Topic: Hello, I am New (Taurus-Pisces Relationship)
Nihilive Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted February 13, 2006 04:17 PM
Hi, I stumbled across this forum and read a little bit and astrology as always been founded pretty true in my life.Had a 2 and a half year relationship with a libra which was just a terrible mess from the beginning. Nobody truly loved one another and I guess we just held in there for the convenience. Although, the things she did during the relationship definitely aren't helping me much in my current relationship. I've always been a very jealous man, also pretty paranoid about everything. I've always felt that I need to know everything about everyone around me and if I can't account for someone I care for's time, I will never be satisfied. Alright, so I have gotten involved in a relationship with a Pisces woman that I have known for close to four years. During the time we were not together we were pretty strange friends. I was pretty cold hearted to her one minute and very sympathetic the next. I just guess I thrived on seeing the emotions flail up for someone I really had no obligation to at the time. She told me her problems and I told her mine. We were pretty good friends, but we argued a lot (mostly of my causing and my bull-headed attitude). Now, we are definitely in love and have been through many things together that make me want to be around her forever, and she assures me, very much so, she feels the same. Her birthday is March 16, 1986 born at 5:46 AM and my birthday is May 6th, 1986 born at 5:37 AM. Now, in my previous relationship I was always paranoid of anything and everything, and in the end it was all for good reason as my suspicions were always true. This situation is so much different. We found out she was pregnant last month and not even a week had passed and she had miscarried. It was, and still is, a very difficult thing for both of us. It has made us extremely close to one another and made me feel extremely important to another human being. Never have I ever felt this way. She depends on me, and as little as she sees it, I depend on her as well. Now, my dilemma is that she had a fling with my best friend of 13 years before we were ever involved, and has openly told me of her past indescretions against her ex-boyfriend and the reasons why (he was very bad for her, a Leo). So I know pretty much everything there is to know. But, knowing we're in such a better situation than she has every previously been in, I have the confidence that nothing will occur against me, but I know how pisces women are prone to cheating and need a lot of attention . Needless to say, I've been pretty paranoid whenever we're not together even though we talk all the time. I just can't help but fear that the same things will happen to me that happened in previous situations. Anyway, I think that is enough for now. I am beginning to get winded. Help? IP: Logged |
Nihilive Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted February 13, 2006 05:40 PM
If any more information is needed just let me know. I'll do my best to provide it.Thank you. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 3202 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 13, 2006 06:40 PM
Hi, Welcome!You said; "But, knowing we're in such a better situation than she has every previously been in, I have the confidence that nothing will occur against me, but I know how pisces women are prone to cheating and need a lot of attention ." Listen to the first half of what you are saying, and also the fact that you are in love with her and hopeful. Anyone of any sign, in any situation in any way CAN cheat.... Don't let that take up much of your focus. Just love each other and stay close and communicate. I recommend going to and inputting your birth information to get a chart for each of you ( birth times needed) Then you can see what other personal contacts your planets and houses make in synastry, as well as independently.. for better understanding. Sun contacts good though.. I mean, Earth and Water.. but yes, you are fixed, she is mutable.. you will most likely be harder to change than she will.. she would be a moving vessel, changing depending on the container she's in.. the good news about human interaction, is that if your container feels right to her, it's already a smooth ride.. seems like that works..... IP: Logged |
Nihilive Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted February 13, 2006 06:51 PM
Hi there. Thanks for the information. I have some charts from the site you gave me above.I am positive her information is correct, but I may be a few minutes off on my birth time. I don't know how much difference it makes. MY CHART: HER CHART: I have to run to the store but I will be back to give more info. Thanks. IP: Logged |
Nihilive Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted February 13, 2006 07:49 PM
As my bull nature problem suggests, I do not see how in any case how infedelity can be even plausible. It just strikes me as extremely cowardly and hurtful for both parties involved. Pretty selfish. If I no longer have desire for the person I am with I will then make it known to that person.Is it that the bull is the just being and many other star signs are just cowardly in the ways of love? My Pisces has opened my eyes more than I have ever thought possible. I used to be stubborn and saw only through a narrow hole and anything I did not want to witness was not seen by me. I was opened to a whole new dream world. A world where I can strive to be something never thought possible. I have only thought myself to be in love once before, and in hindsight, it is extremely pale in comparison to what I have now. We complete eachothers thoughts and we have, at least once a day!, started speaking the exact same thing at the exact same time, or pointed out the same obscure thing that was hidden from our eyes. It leads me to believe that I have found my true self in this person. This is something I am fearful of losing, but I should not fear my loss and embrace what I've got. There is no worth in living with paranoia. However difficult it is to do. If there is any advice on this combination, please let me know. I am willing to learn more. IP: Logged |
LibraSparkle Moderator Posts: 5900 From: Vancouver USA Registered: May 2004
posted February 14, 2006 02:52 AM
Hi again, Nihilive.  I wanted to talk to you about jealousy. My husband was very jealous when we were younger. He has grown a lot over the years. Growing out of his jealousy was one of the best things he ever did for himself... and for our relationship. (I am the polar opposite of jealous. In fact, if a chick is looking at my man... I get happy. I like it!) It seems we have a lot in common, you and I. I once had a fling with one of my husband's childhood friends. It was before I even knew my husband, but it created some issues. His friend and I were friends in high school. We hung out a lot. After high school we got together pretty often. One time, while we were both pretty drunk, one thing lead to another... and I slept with one of my good friends. Fast forward two years to when I met my husband... Somehow the name of the guy came up and we shared how funny it was that we both new him. I had to tell my husband (who was not my husband at the time, but my very new boyfriend) about the one night stand with our mutual friend. He didn't react well. Neither one of us keep in touch with the friend anymore because it caused such a funk. Now the friend has moved out of state, and there's no relationship to repair. Although, I know my husband would like to have his friend back. They were like brothers way back when, and his jealousy ruined that.  The best piece of advice that I can give you is to continue to talk through these problems with your partner. Own your feelings. Try to decide if they are rational or not. Jealousy is not rational. Jealousy comes from fear... fear of losing what is yours. She is not yours. She is hers. You have no control. Taurus is prone to jealousy and possessiveness. Being that your Sun and Asc are in Taurus, I'd say that's a double whammy. Try to keep your jealousy and especially your possessiveness in check. I know that is easier said than done. Baby steps... just being aware that jealousy is unhealthy is a start. Call yourself out each time you feel a jealous twinge. Remind yourself that you have no need to be jealous. Once you are secure within yourself, your jealousy will fade. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 3202 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 14, 2006 06:00 AM
Great advice, Librasparkle!  IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 240 From: san antonio, texas Registered: Jan 2006
posted February 14, 2006 09:39 AM
sorry double postIP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 240 From: san antonio, texas Registered: Jan 2006
posted February 14, 2006 09:43 AM
Nihilive: A fish chick here and a very loyal, faithful and independant one at that! Please do not sterotype women by their sun signs as to their fidelity to mask your own fear and insecurity issues. I will make allowances for your age and lack of time here on earth to see what a real woman is capable of, that is unconditional love without fear issues! I was involved with a terribly insecure, fearful, paranoid man that absolutely drove me crazy, as a matter of fact he drove me right out of his life. He could not see and probably never will as he still harasses me, that I loved him so dearly, was totally faithful, but due to his own insecurity about his "self" it made him paranoid, jealous and a real pain in the a*%! If you truely care for this woman, then back the heck off of the infidelity issues or let me tell you the fish will swim off so far and deep you will never be priviledged to be part of her life again!IP: Logged |
1scorp Knowflake Posts: 1676 From: Registered: Feb 2003
posted February 14, 2006 10:19 AM
"Jealousy is not rational. Jealousy comes from fear... fear of losing what is yours. She is not yours. She is hers. You have no control." That was a great pearl of wisdom. 
________________________________________ Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury, and uranus Libra moon, pluto, and asc.
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Nihilive Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted February 14, 2006 10:56 AM
I guess it just has been difficult for me to look at my friend for 13 years, of which I had no qualms with before, and see his past indescretion. I guess I have hatred for both of them because of that, but for some reason it is him more than I.I was faithful in a relationship which never called for it. I always had my thoughts about things when I was in a relationship with the previous libra, and I was practically forced to like her ex-boyfriend in which she wished to remain friends with. I guess I sort of accepted her wishes after a long, painful time of thinking whether or not they were still in love. Well, after we had finally broke it off, and during the relationship, she was absolutely adamant about not ever wanting to go back with that person, but who was she hanging out with at the time of our breakup? That person, of course. Who did she, and still is, dating? That person as well. Doesn't help me with my security issues much. I guess I just have to get over the attitude of everyone being the same way as her and realize that this is a different person. A person which I care for very deeply. Moreso than I have ever cared in my life. I guess I am just paranoid that things will happen again like they did in the past, and I'll lose the love of my life and my best friend in the mess. Have I thought about completely cutting out my best friend for this sake? Yes, I have, but I honestly believe that I can trust him with my life and he isn't the type of person to anger others. He has been very cooperative with me in quelling the past. I am grateful for that. The only thing that angers me to no end is that they were both in seemingly "loving" relationships, and now that his relationship has ended, he tries so hard to get back his lost love. I almost feel as if I need to make it known of what he did during their relationship. As a sort of retribution for what he did. He doesn't deserve her. If he loved her he would have been smart enough to control himself. Anyway, yeah. I feel as if these issues need to be dealt with, but I believe it will be a difficult road. Hopefully my uber-taurean star sign won't condemn me to a life alone. IP: Logged |
sthenri Moderator Posts: 4071 From: Generic New England City Registered: May 2003
posted February 15, 2006 11:01 AM
Nihilive, what's all this about not being jealous? A Taurus can't change itself, and shouldn't try. Just be own jealous self and express it differently, there are women who don't mind being pushed because they can push back. People complain all the time about being with someone weak minded, but then they find someone jealous and they want it both ways.Suspicious is normal, and it's not healthy for one person to take, take, take. Never in my life have I ever been jealous or suspicious of someone where it wasn't warranted. And when expressed property it was valued and I was loved even more! It's when the jealousy hurts you, then it's bad. Some men and women, love jealousy and they incite the feeling because it causes passion and excitement in their lives. When you get older you learn self control. And then when someone gets you jealous you can say, I am too upset to talk to you right now. We will continue this conversation at another time when you see my point of view. Love is all about communication and respect, you must be on the same wavelength. It sounds like your LIbra wasn't like you at all, and hung out in different circles where her behaviour was considered appropriate. To you it was not. Just as if she swore or chewed with her mouth open, it's not you. Don't ever forget you have the right to be with someone who is crazy about you. It happens to Taurean types, so you don't have to be alone. Flighty, flaky, flirty, undependable, these are the kinds of traits that cause concern in someone who is giving all the time. Why fight nature and save your respect for those who deserve it? Personally I find Pisces to more dependable than Libra in love, because there is more emotion, and therefore more honesty. Be blunt, be brutally honest with yourself and others and then the suspicions are either reality or imagination. Take Care, Natasha Proud Suspicious Taurus IP: Logged |
1scorp Knowflake Posts: 1676 From: Registered: Feb 2003
posted February 15, 2006 11:42 AM
I hate jealousy. I know how it is (gosh, do I know)... I think if someone is purposely trying to cause these feelings... that's selfish. Anyone that's ever experienced it knows what kind of hell it can be. I've cut people loose due to their "extreme" jealous nature. No amount of reassurance could convince them of anything. You have to have trust. I'm not saying to blindly throw caution to the wind... but if you can't develop trust, you're setting yourself and them up for a miserable ride. Edited - Wanted to add that I'm no love guru by any means. _________________________________________ Scorpio sun, venu, mars, mercury, and uranus Libra moon, pluto, and asc. IP: Logged |
Swerve Knowflake Posts: 600 From: London Registered: Nov 2002
posted February 15, 2006 11:53 AM
Why not tell her that you are feeling paranoid?Explain that it is something from your past that you have identified and that you are worried it may affect your relationship with her if it gets out of hand. Make sure you have plans to take control of the issue and explain this clearly, so that she knows you are fighting your demons and your goal is to be a better lover to her. If she loves you and is not a very strange Fish without compassion (which you would have guaged by now anyway), she will understand. As long as you are SEEN to be making the effort and winning your personal battle. I wouldn't be surprised if she started making slight changes to accommodate you without even being asked. But, the price for this is balancing it just so and preventing her having to give to much, which leads inevitably to resentment. If the beast breaks the cage and she wasn't even aware it existed it will be much worse though, because then it becomes a trust issue, and those are the hardest to heal. Good luck. Swerve IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4860 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted February 15, 2006 11:35 PM
Yeah, I too think that jumping on him about the jealousy issue was a bit harsh, especially if he confirmed his suspicions. That's no way to be introduced to having relationships. I'm not real certain that women understand the gender aspects of jealousy either. There is always a higher demand for women in relationships then men. Maybe that's not quite accurate. The demand for women is always more plain and obvious than it is for men. Women have the luxury of being pursued whereas men often have to make the case for themselves. An average woman will always receive more advances from the opposite sex then average men will. I think this creates a situation where men in relationships must always be on the lookout for threats, especially when he really likes the woman. I think that's where the divide between how men and women look at it comes from. And that is also why I pretty much stick to women who are attracted to me first. If I have to compete for a woman's attention, then I probably don't want it. I know that there are psycho jealous men (and women) as well. I just don't think that a man feeling jealous should have his feelings invalidated based on those people.
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Happy Dragon Knowflake Posts: 1077 From: .. land of apprentice articians .. Registered: Apr 2005
posted February 16, 2006 12:51 AM
Nihilive ( .. have not read full thread .. just jumped in when i spotted the 'j' word ) re: jealousy in general .. it's now't but a self-destroyer .. a slow malignant growth .. the seed being fear and insecurity .. it's a good for nothing emotion .. ..( i mean it does contain the word 'lousy' ) .. except possibly for dramatic stage performances where an actor/actress has to give it their all and make the audience 'feel' ... .. .. .. jealousy simply costs too much .. * * *taurus sun dancing with pluto in 2nd* IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon Knowflake Posts: 1077 From: .. land of apprentice articians .. Registered: Apr 2005
posted February 16, 2006 01:10 AM
Nihilive .. just looking at that pic of your chart .. maybe put some time into researching the following about it .. Saturn in 7th house in opposition (aspect) to Venus/Chiron in 1st house .. Sun / Mercury and Moon in 12th house ***Astro Help*** this is a good 'intro' to astrology and relationships .. * * good for 'aspect' information .. maybe *transits* as well .. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * try 'looking' at your chart thru this site: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * IP: Logged |
Nihilive Knowflake Posts: 23 From: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA Registered: Feb 2006
posted February 16, 2006 01:28 AM
We had a big discussion about it where we both expressed ourselves in quite a calm manner. She has always felt very awkward about the situation and it took her 4 hours to leave tonight because of her devotion to me. I pretty much had to force her out, even difficult for me. I reasoned with her and told her she had school so she had better get rested and she understood. We're at such a level right now that it is amazing.Never have I ever felt like just coexisting with a person would suffice. We can just sit, talk and pretty much do nothing for hours on end and not have a single dull moment. I think she fears her past more than I fear her repeating it. That is the vibe. She is more afraid of me not accepting her bad situations and just feeling awkward all the time that she is afraid of losing me. So I assure her that it won't happen. That, to me, shows me I've got a keeper. I have high hopes. Thanks everyone. IP: Logged |
Happy Dragon Knowflake Posts: 1077 From: .. land of apprentice articians .. Registered: Apr 2005
posted February 16, 2006 03:27 AM
Nihilivethis link may help u to understand the 12th house placements .. and as Chiron features by aspecting other placements in both your natal charts .. Chiron in astrology ... info links .. and suggestion .. check out the 'clik to veiw ' re the free charts at ... there should be interps. for all the major placements and connecting aspects ... H.D. IP: Logged |
Swerve Knowflake Posts: 600 From: London Registered: Nov 2002
posted February 16, 2006 08:00 AM
That sounds wonderful, I'm really glad for you.That vibe you talk about for me is so elusive but so addictive when you get it. Really sounds like a great start, I wish you luck and love mate. I also respect your honesty and as a fellow Piscean I bet she senses this and absolutely swims in it. It is very good for her soul to recieve such understanding and compassion, don't forget that you are good for her, should keep your spirits and levels of security up. Swerve
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1scorp Knowflake Posts: 1676 From: Registered: Feb 2003
posted February 16, 2006 09:01 AM
I agree AG.. (this really doesn't pertain to the Taurus/Pisces topic.. just curious)  However, what if a woman "has" expressed her devotion to the man who was jealous? What if she assured him and showed him that other men didn't interest her to the point of exhaustion and it still didn't help? Can the woman (or man) help how someone of the opposite sex reacts to them? No.. but they can decide how they will react in return. I've been in a situation before where I didn't even feel comfortable going some places with a person due to being afraid the guy would look into reactions from others. He would see advances where I was completely oblivious. What can one do in that situation? I couldn't handle it any longer... I wasn't insensitive... I just couldn't understand how to fix it. We had discussion after discussion about it... I would think it was settled... nope. Granted this is looking at a more extreme case (maybe? he didn't ever become raging; but did put me through a lot of emotional turmoil due to it)... but it does put both people through hell and it doesn't necessarily mean the other person is insensitive. Also, as bad as I hate to admit it... I can lean to jealousy myself at times. It's never did me an ounce of good. Nihililve: You did the right thing by getting it out. She needed to hear your concerns. Much better to voice it than let it stew inside. Now she knows... it's up to you to trust and her to respect your feelings. From what you say, I think you and her really have something special... if someone is willing to throw that away, they weren't worth the pain. __________________________________________ Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury, and uranus Libra moon, pluto, and asc. IP: Logged |
pixelpixie Moderator Posts: 3202 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Jun 2005
posted February 16, 2006 09:57 AM
Don't know if this works here or now.. but just a thought and observation...(by the way, I have been rivetted to all the responses on this thread, feeling pride and admiration for my fellow LLers) One may be 'unfaithful' in a relationship... usually, though not always, it isn't a case of just playing around, "I can't help it" or various ego filling needs that you hear on talk shows... In an everyday sense, it usually starts with unmet needs, a feeling that things aren't right.. and can snowball. Cheating does not indicate a cheater by nature. One can cheat in a relationship, out of character for themselves, simply based upon the needs being unmet in the relationship.. a greater need, and it usually results to them leaving the relationship. But if entering a new relationship, where all the needs are met... they shouldn't be thought of as a 'cheater', as it was situational and must be treated with understanding of the situation, not as a character affront. We respond to the containers we are placed in. It doesn't mean we can never change shape when in a better container. Work on making the container a good one. Change the focus. * I think I used two container analogies on this thread hahahaha* IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4860 From: Pleasanton, CA, USA Registered: May 2005
posted February 16, 2006 12:24 PM
1Scorp,If the woman has expressed her devotion, and has done nothing extraordinary to show that she feels otherwise, then she's done all that she can do. I agree with cutting out the extremely jealous or insecure man. I felt the need to say something, because I don't get the impression from Nihilive that he's the psycho jealous type. I've got a lot of Taurus friends, and I haven't known any of them to be psycho-jealous. Possessive, yes, but in a wonderfully sweet and romantic way. I've seen my Taurean best friend remind people that, "She's my wife," and it never comes off in an awkward way or anything. Also, like LibraSparkle said, Taureans can grow out of being jealous as their confidence in the relationship grows. IP: Logged |
1scorp Knowflake Posts: 1676 From: Registered: Feb 2003
posted February 16, 2006 01:13 PM
I understand.  _________________________________________ Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury, and uranus Libra moon, pluto, and asc. IP: Logged |
sthenri Moderator Posts: 4071 From: Generic New England City Registered: May 2003
posted February 19, 2006 07:44 PM
It's pretty much a good idea to not pursue anyone, just see the realistic possibilities and discuss.Glad to hear of the conversation! Natasha
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