Topic: Nodes and Karma--look it up here
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 18, 2007 10:06 PM
cat71 - Damn, that's not the answer I wanted. If you're referring to mean BML that's listed in the box with Chiron, Juno, etc., that's the one that my bf and I have conjunct our Sun in our Davison. Sounds ominous. I may have misunderstood you though. h13 stands for true BML, which isn't the BML in the box (that's mean BML). True BML is minding its own business in our Davison (although it does make contact in synastry--mine conjuncts his Vertex, his conjuncts my Juno). Here's a thread about the different Liliths. Peri wrote something I found particularly interesting: "In my opinion, BML represents the subconscious part of our mind or the Unknown, it's a highly individual point in the chart, it is something that makes us different from others. BML also represents our anima/animus figure which is very interesting when it comes to synastry charts comparison. A relationship under the influence of BML may grow into a dangerous liaison, into a painful, intense, obsessive or strange love affair." Sorry to go on about BML, everyone. I find the Nodes fascinating and am enjoying reading everyone's posts about that. Special thanks to Astrid and Izo for dropping some Node knowledge. IP: Logged |
cat71 unregistered
posted July 19, 2007 04:26 AM
Hi Jane - I don't want to be misleading to you - so I'm not going to refer to any numbers etc. The Lilith I use is the one in the box at the bottom of the extended chart page, the same box that contains Chiron, Vertex, Juno, Eris etc.If that is BML then that's the one I mean... sorry if I confused you *edit - the transits you describe are encouraging me to look into this further, they almost mirror the transits I experienced, Venus, 5th hse cusp, Vertex etc... wow! I too find the nodes fascintating and Lindaland is great for finding more info on those things that are not widely recognised in astrology, like asteroids and Lilith - the sharing of info between knowflakes - it's great Oh and thanks for the link IP: Logged |
Verseau_miracle unregistered
posted July 19, 2007 01:42 PM
My NN is conjunct my fiancés sunIP: Logged |
ErickaF unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 12:08 AM
I am jealous Verseau_miracle :-) I love NN aspects!
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jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 20, 2007 12:44 AM
cat71 - The fewer numbers involved, the less confused I will be. Actually, I started the confusion by referring to the Lilith in the box as asteroid Lilith, which it's not. The one in the box (mean BML) and h13 (true BML) are basically the same thing. I think of them as analogous to N.Node and True Node. They mean the same thing, one's just less mathematically precise than the other. Anyway, that's really freaky about the transits. I think of BML transits as somewhat like a Saturn transit, just more focused & subtle and a little darker. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. They seem to expose any hidden defiance.IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 20, 2007 12:50 AM
I'm another one drawn to relationships with Nodes action. With an ex, his Sun & Mercury were on my N.Node. My Moon was on his N.Node, and his Moon was on my S.Node. That's the guy I had the most Node conjunctions with, but I've had them with all my long-term boyfriends.With my bf, something's caught my eye involving the Nodes in our relationship charts and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to interpret it. First thing, our Nodes are along the same axis in both of our natal charts and in our Composite and Davison. Second thing, in both of our relationship charts, the Sun conjuncts the S.Node. Any ideas on how to interpret Sun conjunct S.Node in both relationship charts? IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 20, 2007 02:54 AM
I'm gonna try to interpret the aspects in my last post based on info provided in this thread. No need to keep all the work in this post...the conclusions are...--The relationship's duty/purpose in both charts involves 8th house issues. (Sun-SN conjunction; sun rules 8th house.) I'm gonna have to look a little more into what the 8th house means. Pretty much all that sticks in my head about that house is sex and psychological transformation. Good times. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 20, 2007 10:46 AM
Jane You´ve handled it well on the interpretations! In general it seems that you both are 2 journey companions where one another helps each other grow spiritualy and evolve as individuals. The fact that youve talked about Davidson made me look up to ours and i found a strange aspect,which i dont know if its normal or not. I chose the Uncorrected Davidson,and then the corrected and the Nodes still have the same degrees. Then, i went looking to the Nodes of the Composite. The thing is that both Mean Node and True Node of the Composite and Davidson are almost exact: Davidson: Mean Node:29º57´14 True Node:0º5´36 Composite: Mean Node 29º57´13 True Node 0º36´53´ Does this mean anything in particular or its normal to have this? Thankx IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 20, 2007 11:44 PM
Thanks, Diandra. I'm glad you've checked out the Davison. I've found it to be a much more accurate description of my relationship than the composite. That's remarkable what you've found re:mean and true node in those two charts. I checked mine, and to my surprise found something similar.That's so weird! You wouldn't think the degrees would be so similar since the two charts are constructed by different methods. Now I wanna know if other people have this too. Yours is especially noteworthy b/c of the pivotal degrees involved--29 & 0. What sign is the N.Node in? Edit: I just checked a lot of composite and davison charts. Some were with me & people I know, some with other couples, some with strangers. In all the charts I checked, the Mean Node was usually identical in both charts. Occassionally it was off by a minute. The True Node wasn't usually a match, but it was often close (less than a degree different). Also, the N.Node was always in the same sign or in opposing signs. Quite the discovery you've made! IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 21, 2007 05:19 AM
Im glad you answered Well,maybe its normaal who knows? But its strange definatelly! The nodes are in 29ºGem and 0º Cancer. Talking about the aspects between chrts found these in particular since Izo´s book talk about 10º , i took the liberty on using till that :P) Mean Node D. widely conjunct my NN/P.F.(8ª),conj N.Isis (1) Mean Node D. conjunct John´s 12thCusp(1);John´s Draco Sun(3º) Mean Node D. conjuncts Draco Composite Sun(8º) Mean Node D. oposes my Marriage Woman2 ( 6),Neptune(3),my Draco Amor(6º) Mean Node D. oposes Johns´6thCusp(2);John´s Juno(1),Spirit/Nep(5);John´s Draco Aphrodite(6º) True Node D. conjunct exactly 11thCusp Davidson True Node D. conj widely John´s NN(8), conjunct Johns POM(2º),Johns Draco Syche/Merc(2º), Draco Anteros(0º) True Node D. widely conj my MCcusp(6), my Eros(11) True Node D. oposes John´s Osiris(4);Isis(6),Eros(0º) True Node D. oposes my IC/Pallas(&), True Node D. oposes Davidsons Vertex(4)/Lilith(0ª) True Node D. conjuncts Composit Draco Venus(6º), Mars(8º),DNA(1º), True Node D. oposes Composit Draco Moon(5º), Isis(2º) Mean Node D. conjunct Composite´s Karma ( 4º) Mean Node D. oposes Composit Neptune( 3) True Node D. conjuncts 11thCuspComposite(0º)/Davidsoms(2º);widely conjuncts Valentine´s Composite (12º) True Node D. oposes Composites(0º)/Davidsons(2º) 5thCusp True Node D. oposes Composite Ceres(9),Siva(6)
South Node D/C is 0 º Cap . SN conjucnts Davidson´s/Composites 5thCusp(0º) Founnd also that in Davidson and Composite, both 5thCusp were nly apart by 2ºorb( is it another coincidence)? Kiss
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esperance unregistered
posted July 24, 2007 08:42 AM
wwow I have come late I am curious about the NN connections I have with.. lets call him Mister Mister's NN trine my Jupiter Mister's NN quincunxes my Venus and Neptune as well as oppositions my Pluto And mine quincunxes his Asc IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 29, 2007 06:58 PM
I looked into the composite and Davision charts too for me and my ex in regards to the Node situation.Composite: Mean Node: Sagg 15'14 (8th House) True Node: Sagg 15'40 Davision: Mean Node: Sagg 15'14 (2nd House) True Node: Sagg 16'14 I guess either way our direction is (oops ~ was)Saggitarian. Very interesting. Edited to add: Jane, what's noteworthy about the house positions here is that if you're correct in interpreting the composite as more of a synastry chart and the Davision as more of a relationship chart then that would fit in my case. A 2nd House Davision NN would signify moving forward/growing in terms of values and that's the reason our relationship ended, as I have mentioned before. It was also the main theme of our 6 month union. He is an athiest and I am very spiritual (or mystical, according to him ) And so he felt that our core values were too different. And maybe he was right. Veeerrry interesting. IP: Logged |
MoonDreamer81 unregistered
posted July 29, 2007 11:06 PM
~ASC conjunct SN: great compatibility (DC conjuncts NN) and the SN has the tendency to push the ASC forward. The Ascendant person will give much more than he/she receives because he has a duty to the SN. The SN can limit or frustrate the Asc... Me & my new guy(the Gemini) have this.I always wondered if it would be pulling us both forward or backwards,since it involves his Nodal Axis being on my Asc/Desc. Axis.I guess maybe we have past life Karma to work out,and it will continue in the next life as well...but I'm not to fond of "giving much more than I receive"!That sounds kinda depressing. **Placements: His NN(Sag 19) conj my Desc.(Sag 18) His SN(Gem 19) conj my Asc.(Gem 18) His SN(Gem 19) conj my Mercury(Gem 16)
------------------ S:Taurus ASC:Gemini M:Scorpio ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 Solar Return: S:Taurus ASC:Virgo M:Gemini IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 30, 2007 04:02 AM
Love - That is very interesting. It must be incredibly sad to have a real sense of partnership and sharing with someone (Davison's SN in the 8th) but not be able to meet the NN's goal of defining and sharing values (NN in 2nd). If you can bear another glance at your charts , where was your Sun (house & sign) in your composite and davison? MoonDreamer - I think the benefits of that aspect far outweigh any negatives. It sounds wonderful! And, if you're anything like me, I'm sure you've read descriptions that don't completely match the way your relationships actually work. A single aspect can't take into account other influences in the chart, and different people will manifest an aspect in a more positive way. So even if it says that you will give much more, perhaps that just means that you will feel the need to be very accepting and understanding of your Gemini, little things won't make you walk away from the relationship. esperance - I don't know about your other aspects, but here's the description for SN conjunct Pluto: "Pluto could be an enemy from a past life. There was a power struggle between you two that was never resolved. This connection sometimes represents intense sexual attraction, but also jealousy. The Pluto person may have harmed or even murdered the SN person in a previous life. Undoubtedly control issues have been brought over." Keep in mind though that since Pluto moves very, very slowly, Mister will have that aspect with everyone around your age. So this description may not ring true for you. I suppose the more prominent Pluto is in your chart, the more influence this aspect will have in your relationship. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 30, 2007 01:38 PM
Jane ~Ah...let's see. Composite Sun is Virgo 5'46 (5th House) Davision Sun is Virgo 4'56 (11th House) Also, I noticed some other interesting inversions. The IC and MC in both charts are at 0'43 degrees but are reversed. The Comp IC is in Leo and the Davison IC is in Aqua. The Comp MC is in Aqua and the Davision IC is in Leo. The Comp Moon conjuncts Saturn in Cancer (3rd H) but in the Davison The Moon is in the same degree, but in Capricorn (3rd H), opposing Saturn in Cancer (9th). Also, in the Davison, my ex's name asteroid conjuncts Isis in Cancer and my name asteroid conjuncts Osiris in Scorpio. All are in the 1st H except for Osiris in the 2nd. What do you make of that? I'm finding the Davison charts really interesting but I have yet to get a full handle on how these differences are meaninful. And yet I can tell they are... Edit ~ Oh yeah...another observation about the Davison. Karma conjuncts my S/M midpoint in the 8th and Valentine conjuncts his S/M midpoint in the 12th. Hahahahahaha! IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted July 31, 2007 03:52 AM
Love - Wow. I'm dumbfounded. You've reduced me to a quivering mass who can only say wow. Truly, that is all incredibly interesting. I'm probably most in awe of the names/Isis-Osiris conjunctions in the Davison. Aren't you a Cancer and he was a Scorpio? (Actually, I suppose he still is a Scorpio .)The Moon-Saturn aspects are also very interesting. Saturn can be interpreted in many ways--restrictive, serious, responsible, karmic. Since the 3rd house was always involved, I'd say that fits with what ultimately led to your break-up: your conflicting ideas/ways of viewing the world (3rd house) restricted (Saturn) your relationship's emotional (Moon) potential. Differing values wouldn't be a deal-breaker in every relationship, but it would more likely have that effect in a relationship that has its N.Node in the 2nd house. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 31, 2007 05:18 AM
Okay ~ Duh.I wrote one thing down incorrectly. I thought I edited it, but I guess not. That's what you get for analyzing your relationship with your ex in the middle of the night. I should have written "Also, in the Davison, my ex's name asteroid conjuncts Isis in SCORPIO and my name asteroid conjuncts Osiris in Scorpio AS WELL. All are in the 1st H except for Osiris in the 2nd." And the fact that Osiris is in the house of values makes sense too, I think. So, yeah, it's all happening in Scorpio. But it's still kind of interesting, no? After all, he and Isis are conjuncting his natal Sun and my natal NN and me and Osiris are conjuncting my natal Vertex and his natal Karma. Personally, I've always felt as though if I had to switch teams, I'd definitely bat for The Scorps. And thanks for your interpretation J. Very much appreciated In a related matter, the ex drove an hour and a half to my house and left me a rose on my doorstep in the middle of the night Friday. Unbelievable. IP: Logged |
Diandra23 unregistered
posted July 31, 2007 10:05 AM
Just a quick question:Me and my bf has a Juno-SN wide conjunction(7º) i dont know if its acceptable but... in Izo´s text said that we were married in other life but it didnt evolved very well and that the JUno person(him) owns the karmic debt,and has to be more flexible and tolerant in terms of the house wich is in.So, his Juno is in his 6th,falling on my 3rd house,conjucnting my Neptune. So,in what terms does that "more tolerant and flexibility " must appear? Thankx IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 03, 2007 01:45 AM
Love - quote: But it's still kind of interesting, no?
Nope. You lost me. Yes, it's still very interesting! So the Davison's Isis and your ex (Name AND his natal Sun!) are on your NN, and the Davison's Osiris and you are on his Karma. That sounds very significant. It's a double whammy, in a way, involving fate/lifepath and marriage partner. Maybe you two aren't over? I'm ambivalent about saying that b/c I don't want to make you start thinking that way if you've already made your peace w/ the relationship being over, but from your synastry and his actions on Friday, it seems like the two of you share a very deep connection and love for one another. Diandra - I'm not sure what the answer is but I'd be interested in knowing too! Which house should we look at? The one where he has his Juno natally, or where his Juno overlays your chart? Perhaps both? The 6th is the house of work, health, and service. 6th house work is done out of necessity or in support of larger goals we enjoy. So if this is where his Juno (committed marriage partner) self needs to improve, then he needs to do the marriage tasks that seem like "work"; the daily chores that keep a relationship running smoothly. He may not get joy out of these chores, but they are the necessary parts of something he does enjoy--his relationship with you. Since it falls in your third house--house of communication, understanding, and education--then that could further focus what he owes: he needs to communicate with you. Not just communication that's fun for its own sake, but all the necessary daily talk that ensures there are no misunderstandings. This communication will keep your relationship healthy. Also, since it's conjunct your Neptune--planet of illusion--that focuses his Juno's work even further: he must communicate directly to help rid you of any confusion or misunderstandings. I have Eros in the 4th house (conjunct my S.Node), and it falls in my bf's 12th house and conjuncts his Karma and Asc. So this also means that his Asc and 12th house Karma conjunct my S. Node in my 4th house. Nodes, water houses, and Karma, oh my! I think I'll hold off on analyzing this one. (3 years later - edited out some aspects I now consider too wide.) IP: Logged |
sameesadiq Knowflake Posts: 5 From: Pakistan Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 03, 2007 05:25 PM
Well, Her NN in my 7th house My NN in her 1st houseHer NN conjunct my DC 7 degrees My NN conjunct her Moon 2 degrees My SN conjunct her Venus 7 degrees My NN and her Asc both in Cancer at 16 degrees distance. I read somewhere that if two points are in same sign they would be considered as conjunct. What is the overall impact of these aspects. Any comments. IP: Logged |
Love Knowflake Posts: 54 From: Canada Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 04, 2007 03:49 AM
Jane ~Well, I appreciate your words. To be honest, I wanted to marry him. Or at least live with him and make babies. And I would have settled for just being his girlfriend until I eventually perished. Ah, the drama. Not to highjack a thread here, but after he left me the rose I ended up at his house for 48 hours and the short of the long is that he cannot be with me since while we are together life feels perfect for him and he's never felt this way about anyone...but when we are apart it feels to him as though he is "late" for something and it's time for him to go. I can only assume that means that his SN, which conjuncts my name asteroid in my chart, is telling him we're in the past and his NN is pulling him somewhere else. And that this was all an elaborate hoax concocted by Karma. And the truth is that I have never loved a man like this (or felt as loved as I did/do by him), but I guess that's the way it is. So thanks for your Davison interps. It's a truly fascinating way to look at a chart and I think I'll study it more in depth in the future. Damned Nodes. They are currently the bane of my existence. And that's putting it politely
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Diandra23 unregistered
posted August 05, 2007 02:55 PM
Hi Jane,thanks for your interpretation on this - ypu just dont know--but youve nailed it right hihihi - comunication is our key word ! yup you 2 have many SN connections,meaning lots of karma isnt it? its positive cause in that way you will also learn a lot together for your own good- its Destiny Jane - cant run from that! But im sure you dont want to run dont you? - neither do I IP: Logged |
Arnicka unregistered
posted August 05, 2007 10:11 PM
Hi Astrid, Do you have an interp from the article in Dell on Merc conj NN? IP: Logged |
Dulce Luna Knowflake Posts: 7 From: The Asylum, NC Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2007 01:44 AM
You know guys, a knowfalke once said to treat Juno alot like venus with a touch of destiny. Sounds good to me, how bout you guys?About the south node, I have nothing that really emphasizes his but his karma conjuncts mine. Is it really Unfinished business, or just something I should overlook since karma moves so slowly? My venus conjuncts his NN and reading you guy's experiences as the NN person in this combo once again reassures me, the insecure cancer, that the intensity of my feelings, love, and attachment to him is mutual. Thanks! His moon widely conjuncts my northnode so I don't think it really counts unfortunately. But its in the same sign as my northnode so maybe that counts for something?? IP: Logged |
jane Knowflake Posts: 1169 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted August 06, 2007 04:05 AM
Diandra - Yes, I had remembered you mentioning a couple times how you two talked yourselves through problems, so when I saw that his Juno falls into your 3rd house and conjuncts your Neptune, I found it very appropriate. We do have a lot of SN and Karma connections. (We also have some NN connections). In fact, when using "Iqhunk's List" & only 0º orbs, the body that forms the most aspects in synastry is Karma. But you're right...I have no desire to run. Especially now that I've worked through my issues that prevented me in the past from thinking of us as long-term material. I'm in this for the long haul. Dulce Luna - I wish I had my handy dandy astrology notebook with me right now. I took notes when darkdreamer had shared the speed of some planets/asteroids/angles. I can't remember its speed, but Karma wasn't slow. So I wouldn't overlook that aspect. Venus conjuncts NN sounds like a lovely aspect in a romantic relationship. The only person whose Venus conjuncts my NN that I know about is my brother. We're not from West Virginia so it hasn't added any sparks to our relationship , but he is one of my favorite people. IP: Logged | |