Topic: Aquarian MEN!
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 25, 2006 01:11 PM
Ok guys! Any thoughts?  IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8392 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted March 25, 2006 01:55 PM
I dont think there are any guys who contribute to this site that are Aquas are there faye?But I would love to read what they have to say......too? Maybe we could go grab some off the street...haha !! x IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 1090 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jan 2004
posted March 25, 2006 03:17 PM
Magus is one of the Aqua guys here, but don't see him around much...and peajieI met a married Aqua guy when I was involved with his Aqua friend a few years back and he seems happily married with a young daughter he dotes on, but he was giving me the eye the few different times I saw him at social events and his wife was there too (a Leo)so...who knows. I don't know...I feel that loyalty/monogamy depends on the person, not the sun Aqua I was with was completely faithful. IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8392 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted March 25, 2006 05:56 PM
I met an Aqua guy in a cafe yesterday. He has been with his girl for years, they are getting married in June......He is a friend of my best friend and she said he is one of the most faithful and loyal of guys you would ever meet, very honest too....and he adores his woman !! xx
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fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 25, 2006 06:48 PM
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Cinleannana Knowflake Posts: 46 From: USA Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 25, 2006 07:59 PM
Oh pleeeeaaase tell us!!! I would really LOVE to know too!
------------------ In the search for me, I discovered truth. In the search for truth, I discovered Love. In the search for Love, I discovered Spirit. And in Spirit, I have found everything! IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 25, 2006 08:19 PM
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hippichick Knowflake Posts: 1049 From: The Ether Registered: Jan 2006
posted March 25, 2006 09:51 PM
Please Aqua guys! We love you but we want to LOVE you!  IP: Logged |
Lei_Kuei Knowflake Posts: 336 From: Window Between Worlds Registered: May 2005
posted March 25, 2006 10:25 PM
I know one Aqua guy... he is single and would definitely be a hard one to hold down for any women... I have uranus in the first house so I reckon their is a blend of Aqua in my personality... mostly the mad scientist tendencies ! IP: Logged |
ghanima81 Knowflake Posts: 1285 From: MAINE! :) Registered: Aug 2003
posted March 25, 2006 10:32 PM
Not surprising that an Aqua is loyal. We are a fixed sign after all, and if we are friends with our lovers first, the loyalty has no end...One aqua boy I knew was a total space-case butterfly.. completely devoid of making comittment with anyone... except his ex who would not put up with his antics anymore. He proably still pines over her. My best friend (Gemini) married an aqua boy on X-Mas eve two years ago, they seem very happy and he can't wait to have children and be a family man. But he is 37 and she is 25, so he may have calmed down a bit. There are NOOO aqua boys here, are there? IP: Logged |
ArtsyAries Knowflake Posts: 31 From: CA, USA Registered: Jul 2003
posted March 25, 2006 11:43 PM
Tell me about it!!! This is so strange that I am not the only one going thru this with an Aquarius man.I was with mine for several years, the only man I have ever loved. Just when I think he's really gone forever, he pops back into my life again. Out of the blue, he'll start to fill my thoughts, and then like clockwork, he contacts me. This is the guy that makes my head spin and my stomach turn upside down like no other man has... We last spoke over email about 3 years ago. He informed me that he had just gotten married to a very beautiful girl, but that they were already having some trouble. We said we'd keep in touch and I never heard from him again. Until....5 days ago. He googled me and found me on the internet and called me up. I have been in a tailspin ever since. He's still married but has conveniently danced around talking about his wife... Is this an Aquarius thing? Can they ever be faithful? What does this mean? IP: Logged |
spirited dawn Knowflake Posts: 19 From: Somewhere over the rainbow, USA Registered: Jul 2005
posted March 27, 2006 07:14 PM
They are very, very good at dancing around any subject they don't want to talk about, if you push it, be prepared to put in your place! Ouch! Faithful, I would say yes, but what most don't understand it is on their terms. Faithful with their hidden emotions but there waning interests is another thing.IP: Logged |
sue g Knowflake Posts: 8392 From: former land of the leprechaun Registered: Sep 2004
posted March 28, 2006 12:23 PM
Iven been involved with Aquarian men....married to one, friends with others, men and women.Well the conclusion I have reached is this....if you want to keep them in your life, you have to be somewhat elusive, as they are....nothing heavy, no pressure, willing to share them with other women. I think they like to be surprised and intrigued by women, so as soon as you slip into the cosy nights for two, some of them dont wanna know !!! So if you are a woman who is prepared to stay a little detached, be intriguing and not predictable, wacky and funny, you might just keep them under your wing......basically its just about mirroring them. Now how many women out there want to do this, or are up for it.....not many I presume.....but I think at the end of the day, what kills it for Aqua men is predictability and the thought of being possessed. Oooooh imagine Scorpio woman and Aqua man......ha ha ha....wouldnt they just kill each other??? All that jealousy and control.....wouldnt Mr Uranus just be swamped by Ms. Pluto.....a very good challenge tho dont you think? xxx
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cappy Knowflake Posts: 87 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted March 28, 2006 01:57 PM
What Sue wrote is 100% true and more... I'm seeing an aqua now (well, he is an aries but Uranus is in the first house and conjunct his ascendant among other chart ties)...We are opposites especially by appearance but Uranus also conjunct my ascendant (as I found lately trying to understand why what started as a fling is still going on, though I expect the end anytime...)so people and my family especially has always described me as crazy, excentric, and weird...despite my conservative capricorn sun. The excentric side I think came in handy with this guy who also describes me as weird and someone that he has given up understanding. I usually thought of myself as clingy and obssessive when it comes to relationships but this time (maybe because we started as friends and definitely bec. uranus trines my venus) I don't sweat the small stuffs...I'm as detached as he is at least on the surface, when he forgets to call for two/three days at a time, or initiates a date and then cancels cause he got "caught up" in something else, I just take a deep breath and tell him it's okay... It has taken some work from the beginning last year but I know he is obssessive about people not being "possessive" of him, or trying to "regulate" his it's his personality trait which fits so well with the aquarian character...he also shivers when it comes to dealing with people's EXPECTATIONS in relationships... he is also a friend of everyone and sometimes it stings when he just devotes his attention indiscriminately to everyone and I just have to blend in the background and be a FRIEND (Aquarian codeword to deny emotional involvement) ...but it is worth it as he reserves his private moments/free time at home for he and I. Strangely, though, he attracts just the kind of women or relations that he abhors: possessives women. I know that I have my own possessive streak from being a scorp ascendant. His ex wife (the only woman he had dedicated himself to for a long time) was a heavily influenced scorpio (with sun, mercury, mars, uranus) and a cancer moon. I think that it didn't work out because they were way too different despite all the love and passion... I'm glad I'm still hanging in there and am prepared for the end avoid hurting too much.IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 28, 2006 03:43 PM
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Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 28, 2006 03:49 PM
I thought fayte was with a Crab, though???IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 28, 2006 05:43 PM
HUH?????? Was that because of my analyzing the Aquarian male and talking about them? Or my sad faces?Oh my! YES! My beloved is a Cancerian! My NEVER makes me cry!  It was a female person.  I will never understand women! IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 28, 2006 05:53 PM
I have had Aquarian men "friends" and lovers.....but not a long term relationship.....but stayed friends. Most of my Aquarian male friends have died of A.I.D.S or old age.(thank God the ones who died were NEVER my lovers! Except the old age natural death ones...Whew!) At the moment I have three. Two online and one I have not seen in years because he lives too far away and his wife is the jealous possessive type. Also have a brother who got religion and turned into an ultra conservative right wing rabid Christian homophobe who hates his life. Suffice it to say...I avoid him.IP: Logged |
Zohe Knowflake Posts: 124 From: London, UK Registered: Apr 2005
posted March 28, 2006 08:12 PM
wow! Sue G and Cappy are spot on! Cappy you sound like my wife! Its spooky! Sue G my wifes best friend is a Scorp and her and I are also very close friends.I've been with my Capricorn wife for 10 years now and the poor woman has tolerated me for that long! lol I would never deny that I am hard work but like l'oreal, I'm worth Seriously though, nothing heavy, no pressure is very important. Suki (my lovely mrs)has the complete and utter freedom to do what she wants, so should I. We are both human beings born free... She does not appreciate it if I get all possessive on her. Willing to share us with other women is also important but possibly not like you might be thinking!At least not me. Sukina was my first and hopefully last. Never slept around (had girlfriends but never went all the way [blush]). But there are always women in my life if that makes sense. Other women...who i am close to and have a very strong bond with. These women talk to me freely and I to them. At a rough count i think i have 4 or 5 women in my life at the moment "like that" 2 of them are my wifes friends! haha...One of my friends was a very attractive danish lady whos been my friend from when we were 15 (34 now), suki and danish are good friends now..but there was intial unease...(simply because she was attractive (a concept i couldnt understand) The other nite on Friday i joined my wife and her hen party at a bar and we all had a great time. and a flirt! ( 9 gorgeous ladies and me (tee-hee))! Bluetopaz, we are only human, if you are attractive we're bound to look!. Suki knows i won't cross the line, and I'm sure so did your friends Leo wife. I implicitly trust my wife not to cheat on me so isnt it fair that she does too? I am also very close to my Mum and seems Suki_kuki has not accepted this fact yet...sadly they all dont get on as much as i would like them too...oy....this is sometimes a bone of contention... Sue i agree with the wacky and funny also but not because I/we want to be mirrored... More because, well with me anways, i love to laugh. Moody, grumpy, unhappy, impatient people just get me down... why should i put up with that when i am 99.9% of the time I am jovial, happy, content, joky and mischievious (5 of my male aqua buddies all early 30s are exactly the same ). My financial life is in dire straits at the mo but I is still smiling! so maybe it is mirroring we need i dunno... Cappy, the forgetting to call thing for 2-3 days, or any other aqua guy getting "caught up" in something else. well, that can be "trained" out of us. No kidding. Not calling or cancelling last min blah, blah, is just Bad Manners. and insensitive. I can't stand it when people have lack of empathy and compassion and consideration for others. With an Aquarian male, all you have to do is let us know gently and calmy that we were a tad insensitive...Shame us and we'll learn from it. Emphasis on calmly If I am anything like that mean/insensitive etc.., sukina has learnt a very useful technique where she reverses the situation theoretically onto me..9 times out of 10 i change my tune! Most of the time though if we are inconsiderate its beacause our minds are overwhelmed with a million, trillion thoughts! ok i have no idea what i've just written and too tired to go back and read it and i really could go on and on and on and on.... g'nite ladies IP: Logged |
cappy Knowflake Posts: 87 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted March 28, 2006 09:12 PM
Wow Zohe! you sound just like my friend:bathing in a sea of women! and I'm glad that another capricorn sun is having a good experience with an aqua! Thanks for the advice on handling the "last minute cancellation." I wasn't sure how to handle it since it is only now that we would be "officially" "dating," after doing everything else from just hanging out as friends, having a fling, to him welcoming me as a "guest" into his home for a month as I looked for a permanent place...which I've found. I was disapointed especially since he was the one who called and said that we should spend time together that night...I was delighted and we agreed that I would call later to do something. But when I called, he rescheduled because of "something that came up." We're having lunch tomorrow so I'm crossing my fingers that he doesn't cancel otherwise I'm going to have to get out before getting in too deep... I don't want to scare him by letting him know that he had gotten my hopes up with that invite...he is paranoid about me having expectations out of our involvement...I'm trying not to have any (at least not to take them seriously) and definitely not put pressures on him...But I still want to be treated right! I'll think of a way to pass that info to him... IP: Logged |
Texas White Star Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Feb 2006
posted March 29, 2006 02:10 AM
Actually if you dont mind my saying so, an Aquarian men are different and I can say this first hand due to the fact that my brother, son and grandson are aquarians.What I have notice with my brother and son and it could be inherited, are that they are loners, unpredictable, implusive but also very loyal to the ones they love, but dont make them mad or else pay the piper. My grandson on the other hand, well he is the apple of my eye and is too young to determine how he is going to be, except to say, that he has a tender heart and is very loving and giving, like me. I could give more feedback on the Aquarian Male, but I am too loyal to my Aquarian Men.  TWS IP: Logged |
Selena Knowflake Posts: 252 From: Registered: Mar 2006
posted March 29, 2006 11:21 AM
Yeeepeee, I was scared for the moment that fayte had given the Crab a boot, and hooked up with an Aqua, but luckily, not the case! You see, I adore Scorpio-Cancer pairings, I thing this is the best combo in the whole zodiac, so I was confused. So fayte, I am pleased to hear that your question was just for research purposes... IP: Logged |
BlueTopaz124 Knowflake Posts: 1090 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jan 2004
posted March 29, 2006 02:12 PM, not blaming men for looking, he's a good guy afterall (yes I'm an attractive noticeable female), but just something I noticed is all. I truly feel it depends on the person (male or female), not their sun sign when it comes to lusting after people (or whatever you want to call it). Hey, I look at married men I'm attracted too, too with a wistful sigh...Infact, there's a married Aquarian man at work I'm currently lusting after...(sigh again) I personally love Aquarian (and Scorpio and Taurus) men...especially Aquas tho Laura Sag
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1scorp Knowflake Posts: 2105 From: Registered: Feb 2003
posted March 29, 2006 02:55 PM
"I would never deny that I am hard work but like l'oreal, I'm worth"  Sorry, I just found that really humorous. "With an Aquarian male, all you have to do is let us know gently and calmy that we were a tad insensitive... Emphasis on calmly" I think this could also pertain to Aqua females. I have learned this through my daughter. When I get emotional, she shuts down... or looks at me like I'm some sort of freak. I get carried away sometimes So yeah... I have to remain mindful to "tone it down". Speak in an even rational way... she is so much more apt to open up. I've been known to get over-excited.  An example: She and I were doing homework one night... she tells me about how another child said something rude to her. Well, I get all fiesty and want to know details. (I know, I know). She thought from my reaction (pure emotional) that I was angry with her. I would think that a Capricorn would relate well with an Aqua in this situation. I have also learned through a Capricorn friend that I need to hmmmm... not get so carried away. Sometimes both of them take my excitement as frustration and/or anger. Usually not the case... but I realize how they may see it that way. So I have become a "toned down" scorpio. (Most of the time) _________________________________________ Scorpio sun, venus, mars, mercury, and uranus Libra moon, pluto, and asc. IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 5816 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted March 29, 2006 05:24 PM
Selena  Oh my! My beloved husband is my soulmate  I cannot even begin to imagine one more perfectly in tuned with me....or me with him. The feelings are so completely mutual! Even in Love Signs I saw something about our particular signs and our placements being a most intensely spirtual eternal bond. It is! 
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