posted March 11, 2006 08:12 AM
Good questions, MysteryClub,I have struggled to come to terms with it at times, so has my soon to be husband. We have 14 years between us, I being the younger one. I always wonder, if we were meant to be, then why such a gap?
I'm finding peices to the puzzle day by day. But the fact remained I never questioned our destiny, it was always meant to be.
The only reason I wondered about the age gap so much is because of OTHER people's reactions, because it did not matter to US in the slightest! We were both mature adults, making mature desicions...what's the big deal?
While I was growing up he was ending his married life, once that was over, I came into his life, and he said I was everything he needed, right then, and there...and he was the same to me. Our relationship formed very swiftly, we both fed eachother nourishing and nurturing Love we both craved for a long time. We both sighed in relief that we finally found eachother.
So yes, having an age gap can create questions but your heart will always know what is right, you know when you find Real Love. Age is very illusional, things like Soul evolution, mental and emotional maturity and other things are more important than deceptive numbers.
Wonder of it All