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  3D > 5D anyone?

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Author Topic:   3D > 5D anyone?

Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 16, 2020 10:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

11 Dimensions of the ASTRAL PLANES by-ayana


Does anyone have any further reliable reading on this? Thank you!

I've been learning of it but have so many questions. As well could our charts (harmonic ones too) help see things there.

I'll update this thread as I find more info.

For my personal experience with the Ascension stages from 5D to/from 3D, (stuck a lot in 4th) my hubby and I have felt to systematically fall from alignment with each other.  Our charts were reflecting this in 2019. The emergence of 2020 brought much true distance between us. Even though we are near, together, even affectionate.  It feels like we're just not 'in it'. As though one or both are in the 5D more than 3D. We are in our own bubbles. I ♡ him so much but the transcendence I believe we are going through as a whole (world) is effecting us in our little world here. So I question, did I make wrong turns? Am I now being led to find aanswers of deep meaning I never realised?  I was on a path that began nearly 7 year ago.  It was fated. I took the wrong turn. it was much too powerful to accept.  Now I'm  curious with the Dimensions and how they may correlate with us and our direction through this very difficult mark in time.

~ sadly I am needing to be introspective to clean my 12th house out. This involves possible residual love remnants that weren't tidy in the finish. Unfinished business seems to be coming back. This I've told

- tr Pluto is strongly effecting me -
Heavy Transformation in progress. Deep rooted healing in progress, I'm likely to be as subtle as a dust storm.

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Posts: 1816
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posted November 17, 2020 03:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
So I am reading this article and maybe it is possible I may be going through ascension I feel like my inner self is slowly waking up after being dormant for quite a long time.
· ringing in the ears as we learn to attune to the new frequencies- Wonder if this can also be tinnitus as I have in my right ear
waking up at 2–4am when the veil between physical and spiritual world becomes thinner- Yes Plenty of times
· dreaming vividly, particularly about people dying and having babies and loved ones on the other side- not recently but I have had a few times where I dreamed of my grandmother who passed away in 2014 an extreme vivid one was of her and her father (great grandfather dancing but not saying anything)
· fatigue as you try to up-level in the human body via the cells- quite a lot
· headaches- has happen for quite a while off and on
emotional instability with a new cycle of old memories, behaviours and cycles ending- Very true gone into overdrive a few times lately
· fear, anger and sadness as a reflection of the above which will be felt just before the turning point of letting go- Yes!
· feeling homesick for a place you do not know and even a lack of belonging in your current family and social dynamics- well I have been feeling homesick from my acutal home and leaveing on the 21st
and we both know my inituition is growing so I am thinking it is possible <3

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posted November 17, 2020 01:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the link to article that explains what is meant by 3D, 5D.

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi LibraGirl92!
 It seems we mostly are ascending.  I mean there's those watching football, eyes glazed with a keg of beer, I kind of doubt they may be ready or wanting ascension. Just depends on our frequency I suppose.
Yes me too. Ringing in the ears happens for a lot of fhose who report on this. Do you ever feel like you are between 2 worlds? When it happens here, even my radio (old fashioned) antenna goes out, static.
Have your dreams intensified since this year began? I mean the family ones? Any past life or heritage ones?
I've been struggling through a lot of migraines the past few years. Doesn't all that you listed sound like adolescence again?

 I'm glad that note under your pillow worked.
part of that could be your connection but you are in touch with those hidden parts of your own mind too. Those parts you had too clean up back then, to move on in life. 

Did you get a solid card that J is answering to?

.. grrr @my browser, my keyboard gets inoperable and editing etc is not possible.
Sorryvif my mistypes are bad.

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 02:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
  It's  hit 'n miss on data relating to this topic outside YT.
There's a guy on there, I've not listened to in awhile, he comes from the Christian side and sometimes goes overboard for me.  He's well read and even came from a medical bg. But he's also 'new think'. He incorporated the blood study with the families etc. in his research/edu videos.

Back to the topic~
I read that 4th is Space or maybe the portal realm that links together all the upper realms, down here, as 'we can sink lower'. My dread those are possibly Purgatory,  &Hell. idk. There are some who say we currently are in one or both of those.
As for the guy  I mentioned ^  (Rich?) frm  YT, he explains the correlation between the menorah and our Blood types. This is what I'm  referencing because of JACOBs ladder. Right side,  Left side and rungs.
Yet another one I learn from, An Esoteric teacher, whom showed that Libra is the top of that ladder. I spliced that in my mind to (OTHER) in our charts. Which in these days we snag on every turn with OTHERs. For me, my MidH is Libra, another area of struggle for me personally.
Seems in this 3D, 4D, 5D paradigm . I see the 4th as the BRIDGE. As for that, iir he said that middle part of the menorah (even he compared with Jacob's L) was my bloodtype, hence I'm  uncertain if this could mean I'm fated to help others along, yet probably unable to reach a crescendo as they will. Maybe overthinking; nonetheless I'll still want to be of help Either Way. He even said so much as such in relation to my bloodT.

I keep seeing it like this > IF we
are going to 5th from 3rd, some say we fell from 5th, down to the 3rd and that amnesia was incorporated to give us a chance to forget our wrongs, a 'second chance' of sorts. Like right now during these terrible world conditions, in Spiritual Truth ~ we are on TRIAL .. going through tests to see which color wings we are to wear.  Team S or Team Y/JC. Of course that's a religious system, the spiritual one is similar,  perhaps just dark/light. Which we're told we absolutely need both. For balance (Libra). I see it as a teeter totter. Too much darkness and Evil and too much Light ~ no chance to have us be ourselves 'unique, creative beings'.

 I'm  personally learning all I can, as my Life path is 7, I seek, question and wonder in every instance. Maybe nothing is right, maybe nothing is wrong. It's just the course I take in the paradigm of living, This is who I am. Forever a student in the UNIVERSity.

I do think you have a sensitivity (you said so too) which indicates you may be activated for ascension. ~ these ascensions could take place over several years, not rapid- but near..  These bombardments make it difficult to hold 'space' as in 3D suits. You've done volunteering and helped so many maybe you're being gifted ascension (unfortunately  it's not a good feeling ,type of indication  but it might be the ones you need to notice, discomfort is most noticeable?) when they open up our gates  .. and tptb are using this scare, of the antiV from someone named  (B. g ates > 'desire gates') which is to awaken those asleep.
because I think this is a less grisly  a true 'transformation ' rather than death, which is how many see it. I'm not certain about me, my good deeds really need to climb to get my tests passed.
My dream (on astral bd) of the lights inside our suits, did you ever see Cocoon from the 1980s?
This ascension is of all ages .. that film  was a community of ppl, in 80s>90s.

My dream reflected how everyone shed their suits and floated upward, in the dream it was Luna, however it msy have been to 5D. Moon operated like a sorting zone?
Maybe like plane terminals. We have Soul tribes,  maybe that's how it's coordinated to get us all united?

Did you have an ear infection as a toddler? That can carry over through life. A truly painful way too. Awe Aquarius  is gonna be the sign a long while, I hope these Air frequencies won't be this bad. Maybe something else will remedy it via another starsign before long. *fingers crossed *

As the 5g has been getting used, my fatigue has been off the charts.
I'm sleeping 4hrs at a time.
I agree, physical +mental happiness/ wellness should be first priority.
These moguls aren't interested in much more than power+greed.

~ ~ ~
Mirage,  I felt terrible because I thought we would be fineand I could be helpful.  hubby has brought a lot of bad news ome these past couple months. We're lucky atp it isn't worse but where we live but it is a day to day theme now. I am sorry.

I'll be reading your shared links. thank you.
Yes, the psychic -abilities are becoming so common. My only worry there is could nano tech be the reason? I had many of these abilitiesas a child but so many may not have.
The hive mind is something I'm not liking. We are creatures of varous types. I'm not fond of a 'cookie cutter world'. If I'm to stay. lol

My apologies for being random. I'll try to add links, reading info, vids on the dimensions topic.

because so much of my text, language gets misunderstood at times ~ we don't really even have to have death 'to ascend'. We can transmute our vibratory speed similar to hummingbirds. They graze for nectar in the denser realms. Yet they are naturally meant to glide upon higher frequency levels. Those levels are less abused by malevolent forces, when protection is in place. Some of us have always had some ability in that but with our timelines becoming more accessible to the many, it is a new way of exploration for us. An unlocked and nkw glowing opportunity.

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Posts: 1816
From: IL
Registered: Nov 2014

posted November 18, 2020 02:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Not yet as ive been back at work from 2 weeks off and its been a drainer lol but....I asked my cards if J was my twin flame just to ask and got:
The world(fell out twice!)
The Fool
2 of cups
5 of pentacles
And I remember one post you said the world fell out for you as well.
Yesterday I decided why not and get a reading in return of donating and she did readings on twin flames and she confirmed also emsie did a reading as I was involved wither her divine masculine readings and with those two instantly thought of him especially about the message of distraction that took me to a reading in 2015 I had that the reader said he tried to distract himself and keep away to keep busy but he had hopes to get back together.
Remember the underwater dream with him reach out to grab me? That dream hasn't stopped its like im swimming up from the depths of the ocean i see the hand reach out i managed to grab and its him its strange.
I even tried cord cutting meditation on him and cried❤
Originally posted by MoonMystic:
Hi LibraGirl92!
 It seems we mostly are ascending.  I mean there's those watching football, eyes glazed with a keg of beer, I kind of doubt they may be ready or wanting ascension. Just depends on our frequency I suppose.
Yes me too. Ringing in the ears happens for a lot of fhose who report on this. Do you ever feel like you are between 2 worlds? When it happens here, even my radio (old fashioned) antenna goes out, static.
Have your dreams intensified since this year began? I mean the family ones? Any past life or heritage ones?
I've been struggling through a lot of migraines the past few years. Doesn't all that you listed sound like adolescence again?

 I'm glad that note under your pillow worked.
part of that could be your connection but you are in touch with those hidden parts of your own mind too. Those parts you had too clean up back then, to move on in life. 

Did you get a solid card that J is answering to?

.. grrr @my browser, my keyboard gets inoperable and editing etc is not possible.
Sorryvif my mistypes are bad.

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Have you tried just meditating for closure?
I know the connections now are powerful.
In your case his or your nodes might be aspecting eachothers points/and/or planets.
or a 12th house connection can keep a tight connection. I'm forgetting your 12th house. Is it a water sign?
there is an asteroid I studied a bit in my stories, Magnolia 1060 Transcending Love Plus other love ones but finding his card may help too.
You're younger than I, unmarried and possibly would be open to a reunion so the cord cutting might be worth placing in the back burner until after you rtn home and find he is not interested. If there's any chance for you two still ~ don't completely severe that, it could be 'meant to be'. Give him the benefit of doubt but don't waste your youth waiting either.

My guy from back then, we met as kids, the military was sort of involved so I doubt we were supposed to 'naturally fall inlove'. Unless they wanted us together 'just to tear us apart'. If a certain person of high rank hadn't gotten involved, he slipped into our lives by inserting himself as a quasi love interest to my mother.
We still do have a profound telepathic connection and I dislike that. So weird in my situation.
I'd love to be his friend again but that is all.

Due to the subject of this thread I have been studying myself/with others who may have bigger connections with me etherically. It's too bad I've forgotten many birthdates though.

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Posts: 14191
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posted November 18, 2020 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
MoonMystic. Again thanks for very interesting information.

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 03:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

This thread on 3D>5D has to do with twin flames?


I need a better response but wahted to quickly affirm that this thread isn't Twin Flame centered. It is ascension centered .. the transition we are currently in. Some may see it as the T.flame or soulmate. As we may be fractals of selves/others being parts of full self. Some in other areas may say we are all parts of the whole 'Creator ' much like how our bodies are of many parts but make one bigger being, micro/macro. idk. I am better at absorbing info (student) rather than teaching it. That is where you Shine Mirage! 🌸

[editing more response in below]

Thank you for the wishes for hubby & I.
These days are hard everyone. I realise we're not alone.

I could sense the toddler part for you. I had a gf in my 20s, her daughter had those. Broke my heart because I tried to get her to take her to the doc. She told me I was wrong. Her compassion wasn't too motherly. heartbreaking.
I hope you had good doctors for your ears then. Such a delicate area to operate.

Your MC is cnj my (if we are both using trop here) Delphine 3218 and yes, my MC is nearby yours (western) 8°27 Lib. We'd probably enjoy decorating together.


... In the bible story, the Angels were trying to send a Blessing down to him {in his dream}.
~ Saw in another thread that you said you have AmInd blood? I partially do too, some of it. Had who lived as a shaman on reservation.. He'd visit us when help for healing was needed in the fam.

I had to include ^ sorry.
That was beautiful, (Jacob) the msg he recieved in his dream via the Angels.
Yes, my Gma on my dad's side, Native American and there's some mystery N.A as well in my Gma blood of my Mother's side as ee.
But the alphabet blood codes (ABO) is ho mine is the rungs. or middle menorah.

That is amazing you had a shaman for a gr. uncle. I didn't get such an experience, would have loved that. Wisdom has been plentiful for you. Did you get many years with him in your orbit?

Cocoon was a beautiful film. I only liked the first one. I went to find a yt clip of it for that Nibiru thread (alien theme) couldn't find a good clip from it but it and Srarman really synched into my thoughts.

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Posts: 1816
From: IL
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posted November 18, 2020 03:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My 12th house is Leo so fire sign and the funny thing is....J is a Leo Sun.
I did find a tarot birth card and he is death/the emperor and I was the hierophant/temperance but I will still try and ask my cards what card represents J? any chance I can just take out the court cards and just shuffle those would that possibly work? So I decided to plug in the asteroid 1060 and his hits right on my desc but playing around with the different birth times for his ascendant his magnolia trines my venus and mars, sextiles both my neptune and Uranus opposes my asc and squares my MC and for me my magnolia only squares his MC.
If he is virgo asc like me then my magnolia is almost touching his Desc. If he is Libra Rising mine is in his 5th With Taurus asc mine falls in his 11th house. I think your right I may have to wait and go back home to cut cords as going home will possibly finally help me know what stands with us either we try again and be together, become friends (which I don't see likely because I feel he may be a bit jealous of guys that are with me like I don't want to commit to you but I don't like to think of you or see you with anyone else I think he can be the jealous type) but what I find odd is that I'm not sure if he is still with this girl or not but I saw a picture and she looks a lot like me and I was a bit weirded out by it...
Originally posted by MoonMystic:

Have you tried just meditating for closure?
I know the connections now are powerful.
In your case his or your nodes might be aspecting eachothers points/and/or planets.
or a 12th house connection can keep a tight connection. I'm forgetting your 12th house. Is it a water sign?
there is an asteroid I studied a bit in my stories, Magnolia 1060 Transcending Love Plus other love ones but finding his card may help too.
You're younger than I, unmarried and possibly would be open to a reunion so the cord cutting might be worth placing in the back burner until after you rtn home and find he is not interested. If there's any chance for you two still ~ don't completely severe that, it could be 'meant to be'. Give him the benefit of doubt but don't waste your youth waiting either.

My guy from back then, we met as kids, the military was sort of involved so I doubt we were supposed to 'naturally fall inlove'. Unless they wanted us together 'just to tear us apart'. If a certain person of high rank hadn't gotten involved, he slipped into our lives by inserting himself as a quasi love interest to my mother.
We still do have a profound telepathic connection and I dislike that. So weird in my situation.
I'd love to be his friend again but that is all.

Due to the subject of this thread I have been studying myself/with others who may have bigger connections with me etherically. It's too bad I've forgotten many birthdates though.

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Posts: 14191
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posted November 18, 2020 03:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 04:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
My 12th house is Leo so fire sign and the funny thing is....J is a Leo Sun.
I did find a tarot birth card and he is death/the emperor and I was the hierophant/temperance but I will still try and ask my cards what card represents J? any chance I can just take out the court cards and just shuffle those would that possibly work? So I decided to plug in the asteroid 1060 and his hits right on my desc but playing around with the different birth times for his ascendant his magnolia trines my venus and mars, sextiles both my neptune and Uranus opposes my asc and squares my MC and for me my magnolia only squares his MC.
If he is virgo asc like me then my magnolia is almost touching his Desc. If he is Libra Rising mine is in his 5th With Taurus asc mine falls in his 11th house. I think your right I may have to wait and go back home to cut cords as going home will possibly finally help me know what stands with us either we try again and be together, become friends (which I don't see likely because I feel he may be a bit jealous of guys that are with me like I don't want to commit to you but I don't like to think of you or see you with anyone else I think he can be the jealous type) but what I find odd is that I'm not sure if he is still with this girl or not but I saw a picture and she looks a lot like me and I was a bit weirded out by it...

Where is the asc for him that trines your Venus? We can look at the decan of that sign too. If that chart reflects the key cards you keep seeing, it might echo.
plus I have some other love asteroids that may be of help, I'll try and add those too ♡

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
Registered: Nov 2016

posted November 18, 2020 04:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mirage29:
Excellent!!!! I'll keep coming back.

It's ALL about Love.
Everything goes back to it.

Mirage ~ I ALWAYS what you have to teach. Honestly, you are wise and loving and Appreciated. I truly am greatful you're forgiving in nature too.

Just noticed we 3, are Libra likeness here on this thread. Points of Libra .. Mirage, LibraGirl92 and I.

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Posts: 1816
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posted November 18, 2020 04:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For some reason as I go through AstroDienst when I look at additional tables, all of em say his magnolia trine my venus and that is
Libra decan- 10 degrees (9:50 AM)
Virgo decan-12 degrees (7:30 AM)
Taurus decan- 29 degrees(1O:30 PM)

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
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posted November 18, 2020 08:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LibraGirl92:
For some reason as I go through AstroDienst when I look at additional tables, all of em say his magnolia trine my venus and that is
Libra decan- 10 degrees (9:50 AM)
Virgo decan-12 degrees (7:30 AM)
Taurus decan- 29 degrees(1O:30 PM)

Is the Virgo his Asc then? The Hermit, The Empress (gender is fluid) and knight of pentacles. Are any of those frequently showing up?

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Posts: 1816
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posted November 18, 2020 10:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraGirl92     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think he may be Virgo Asc honestly and today son of pentacles came out and empress as well as I ask today what card(s) represent J

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
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posted November 19, 2020 03:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
To know the two are coming out for him in a strong way (much more in frequency to others) as well that locale of virgo is creating a physical aspect (trine), which reflects the chemistry you two shared. Another good test could b take your 2 charts in midpoint (that possible asc for him) then in midpoint use pivotal dates as you were a cpl. Use transit to see what
may have effected you two as a cpl.

- we should go back to the other board too. I don't wanna confuse anyone coming in in the OT .. but I'll copy this and bump your thread there. K? 🙂💞

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posted November 19, 2020 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Wait, what happened to 4D? There is usually a progression from one dimension to another. We don't usually skip entire dimensions.

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From: Oceanic Sands
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posted November 22, 2020 08:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
Wait, what happened to 4D? There is usually a progression from one dimension to another. We don't usually skip entire dimensions.

Hiya GCE. The second link explains

" -“bridge” between the lower density of the 3rd dimension and the higher realms."

it as a jump zone (space) that is not really as emphasized as the 3rd D with our flesh world's of materialism and the 5D which is the lighter (free of these suits)
as well Light selves. Idk does Cayce speak of 4D? 🙂

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posted November 22, 2020 01:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hear ya. Yes, that source does talk some about the 4th dimension. Links it to Venus. If you understand Venus well at her core, then you understand some of the 4th dimension, as much as a material mind can I suppose.

Read the link. Some is true, but there isn't space/time in the 4th as we understand, perceive, and experience it. The 4th dimension is completely nonphysical.

Linear Space/time is a prime attribute of the 3rd dimension i.e. physical. In 4th, you can and many do, project a human body like image when interacting with others, but you can change it from your actual physical body and most know that this is not who and what they really are. But there is still some attachment to the former human experience.

Also in 4th, you can travel to another Galaxy very far away in physical terms, in an instant. Just like in OBE's. Classic OBE's (where you feel separated from the body and all that) take place somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th dimension btw.

As to 5th dimension, did you read my post about OBE's and outlining the different levels and "bodies" connected to the human energy system? Those who can and do fully phase, in a fully conscious way, into their "spiritual body" level, and who can do so called miracles like Yeshua could and did, are those who are living in the 5th dimension and beyond.

Very few humans born of a woman in this, and most cycles, are at that range of vibration and attunement. There are some further past cycles, and a future one (in a probability sense), wherein all humans were at these levels though.

Very hard to accomplish while connected to a dense, physical, human body at this time. Individuals from higher levels, sometimes manifest into this dimension and temporarily manifest themselves a physical like form (to interact with humans), but these are different. If one of these connected with a physical body via the birth process and whole shabang--many of these also would have a problem regaining those abilities and awareness's.

The 5th dimension for most individuals and especially the collective, is a ways off in the sense of grounding that into the physical. But as humans hopefully grow from the coming multi leveled changes taking place and which will ramp up in the near future, and as we attune to Love more and more collective, the very vibration of the Earth itself, will start to speed up and become finer, lighter, and less, well "physcial" in nature as time goes on. We will still have all the "forms" and images here, but these won't be slow vibratory and so seemingly "set".

But will become more and more easily influenced/changed by thought/will/intention and consciousness. This is the original Earth as it was created by the Christ Spirit before his siblings and/or children jumped in and started to make a mess of things. And then various restrictions and changes had to be made to prevent utter chaos (as was starting to happen in early Atlantis, when there were MANY grotesque and mixed forms, due to the immature and ego based meddling of little godlings who were devolving).

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
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posted November 23, 2020 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by GalacticCoreExplosion:
Hear ya. Yes, that source does talk some about the 4th dimension. Links it to Venus. If you understand Venus well at her core, then you understand some of the 4th dimension, as much as a material mind can I suppose.

Read the link. Some is true, but there isn't space/time in the 4th as we understand, perceive, and experience it. The 4th dimension is completely nonphysical.

Linear Space/time is a prime attribute of the 3rd dimension i.e. physical. In 4th, you can and many do, project a human body like image when interacting with others, but you can change it from your actual physical body and most know that this is not who and what they really are. But there is still some attachment to the former human experience.

Also in 4th, you can travel to another Galaxy very far away in physical terms, in an instant. Just like in OBE's. Classic OBE's (where you feel separated from the body and all that) take place somewhere in between the 3rd and 4th dimension btw.

As to 5th dimension, did you read my post about OBE's and outlining the different levels and "bodies" connected to the human energy system? Those who can and do fully phase, in a fully conscious way, into their "spiritual body" level, and who can do so called miracles like Yeshua could and did, are those who are living in the 5th dimension and beyond.

Very few humans [b]born of a woman in this, and most cycles, are at that range of vibration and attunement. There are some further past cycles, and a future one (in a probability sense), wherein all humans were at these levels though.

Very hard to accomplish while connected to a dense, physical, human body at this time. Individuals from higher levels, sometimes manifest into this dimension and temporarily manifest themselves a physical like form (to interact with humans), but these are different. If one of these connected with a physical body via the birth process and whole shabang--many of these also would have a problem regaining those abilities and awareness's.

The 5th dimension for most individuals and especially the collective, is a ways off in the sense of grounding that into the physical. But as humans hopefully grow from the coming multi leveled changes taking place and which will ramp up in the near future, and as we attune to Love more and more collective, the very vibration of the Earth itself, will start to speed up and become finer, lighter, and less, well "physcial" in nature as time goes on. We will still have all the "forms" and images here, but these won't be slow vibratory and so seemingly "set".

But will become more and more easily influenced/changed by thought/will/intention and consciousness. This is the original Earth as it was created by the Christ Spirit before his siblings and/or children jumped in and started to make a mess of things. And then various restrictions and changes had to be made to prevent utter chaos (as was starting to happen in early Atlantis, when there were MANY grotesque and mixed forms, due to the immature and ego based meddling of little godlings who were devolving).


I'm going to respond in awhile with alonger
response. I'm not familiar with how she is related with 4D, aside from her chakra is 4th. (maybe you can share more on that?)

Oddly enough, I read in the chakra research I did, her sense is 'Touch'. that was very ironic as in the bible I found my name+numbers compared to scripture in the word 'Touch'. Coincidence probably but I checked over and over and had someone else I know look. Definitely there. lol We learn about ourselves.

.. ok bb in awhile. My thinking process is still Zzzzzz ~ sorry.

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Posts: 2304
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posted November 23, 2020 05:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No worries, take your time.

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Posts: 2304
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Registered: Sep 2019

posted November 23, 2020 11:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GalacticCoreExplosion     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The 7 main endocrine glands have an energetic connection to the 7 main dimensions of our system, and to the Planets.

Venus corresponds to the 4th center i.e. the thymus gland and the 4th dimension.

Individuals that came in from the 4th dimension just previous to this earth life, usually have Venus as their predominant Planet. Aura wise, they tend to have a lot of emerald green to cyan colors strong in their aura. Rose pink is not uncommon--especially if Mars and/or Moon is highlighted at the same time.

4th dimension is in some ways, a bit like earth/humans, except it is nonphysical and that it's all the nicest and more positive parts of earth/human life. Individuals phased there get along well with each other, are harmonious with, and mostly love each other.

Every major dimension btw, has 7 sub levels within same. The first sub dimension of the 4th dimension is the most earth/human like. Some call it the "Park". It's a combination of meet and greet, and welcoming level for those newly arrived to the nonphysical. It was actually purposely co-created for that very function. Besides being a welcoming center level, it's where a lot of individuals from various different dimensions will meet up at to interact.

In the last sub dimension of the 4th dimension, the 7th level of same, Souls here are training to become guides/helpers, and they tend to do a lot of retrieval work. Soul phased in this part of the 4th dimension are less attached to their former human life, but still have some attachment.

In the levels in between the 1st and 7th sub-levels, individuals pretty much are surrounded by those that had very similar religious, philosophical, etc type beliefs when they were physically incarnated. One pioneering afterlife explorer, (Bruce Moen) coined these levels the "Hollow Heavens" because there tends to be a lot of dogma and limitation in these levels. These individuals are still caught up in belief systems. Again, the individuals here are nice, kind, and more personally loving, but they have a lot to learn about the bigger and more pure forms of Love. There is a part of them that is still somewhat separatist and exclusive in nature.

Generally individuals that come here from the 4th dimension are decent hearted, kind, fairly tolerant, romantic, like harmony, and are more personally loving kind of people. They have the seeds of Christ like Love in them, but haven't really universalized it yet.

Venusians in other words. My partner is from the 7th level of the 4th dimension (borderline of the 5th dimension). She once had a dream wherein she became aware that her primary Soul color was like a deep'ish peacock blue (a kind of green blue). In my partner's chart, Venus is in her 1st House and is the closest Planet to her ASC.

In the "bodies"/levels of the human energy system, Venus, the 4th dimension, the thymus gland, etc corresponds to the emotional body level. (in this system, there are 5 main bodies: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, spiritual).

No offense, but a lot of New Age type teachers online, don't really know too much about what they are talking about. At least, that's been a fairly common intuition, perception, and observation. Sorry to be very blunt and direct, but hard for someone with Jupiter so highlighted in combo with Cap Sun and Merc and Leo Rising to not be.

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Posts: 3989
From: Oceanic Sands
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posted November 24, 2020 01:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for MoonMystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

  Yes I recall the Venus Endocrine connection . She has 2 houses she governs and all those physical areas are hers.  It's a wonder that I prefer those colors in our bedroom.  I adapted to honor a man too. No rose tones in heavy quanity.    Aquas and Ceylon,  the pretty green.

   Every sub level has 7 areas in them? So how many are actually below our current 3D?
 I've shed a lot of my old beliefs. Msny I feel were created as systems of control. It is unfair they (evil beings) can toy with us  as they do.

 That is beautiful how you and your partner in both have understanding of everything as you AND share the learning, exploring  with one another.

  Not offended at all. As I'm not a 'new ager'. I read as much as I can but it's difficult to sort between right/wrong info, knowledge anymore. But to be fair - even older materials can be misleading. Just depends on many factors.  I sit  upon  gate, if you will. Between areas of wisdom/and untruths. Not going right or left. Staying aligned with my own inner compass to help guide me to what 'feels right'.

 Thank you for sharing and teaching GCE.
Hope you have a wonderful day.

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