Topic: Just a complete guide to how I felt at the moment I met different men in my life.
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 12, 2012 11:24 AM
This began as a response to anon-girl's question about Twin Flames but it got so long that I decided to make my own thread so I did not hijack her topic.  Since it is so rare and maybe a only a couple people who have ever visited LL have really met their "twin flame" and the likelihood that they would be here on the site (instead of off having some deep and intense learning experience with said twin lol)is also rare... I will throw in my perceptions of different meetings in my life, none of which were twin flames and then give info on my current situation which has the distinct flavor of a serious spiritual soul mate, though in an interesting (sometimes painfully interesting) form. I don't know if he's my twin, though a few people have referred to us as twins. lol I'm a Libra Sun/Venus, Cap Moon and AC 1) high school football player bf... thought I was pretty, found my phone number and called me, I liked the attention and thought we would get married etc. No signs... but he was an Aries, which is my opposite sign. 2 1/2 years 2) 2nd high school bf.... he romanced me with poetry and music and filled the empty and wounded space left by the first. No signs, though the REO Speedwagon I Can't Fight This Feeling lyrics he copied and gave to me seemed like a sign to my poetic and youthful heart. Leo 6months 3) soldier boy... friend of a friend, no signs, wrote me letters, Taurus 4) trouble maker boy... misunderstood rebel without a cause but a PISCES so very deep and sensitive under the rebel shell. Irresistible. Again, biological/hormonal attraction plus loved the beautiful things about each of these guys... 5)rock star boy.. leather jacket wearin in the summertime Joe Elliot from Def Leppard look alike with father issues who used to sing to me. we lived together and he just up and left one day while I was at college. Our eyes met across the crowded room and all that, but it was just the wow! he or she is HOT eye meeting. He was a Sag. I think it was a year or so? 6) guitar love... one of the loves of my life. Lived in the same apartment with a group of friends, our first meeting he held me as I cried over the Sag leaving and devastating me. Have loved him for two decades now and a few times thought I was in love with him but it was unrequited (is that the word) love because we both got married to different people when we were young and his stuck. He is a Taurus. Again, no chorus of angels or anything, but I'd say someone holding you in their arms for an hour and basically rocking you and talking to you and smoothing your hair when he wasn't trying to have sex with you... is quite the sign. what number am I on?  7) husband number 1... Aquarius, we were trine, good friends, I think he was bi or gay but in denial. We talked one night and the conversation was just so easy and I was running away from my feelings about the Sag leaving me etc and Aqua seemed stable. (that's funny! a stable Aqua. I was young.) (here's where I add my disclaimer that I did not sleep with all of these men, but heck, a nice chunk. Don't worry, I've made up for it by a decade of purity. *rolls eyes ) 8) THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT... ok, HERE is where the signs start. When I was figuring out I had possibly married a gay guy, who was certainly a liar, I read Marianne Williamson's A Return To Love. This book started me on my spiritual journey, I did the drop to my knees thing and surrendered to God's Will and asked for guidance. Marianne is fond of saying that when you do that you liken your self to a house and you kind of expect God to do some light remodeling and give you a new coat of paint or put up some shutters and nice deck or sun porch but instead God says, Sorry, there are termites and the foundation is unstable.... and he sends in the wrecking ball. I could FEEL myself being re-wired by God... or some huge force more powerful than I could ever imagine. I was led to a group of people and there was an interesting boy there. He looked too young for me, but he was very cute and very quiet. (Virgo) He also had a taste of sexy dark smoldering passion that shone through every once in a while (Scorpio AC) and when he was relaxed he was the star of the gathering with his witty Virgo observations presented as a one man show. (moon in Leo) One day I just started to stare at his eyes. He felt it and looked up and we locked eyes and it was like our eyes really HAD locked. Like magnets. His pupils were larger (and that happens biologically when you are attracted to someone) and I remember something like a flash that I saw in his eyes before we both tore our gazes apart. I had this later with one other too.... but that is a couple down. So, this guy was my destiny, but I used to wonder if he had cast some evil spell on me at that moment or if I had been led astray and cursed because he was abusive and crazy... crazy like roll me in cat litter and hold me down while he slowly let spit hang from his mouth and cackled at me crazy. It didn't start out that way of course, that was at the end of the 4 years when I finally left him. ok, last two.... sperm donor guy/husband number 2, also a lying violent nut, also used to wonder if I was cursed because this too was a magical meeting. I was at a dance club and he walked in and he was wearing bright orange and a baseball cap, and I thought that was brave and exciting and interesting while also being stable and healthy (dad used to play baseball)... turns out it meant he was involved in gang activity... (*rolls eyes at my stupidity/naivety) but our eyes met in the usual way, no locking spark, and he bravely approached (I could never resist this fire, but did not have that word for it then, he was another Sag) and asked me to dance to a slow song and I felt like I had known him forever from that first embrace. I dance with lots of guys to be nice and have fun, and this was magically different. Destiny different. I felt like I was in the arms of my best friend and he could have (and did) tell me anything about himself from that point fwd and I would have accepted it and believed him. He is a con artist so he did tell me plenty that I just accepted as truth. He is an excellent liar. The important thing is that in that moment... it was like when the couple meets and embraces and they start to twirl around and lifetimes pass before their eyes of the two of them being together. This was the second most powerful meeting, the first was Virgo the spitter. So both of the strongest meetings up to this point were these intense Plutonic karmic relationships. And Virgo/psycho-spitter and I did have a Venus/Pluto conjunction. I have had this with a lot of men/boys though because my Venus is in Libra and an entire generation of men have Pluto in Libra. Younger men are often attracted to me for this reason. I have also often wondered what I did in a past life to an entire group of men to make it necessary to work out this karma with an entire group of men. So, here we are in the present... I had a friend for many years who I felt a karmic "I know you" relationship feeling from the start who made a big difference in my growth, and then if you remember guitar boy, my 2 decade long love friend (no physical interaction other than deeply stirring hugs and handshakes) is standing with me after his band plays and we are watching the headline band together and I am enjoying it and dancing etc but my attention is all on my friend... until after the music, when a dark haired boy walks by and stares for a moment. I am captivated for a second but there is no eye locking or flashing... but it feels like time slows down for a moment. I know who this guy is because I had seen him perform with my friend years before but I was put off by the vulgarity of the show and didn't pay much attention. This brief glance is burned into my memory even though I am very happily otherwise occupied and distracted at the moment it occurs. Well, we meet again shortly after and these meetings are memorialized in poetry and we see each other at social events often and interact more and then at one point our eyes DO fully meet and there is an actual FLASH of recognition that is so strong it knocks both of our heads back the tiniest bit for just that brief moment, and well there are a lot of learning experiences etc but my Saturn is on his Sun. We are not bf/gf and have been with other people on and off throughout this intense acquaintanceship? Experience. I'll call it that. It is a very powerful spiritual family bond. Everything has been synchronistic and there is no denying any of it. It is a learning experience constantly for all of us. I wonder what a twin flame relationship would be too. I wonder if this means I am close but it is not him. He and I have probably known each other many lifetimes. I don't know him well enough yet to know for sure, but all signs say he and I are very alike but still have SO MUCH to learn from each other. It is an incredible journey. I read anon-girl's answer to someone else saying that twin flames have a spiritual mission that unites them and although I can't tell you what we are to each other (other than I love him unconditionally and deeply and admire him greatly, and probably always will) I can tell you that we are without a doubt united in a spiritual mission. We even call it church, though it is not a building with a steeple etc. IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 13, 2012 09:25 AM
OOps!! I saw and responded to your other thread where you posted the same thing!!!!!!! Both your posts and my two posts in response to that have disappeared. IP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 13, 2012 11:13 AM
This is really weird... I actually broke the post up into two parts because it would not post as a full. Then it posted in two parts but part 2 disappeared. Then I posted part 2 again with a disclaimer that I was sorry if it was posting twice but part 2 and my third post where I saved a space for a photograph had also disappeared. I am so sorry to have lost your response! IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 187424 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 13, 2012 12:45 PM
Best to not do long posts when the server is surging. It's normal now.IP: Logged |
Mysticknowflake Knowflake Posts: 758 From: PA Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 13, 2012 01:07 PM
Mystic, it sounds as if he is either a flame or a very spiritually connected soulmate. I would go with possible Twin. Only your heart knows for sure... You are very evolved, so it could be. I also feel that although it may have been uncommon in the past, more and more twins have reincarnated on earth together this time. For what purpose, only the future will tell.IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 13, 2012 01:52 PM
Mystic Melody, what I wrote was along the lines of what MysticKnowFlake wrote.  Esp. the part about your heart only knowing about whether this is a Twin Flame or not. MysticKnowFlake, what's your take on the tell-tale sign when you first meet your Twin in this physical plane? Thanks.  IP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 13, 2012 03:52 PM
oh, thank you girls... I don't wonder if he's my twin... unless a twin is a soul mate who reincarnates with you life after life and you grow separately and then come together to share lessons and help each other with life quests etc. and grow more in each lifetime. When I said people referred to us as twins, I should have said "twins" because it was because we dressed up as the same "character"... though our facial structure is interestingly similar. I know he's a soul mate, as many others (friends and family) in our lives are as well, but we aren't the perfectly evolved species that those Twin Flames sites proclaim and certainly didn't meet each other and then suddenly have to be together every minute or whatever those sites say... though that was true with the two violent ones. I do appreciate your thoughts though, more than you know, and I'm glad to hear someone validate our bond. For me there is no denying it but the outward appearance is anything but typical.I am going to read my post again and think more about my learning experiences. Thank you for the input... it really helps me to process it all! 
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Lioness Knowflake Posts: 7084 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 14, 2012 12:40 AM
You know with fishy.. I have worked with him for 7 years.. I always looked at him, and I always knew something about him.. I KNEW I would fall for him.. I knew something would happen between me and him... SO I kept my distance from him for 5 years.. (we were both married at the time) Once both of us were separated from our spouses, we connected.... We just started talking and talking and couldnt stop... We stood there (at work) talking 3 hours straight... I felt so comfortable.. Like I could tell him anything.. I felt immediate trust for him ( I NEVER trust any one!!!!!) I was totally mesmerized.. Knocked off my socks... He told me, I will NEVER forget the first time you ever spoke to me... I said that day ( when we connected) he said NOPE!! He said YEARS ago, I walked up to him and said "your fly is down" and just turned and walked away... LMAOOFFFFFFFFFFF OOOO I did that!!! lololololol IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 27258 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 14, 2012 06:24 AM
I'll come back to read this. I think I met one of mine when we were both kids, when Chiron transited my Moon/Venus/South Node. I wish that we'd had more time together, but I started pushing him away when my social anxiety grew worse, and I was too tired at the end of the school day to spend any time with him. I was always teased about him hanging around, but he was just a really nice guy who gave me one of my sweetest memories.  IP: Logged |
charmainec Knowflake Posts: 8746 From: Venus next to Randall Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 14, 2012 06:33 AM
Thanks for sharing, MM  ------------------ quote: Remember, love can conquer the influences of the planets....It can even eliminate karma.
Linda GoodmanIP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 16, 2012 05:13 PM
I read that, Lioness... that's why I was so interested in you and your Pisces. <3 Teasel, I'm glad to see you here... miss you and have been thinking of you. Hi Charm IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 187424 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 18, 2012 10:51 PM
*bump*IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 19, 2012 09:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by Mysticknowflake: Mystic, it sounds as if he is either a flame or a very spiritually connected soulmate. I would go with possible Twin. Only your heart knows for sure... You are very evolved, so it could be. I also feel that although it may have been uncommon in the past, more and more twins have reincarnated on earth together this time. For what purpose, only the future will tell.
Mysticknowflake, I hope you come back here and tell us what is a tell-tale symptom of meeting a twin soul from your experience or from what you have read/thoughts about it. IP: Logged |
Yin Knowflake Posts: 3529 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 23, 2012 11:08 AM
You know what's good about this list? You have implied NO resentment toward all those guys who did hurtful things to you. Kudos to you, miss MM. You are something else (I mean it!) It took me a while to "see" you. I aspire to make a list like this and feel the same way... right now I'm just a ball of pain and sadness but I'm sure with time, I could do what you've done here.  IP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 27, 2012 06:38 PM
Anongirl, I don't think there is a tell tale sign because it makes sense to me that everyone's love story would be different. I know it will feel like a movie love story over a long extended period of time because that is what my last couple have been (magical and synchronistic and archetypical) and since they both can't be "the One" (though we are All the One)then that must mean you can have tremendous love stories with more than one person. The other ones at the beginning weren't love stories, they were more selfish grasping at others to get my needs met (while projecting all the problems that caused on the other) and they were lust filled biological attractions. The second husband who helped me create the love of my life (my now 9 year old daughter) was no love story but a painful slow understanding of just how much I had allowed myself to be fooled and blinded. The years since with my daughter have been the lesson and understanding of how important it was that I WAS FOOLED AND BLINDED, so that my daughter could come to Being and so that we would walk the path (as a single parent family) that we were meant to walk. I would remember in those first years of her (my daughter's) life back a decade ago when I had met this girl, Paula, who was a single parent and I used to babysit her 8 year old all the time for free because I enjoyed making cardboard dollhouses etc with her daughter and Paula needed some adult time out at bars and with bf's. I used to tell her how much I admired her and what a strong person she had to be to be a single mother. She left my life at one point and I know she is a soul mate who came into my life to show me how to be a good and strong single mother. She also got me started going to watch live bands more often and a place she and I used to go is a legendary venue for the local music scene that is so much a part of my life now. I used to be obsessed with knowing if the guy I was with was my soul mate. I remember when I was with spitter guy I went to a psychic and the only thing I had to ask him was if this guy was my soul mate or if not who was my soul mate? The guy said he kept seeing a rose. I thought, (basically) what a fake thieving ******* , and left. About 6 years later or so I'm on the phone with my mom telling her I don't care for Sylvia Brown at all, and I'm not even sure if I believe in ANY psychics after the one I experienced. I begin to tell her my bitter story and then I fall into stunned silence as I say it out loud and suddenly realize my daughter, ROSE, is sitting right next to me on the couch.  I named my daughter after my grandmother. So, anyway, I guess I know without a doubt that each person's journey is different and each person's love story is different. I mean, what are your favorite love stories? Which ones ring true? I know my stuff has always had the flavor of Beauty and the Beast and Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde Plutonic type experiences, but like I said, that is probably because I was born with Venus in the same spot in the sky that a generation of people were born with Pluto. I have intense love relationships with many people I meet and connect to. Your stuff will be different. The movies that break my heart open with the beauty of them are things like Walk the Line (the Johnny Cash and June Carter love story) and Almost Famous. Movies about rock bands sing to me. I liked The Notebook, but it wasn't my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE, if you know what I mean. I like Message in a Bottle, but eh, not my favorite. Stuff like that guides you to find your story and your path. That's what the long time traditional wisdom of following your dream is about, I think. I may never be a singing SUPAH STAH!!! but my love of music was like a carrot ahead of the horse leading me along my path. I just keep following my bliss even if things seem wonky and trying to be the best version of me I can muster and trying to share some love along the way. I used to think that some day my dream would come true blahdeeblah, but watching my daughter age beside me constantly reminds me of John Lennon's words... Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that we always have a soul mate or two or six in front of us and we are meant to seize the moment and interact and love one another the best we can muster at any time. If you feel some overwhelming feelings of passion for someone or fate... it might just be the abusive liar con-man guy ("I send you nothing but angels" <--- see story by Neil Donald Walsh) who is part of your soul group and decided with you to play the bad guy this time around and still be the vehicle for another soul friend of yours who has decided to live the challenging life of having YOU for a single mother. I mean, I still dream of the love story, but look at Walk The Line, Johnny was far from perfect and their relationship wasn't always roses (rose) so I think I know my love story path will be interesting and challenging and that I will need to have faith most of the time...don't all love stories have one or the other give up at some point but then get magnetized back together by fate or something? What stories call to you? Get busy living them, then the signs will be obvious because he will be the guy from the story (even if you are wrong, you see? that Def Leppard look alike leather wearin in the summertime guy wasn't HIM, but he was a bread crumb leading me to the next bread crumb and so on... even Def Leppard was a bread crumb...). Figure out which stories resonate for you and follow the trail and be prepared to make "mistakes" that are not mistakes at all. No matter how much I like to beat myself up for choosing violent con artist guy... without him I would not have the exact same child and SHE, WITHOUT A DOUBT, is the one thing I KNOW in my life was NOT a mistake. Ya see? 
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Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 27, 2012 07:18 PM
Well, I hope that last post appears because it was a long and important answer to Anongirl. Yin, whenever the violent sperm donor begins to fight me in court to get my daughter alone I've been known to wish him dead or maimed, so don't give me too much credit. Thank you though, and you have always been good to me. I will write you more later. I was thinking of you too during my long post that seems to be invisible at this moment. <3
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anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 27, 2012 07:36 PM
Hi there, I am glad my question resonated with you, Mystic Melody. I don't think though you answered to what I was asking. Never mind though. The discussion is interesting and thanks again for sharing your stories. Perhaps I will try (again) to explain what exactly I asked about another time; it's pretty late (or early - in any case, definitely middle of the night) here and my eyes have a mind of their own. Have also been recovering from a nasty bug so I really need to get to sleep. thanks and  Anongrl10
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Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 27, 2012 08:28 PM
Trying again.... I used the Back button until my typed post showed up again. Yaaaay! Sorry if this is a double post, I will erase later if it dp.Anongirl, I don't think there is a tell tale sign because it makes sense to me that everyone's love story would be different. I know it will feel like a movie love story over a long extended period of time because that is what my last couple have been (magical and synchronistic and archetypical) and since they both can't be "the One" (though we are All the One)then that must mean you can have tremendous love stories with more than one person. The other ones at the beginning weren't love stories, they were more selfish grasping at others to get my needs met (while projecting all the problems that caused on the other) and they were lust filled biological attractions. The second husband who helped me create the love of my life (my now 9 year old daughter) was no love story but a painful slow understanding of just how much I had allowed myself to be fooled and blinded. The years since with my daughter have been the lesson and understanding of how important it was that I WAS FOOLED AND BLINDED, so that my daughter could come to Being and so that we would walk the path (as a single parent family) that we were meant to walk. I would remember in those first years of her (my daughter's) life back a decade ago when I had met this girl, Paula, who was a single parent and I used to babysit her 8 year old all the time for free because I enjoyed making cardboard dollhouses etc with her daughter and Paula needed some adult time out at bars and with bf's. I used to tell her how much I admired her and what a strong person she had to be to be a single mother. She left my life at one point and I know she is a soul mate who came into my life to show me how to be a good and strong single mother. She also got me started going to watch live bands more often and a place she and I used to go is a legendary venue for the local music scene that is so much a part of my life now. I used to be obsessed with knowing if the guy I was with was my soul mate. I remember when I was with spitter guy I went to a psychic and the only thing I had to ask him was if this guy was my soul mate or if not who was my soul mate? The guy said he kept seeing a rose. I thought, (basically) what a fake thieving ******* , and left. About 6 years later or so I'm on the phone with my mom telling her I don't care for Sylvia Brown at all, and I'm not even sure if I believe in ANY psychics after the one I experienced. I begin to tell her my bitter story and then I fall into stunned silence as I say it out loud and suddenly realize my daughter, ROSE, is sitting right next to me on the couch.  I named my daughter after my grandmother. So, anyway, I guess I know without a doubt that each person's journey is different and each person's love story is different. I mean, what are your favorite love stories? Which ones ring true? I know my stuff has always had the flavor of Beauty and the Beast and Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde Plutonic type experiences, but like I said, that is probably because I was born with Venus in the same spot in the sky that a generation of people were born with Pluto. I have intense love relationships with many people I meet and connect to. Your stuff will be different. The movies that break my heart open with the beauty of them are things like Walk the Line (the Johnny Cash and June Carter love story) and Almost Famous. Movies about rock bands sing to me. I liked The Notebook, but it wasn't my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE, if you know what I mean. I like Message in a Bottle, but eh, not my favorite. Stuff like that guides you to find your story and your path. That's what the long time traditional wisdom of following your dream is about, I think. I may never be a singing SUPAH STAH!!! but my love of music was like a carrot ahead of the horse leading me along my path. I just keep following my bliss even if things seem wonky and trying to be the best version of me I can muster and trying to share some love along the way. I used to think that some day my dream would come true blahdeeblah, but watching my daughter age beside me constantly reminds me of John Lennon's words... Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that we always have a soul mate or two or six in front of us and we are meant to seize the moment and interact and love one another the best we can muster at any time. If you feel some overwhelming feelings of passion for someone or fate... it might just be the abusive liar con-man guy ("I send you nothing but angels" <--- see story by Neil Donald Walsh) who is part of your soul group and decided with you to play the bad guy this time around and still be the vehicle for another soul friend of yours who has decided to live the challenging life of having YOU for a single mother. I mean, I still dream of the love story, but look at Walk The Line, Johnny was far from perfect and their relationship wasn't always roses (rose) so I think I know my love story path will be interesting and challenging and that I will need to have faith most of the time...don't all love stories have one or the other give up at some point but then get magnetized back together by fate or something? What stories call to you? Get busy living them, then the signs will be obvious because he will be the guy from the story (even if you are wrong, you see? that Def Leppard look alike leather wearin in the summertime guy wasn't HIM, but he was a bread crumb leading me to the next bread crumb and so on... even Def Leppard was a bread crumb...). Figure out which stories resonate for you and follow the trail and be prepared to make "mistakes" that are not mistakes at all. No matter how much I like to beat myself up for choosing violent con artist guy... without him I would not have the exact same child and SHE, WITHOUT A DOUBT, is the one thing I KNOW in my life was NOT a mistake. Ya see?  IP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 27, 2012 10:29 PM
Good Saturn site IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 28, 2012 05:56 AM
Mel, this post has appeared twice, not sure why you posted again. I saw it and responded just above this. Did you see my response? lol PS: thanks for Saturn link, I love it! IP: Logged |
start6030 Knowflake Posts: 582 From: neverland:) Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 28, 2012 02:13 PM
awww.. Mystic , I jst loved the part about ROSE awwwwwwwwwww !!b/w , how old is she ? IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 187424 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 28, 2012 02:55 PM
Yeah, when a string gets corrupted code from a prior server surge, it can still continue to do wonky things. We usually have to close them. This one doesn't seem to be too bad.------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 29, 2012 05:15 AM
Randall it only doesn't appear to be "too bad" because we have abandoned it. LOL Mel seemed like having a lot of troubles though while she was posting. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 187424 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 29, 2012 01:14 PM
Maybe it should be closed and a new one started? I don't know how to fix the bad script once it hits a string. ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark IP: Logged |
tenny22 Knowflake Posts: 529 From: USA Registered: May 2011
posted January 31, 2012 10:30 PM
LionessDo you and your honey still talk the same as when you first hooked up? My new guy and I talk so freely and I just love it  ------------------ Sun Trine Pluto Venus in Aquarius Scorpio Rising Mars conjunct Venus IP: Logged | |