Topic: A Dilema w/Cancer guy
sweet_face Knowflake Posts: 210 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 22, 2006 11:59 AM
Alright,I liked this guy last year and my friend went up to him for me and told him i thought he was cute,and he was like who is it.We started talking,he asked for my # ,he didnt call(my sister was on the internet so that could be the reason but probably not).The next day he said he Did call but i didnt c his # on the caller i.d.I would have to always approach him to talk to him ,and i got tired of it b/c i was thinking he must not want to talk to me or wasnt interested in me.I stopped approaching him and we had mutual friends so we saw each other and there were so many times we were just looking at each other.There was this one time when he was in the elevator and i was walking by and I just stopped in my tracks and we were just staring at eachother for what it felt like 2 or 3 min.We didnt talk for like4 or 5 months-WHOA!.Then out of no where he comes up to me and brings me to the side and asked me "Why do you walk by me like you dont know me" I said "because i dont know you" and he was like "oh ok,Lets start over, i'm _______.and then i introduced myself .Then he said I hope i can c you around so we can talk. and i said me too.then we said bye.The next day he didnt say anything to me at all and the following days or months that went was about 2 months when him and this girl(which later on was his gf) was walking behind me and i heard her saying "Go,Go".Then he said my name and i turned around and i asked where he was going and he said the counselors office and i said "oh you got problems"i was jusy playing with him and he was like "yea" then he told that gurl when she was going in the classroom that hes going to do what she told him to do,and the he just walked off no bye or anyhting.I hope this isnt tooo much i just want yall to get the past and present of the situation.I would see him alot at his work but all that would happen is us looking at each other until he asked me for my # again.and he didnt call. now i got in touch with him again over the internet and i was flirting with him he gave me his # and we were talking on the phone and he asked if i had a bf i said no and he said "why" i was like "i just dont" and i asked if he had a gf and he said no but then i asked ,then why does it say "in a realtionship" on your page?then he said we broke up 2night,then i asked what happened.he said she said something that made him mad and that they dont see eye to eye on things anymore.i didnt beleive him so he tried to prove it to me,he called this girl on three-way,but it sounded unnatural like he recorded the voice.I told him this and he was like "no its not, how could i record it"?im sceptical about this .We wanted 2 see each other 2nights ago but i didnt feel like it(we were gonna walk and meet each other half way).the night before last he got off and didnt get back on until i was already so when i got off(it was getting late)then he got online like an hour later.Last night we decided to do it he said to call in like 5min,i did then he said to call be in another 5 min.(i guess he was getting ready)but then i did and he didnt pick up,i called about 2 more times no answer.he didnt call back.So it didnt happen last noght.And I wrote him a message saying Im mad at you.He hasnt wrote back yet,so i dont know whats going on.Im thinking of not asking him if he still wants to meet b/c itll seem like im pushing it too much,but i dont know if hell ask me when.i could really need some advice .Thank you so much for yalls time. IP: Logged |
sweet_face Knowflake Posts: 210 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 23, 2006 05:16 PM
Does any 1 have any comments about the situation?IP: Logged |
Girl of the Water Knowflake Posts: 68 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Mar 2006
posted April 23, 2006 09:19 PM
Usually Cancers need the other person to approach them first. But no matter what the guy's zodiac sign, if it's that obvious a person likes them and if they're completely interested, they wouldn't put it off for five months, and they wouldn't keep telling you to "call back in five minutes" and then not answer the phone at all. Yes, Cancers have been known to move back and forth and side to side like a crab before making an important decision, but the way he's acting is kind of ridiculous. My advice is don't talk to him, call him, or im him until he comes to you first. If he does come to you, it shows that maybe he is truly into you and that he was just letting his Cancer shyness get the best of him. If he doesn't, then he's either not interested or he hasn't grown up yet and isn't worth the time, pain, and effort that goes along with chasing him. It's always really messy when there's another girl involved, no matter what the situation. Good luck. IP: Logged |
cancerrg Knowflake Posts: 1785 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted April 24, 2006 02:04 PM
when i read the half of the post , i said ,ok this was me . i ,actually have been into that situation . i did almost what your guy did and i had my valid reaasons to do it . i agree ,things did make the girl confused but then i think it was more of misconception rather than ( i am not saying , confusion ) someone's fault . i am still in the phase when thsi girl sees me , our eyes meet but she expects me to initiate . oh, even i am not shy of doing it . when i am in one of my hyperactive mood , i'll go to her and simply say the same words that your guy did . infact, i had thought of almost same words .
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sweet_face Knowflake Posts: 210 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 24, 2006 05:01 PM
Girl of the Water,CancerrgThank you for you're advice, thats exactly what im goin to do,Im not going to make contact with him at all.But Two days ago I found out that he does have a gf.My friend told me she saw him at this place,with him and his gf and that he was talking about how he wants to break up with his gf because shes getting on his nerves.I confronted him and this is what happened.. Me:Whats up with all the Lies__________. Him:What lies? Me" About how you and youre gf are broken up. Him:We are Me:___________ told me she saw you @________ with you and youre GF.(she told me this on Friday)he told me they broke up last friday or Saturday. Him:Yea Me: So then yall are still 2getther. Him:........didnt write back.! Me:Well im about to get off,if you want to continue this then you can call me right now ok,Take care.bye He didnt call. Then yesterday he didnt even bring it up, we started talking about love.
He lied to me,i don know if i can ever trust him with anything.What are his motives with me?? Cancerrg, Youre a Cancer man right?? lol,if youre not Im sorry, but What are the signs if hes interested?? I think it will be harder for anything 2 happen because of his gf
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cancerrg Knowflake Posts: 1785 From: Registered: Dec 2004
posted April 25, 2006 01:06 PM
oh lady ! dont be sorry , i am indeed a cancer man .are you asking of of crab's interest in genral or about your crab . in case, its genral , i am sure you will get all your answers in differnet crab male threads , especially -scorpwomen/cancer man. if it is particular , let me reread the posts and at the same time if you can tell us more . that would be helpful. IP: Logged |
ScarlettSoul Knowflake Posts: 32 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted April 26, 2006 12:26 PM
Sounds like a pretty clear-cut case of a high school guy playing the field to me!I would step back and stop putting so much energy into this. It sounds like he's not a completely truthful individual, and what's the use in investing yourself in someone that has not shown they deserve it?? If it were me, this is what I'd do - 1. NOT contact him again. 2. If he contacts you, ask him - What are your intentions in talking to me? Where do you want this to go? - Can you please leave me alone unless/until you've decided you want to start something real with me? 3. Then, if he continues to play games, ignore it until he lets you know in NO uncertain terms that he wants to be with YOU. This does not mean in private, but publicly, for the whole world to see. I'm an aries, and I just hate to play games. I've never dated a cancer so not sure if this is the right approach. But astrology aside, NO guy should play games with you like that. I am a firm believer that MOST men - unless they are attached to someone else or do not really have honorable intentions - will come right out and let you know they like you. (though it's a little controversial, you should read "he's just not that into you". Has a lot of pretty interesting perspectives) This guy seems like he enjoys the attention from you - he clearly knows you like him - but he's not ready to let things go with his girfriend. It's most likely not "over". He's got two women that are into him, every boy's dream... don't be his fool!  IP: Logged |
cappyme Knowflake Posts: 223 From: Dubai, U.A.E Registered: Dec 2004
posted April 26, 2006 04:33 PM
This guy sounds like a major manipulator. I would say not to fall for it. He'll continue to be cryptic, so either cut off contact fully. Don't talk to him, and if he tries to make small talk, make small talk and leave it at that.The thing is, he isn't taking you seriously, he tells you to call him and doesn't pick up the phone, thats just plain mean. Next time just tell him to call you instead. Actually don't even ask him about it. He's still dating his gf, so be just friends with him and with no expectations of a romantic conquest. Even if he tries to flirt don't give in, as you know he's fickle and might change his mind the next day. He has to prove his likingness for you. He has to make an effort, so far you're doing everything. Ok one thing, find three substitutes to talking to him, so whenever he's chatting with you, you've something else to focus on, so therefore you'll be less focus-oriented towards him and wouldn't be so self-conscious. ------------------ Don't go to bed angry. Stay up and fight! IP: Logged |
sweet_face Knowflake Posts: 210 From: Registered: Mar 2005
posted April 26, 2006 11:18 PM
Yall are so right, I know he knows Im Interested in him,and hes liking the attention,Im just going to drop him like hes hot and move I thought i could give him a try but I dont see the point in it anymore.Thank Yall so much, yall are really helpful.I will update yall if anything else happens. Any last comments anybody?? Especially someone whos dated a Cancer man IP: Logged |
fayte.m Knowflake Posts: 4123 From: ~out looking for Schrodinger's cat~ Registered: Mar 2005
posted May 01, 2006 11:02 AM
A thread about Cancerians and different opinions about them, plus famous Cancerians. ------------------ ~I intend to continue learning forever~"Fayte" ~I am still learning~ Michangelo The Door to Gnosis is never permanently only needs the correct keys and passwords. The pious man with closed eyes can often hold more ego than a proud man with open eyes. Out of the mouth of babes commeth wisdom that can rival that of sages. In the rough, or cut and polished..a diamond is still a precious gem. -NEXUS- IP: Logged |
Girl of the Water Knowflake Posts: 68 From: Pennsylvania Registered: Mar 2006
posted May 08, 2006 04:33 PM
I'm a Cancer too. Sometimes it's really hard for us to break it off with somebody, especially if we've gotten close to them. Still, I would never lie and lead someone on. I would never have someone else in my love life until the last person is completely out of my life, mind, and heart. But not all Cancers are alike. Don't stick around if he's outright lying to you, and making it that obvious.IP: Logged | |