Topic: Aquarian MEN!
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 13, 2006 12:39 AM
 quote from:: mr.bungle Knowflake Posts: 22 From: Kalifornia, US Registered: Apr 2006 posted April 12, 2006 04:24 PM quote: Fayte.M. I wonder why you so interested in Aqua men when you talk of your husband being your soulmate?
>>>>The question here is why is a supposed newbie so obsessed with that, and except for two out of 20 posts or so, only talking to...or should I say...harrassing me? Quote again by you: quote: is it becuase you are thinking of having fling with one or are involved withone.
>>>>HHHmmmmm why would that concern you unless you are a certain jealous woman? How oddly you act for a real newbie or a real guy. Quote again by you: quote: or is it becos your husband is one
>>>>If you are who I think you are, you already know my husband is a Cancerian. Quote again by you: quote: i am always trying tounderstand the womens mind and noticed you talk about aqua men a lot across this board
****Wow! A "newbie" who follows me around obsessed with my posts about "Aquarian men"! Again your writing sounds like someone else I know of, and your feeble attempts to diguise yourself are not working. Drop the act! Your paranoid jealous behaviour is getting very tiresome! Quote again by you: quote: uhmm sorry i just notice your husband is a crab? I DO know someone who uses that alot....("uhmm sorry") and the misplaced question mark. Cut the crap already! And bull$hit you just noticed my husband is a Cancerian! You are very screwed up indeed. Drinking too much again? Quote again by you: quote: sorry i ask lots of questions but am
Cut it with the headgames, You are not a real newbie. Unless you want me to tell everyone who you really are, back the heck off missus holier than thou phony, or a lackey "working" for her! Stop pretending to be someone else so you can attack me. You are so transparent.  Now back to the thread.....
I have a few Aquarian friends who are seen by many in a less than positive light. As a friend only..NOT a lover to them.... I see a different side to the Aquarian male than most women do. They make cool buddies! I like being treated by them as one of the guys! I have NO desire for a fling. Quite happy with my Cancerian! HSC. How's it going? Yeah, Decans do matter!
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Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 3436 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted April 13, 2006 03:36 AM
fayte,"How's it going?" I never know how to answer that. I'm Lunar, you know; if I'm manic in the morning, I'll be depressed by nightfall; if I'm depressed in the morning, I'll be manic at night. Right now, I'm okay, I think. Aqua Moon.. I have to listen for my feelings. *Listens* Yup, I'm okay.  Thank you for being there, fayte. We're a team, you and I. Our mission is clear. To keep her full of love. It's not as easy as it sounds; when she keeps pouring it out so freely. I'm counting on you, partner.  "To take on the world at all angles requires a strength I can't use." - jeff mangum To Decans!! *insert dry martini* Which Decan were you born under? ------------------ "My friends, how desperately do we need to be loved and to love. When Christ said that man does not live by bread alone, he spoke of a hunger. This hunger was not the hunger of the body. It was not the hunger for bread. He spoke of a hunger that begins deep down in the very depths of our being. He spoke of a need as vital as breath. He spoke of our hunger for love. Love is something you and i must have. We must have it because our spirit feeds upon it. We must have it because without it we become weak and faint. Without love our self-esteem weakens. Without it our courage fails. Without love we can no longer look out confidently at the world. We turn inward and begin to feed upon our own personalities, and little by little we destroy ourselves. With it we are creative. With it we march tirelessly. With it, and with it alone, we are able to sacrifice for others." - Chief Dan George IP: Logged |
mr.bungle Knowflake Posts: 22 From: Kalifornia, US Registered: Apr 2006
posted April 13, 2006 06:20 AM
NOT a lover Fayte.M.that felt like some protest !! sorry if i did offend like i says just interested in the wrokings fo the human mind maybe in the future you will have pleasure of being with an aqua in all hsi full glory if you are lucky !! never know! IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 13, 2006 09:20 AM
I am sorry to dissapoint you, Mr. Bungle, but there is no way that an Aquarian can be a bigger pleasure to Scorpio than a Cancer. No Way. Cancer+Scorpio=The best I know that fayte is not looking at replacing her Crab, especially not for an Aquarius! IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 13, 2006 09:35 AM
HSC Those highs and lows can certainly can give one chaotic contrast! I know how that can be too. Not Manic Depressive here but the neurologial stuff can play unholy hell with my moods. You said: Quote: "Thank you for being there, fayte. We're a team, you and I. Our mission is clear. To keep her full of love. It's not as easy as it sounds; when she keeps pouring it out so freely. I'm counting on you, partner."
I am with you my friend. "Decans: Scorpio 24 October - 2 November 3 - 12 November 13 - 22 November" Well...I am November 3rd. So I see that makes me a second decans, or right on the line. How about you? ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 13, 2006 10:00 AM
Selena   mr.bungle! You said: quote: NOT a lover Fayte.M. that felt like some protest !!
>>>>I do not need to be a lover to be passionate in my viewpoint! That I suspect is your thing! It is always about sex with you isn't it?  But the past..decades ago, I had Aquarian lovers! But even with their adventurous ways, I have found I would rather be non sexual buddies, especially when it comes to Aquarians! The Cancerian for a love, he is intellectually stimulating, and great in the sexual arena, is my perfect blend of man!  I also am not feminie enough for an Aquarian. I do not take well to having my sexuality being the focus of their attention. So since I have to choose for myself personally, I prefer their wit and intellect over their sexual expertease. I prefer brains/intelligence, wit and charm over passion, or a nice blend. The Cancerian for me can give all that in perfect unison. The Aquarian seems often in my experience to be either sexual or intellectual. But not both in unison. You said: quote: maybe in the future you will have pleasure of being with an aqua in all hsi full glory if you are lucky !! never know!
>>>>I have many times! But the circumstances would have to be "extremely unique and unconventional" to do that again. I do not see that happening. Heh still seem very worried about that for a real guy and or a real newbie....
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 13, 2006 10:03 AM
Mr.bungles...your showing up here grilling me about Aquarian males is strange. Why the big interest in my friendship with any Aquarian male? You are acting very strange for a newbie. You sound jealous or angry. quote: "all you girl bashing aquas men"
>>>>Well I was praising Aqua men which seems to make you act strange for a real newbie or a guy.
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mr.bungle Knowflake Posts: 22 From: Kalifornia, US Registered: Apr 2006
posted April 13, 2006 12:58 PM
after reading all you girl bashing aquas men i thinks i wouild be more keener to discuss the size of my less than aduaqate manpart then tell yoy my signand i dont undesrstand why you say about scorpoios only that i guess some of you ladys are that sign so mybe i will make my exit now..ouchy ouchy...stingy stingy we men dotn stand a chnce do we too many women ready to bash us i been reading thse forums for a long time and now only dare to come in IP: Logged |
Mirandee Knowflake Posts: 2036 From: South of the Thumb Taurus, Pisces, Cancer Registered: Sep 2004
posted April 13, 2006 01:02 PM
I don't know all that much about astrology. Still learning. But my first love was an Aquarian man. I had a major case on him for a couple of years. I don't know if all Aquarian men are like him but he was way too evasive. You know, he would do and say all sorts of things to encourage me then, retreat and be evasive. I never knew where I stood with him or if I even had a chance. I dislike relationships where you always have to be trying to figure out a person. I like knowing where I stand with a man. Plus it seemed his attention span was always going in different directions. But he was nice guy, as Fayte said, for a friend. As a lover,much too cold for a Taurus woman with Venus in Taurus ( right where it should be ) I prefer my Virgo. Great sense of humor, patient, dependable, steady, hard working, responsible and very understanding. Warm and tender in private. Not the type to be overtly demonstrative in public. Virgo's are men who know how to be both a good friend and a tender, gentle, loyal lover. And they keep you laughing!!! So you see, Mr. Bungle, Aqua men are not for everyone. To each their own sign and whatever works for them.  IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 13, 2006 02:02 PM
Wow, fayte, You really hit the nail on the head here. My first hubby was an Aquarian, and Mr. Bungle please pay attention, he was wonderful, wonderful man, no complaints, except that we were like, er..well, like Air and Water, totally different in everything. He - totally rational, me - totally emotional, so it didn't work out. But as fayte said really well, I was more attracted to him sexualy then emotionally, I know that now, with the benefit of hindsight. With the Scorpio guy, I found everything : the strongest and deepest mental, emotional, and sexual attraction. But it is because fayte and I are both water signs, and I am sure that you would go wonderfully with a Libra, or Sagittarius, but maybe not that well with a multi-water signs. So, no, no intention of bashing Aquas, but they can be, like their planet Uranus, a bit peculiar, nothing wrong with that!IP: Logged |
AquaLady Knowflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Feb 2006
posted April 13, 2006 02:40 PM
I love Scorpio's. I'm an Air dating a Scorpio man. I think as long as their is understanding it can work but of course everyone is different. Jokingly (or so he says) called me 'mushy' and asked me if I were jealous. I thought this was maybe the other way around. Maybe its my Rising-Scorpio,Moon-Virgo,Venus-Pisces. I picked the wrong scorpio: ( he's the player type, for that reason its not going to work. IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 13, 2006 06:06 PM
Hello, No joking now, but I know sooo many Scorpio-Aquarius couples, or would-be-couples. There must be some attraction between the uber-cool and uber-hot, perhaps some kind of fascination. I mean the most Scorpios I know are with Cancers, lots of them with Aries, Scorpio-Taurus rarely seems to work out in the long run (both stubborn, strong people) even though the attraction is enormous to start with, but Scorpio-Aquarius I hear of every so often, and yet, if you read any astrology book, it often says it is one of the worst connections. Well, in real life, they definitely attract one another, from what I could see... IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 3436 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted April 14, 2006 03:44 AM
Thank you, fayte. "Those highs and lows can certainly can give one chaotic contrast! I know how that can be too. Not Manic Depressive here but the neurologial stuff can play unholy hell with my moods."
Gee, I'm sorry to hear that, fayte. "Unholy hell".. that doesnt sound like much fun.  I dont know if I'm manic/depressive, just using those words. Although, I was once "diagnosed" (lol!) with Disthymia (sp.?), which is basically rapid-cycling manic depression. A psychic told me it was hormonal, very much like what women go through. ((She didnt even know about my first house moon, and it was over the phone, so, she couldnt see how lunar I look.)) Yes, the contrast is chaotic, but I think it gives me much insight. It's like, I go through all the stages of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Matron, Crone) every day, and, all the while, dying a Scorpionic death. "I am with you my friend."
Sweet! Decans: Scorpio 24 October - 2 November 3 - 12 November 13 - 22 November"
"Well...I am November 3rd. So I see that makes me a second decans, or right on the line. How about you?" Wow!, Fayte, that means you're in the Pisces Decan AND Duad. Pretty cool.  I'm November 6th. Pisces Decan, Aries Duad.  take care, hsc
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Kat Knowflake Posts: 851 From: Cleveland, Ohio Registered: Jan 2003
posted April 14, 2006 01:51 PM
I have an Aqua decendant and other astrological factors say i'm supposed to end up with an Aqua. Well, I'm 42 -single and I wish I'm to best suited with a Taurus, a Scorpio, even a Geminii ----any other sign but an Aqua - my guess is that I'll be alone the rest of my days!Oh! Where are you? Where are you? This is just too much for a Cancerian  IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 14, 2006 03:10 PM
HSC!  A little busy here. But wanted to pop in and say hello and loved your reply! Sounds like you and I are much alike and our "demons" are at least "cousins" or similar unwanted "guests" in some ways.  But Like I told our mutual friend...we are survivors!  Love to you HSC!  Love fayte
------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 3436 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted April 14, 2006 03:21 PM
Thanks, Fayte, I appreciate you taking time like that.  Yes we are survivors. Especially you. Something tells me I havent encountered my real challenge yet. Yes, they are similar, but I prefer the word "daemon", which is kind of like a terrible (in the sense that "Jehovah" is said to be terrible) muse. The daemon appears grotesque, but that is also the dawning of light on an otherwise dark tract of consciousness. The daemon pursues poets and saints alike. It challenges us, and, when it is gone, we are both calm and uninspired. love to you,  Heart-Shaped Cross IP: Logged |
Heart--Shaped Cross Knowflake Posts: 3436 From: 11/6/78 11:38am Boston, MA Registered: Aug 2004
posted April 14, 2006 03:24 PM
Kat, Cheer up, darlin'.  It WILL happen for you. Just got to focus on yourself, you know? I know, thats probably not the first thing you want to hear. Practice loving yourself, even as you would a lover. And you will show the universe how to love you. And the universe will send you a prince. Trust me, this is how it works. You are a beautiful soul, Cancerian. Always remember that.   HSC IP: Logged |
AquaLady Knowflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Feb 2006
posted April 14, 2006 04:20 PM
Hello Selena, From reading the astrology books I just figured the the Aqua-Scorp combination is doomed from the start. Wasnt true in my case,.we get along Wonderfully, he's just not ready to be exclusivly together. I wonder if there are more Female Scorpio with Aqua-men or vice-versa and which would be more apt to work considering genders and signs IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 14, 2006 05:34 PM
Hello AquaLady, I know two married couples, she is Aqua he is Scorpio, and the other couple is opposite gender. Then, There is Julia Roberts (Scorpio) with her new Aqua husband, and also Demi Moore (Scorpio) with Ashton Kutcher (Aqua). Hmmm, it is 3:1 out of four couples for Aqua man-Sco woman, but this is a very small sample...Although, I did notice in different astro couplings that gender often plays the role in how people get on. Bye, Selena. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 14, 2006 10:06 PM
HSC  Yes...Daemon is a much better word. Love to you my friend.  Love fayte------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
Aquamarine Knowflake Posts: 43 From: Delaware, usa Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 20, 2006 10:42 AM
Hey, Pisces female. I am new to the board.I have always had a fascination with Aquarian men. Very friendly, easy-going and always a friend. I have had plenty of male and female aquarian friends and I don't understand how people see them as never being able to settle down, they just need a freedom loving person by their side that will be loyal to them. They know who if right for them and they will search till they find the right one. I had an Aqua guy who I was very close with who died in a car accident a few years ago. I felt as though he is a soul mate and that we would always be friends. The only thing about him was I never could understand the detachment he had especially when he had feelings. It really did confuse me. We were friends and until he died I never knew exactly how strong his feelings were. Sad I know but to at least know is nice. If there are any Aquarian men on this site I would really like to understand why if you have such strong feelings for someone and even if you know they do for you or not why do you act opposite how you feel? Aquarian men remind me of that little boy on the playground that loves the girls to chase him but that one girl he likes most he teases and keeps her guessing. lol I have come to understand when Aquarians love someone they show it more by listening and always being a friend but yet they aren't great with showing affection. I am an observer and I can tell in an Aquas eyes how bad they really want that affection but it's as if you don't know how to show it?? ~Aqua~ IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 20, 2006 02:45 PM
Aquamarine  Hello! I am A Scorpio married happily to a Cancerian. I started this thread about Aquarian men because I felt they were being misunderstood. Having a brother and several friends, some deceased also...I wanted to clear the air about them. So many folks find them fasinating. Some find them irritating too. Your comments are very on the spot about them! Especially the bit about: Quote: "Aquarian men remind me of that little boy on the playground that loves the girls to chase him but that one girl he likes most he teases and keeps her guessing. lol"I was hoping a few Aquarian men would hop in here and explain just that kind of thing! ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS-
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ithaca Knowflake Posts: 2 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted April 21, 2006 03:54 PM
I've known this Aqua man for the last 25 years...hes a family friend & he was my first love and I was his.I was just over 13 and he was about 15 then!!We were together for 10 yrs.Then we broke least I did...he says he thought it was just a temporary thing.I just felt I wasn't getting what I wanted from him then...and he just wanted more time.It was a very sweet loving breakup as I wanted to move on and he felt I would be coming back after I was done with a bit of moving on!! I am about 38 now...and married to someome else since 14 years.It's a good marriage...with its ups and downs.My aqua man went thru 3 broken engagements...a divorce...and now is married again since 4 years.We got in touch again about 6 1/2 years ago...just around the time his divorce was coming thru. He says he always wanted just me...but I went and got married within months of breaking up with there was nothing he could do.But ever since then hes been trying to find the love and happiness he got with me....but has not got any from all women he has known.He misses me in his life.Misses the kind of complete feeling he got with me.Which he gets when he thinks of me and talks to me....nothing else compares.He doesn't get the same feeling of being alive with other women....he says theres no spark!! He feels we are soulmates. Thats his side of it...all I know about myself is that I feel very deeply for him...I worry about him...I feel so so sad when I know hes not talking to him....our conversations were always the high point of our relationship...I feel the spark too!! But I love my husband and I'm comitted to my marriage and he agrees he has to be to his.Our moms are friends...his sis is close to me.So all we can do is be in touch sometimes....and be happy in the knowledge that theres someone else too...who loves us and worries about us.Is there a rule that says soulmates have to be married to each other!!! Phew!!!!....thats my sad-happy story.... Would really appreciate your feelings on this. I'm a cancerian...with my ascendent sign in virgo and moon sign is aries. He's an aquarian...with ascendent sign in leo and moon sign is leo. Does he really love me?????
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 21, 2006 05:53 PM
Quote: "Is there a rule that says soulmates have to be married to each other!!!"No...  A soulmate can be a child, a spouse, a friend, a mother, a father, grandparent, neighbor, teacher, etcetera.... anyone in relation to you, known or unknown to you, in any way.... If you believe in past lives that is. So depending on the circumstances, does not need to be....or is it even possible in some lives to marry ones soulmate. I hope that made sense. 
------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 1090 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jan 2004
posted April 22, 2006 12:21 PM
Ithaca, love him, just the way you do now, it's the best thing, and always be there for each other, as friends and honor your 'relationship' as it is; it's what Aquas do best anyways. IP: Logged | |