can be just coincidence. Something is going on with the Crabs at the moment that seems to be scaring them away from people who care about them. Whats going on? Swerve IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 11:35 AM
I am not sure---venus in retrograde??? RG , Isolaede (and any other Cancer) any thoughts??? I had thought me and my Crab had made such progress and then : oof::! well, its all here I think I may have pushed a little too hard, but how hard is to hard for a crab??? I thought I had been soft peddling things compared to how I usually am ---so I have No idea!------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 02:45 PM
Celtic - if they insist on receiving love only by their rules and force you to change your entire expression of it, what do they really value in you.It is the height of selfishness, and they have the bloody cheek to point a finger at you and say you have a problem. I sense the tide will turn soon. Trust me, I'm a Pisces  Swerve IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 03:13 PM
Well, Actually he points the finger at himself saying basically that he doesn't deserve me and and that I deserve better than him..which I don't believe because he does deserve love and I want to be the judge of who is right for me and who is not. Because if someone is not right for me to start with I don't even bother, probably the reason I am still single and the reason I have had few relationships in my life, but I am choosy...not snobby or shallow just particular who is worthy of supposedly "wasting my time".Tide will change how?? I love Pisces people,BTW.  ------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
Swerve unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 03:28 PM
The conclusion that you think you were being clingy, when actually you say you don't think you were is a striking contradiction that smacks of emotional manipulation. Sounds like a liiitttlle finger pointing, but subtle. You did say he admitted a lot of stuff was his end which actually is not a bad sign really. I'm just not convinced.The tide? Can't be specific (I'm not an Aquarian), but something is changing in the energies at the moment and I think those that have been banging their heads against a brick wall will soon lose the motivation to do so. Brick walls have a funny habit of wondering why they don't feel that familiar thump anymore. Vague enough for you?  Swerve IP: Logged |
celticfyre unregistered
posted January 06, 2006 03:44 PM
well, maybe perhaps I was somewhat clingy, but not to the extreme that is my norm in fact I tried really hard not to be. But I see what you are saying. But, part of my clingy problem is that if I'm not to some degree like that I swing the complete opposite --- being aloof and somehow I don't know how have a happy medium. I do hope you are right the energy has to change I am too much in a funk to be receptive to it at the moment.------------------ ML ~~~~~~~~~~~ "In my end is my beginning" Mary,Queen of Scots IP: Logged |
MoonDuchess88 unregistered
posted January 07, 2006 09:45 AM
Yeah, it could be the venus retrograde-especially in our opposite sign of capricorn. I mean, he's been honest with you and he hasn't been playing games. Coming from a cancer, it's the scars from his past. I see those same patterns in myself and my father (another cancer). And he even says he thinks doesn't deserve you. I wouldn't lie about that. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted January 07, 2006 10:27 AM
quote: Is it me, or is everyone having this issue with Cancers at the moment? I refuse to believe this can be just coincidence.
you may have a point there swerve ! infact, after a very long gap in my life , i am without any friends .not a single one ! (it doesn't really bother me though ) imagine a cancer without friends so may be this is no coincidence . quote: if they insist on receiving love only by their rules and force you to change your entire expression of it, what do they really value in you.
Idont really understand you here . but , my point , everyone wnats love in his or her way . you never want love in someone's else way or do you ? though i normally agree with your assessment of cancer , i beg to differ here . celtic : take my words for it , clinginess wasn't an issue .so dont blame your self ,there isn't a need to . and thinking of what your cancer told you , i am of the view that he sure cares for you , may be he needs to clear his confusions about certain things in life . the best would be , let him take his time ,understand himself ,understand what he has lost and if you ever want him back , i would say , be friends with him if you can be . he wont out of his shell on his own ever . just maintain a respectable realtion ,no pampering ! and plz , dont ever blame yourself . its his LOST . Again, you never know with cancers ! IP: Logged |