Topic: Nodes and Karma--look it up here
ErickaF unregistered
posted July 09, 2007 10:27 PM
I have Venus in Sag 29 degrees and he has NN in Libra 22...would this be a squared aspect?? Is this significant, something I should worry about??? IP: Logged |
Astrid unregistered
posted July 09, 2007 11:07 PM
Hi! IZ, mind? Of course not! Your descriptions and interpretations are wonderful! Thanks for sharing. In fact, the Maria Shaw article I had did not have any information on any other aspect except conjunctions. Also, there were no interpretations for aspects to asteroids, etc. So your article was fantastic!! To Cat and erato34: Unfortunately, Maria Shaw's Dell article did not have ANY information on Nodes conj Nodes. However, from IZ's article above, she did have this : ******************** *Nodes in the same element (conjunction or trine) : the two people have the same karmic goal, which facilitates their understanding, because they have similar evolutionary paths. *Nodes in complementary elements (sextile or opposition): these two people can get along and they can help each other evolve. This is especially true for the opposition. *********************************** KAY LIBRA and ErikaF: Maria's interpretation for Pluto Conj NN: "The sexual part of this relationship could be the best part of it. The Pluto person is a strong influence in the NN's life and may help you overcome anyobstacles and actually transform your being. This relationship could consumre the NN. You can't live with him, but you can't live w/out him, either." IMHO, Kay, If you believe that you may have been enemies in the past, . . . you asked does that mean you are enemies now? Again, IMHO, I would say some things MAY carry over. They may irritate you, you may irritate them. They may get more easily upset with you, or vice versa, or, like cat's relationship she mentioned, that is quite tense, and she's had to distance herself from--it may just be so unresolved and intense, you may need a lifetime or four to get to a point where you can truly face each other. . . there's truly no harm in delaying that karma, right? In fact, it may do less harm to let things cool down. . . OR. . . you've arrived on this blue/green ball at the same time, in the same place, to further your work. . . it is an OPPORTUNITY that has presented itself to you to overcome, move past, and grow, together, IF and that's a big IF, both souls are in agreement on it, AND mature enough to understand the mission. Again, that's just my beliefs, to take with however many grains of salt you wish. Never would I tell someone that because you were enemies in the past that you are this lifetime. I believe the potential is ALWAYS to bring us closer to a place of love and compassion. We have to repeat experiences over and over until we get it right. . . Erika F: North Node Conj Partner's Saturn: "The Saturn person was likely a father figure in a former lifetime. In this one, you'll gain much wisdom from him. These types of relationships are good for business and anything that involves learning a new skill or technique. In relationships, consider Saturn your teacher and one you will probably have a great deal of respect for, look up to, and admire."
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Astrid unregistered
posted July 09, 2007 11:22 PM
sameesadiq: both interpretations for venus conj SN are not easy ones to see, I agree.I have termed this aspect "the aspect of unrequited love." I'm curious, how is your relationship with her? If you don't mind my asking. I think Maria hit the nail on the head with that description. The SN can be absolutely head over heels in very deep, soul love with the Venus person, only to see that the Venus person could care less. The karma may be that the Venus loved the SN in a past life, and SN broke their heart into a million pieces, or took them for granted. In this life, the Venus person's sitting it out. Heart needs time to mend. Read Martin Shulman's book on the Nodes, and Retrogrades. My Venus/SN relationship (I am the SN) --- I felt he was my twin flame. Never before, and never since have I felt that. He didn't give me the time of day. A VERY brief encounter was the best that it got. His Venus is w/in 1 degree of my SN, and also Rx, and also in his 12th house. Someone somewhere in time broke his heart, quite possibly to the point of killing him. He suffers in love in this life. I will wait for him (though not putting my romantic life on hold). . . all through this life and beyond. I am ready when he is. I once explained this to him (he's a little into astrology) and told him maybe it was me who harmed him so badly, because of how much I was hurting now. He told me that he doesn't worry about it, and neither should I. It was sweet to actually have an apology and forgiveness in this life over something that happened in a former life. I don't get the sense that we will manifest a relationship in this lifetime. But, I have taken heart from Iz's information in this thread, because his NN is in exact Conj with my Jupiter. It made me cry to read it, because it says that our souls will meet again in a future place, for a common goal. It was that belief, actually, that got me to carry on w/out him in this life. Tough stuff. IP: Logged |
Astrid unregistered
posted July 09, 2007 11:30 PM
Hi Iz, Here you go: ***I really need to type all these the way you did them all in one post. I will try to do this in the next few days.In the meantime: SN Conj Partner's Neptune: "There is a sense of deception in such a relationship. Neptune can be an inspiration to the SN, but not a positive one. This is a dangerous connection. Drugs, alcoholism, cheating, and stealing could be a part of the scenario. It's likely, in a former lifetime, both of you were considered partners in crime. Bonnie and Clyde. Try to stay clear of one another this time around." ********* That really stinks. Because my SN is conj to some degree or another, EVERYONE my age's Neptune!! ARRGGHH. IP: Logged |
Astrid unregistered
posted July 09, 2007 11:33 PM
Erika: Well, it is a squared aspect, to be sure.Because NN is where you evolve, and it squares his venus...perhaps there may be a limiting or holding back of each other? That's the negative interpretation. Because it involves the NN, that perhaps the square could present challenges to be overcome to have a very rewarding relationship in which both people grow, especially the NN from the love rec'd from Venus. (?)
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izodesmozina unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 05:22 AM
Astrid, I'm really happy you're not upset for adding the info I have. Thank you for posting the interpretation on Neptune-SN. So you have that one too with everyone your age? Yeah... it is tricky. Oh, and can you please, please write the one for Uranus conj SN? I forgot about this little aspect... I have it with someone. Isn't Erika's aspect a wide sextile? ( the Sagi-Libra one) quote: both interpretations for venus conj SN are not easy ones to see, I agree. I have termed this aspect "the aspect of unrequited love." I think Maria hit the nail on the head with that description. The SN can be absolutely head over heels in very deep, soul love with the Venus person, only to see that the Venus person could care less.The karma may be that the Venus loved the SN in a past life, and SN broke their heart into a million pieces, or took them for granted.
Well, I had this aspect with someone and I must tell you this isn't true. The South Node is the first to fall because he/she recognizes the Venus person and feels VERY attracted to him/her. Indeed. BUT the South Node person has the upper hand (the SN always has the upper hand, it is the planet who has to suffer, because the planet hurt the SN person in another lifetime). The South Node will eventually move on to live his/her life according to his/her North Node, which, from experience, will break the heart of the Venus person. He ignored me too, at first (he=Venus, me=South Node), but when the time came, he fell for me badly. He is hurting very much now and I am hurting because of his pain. After meditating, I had a dream in which I saw my relationship with him, but in the past. I was the man, he was the woman and I gave up my hopes and dreams to take care of him (her). I almost did the same thing in this life, too. You see, he owed me for my sacrifice. Unfortunately, he is paying his dues through suffering .
Astrid, I'm sorry you are in pain. I hope things will work out between you guys, for the better. Unfortunately, the Universe sometimes has a different "better" in mind than us. Sometimes, in order to see that great "better", you need to go through a great deal of pain... . Karmic ties are ugly for sure. I have Node contacts with almost everybody I have a close relationship with. I honestly hope this means I will clean my karmic slate and finish this once and for all. IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 06:58 AM
Izo - those are great, you're very generous with your time and efforts! Do you have anything on trines/sextiles etc or do you think only the conjunctions count with NN/SN? I understand what you said about connections with family members etc., mine are uncanny IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 07:01 AM
Dah! ignore me, just re-read your previous post re: aspects - sorry for being a numpty IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 07:04 AM
Hi Astrid,thank so much for you to share with us this fantastic interpertations I personally always been interested in past lifes and also in karmic relationships. I dindt red the whole thread,so if theres any placement already written,please forgive me and dont write it again;just the ones who might not been here. Only conjuntions(if as Izo said,the orbs go to 10º)...hmm we have: - my NN conjunct his Anteros(4)( an asteroid so i think your book doesnt talk about it;does yours Izo?) and also his Valentine (7º) - His NN conjunct my DC(2) my sun/moon mid.(4),my Eros(2)and my Child(4) (love this one hihihi) Hmm i wished the book had more aspects,we do have a lot of trines and some oppositions. Also, my SN conjunct his Neptune(3),Juno(7),Saphro(3) His SN conjunct my IC(2). my NN is paralell his NNode My SNode is Paralell his NNose ( by Astrowin program) Thanks IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 07:32 AM
Ive red the SN-Nept une aspect,is this a generacional one? :P - because i do not feel that at all with my bf and thinkin of us in a past life crime partners..its so strange hihihih Thabks Izo you always have a lot to share with us and we to learn with you youre very sweet! I wished had more informationconcerning asteroids and NN - in sextiles and trines..oh i saw now that his juno widely conjuncts my Sn - so we were married in a prior last life hmmm that goes along with our Kaali - POM DW i think
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Kay Libra unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 09:51 AM
Astrid --You said: Your NN conj partner's SUN: "This person will definitely be a blessing to you! You'll feel this relationship has much to offer. The Sun person shines light on the darkness in your life, supplies energy, and helps you along your path. This is one of the nicest connections to have." Well, the person I have this with it doesn't feel like a blessing. I don't see how this is positive at all!!! With his Pluto conjunct my NN yes the sexual part was good. Also his Sun is conjunct my Pluto orb of 1 degree. The relationship does feel like can't live with him, can't live without him, but I knew that breaking up was for the best. We also have a 15 month old son together. With all this pluto in the mix it's like an obessesion. At times I do feel like I'm obsessed with him and he with me. We have a wierd relationship. We broke up nearly a year and a half ago, and "the we should get back together" is always on our minds. But so much negative stuff has happened like him cheating and having other issues that I've given up. We definitely have gotten on each other's nerves we taking a breaking was definitely needed. The feeling between us is very much that we had to break up. Izodesmozina: You said: have to say, my vote for the worst possible aspect involving Nodes (actually, it's a tie) goes to Lilith conj SN (I was the SN) and Saturn conj SN (I'm the Saturn...). What was your role as Saturn? How did you relationship play out? IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 10:30 AM
Kay Libra - I feel your pain, this 'back & forth' thing went on for 7 years between me and my ex (Pluto + SN); I've now been seperated from him for 7 years, and we share a child too, my beautiful daughter (15), we are seperated by distance as well, me in UK and him in Australia and if the distance had not been there we would have gone round the merry-go-round together for years...! Someone had to break away, so I left the country. He cheated, took drugs, became violent - it was awful, and in the end I had to lie to leave, told him I was taking a vacation and just never went back. But when I did see him again, it was like the 7 years seperation never happened, I had to fight hard to hold myself back from him, he still sends messages to my mobile phone and dedicates songs to me, but he hurt me way too much in the past for me to consider going back - but it's not easy. Hope you don't mind me sharing, but it does feel good to get it out there... phew "The relationship does feel like can't live with him, can't live without him, but I knew that breaking up was for the best." I totally get that!!! Pluto is a tough link to break... I hope it works out for you babe Izo - I am also interested in how it felt to be the Saturn in the Saturn/SN link? As I am the SN and interested to know how this would effect the other (Saturn) person - did you feel a pull to the SN person?
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Kay Libra unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 10:57 AM
Cat71 --We are separated by distance too, not as far as you guys though. He's only 1 state over...still not far enough :-). You are so right it IS a merry go around and I hate IT!! There were times when I just wished he went AWAY and have told him that a dozen of times. What makes it so hard is the fact that we have a son. So we have to have some type of communication. My ex was violent too and drank almost everyday! Whenever he did come to visit our son it was truly hard. I like you, had to make myself be strong although on occassion I did slip. But thank goodness that won't happen anymore him being away. And I don't mind you sharing, it helps to hear stories of other people who have gone thru same stuff :-) On another note a guy that I briefly dated we had the Sat-SN connection. Me being Saturn and he the SN. He had told me that he felt karmically related to me and that he still cares very much for me. My Venus fell in his 12th house and his Sun conjunct Pluto and his NN trines my Sun. I still have feelings for him, but that damn Pluto with the ex kept causing trouble! We also shared Moon-Saturn, Venus-Saturn, Venus-Uranus and Moon-Uranus. We decided to be friends because of prior hurtful relationships. I think we both sensed the relationship was going to be "something", but got scared. IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 11:42 AM
Oh Kay - U'r sweet to let me share that and not think, 'why do I care...?' etc It is good to share feelings like this, cos I truly feel like unless you've been through it you can't really understand how it feels. I kind of feel sorry for my ex too, poor guy, he's even re-married but still says he's addicted to me - and no, it's not flattering, cos I just want to move on and I feel sorry for his new wife that he's not devoting himself to that new relationship. I've never met her but I'm sure she deserves his loyalty The new guy I like is seperated from me alos (at the moment, it's a work thing) but I am hoping that will change, I feel so karmically pulled to him in a good way, it's unbelievable - when I first looked in his eyes I knew I knew him. We aren't close enough to talk yet, so I'm just wondering if he is experiencing the same pull...? We also have a Pluto link, but much nicer, his Pluto is conj. my Sun and wide orb to my Venus - nice! *edit - we also have His NN conj. my Venus; His Moon conj. my Vertex; My Pluto conj. his MC; My Chiron conj. his Venus and more besides... *sigh* IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 12:05 PM
Catthat new guy seems promissing The pluto-venus conj is seen as a potencial SM aspect! kiron - venus : a powerful cinderella aspects of binding destiny and shared love. NN-Venus need to say more IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 12:11 PM
Thanx Diandra - my heart skips a beat every time I see him - unfortunately that's not often enough yet - but you know I believe in fate - there should be a fingers crossed smiley here He also haunts my dreams with very weird messages I anticipate the future with an open heart, ready to love again, it's been a loooong journey to here... IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 12:21 PM
Yeah Love will find you at the end of the corner with your dream guy IP: Logged |
CapGirl unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 12:44 PM
How about Mars sextile NN? Didn't see this one done yet. IP: Logged |
Kay Libra unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 01:02 PM
Cat--I hope this one works out for you . Wow we have the almost the same aspects. His Pluto conjunct my Venus (wide orb), his chiron oppose my venus, my moon square his chiron. We both sensed that we'd been together before and are soulmates. Maybe this guy is the one...fingers crossedIP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 01:20 PM
Dinadra Cat & Kay Libra, Saturn conjunct SN was the worse aspect I experienced, probably because I never was the planet before; I was the SN, the one who had the upper hand. I also never felt I was in love... The relationship was extremely fated (how do 7 conjunctions between our Nodes and our planets sound? How about 5 planets in the 12th Davison house?), we were both attracted to each other like magnets and everything that went on had that "meant to be" feeling attached. However, I always knew I'll get heart-broken and I knew I had to pay for screwing things up in the past. I know he suffered, as well, but not as much as me. Saturn is the "Lord of Karma" and it conjuncted his Dragon's Tail... (some call the SN the karmic punishment). IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 10, 2007 06:20 PM
Diandra - thanks Izo - hmmm... sorry it didn't work out for you. You mentioned all those links, were there alot of challenging links, or positive? You know some info says we would never work cos we have sun opp sun and moon opp moon, but other then that we only have one dw square sun sqr moon. I've been attracted ot men before, obviously, but not magnetised as I feel now. I'm not up for another heart break, but I do feel like I am much better at seeing 'warning signs', so if it looked like it wasn't going to work I would pull out in the very early stages. But so far, my thoughts both waking and sleeping are completely taken up with this man's presence. And this may sound really off the wall, but I believe we have connected on the astral plane - either that or it was one heck of a realistic dream!!! I've also found that I have alot of connections to his brother (although I don't know his birth time) and my family have alot of connections to the two of them as well, so I don't really know where this is going in this life time, but I truly beleive we've been together before in some way. I am the SN here as well, and I certainly wouldn't want to cause him any pain ( or have any myself frankly) but I'm hoping his NN conj. my Venus will even out the balance What you think? IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 3766 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 10, 2007 11:37 PM
Maria shaw says this of NN conj ASC:"Both people can benefit greatly from this relationship. There's alot of compatibility, and you really like one another. Friends forever! The Ascendant will always be there for the NN, and help him/her through life's ups and downs."
My girlfriend's North Node is 2 degrees off my Ascendant, and my North Node is 6 degrees off her Ascendant. My NN is two degrees off her Ascendant/Mars midpoint. quote: ~Lilith conjunct SN: this confirms karmic encounters. Lilith just paid his/her duty to the SN person from a previous life. The attraction is very strong, but also explosive and, most of the times, emotionally painful.
Her SN is conjunct my Lilith. Two degrees away from my Neptune as well. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 11, 2007 12:54 AM
Astrid, does it mention anything about Nodes and The Part of Marriage?Because my ex and I have his NN conjuncting my Part of Marriage...just curious IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted July 11, 2007 02:39 AM
Hi, Cat!Is this the new guy? With the guy I have that aspect with, I also have NN-Venus (me being the NN and the Saturn, like your guy). I am sure that if you both make a little effort as to not let things get out of hand, if you both pay enough attention to the other, you can make it work without the pain and the suffering. I believe one can overcome the bad aspects, but constant care must be applied in that respect. My Anubis conjuncts his South Node... <1* orb . IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 11, 2007 06:58 AM
Kay - forgot to thank you too babe; so Thanks Izo - new guy, well yes, hopefully! We have Anubis conj. and both conj.his Vertex, but thankfully a decent distance from my SN *phew* IP: Logged | |