Topic: Aquarian MEN!
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 30, 2006 01:58 PM
Oh, fayte, I agree 100 percent! I never felt anything like what I felt for one Scorpio (I am Cancer), ever! Unbelievably deep, intense, telephatic, earth shattering. Linda is totally spot on about Cancer-Scorp relationships, trully eerily accurate (don't know if I spelt this correctly...). I truly believe that it is the best of all 144 combos in the horoscope, of course, this is my subjective opinion only. All the best from another Crab, SelenaIP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 30, 2006 02:23 PM
Selena  I love 's I wrote about male one's here:  IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 30, 2006 02:56 PM
Wow, fayte, You are a real connoiseur of Cancer males, hahaha, you made me laugh. And I also adore chocolate! But it is a wonderful post, no wonder he grabbed you with all his pincers and doesn't let go. I think that Crabs feel really secure with Scorpios, because Scrops are so trustworthy, and this is the best gift for a Crab - security. And there is such deep, instinctive connection, when they meet, they just know that this is it. Just look at the Cancer-Scorpio couples : Charles and Camilla, Leonardo and Giselle, Harrison Ford and Calista, George Bush and Laura (there are many more, but I can't remember them by heart). I only ever met one Scorpio male in my life, very strange, considering I am a triple Cancer. But that one was lethal for me, I fell line, hook, and sinker, I didn't know (but literally) what hit me. It just came from nowhere, and drowned me like a huge tidal wave, it was so intense and deep, I still shudder remembering was almost primal and I couldn't eat, drink, function, I was lost. I actually don't want to feel that way again, because it really took over my life (this is Gemini Venus talking, scared of intensity!). And I notice that there are quite a few Cancer-Scorpio pairings on this forum... But to add to the original post, my first husband was Aquarius, and he was the most loyal, trustworthy, wonderful man, but we just didn't get along, we were like cat and dog, so we divorced. And, after that, he was gone for good, no sentimetality, no looking back, no trying again. I think that's what lots of Aquarians are like, when its over, its over. I met lots of Aquarius men in other people's relatinships and when they commit, they tend to be really faithfull (think Paul Newman, Ronald Reagan), but it is probably getting to that "commital" phase that is a challenge. Anyway, all the best to you from another Crab, XXX Selena. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 30, 2006 04:23 PM
Selena  I was trying to find more links to where I talked about my beloved.:  But I can't remember where. I Love 'sIP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 31, 2006 03:08 AM
Hello, I actually did come across some of them before, that's how I knew you were with a Crab. Big greetings, SelenaIP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 31, 2006 08:59 AM
And yes!!! EDIT: Are the welcomes I posted still here? Or only missing from my screen?IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 31, 2006 01:19 PM
Thanks a lot, fayteAll the best to you and your Crab, I'll surely meet you in some other discussions here, Bye, S. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 01, 2006 08:51 AM
I think this test on addicted to love...obsessive love....could reveal where one's expectations are in matters of love, or what they hope is love.TAKE THIS TEST! READ THE ENTIRE THREAD! Very revealling! ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted April 10, 2006 02:15 PM
Hi! Girls!I just had to add a final post script to all this Aqua guy stuff. My married, not available aquarian male recently told me that he loves me.... Funny, I have started dating a Taurus male and the aqua does not know atleast on an intellectual level, but I am convinced he is psychic because 4 days after my first date with the Bull is when he confessed his love for me and now he calls and is quite infatuated with me. Perplexing folks these airy men are! Terri IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 11, 2006 11:56 AM
Hello, I hate when married men/women do this. Imagine how his wife would feel if she knew, I mean, imagine you being married to him, and he saying to someone else that he loves them, behind your back, of course. I don't believe in this, if he really loved you, he would not be with his wife, but it is easy like this, his wife have no idea what is happenning (even if she does, what can she do?), and he is saying to someone else that he loves them. Sorry for my indignation, but I saw many cases like that, and it is all the game, very dishonest and unfair to their partners. I mean, would you really want to be with someone who does that? How would you feel if you were in place of his wife? Anyway, doesn't really matter, I just had to vent myself, because I heard and saw similar situation so many times, some men are really b.....s. I wonder if he said to his wife that he loved you? IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 11, 2006 11:58 AM
P.S. I wouldn't call them "perplexing", I would call them dishonest, lying, scheming and disloyal. That, I think, fits better to the situation...IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 3436 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted April 11, 2006 09:28 PM
How to keep an Aquarian?Be reasonable. Try not to let emotion cloud your better judgement. And don't accuse your Aqua of being a cold-blooded ******* , when he refuses to indulge your hysterics. Be tolerant. Be liberal-minded. Care about something other than yourself. Be ready to think outside the box. Be ready to debate, becuase you will be contradicted and expected to support your position. Be different. Have a life of your own, apart from the relationship. Have a sense of humor. That's all I can think of right now.
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted April 11, 2006 11:29 PM
SelenaUhhh, if you had bothered to read other posts on this forum I just found out he is married and am not with him any longer, HE lied to me for a very long time and I BROKE IT OFF WITH HIM BECAUSE HE IS MARRIED. Sorry, but in an imperfect world people fall out of love with their spouses and in love with others all of the time, it is what you do with the situation that matters and I have done the right thing. Terri IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 12, 2006 05:31 AM
Hi Terri, I didn't have any intention to upset you, it is not you who provoked my reaction, it is him. Because, I don't think that his behaviour has anything to do with astrology, whether he is an Aquarius or not, there are many people of every sign out there who do dishonest things behind their partner's back. I am not saying that people don't fall in love with other people when married, but when they trully fall in love, they don't lie, like he does, they actually leave their partner and are with the person who they truly love. Because, if they truly love someone else, how can they still be married to another person? Anyway, I wrote my post because these situations are so common, they are nothing to do whether he is an Aquarian, Scorpio or something else. They are just people who want to have his cake and eat it, too. You defintitely did the right thing! Best Regards, S. IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted April 12, 2006 06:00 AM
SelenaI disagree with it not having anything to do with astrology. I have expereinced several Aqua guys in my life and they are either so out of touch with their feelings or in denial of their feelings that they can not admit their feelings to themselves or anyone else for that matter. They all do feel and feel quite deeply, but I think it is just too overwhealming for them, they can not live in the realm of feelings as fish people as myself have to. I dated a Cancer who was ultra intouch with his feeliings and very passionate, to the point of harrassing and stalking me (and still does to a degree to this day) during our very long breakup. The wonderful Taurus I am dating now is very intouch with his feelings, but is very realistic and grounded about what he feels and deals with emotions, quite a relief I might add after an ultra aloof Aqua and a psycho Cancer! My late husband, a Libra, was also an air sign who could not express his feelings so much so that he bathed his soul in a sea of alcohol and in the end took his own life so as to not deal with the intense emotions he was feeling at the time. I think one's sun sign has alot to do with alot of things, if not, I would not take part of this forum. Peace, Love and Light, Terri  IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 12, 2006 09:42 AM
I have noticed that folks of Any specific sign, do in similar situations act in similar ways. However....I have also noticed that in some ways that it could be said there are actually 36 signs and not 12. Often the 3 decans of each sign seem to often make the persons of the same sign be VERY different. Still that specific sign, but those small differences make a BIG difference! I am not skilled in astrology but that has been my personal observations. All can be good and all can be bad....Or the many shades between, no matter what Zodiac sign, or decan. ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS-
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Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 12, 2006 11:47 AM
Hi again, Terry Whatever the case, I am glad you are now with your lovely Taurus. We all have different experiences, most my love affairs were with Aquarians, and my ex husband was one (I have Mars in Aqua, and attract them like mad, and they attract me!), but all of them were the nicest people, very committed when in relationship, not playing games, and they were very expressive. Not soppy, gushy, or what not, just nicely expressive, one could even call them passionate!!!!! So, we obviously had very different experiences, perhaps it has to do with our synastries, but I've met and heard of lots of other men of other sun signs who play around, and can't stand when the object of their affection finds another partner, and they themselves are married. Anyway, we exchanged our opinions, this is what this forum is for, I respect yours, because this is obviously your personal experience. Love and peace, Selena. IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted April 12, 2006 02:26 PM
Selena I have Mars in Aqua, too, in close conj with Jupiter and Mercury and I also am always attracted to the Airy type. It is funny, though, I know traditional astrology would say that a woman is attracted to a man represented by her Mars sign and a man represented by his Venus sign,I have found that to be true over and over again. However I have also noted that what ever I am "craving" at a particular time in my life relationship-wise I am also attratced to and I always find it in my birth chart.For example with the Cancer guy, I needed passion after an awful marriage and crab boy's and my synastry gave us the same degree asc, same sign, which placed his Sun, Mars and Venus in Cancer in my 8th house (and his as well.) Well, I got more passion then I had ever bargained for! With this new Taurus guy, after learing unconditional love with no emotional attachment with the Aqua man, I craved emotional stability and doing things right for once and things are working out that way so far. I am Pisces sun with Taurus moon and he is likely Scorpio moon. Astrology is not always right, but it is very interesting for study of human nature. Thank you for your kind words Terri IP: Logged |
mr.bungle Knowflake Posts: 22 From: Kalifornia, US Registered: Apr 2006
posted April 12, 2006 04:24 PM
Fayte.M.I wonder why you so interested in Aqua men when you talk of your husband being your soulmate? is it becuase you are thinking of having fling with one or are involved withone. or is it becos your husband is one i am always trying tounderstand the womens mind and noticed you talk about aqua men a lot across this board uhmm sorry i just notice your husband is a crab? sorry i ask lots of questions but am  IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 12, 2006 05:30 PM
Hi again Terri, I've never dated a Taurus, but the nicest guy I know, my sister's husband, is Taurus, he is loyal, kind, patient, devoted, hard working, he simply is wonderful! So best of luck with your Bull! It is interesting you also have Mars in Aqua! I do too and my men are always Aquarius and Libra, madly attracted to them, even though I am a Cancer! But, as you say, emotionally, it is Scorpio that had my heart, what you said about different signs fullfiling different needs is so true. I am physically and mentally attracted to air signs, but emotionally and physically, especially emotionally on really deep level, the most to water signs. What is your sun sign? I guess you a Cancer rising, if you have Mars in Aqua in the eighth? By the way, have a look at my post in "the astrology of attractiveness" where I wrote about Mars in the eighth house placement for women... Best regards, Selena IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 12, 2006 05:35 PM
Hi again, Terri I re-read your post, and there it is, you are a Pisces, sorry, I missed that reading the post the first time around... Bye now, Selena IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 3436 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted April 12, 2006 05:54 PM
fayte,I agree; In my experience, Decans are essential.  IP: Logged |
hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted April 12, 2006 06:20 PM
SelenaBy synastry my x's planets were placed in my 8th---also made him controlling and power hungry over me! Ha! All my Aqua stuff in in the 3rd and yes, intellecutal guys kick my butt!!! But, I think at this time in my life i could really use a very grounded individual! Have never dated anyone but air signs and the Cancer boy. I am loving the feeling of earthiness! Mr Bungle That is kind of rude, don't you think? If you were to read all of the posts on this forum in the past few months regarding Aqua guys, on this thread and others, you would have your answer! Fayte is a highly intelligent and spiritual woman and has had alot of experience with Aqua guys uhhhhh.."inquiring minds want to know, maybe?" IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 12, 2006 06:30 PM
Terri, that is such coincidence, I have never dated anyone but air men, too, except one Scorpio ... Very similar experience to you, it probably is Mars in Aqua, plus I have Venus in Gemini, so, as you say, brainy guys do it for me... I have never ever been with an earth sign, well, I am married now (to a Libra), so I think I missed my chance to try... And interestingly, your x's personal planets were in your 8th. My x's Saturn was in my 8th, talk about control! Mega, saturn-heavy control! Taurus and Pisces must be a lovely combo, a mixture of Venus and Neptune, dreamy...Best of luck, Selena
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted April 12, 2006 08:30 PM
Selena  IP: Logged | |