Topic: How do you know if a Pisces man likes you?
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 08, 2011 01:54 AM
And by like I mean genuinely interested in.I am terrible at deciphering the Male Pisces Body language. Are there any obvious signs he's into you? ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Moderator Posts: 182 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 08, 2011 05:40 PM
I do not know because Pisces men aren't that into me and vice versa. Maybe he would want you to get to know his animal friends? I think I'll start my own How do you know thread.  IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2392 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 08, 2011 07:19 PM
God, I can't tell.One of them told my friend he thought I was the sexiest girl he'd ever met. i thought he didn't even like me. Oh and a Scorpio, Pisces Moon man I thought had a huge crush on me...but THAT one wasn't interested. (Or, I still sometimes think maybe he was, but he's a x@##ed up masochist?) IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted April 08, 2011 07:23 PM
Hmm maybe I am wrong but here is my takePisces usually come to rescue someone they think is in need.He will be the guy who lends his shoulder to cry on,he will be the guy that assures you,you can confide in him etc. But he does that for most anyone. What he won't usually do,unless he has feelings for you,is play a victim himself. I think that his way of bringing you into his realm.He will ask you for help,(even though he probably doesn't need it) and wait and see if you take his bait.They really want someone who is steady and rock like,a sure thing he can depend on.If he aims to make you his rock,than i'm pretty sure you've caught yourself a fish  IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 08, 2011 08:17 PM
Thanks all.I know this Pisces guy who seems into me but at the end of the day I'm left second-guessing and not so entirely sure of whether he likes me as a friend or something more. I've made mistakes in the past by jumping the gun too quickly which is why I want to make sure the feeling's mutual before I get myself involved. He's given me a gift of some sort (a book actually), he's let me borrow a DVD of his (a good movie), he's given me good advice, he's spoken to me about personal things that most people wouldn't tell you unless they really trusted you, and he's given me flattering compliments. And yet, I don't know if he is just being really friendly with me or subtly seducing me. :/ I DO like him by the way but I feel like I'm getting mixed signals...which people say is a typical Pisces for you! lol So does he think I'm steady and rock like if he's opened up to me in private starzy54? Oh, and I'm a Cancer with a Sagittarius moon. ;o ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 664 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 08, 2011 08:47 PM
By his Sun sign alone… I'm going with the following trends I’ve noticed:If you are a Scorpio or have strong Scorpio in your chart ------ He is likely to be seriously interested in you and may even fall in love. If you have any mix of Aries/Pisces/Aquarius placements ------- He is likely to be sexually attracted and go back and forth with you for some time.. wondering whether ‘he loves you’ or ‘loves you not’.. If you have Capricorn/Cancer placements (either of those – or both) - He does "love" you, although it is still more sexual than it is romantic -- & he is likely to deeply and strongly hurt you in a way that you will never forget. He will try to come back and apologise, to explain how he has changed (time and time again)… but it won’t help. If you are any other sign – and don't have a significant influence in the above ^ --- He might be a bit disinterested.
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flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 08, 2011 09:11 PM
Wow Betty Boop! I'm kind of scared.I'm a typical Cancer with my Venus in Cancer. Don't have much Capricorn placements except for Uranus I think. But my Moon is in Sagittarius and my ascendant is Gemini. Since I don't know my Pisces guy's birth time I can't get a detailed chart. But I do know his Venus is in Aries...if that helps? ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2392 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 08, 2011 10:57 PM
quote: He's given me a gift of some sort (a book actually), he's let me borrow a DVD of his (a good movie), he's given me good advice, he's spoken to me about personal things that most people wouldn't tell you unless they really trusted you, and he's given me flattering compliments. And yet, I don't know if he is just being really friendly with me or subtly seducing me. :/
This sounds like how my male Pisces Sun friend acts with ALL of his platonic female friends. Right down to the DVD lending and compliments. Confusing part: this is also how he acts when he is trying to seduce a woman. So, WTF. He's very charming, but his signals ARE mixed. I get the feeling that Pisces men like to feel like they're being passively drawn into things, rather than actively taking action and CHOOSING things, or people. In the case of my male friend, he's just such a mess that he ends up being quite a heartbreaker. Even his marriage only lasted a couple of years...and I don't know how he ended up getting to the point where they were in a marriage! He seduces women, sleeps with them a couple of times, and then blows them off....but he also has lots of female friends he never tries to seduce...when he talks about it, he just says things like, "I'm so confused, my life is a mess." IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted April 08, 2011 11:20 PM
Having a lot of close female friends are typical for a Pisces.It would be great if you knew his Asc and MoonMy Pisces fiance has a lot of female friends,that he see's as his "sisters" lol. He likes to go places with them and talk etc. Even though they have lots of female friends they usually tend to say that not all of them "get him" the way his lover does.Thats what supposedly set me apart from his various female friends.Yet i don't know exactly what it is I "get" about him,he is a mystery to me most of the time lol,but he doesn't think so. They are quite hard to read as you probably know already.Maybe if you distance yourself from him,and test him out,see if he tries to pull you back into his life? that might be a good way of seeing if he is very interested.he might see you being distant and think .."hey i should make a move,and stop playing hard to get" etc etc IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 09, 2011 01:13 AM
For any of you that can interpret birth charts here's a link to my Pisces: I DO NOT KNOW HIS BIRTH TIME. ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 09, 2011 01:48 AM
Jeez. My Pisces was once married at an early age but no longer is, though he has a grown daughter from that marriage.I don't know if this means anything but he's suggested a job he said I should apply to (Which I did and got an interview!) and I've caught him outright staring at me at times (more than once). I won't say it creeps me out cause I like the attention, but's kind of weird. And he has gorgeous blue eyes! lol Maybe he is passively drawn to me or maybe he's just trying to be nice. I guess I have to wait and see how it turns out. I have started distancing myself but it ain't easy! Especially 'cause we get along well and I love talking to him. He's like a magnet! Plus, I have to return his movie to him next week and I can't avoid talking to him then! ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 09, 2011 01:57 AM
Forgot to mention I've only known him for a short period of time (about two months)------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted April 09, 2011 02:02 AM
I actually think he will like your cancer placements.from my experience i can tell you that the Pisces i know was looking for someone to nurture him in a way.not like a mother figure but more of a woman that will listen to his stories and bond with him,encourage him to pursue his dreams.I think a cancer would be a good partner for him in that regard.They SEEM to like a homey type person.A womanly women,so to speak.That likes to keep house and cook,is good with children,and enjoys the comfortable home life.Someone he can depend on to keep the homefront safe,while he goes on his dreamy adventures.I know my grandmother was a Cancer and she was this way,not everyone though.You should ask him out for coffee  you seem like good friends so far,whats the big deal asking him out? i see nothing wrong with a friendly cup of coffee to test the waters. EDIT also his mars is in Pisces,he might be a little self conscious or guarded about asking you out for fear of rejection.(maybe his is afraid about age difference etc)i think he may need a little bit of a shove in the right direction,so asking him out (on a friendly basis for now) might help give him more assertiveness and confidence to make any advances in the future if he so desires
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Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2392 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2011 12:32 PM
Yeah, some of these adult men, if they're single, there's a reason they're single--such as problems with commitment, problems with intimacy, and problems taking action. I was reading an experienced astrologer's site, and she said that ROMANTIC HISTORY is more significant in predicting someone's romantic future than anything astrological. So pay attention: since his divorce, has he had long-ish relationships (2-3 years)? How long was the marriage and why did it fail? I'm getting the feeling that this is one of these guys who sort of vibes people, but does not take action. So I totally agree--ask him for coffee. And then, this is the hard part--they HATE to say no and would way rather escape than reject if he avoids the coffee in some charming, polite way while still gazing at you with those beautiful eyes and sending signals of interest, RUN AWAY. It means he was enjoying the ego boost of your limited interactions, but he's too messed up to be capable of actually asking you out and starting an intimate relationship. If, on the other hand, he's into the coffee, I think that might be a sign (combined with his romantic history--if he has a history of actually connecting with people) that he is available for a relationship. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 664 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted April 09, 2011 04:37 PM
quote: I actually think he will like your cancer placements.
I also think he will really like, even love, your Cancer placements. Forget what I said about getting hurt... Go with your heart! Maybe come bk in a few months and let us know how it's going. I feel like some things are meant to be... and whether this ends up being a positive experience overall - or not --- you will probably both learn a lot from having been together. IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 10, 2011 12:26 AM
Thanks for the advice everyone! I have actually been thinking about asking him but I've been a bit hesitant because of rejection (which I am no stranger to). I think I'm going to do it when the time feels right. Not now. I don't want to push myself just yet...I want to see how things progress for a while...and then I'll make my move.As a matter of fact starzy54, we do have an age gap. Are you psychic or did you just randomly guess that? LOL Lucia23 you're definitely right. I don't have much of a romantic history myself (Never been kissed kind of story^^) and I don't know a lot about his personal relationships....just that he is currently divorced and single. But maybe I'll find out when & if he tells me. Betty Boop, I will totally come back and give you guys an update to see how this all turns out! Maybe this is fate, who knows.
------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 10, 2011 12:30 AM
Test post------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 10, 2011 12:41 AM
testing...------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
Nine Knowflake Posts: 742 From: The Cusp of Love Registered: May 2009
posted April 11, 2011 04:55 PM
quote: So I totally agree--ask him for coffee. And then, this is the hard part--they HATE to say no and would way rather escape than reject if he avoids the coffee in some charming, polite way while still gazing at you with those beautiful eyes and sending signals of interest, RUN AWAY.
LOL Surely there must come a time when these men stop running & give in. Right?? IP: Logged |
RMChex Knowflake Posts: 87 From: England Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 14, 2011 09:55 PM
Hi flappergirl,No experiences to draw on here, so I can't give any answers but one thing I wanted to throw in to the mix - and others will have to tell me if this is applicable or not as I'm not sure... Not that you've suggested it, but in case you think of it at some point - I wouldn't risk playing hard to get with a Pisces guy. My instinct is that it would make him doubt your feelings and fear rejection himself. With some signs it would be a challenge, and like waving a red rag to a bull, but for Pisces I think it would just deflate him. Like I said, I'm not 100% sure on this so I stand to be corrected. Hope it moves forward for you the way you'd like. IP: Logged |
flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 14, 2011 10:44 PM
Thanks RMChex. I see what you mean.I recently just asked a male Piscean friend of a friend for his opinion. The best advice he gave me was to be sincere and not superficial when trying to get my feelings across to him. I really do believe I should be honest with him but at the same time I'm afraid to seem too smitten. I want to keep some distance because of my past experiences with men (which all ended badly). I tended to be the aggressor with guys I was interested in and I initiated most of the conversation and ended up confessing my true feelings (Stupid because they were almost never reciprocated) and it made me feel vulnerable being too blunt with my emotions. I know how it feels to be rejected firsthand so that is why I am afraid. I don't want to act too soon based on my feelings alone (since I'm not entirely sure about his) like I have in the past. D; ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |
RMChex Knowflake Posts: 87 From: England Registered: Apr 2011
posted April 14, 2011 11:04 PM
HiyaI understand completely 100% what you're saying and where you're coming from. I wish I had some answers. I agree with your friend about being sincere and mature if the subject does come up at any point, but like you I don't think I could risk blurting my feelings out without some kind of assurance of his feelings first. Logic says it would be best to put the romance bit out of your mind, continue with a really good friendship and over time, if he is comfortable with you then his true feelings will begin to show. Of course, I'm rubbish at following logic - and my every thought when I'm with him would be whether he fancied me or not - which, in turn, would change the way I acted around him. That of course would then make me worry that he wouldn't like me because I was acting weird, lol, and then I'd blame myself that if only I'd have acted normally he might have liked me etc etc. You may be much more sensible than I am, but just in case you're not lol, I wanted you to know that you're not alone. Very worst case, if in doubt, do nothing and take the safe option! IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2392 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 14, 2011 11:24 PM
quote: I want to keep some distance because of my past experiences with men (which all ended badly). I tended to be the aggressor with guys I was interested in and I initiated most of the conversation and ended up confessing my true feelings (Stupid because they were almost never reciprocated) and it made me feel vulnerable being too blunt with my emotions. I know how it feels to be rejected firsthand so that is why I am afraid. I don't want to act too soon based on my feelings alone (since I'm not entirely sure about his) like I have in the past.
Flappergirl, this gets at some of what worries me about your post. I feel like, EVEN IF a man of any sign is wildly interested in you, if a couple of months roll by and he hasn't made it evident that he's interested and made some kind of real move, something is wrong...he may be not interested, he may be unavailable, he may be very interested and not with anyone--but a big mess who can't have a relationship and needs lots of therapy! I don't think your big worry should be whether you're the aggressor or not--a healthy, available guy who likes you would love the chance to spend time with you, get intimate, etc etc, whether you let him know right off the bat that you're interested, or not. The big worry should be to make sure that if nothing happens within a reasonable time frame, you MOVE ON instead of obsessing about him, deciphering minute clues in his behavior, asking about him on the internet. You need to develop a filter for moving on from guys who are single for a reason! I'm worried you're attracted to a wrong type of guy who sends mixed signals. Otherwise you wouldn't have gotten stuck feeling like you had to be the agressor. You won't need to do these things with a guy who's a good match, and you would never need to feel embarrassed with the right guy if he knows you like him. Also, if you've been feeling a bit shy/leery/self-conscious about this stuff, you may be unconsciously focusing on mixed-signal guys. All of that said, no reason not to make a move just to get to know this Pisces better--NOT "I like you", but "Hey, do you have time to get a coffee right now?" IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: Registered: Feb 2010
posted April 15, 2011 12:05 AM
I understand too,that he may be in a position where he feels he could get in trouble asking you out.He might not be the one being the aggressor unless you were to bump into each other out of sight of prying eyes.If you are going to ask him out,makes sure no one is around or happens to see this.But either way,Like Lucia said.Set a time frame.If nothing is done within that time frame (and don't make it 6 months to a year b kind to yourself and make it short) than move on.
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flappergirl Newflake Posts: 21 From: Twin Peaks Registered: Mar 2011
posted April 15, 2011 02:04 AM
I'm rubbish at following logic myself! I am deeply self-conscious to a degree that worries me a lot. I have incredibly low self-esteem issues.I don't think of myself as sensible at all. lol I'm glad I'm not alone though~ All of my life I've felt IMPATIENT when it came to something I really wanted or desired. Especially regarding possible relationships. I hate waiting, being passive, and wondering WHAT IF? What if I did something different? What if I was just extroverted? Maybe I do send out mixed signals unconsciously! Maybe I attract the wrong guys because of my wrong mindset. I don't know. I just want to do something RIGHT for once in my life. I don't want to regret not doing something. I don't want to say WHAT IF again. But I also don't want to regret getting into a relationship that ultimately fails. I agree I should keep a logical time frame though, 'til July? And I will do my best to not obsess. Instead of asking him out for coffee I was thinking of inviting him to my birthday party, which is in July, but that will give me more time to see whether the feeling's mutual. Do you think it's too personal though?? ------------------ "Beauty is truth, Truth beauty--that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." - Keats IP: Logged |