Topic: speaking of capricorn moons...
pinkleo Knowflake Posts: 46 From: Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 22, 2006 08:54 PM
how does one break through the cool exterior?IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 22, 2006 09:05 PM
If anyone knows please tell bf is a Capricorn moon and sometimes the frigidness drives me biserk plus im an emotional moon in Scorpio so its horrible sometimes. But they are very reliable. IP: Logged |
Lauren Knowflake Posts: 1158 From: Registered: Aug 2005
posted November 23, 2006 12:34 AM
The Saturnian way to romance is very much based on the Saturnian concept of time. Time does a lot. Time builds trust, time shows consistency.. If you asked a Capricorn moon what the meaning of true love was? They'd say "time". If you are impatient and want something *now*, things won't work with a Cappy mooner. The answer to your question "how does one break through their cool exterior" is also 'time'. I'm a Cap mooner and my experience is usually that people (especially my age) are in much too much of a hurry.. and a hurry to what? To date? To be in a relationship? To make out? To find out whether they love the other person or whether the other person loves them? Everyone just seems soooo damn hurried to Cappy moon.. My feeling about this is wait.. just calm down and wait and you'll find out.. no need to jump the fence searching for answers to questions that will be answered in their due time.. why push? Being a Cap moon it's hard to understand why people seem to always want things to happen right *now* this minute, when Saturn knows nothing ever happens over night.. that's why it is the planet of karma and time.. things get built slowly and steadily.. they don't simply appear IP: Logged |
sunshine9 Knowflake Posts: 773 From: Durham, NC, USA Registered: Feb 2005
posted November 23, 2006 01:12 AM
Good answer, Lauren!I have my Moon in Capricorn too, and I agree that it takes time to get through. We're reserved types, but trust me, there is a lot of emotion/feeling under that cool exterior. We're drawn to those with grace, class & maturity. Here's what a man with Moon/Venus in Capricorn is looking for: "The type of woman who attracts him is socially acceptable and somewhat formal or aloof - and serious about success or status. If she can boost his image or his career or finances, then likely she'll draw his interest - as may "Old Money" or OLDER women. As he gets older, he may be attracted to YOUNGER women. Powerful women or "executive" types also interest him; and it is important to him that he can regard his mate as competent and responsible and mature. He is afraid of rejection, so may act rather shy or reserved - and can be drawn to a woman who is either equally reserved, or is willing to be assertive enough to take the emotional risks he can't take himself. He may appear to fear commitment, but what he really wants is a very committed relationship with the right woman who will take commitment as seriously as he does - and he will wait as long as it takes until he is certain." This is mostly general; it helps to know his other placements too - his Venus sign, where his DC lies, etc. Sunshine IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 Knowflake Posts: 1262 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted November 23, 2006 04:11 AM
Wow, interesting... so how would this apply in a composite? Me and my bf's composite moon is 29 degrees Capricorn, in the 12th house. This worries me. It makes me think there will be a fated end to our relationship because of whatever issues this composite moon placement will create... any tips for dealing with this? I know what issues there are with our individual moons (mine is in Scorpio, 11th house, his is in Aries, 12th house) but the composite has me at a loss...IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 23, 2006 07:15 PM
Ah GeminiLOver there we are again with similarities, my bf's Cappie moon is in 12th house, ugh! Seriously tough to deal with sometimes since i have absolutely no patience. But he is caring sometimes. IP: Logged |
Jan_A Knowflake Posts: 391 From: Riga, Latvia Registered: Aug 2006
posted November 24, 2006 03:30 AM
Capricorn moons ARE emotional. Don't take the description so negative ![]( IP: Logged |
pisces_princess Knowflake Posts: 53 From: Liverpool, England Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 24, 2006 04:56 AM
I am a Capricorn moon (Pisces Sun) and I am extremley sensitive. Read my post (Heart broken) you will see that we capricorn moons hurt just as much as anybody else...------------------ Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon Gemini Rising IP: Logged |
and unregistered
posted November 24, 2006 12:08 PM
Bornunderdis-my guy also has Capricorn moon in the 12th house, it's a crap placement to be honest, he really has/had a hard time being truthful about how he felt for years.I liked Lauren's post a lot. She's right, everything is time with them, simmering in the background while youre completely oblivious to it, they will be cold or distant, even more so if they love/care/want you. They will be nice, and kind, but there is a distinct detachment/distance. I never really liked the capricorn energy because i need raw emotions, but with the right person, you'll see it, and it'll take your breath away.... ------------------ "WHATEVER the soul longs for, WILL be attained by the spirit"-Khalil Gibran Love truth even if it harms you, and hate lies even if they serve you. Believe what you see and lay aside what you hear. -Lebanese proverbs IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 24, 2006 08:55 PM
Yea And, I agree being honest about their emotions isnt their best we are going through tough times right now so i dont even know if he still loves me anymore, tho he swears...sigh so hard...but they are how they are :/IP: Logged |
BlueRoamer Knowflake Posts: 2690 From: Calm Blue Ocean, Calm Blue Ocean Registered: Jun 2003
posted November 24, 2006 10:39 PM
Lauren that was a really great post, you seem to have a very developed idea of time and karma. Please share more if you will!IP: Logged |
GypsyDancer1221 Knowflake Posts: 93 From: Charlotte, NC, USA Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 25, 2006 10:29 AM
My Moon is in Capricorn, tenth house, opposed to my sun, mercury, and Jupiter. We ARE VERY emotional, we just always hide it because we fear rejection and getting hurt. That's why we take our time and only show a little bit of how we feel at a time. I'm dating an Aquarius with Aquarian moon right now and he's a LOT more open with his feelings than I thought he'd be... I expected some aloofness or something... but since he's open I'm worried that since I'm so conservative about my emotions he won't realize how much I care. It's very frustrating sometimes, but we ARE extremely emotional. My moon is conjunct my Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, as well, so Saturn smothers mine even more... Anyway, well said, all other Capricorn moons!IP: Logged |
The Magician Knowflake Posts: 83 From: Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 25, 2006 11:11 AM
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 3642 From: The Asylum Registered: Mar 2006
posted November 25, 2006 11:35 AM
Gypsy, you bf might be more emtional because of the effect of Sun conjunct moon.Even though its in Aqua, the aspect itself will make his sun more cancer-like.IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 25, 2006 02:55 PM
Gypsy and The Magician, I was wondeing if you have any andvice on how to know what a Cappie moon is REALLY feeling because honestly feelings are so important to me (Scorp moon) and i worry my bf doesnt feel anything for me because he doesnt express it the way I do. I mean he says he does but what are words, right? And a part of me knows he is very emotional because that shows when he gets mad, but thats what makes me worry he doesnt love me even more...any advice?IP: Logged |
Jazzebel Knowflake Posts: 324 From: Georgia Registered: Aug 2003
posted November 25, 2006 03:18 PM
If he loves you, you will know it, no matter what sign is his Moon.IP: Logged |
pinkleo Knowflake Posts: 46 From: Registered: Jul 2006
posted November 25, 2006 08:25 PM
thanks all. lauren i loved your explanation too. i've actually come to see since i posted this that there is a lot of emotion in there. it's actually quite lovely and was worth the wait.IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 Knowflake Posts: 1262 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted November 25, 2006 09:15 PM
I know how you feel, BUD! Mine doesn't even usually say it, and I know he has problems expressing the 'nice' emotions a lot. The 12th house moon. Sometimes I'm certain because I just feel it, but I also know that with my Scorpio moon I sometimes require too much intensity (he's a Gemini, and the Aries moon although it's intense, is more... well, firey than deep if you know what I mean) - I feel more deeply than he does and that's just a fact. It sometimes makes it hard to interpret, when his Gemini nature oscillates so wildly and he gets detached. It does destabilise me a bit (and I'm a Taurus!), so I know how you feel about the wondering. I think I need to give up the wondering and just go with whatever happens! But at the same time I can't help wondering if we have astrological indicators for 'real love' or just romance. I feel so deeply I don't think it's possible for me to be with someone and not TRULY LOVE them...
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BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 26, 2006 01:07 AM
Dear Piscess Princess, I just realised ur a Pisces moon in Cappie just like two of my VERY VEYR close friends. And they are in fact VERYYYYY emotional and sweet and caring and sensitive. I love them both to death. But i wonder if its becauase of the Pisces that they are so. Because my bf Gemini Cappie not sensitive at all...and i know w few Libra Cappies also rather frigid. But maybe its just my friends. I wish i could learn more...Dear Gemini Lover, Oh yes thats one thing i always tell everyone im incapable of just dating ppl. I only whind up going out with someone i have strong feelings for. Im always confused by the people who spend years with someone they dont particularly care for. Its very not me. IP: Logged |
GeminiLover75 Knowflake Posts: 1262 From: Registered: Apr 2006
posted November 26, 2006 01:29 AM
Yes... that's why I haven't had many boyfriends at all and I'm 31! I don't even really enjoy dating unless it's someone I really am truly interested in already... I can't do casual dating to "find out" whether I like someone, because usually I already know if I feel a connection or not. So I find the whole "casual dating" thing to be really frivolous to the point that it bores me. I guess that's weird... but I'm very deeply ingrained with a 'quality over quantity' focus when it comes to love!As for the Cap moon issue... well, I know three Capricorn moons and they are very sensitive. My sister and my mother are sensitive and are into romance in a more 'girly' way than I am (they are more into "hearts-and-flowers", whereas I'm more into an intense connection), BUT their approach is very slow and steady. They always think I move too fast... however I really don't! I'm slower than most women when it comes to love... somehow unintentionally, I make my men wait for what seems like forever for the first move (and the rest! ) ... but to my Cap moon family members, I fall in love and let everything happen too fast! I also know a guy who is a Cap moon and he LOVES romance, he is a Leo and major flirt and into grand gestures all the way. His wife is a Capricorn so I guess there is something really nice going on there for him emotionally with her. ![]( IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 26, 2006 01:41 AM
Oh wow same with me. Intense connection above anyyyything and everything else! Everyone in my family (all women) are moons in Scorpio lol you can imagine how that is, we bicker constantly. But my previous relationship lasted 3 years which isnt bad given we were 15. Hoping for much longer with this one, though those transits make me doubt its possibleIP: Logged |
GypsyDancer1221 Knowflake Posts: 93 From: Charlotte, NC, USA Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 26, 2006 09:35 PM
Luna, thank you, I didn't know that his moon conjunct sun in fourth house could make him more emotional. I'm glad to hear it, I just wish he would TALK about it more! He's got Chiron, Mars, and North node above the ascendant line, so he's pretty introverted... BornUnderDioscuri: Our eyes usually reveal how we feel, at least for me. And if he either looks you in the eyes for long periods of time, or if he looks into your eyes for a second and looks away (usually blushing a bit) then he's definately got strong feelings for you. There may be other ways, but that's what I usually do. My relationship now (which has existed (for me, at least) over two years is based on eye contact because that's what connected us in the first place; if there wasn't an intensity in our relationship, I couldn't persue it... even though I still need to work on opening up to him). Also, if he AVOIDS or trys to hug you too much, that's a sign, too. I usually don't initiate hugs because I hate it when people only half-hug you, but if they initiate it then it's usually a good hug. And if he hugs you a LOT it means that he's trying subtly to let you know how he feels (check out the forum thread on hugs; you can heighten the soul vibration, allign the chakras, and combine the auras JUST BY HUGGING! ^_^). Maybe he's not as extreme as I am, but that's my imput. I hope it helps! My mum and I both have Capricorn moons and my dad and the dog have Cancer moon (So does Weird Al!) and my sister has Taurus moon, so I think I can understand having a lot of Scorpio moons. My friend and her mom both have Taurus Sun and Aquarius moon. ^_^ It's great. Anyway, your Cappy will let you know eventually, we just like to take our time... we ARE very emotional, though. Good luck! IP: Logged |
BornUnderDioscuri Knowflake Posts: 1991 From: Never Never Land Registered: Oct 2006
posted November 26, 2006 10:19 PM
Thanks so much GypsyDancer, i mean sometimes I do think he loves me but my insecurities dont let me believe it for fear of being dissapointed. Perhaps I just look for the bad in things. He does give full body hugs and when im mad and just do an upper body shoulder hug hes always like "thats it?" so i guess that could be his way of expressing it. Thanks so much!IP: Logged |
cajunwolf77 Knowflake Posts: 22 From: tampa Registered: Jan 2007
posted January 23, 2007 07:35 AM
im capricorn moon virgo venus sun in libra im very sensitive the guy i thought was going to work out with was capricorn sun virgo in taurus here is my chart pls tell me what sign is my best match because the ones who attract me cant give me the emotion i need IP: Logged |
cajunwolf77 Knowflake Posts: 22 From: tampa Registered: Jan 2007
posted January 24, 2007 10:09 PM
this link is awesome for moon matches im a libra my man cappy but im moon in cappy hes moon in taurus lol im virgo venus hes taurus venus lol we actually do go well together even though libra and cap arent supposed to IP: Logged |