Topic: Nodes and Karma--look it up here
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 11, 2007 07:47 AM
Hi Girls!Cat dont worry about that oposed suns and moons. We must look at the whole chart before taking precipitaded conclusions.My parents are SM and they are married for 40 years now and they have a sun/moon skuare for example :P Paul and Linda Mccartney were also SM and they had their moons skuared,also neptune skuares! So try to focus on the positive aspects and see how to work on the less positives. Me and my bf also have our moons skuared but we work on it also. It seems that your families were together in previous lifes, so got karma to work on it also. Izo how are you? already havin fun in the summer? Love, that POM - NN conjunction seems great of pointing to a possible union together in this life. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 11, 2007 08:05 AM
I looked at my parents NN,they have beautiful connections!Just check this:Momīs NN conjunct Dadīs Jupiter "This is a pleasant connection. From the Jupiter person, you gain spiritual wisdom, financial luck, and opportunity. You may travel with him or her to foreign or exotic locales. There is a feeling of hope and optimism about life when you are with this lover. Whatever it is the NN needs and wants, Jupiter has it." " favorable exchanges and great mutual tolerance. The two people help each other grow, especially spiritually. It indicates trust, guidance, hopes realized together and protection. The two of them have similar ideals and spiritual beliefs. They will meet again in the future, to follow a common path. " Momīs NN conjunct Dadīs LIlith NN can help Lilith to feel, acknowledge and heal his/her deepest wound. The North Node person already learned this lesson about Liliths wound and can teach it to him/her. Lilith must be willing to reopen the wound if he/she wants to be free from it. Momīs SN conjunct Dadīs Juno( i shared this with my love also..) indicates a marriage from a past life that didnt evolve very well, leaving its scars on the two people. Juno has the karmic duty and can dissolve it by being more tolerant and more flexible, according to the house it is in. Dadīs SN conjunct Momīs Mercury(this isnt a great one but..)
"There may be difficulties in communication that are the result of past-life power struggles and quarrels. It's very likely this is a case of sibling rivalry at its finest, as this placement relates to brothers and sisters from a past life. The SN person may be afraid to speak his mind for fear of rejection or ridicule, as the Mercury person could be verbally abusive and arrogant." - this is where discussions comes from hihihih "Mercury conjunct SN: the South Node person must teach Mercury. Sometimes, they continue a previous student/teacher relationship from another lifetime. Mercury feels compelled to serve SN because of a duty he/she has from the past, which is indicated by the house it rules. Sometimes, this aspect can indicate a former relationship between siblings." Momīs SN conjuncts Dadīs Saphro(share this also with my bf hihihi) IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 11, 2007 09:13 AM
Gee you guys are keeping my spirits up Time will tell Diandra - your Mum and Dad's stuff is extraordinary, I'm gonna check my parents out, they've been together 40 years - *sigh* it's a great examply, but also kind of depressing when you reach 35 and have never been married! I don't worry too much about the opposites cos I figure we will balance each other out. Izo - I just put in the Osiris/Isis and Destiny (destinn - 6583) and I got His Anubis conj. my Osiris - I'm guessing that's not great - but also His Isis conj. my SN My Isis conj. his SN My Destiny conj. his NN His Destiny wide conj. my NN/Osiris I'm liking these ones
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 11, 2007 10:18 AM
Cat,so keep your spirit up I didnt knew that Dsetiny asteroid;i remembered for you to also check the arabic parts,have you already looked at those? like for example,the POMīs;Part Fate,Hapiness,Love,Lovers,Identity,Wedding; wow, if ound new ones hihihii - im gonna check those for me also :P IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 12, 2007 02:48 PM
Well, I sort of thought POM conjunct NN might mean a union too, but I guess not Maybe because it's my POM, I just wish that I was going that way (NN) with him...? Who knows. IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted July 12, 2007 03:07 PM
Love, POM-NN is a wonderful aspect to have. Maybe you guys are not really over. I hope brighter days will come for you! Take care! IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 12, 2007 03:10 PM
Oh yay! His POM conj. my NN IP: Logged |
izodesmozina unregistered
posted July 12, 2007 05:22 PM
Cat, did you check asteroid Fortuna, as well? The number is 19. IP: Logged |
ErickaF unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 02:12 AM
I have loads of NN conjunctions with my mate (Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, MC)...however I understand the SN and I feel that it has powerful feeling to be together but seems more like an obligation to stay together. Because of some karmic debt?!?!? My best friend has this with her ex-husband (SN conjunct Sun and SN conjunct Lilith) a true love relationship but very painful. IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 06:06 AM
Izo - his Fortuna conj. my DC; my Fortuna conj. his Vesta in his 7th hse Ericka - interesting (but sad) bout your friend and Lilith links. I noticed recently that Lilith transits coincide with difficult or disappointing times in my life, like if it's conj. something I will find out bad/disappointing news concerning relationships or someone I care about - either cheating or lying etc. - 'curiouser and curiouser', said Alice IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 06:37 AM
Izo how are you sweet?Cat, seems that you are on his path and vice-versa
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cat71 unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 07:13 AM
Diandra - YAY
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CapGirl unregistered
posted July 13, 2007 08:24 AM
What happened to Astrid??? IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 13, 2007 06:27 PM
Thanks Izo ~ Mars is currently conjuncting my Moon, so at this point I'm looking forward to less angry days Hm. His Fortuna is exactly conjunct my Karma...almost to the minute.
Karma karma karma karma. Ugh. IP: Logged |
OzMeg222 Knowflake Posts: 0 From: victoria, australia Registered: Aug 2009
posted July 14, 2007 04:20 AM
These are the NN aspects I share with a lovely guy. We've liked one another for a long time but nothing's ever really happened (other than a few brief flings, lol). Seems like things could be changing now! We have such a light, easy attraction (sexually intense attraction though!) and smile at one another constantly, even if we just bump into one another in the street. Sigh, he has the cutest dimples!My NN to his planets: square sun (4deg) sextile mercury (2deg) semi-square venus (exact) Q uranus (exact) square neptune (3deg) His NN to my planets: trine moon (2deg) semi-square venus (exact) square mars (3deg) sextile jupiter (exact) trine saturn (exact) *Note the mutual exact NN-venus aspect* Didn't look at anything other than the major planets. I know theres no conjunctions, but if anyone could offer any vague interpretations I'd be grateful! IP: Logged |
aquaspryt69 unregistered
posted July 14, 2007 10:03 AM
Hi Astrid, great thread! quote:
NN conj partner's moon: "Emotionally, the Moon person makes you feel good. You can express yourself freely and feel safe with him. This person is like family and there's a deep sense of "belonging." The NN benefits from the Moon. This is on of the most harmonious connections."
This is SO true!! He's the best!! I need to go see where his NN is hanging out. I'm curious to see what kind of impact, if any, I have on him. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 14, 2007 03:15 PM
So what would the orb be for one person's Saturn conjuncting the other's SN? I have an orb that I would obviously never normally use (12 degrees) between his SN and my Saturn. But reading all the Saturn/SN posts sound eerily familiar to me.IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 14, 2007 07:30 PM
Hey Love - I read here somewhere that although there is a general orb rule of this or that degree, that up to 10 or even 15 can be used. Wide orbs are considered ok if the effect is felt by the natives - so in your case if the explanations resonate with you then I think you can consider it despite the wide orb. And after all, Saturn is a very powerful planet so I think it's effects would be far reaching. IP: Logged |
Kay Libra unregistered
posted July 16, 2007 11:03 AM
Dumb question, but when someone's NN falls in your 4th house, does that mean it will be a challenge for them relate to you?IP: Logged |
ErickaF unregistered
posted July 16, 2007 08:30 PM
What about Eros conjunct NN in composite?!?!? Karmic??!?!?!?IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2007 02:22 AM
Kay Libra ~ If someone's NN falls in your 4th house, I would think that would mean that they felt a sense of familiarity and comfort with you. Or alternatively, it could mean that you have a family-like relationship with them...Whenever someone's NN falls in my 5th house, it's always some great love affair (as long as my NN is conjuncting their Sun, that is). And ErickaF ~ I would think that Eros conjunct NN in a composite means that your path/relationship with that particular person is meant to be erotic or perhaps sensually based... IP: Logged |
Kay Libra unregistered
posted July 18, 2007 09:11 AM
Thanks Love...2 more NN 7th house -- who wants the partnership, the house person or node person? NN 12th house -- who wants to connect spiritually, house or node person? I've read some posts that I said those placements were significant, why I don't know. But I share that with a person. I can say that with his NN in my 7th I did want to "partner" with him and had dreams of being married to him, but we aren't dating anymore. And with my NN in his 12th, he didn't understand why I wanted to be with him and why I loved him. He looked at our relationship as a spiritual one. Oh did I just answer my own question?!?!? LOL IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 18, 2007 05:05 PM
DPIP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 18, 2007 05:25 PM
Very interesting thread!cat71 - Are you referring to asteroid Lilith that's listed in the additional objects section at, or BML (h13)? Or do you think both would produce difficult transits? IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 18, 2007 06:00 PM
Jane - I'm looking at the BML (h13) the Lilith that's in the box with Chiron at not asteroid Lilith 1181It came to my attention when I was reading something about Lilith and had recently heard some rather negative news about someone I really care about, when I looked at the transits Lilith was on top of my natal Venus, so then I started checking other dates when some not so nice things happened in previous relationships usually involving dishonesty or betrayal and every time Lilith was there transitting Sun, Venus or Jupiter! The negative side of woman??? Be interested if you notice nything similar IP: Logged |