Topic: x Twin Flames x
Eternal Energy Knowflake Posts: 1829 From: Registered: May 2020
posted April 21, 2022 04:17 PM
ELISABETH TO DESCARTES [The Hague] 1 July 1643
M. Descartes,
I see that you have not received as much inconvenience from my esteem for your instruction and the desire to avail myself of it, as from the ingratitude of those who deprive themselves of it and would like to deprive the human species of it. I would not have sent you new evidence of my ignorance until I knew you were done with those of that mindset, if Sieur Van Bergen had not obliged me to it earlier, through his kindness in agreeing to stay in town, just until I gave him a response to your letter of 28 June. What you write there makes me see clearly the three sorts of notions that we have, their objects, and how we ought to make use of them. I also find that the senses show me that the soul moves the body, but they teach me nothing (no more than do the understanding and the imagination) of the way in which it does so. For this reason, I think that there are some properties of the soul, which are unknown to us, which could perhaps overturn what your Metaphysical Meditations persuaded me of by such good reasoning: the nonextendedness of the soul. This doubt seems to be founded on the rule that you give there, in speaking of the true and the false, that all error comes to us in forming judgments about that which we do not perceive well enough. Though extension is not necessary to thought, neither is it at all repugnant to it, and so it could be suited to some other function of the soul which is no less essential to it. At the very least, it makes one abandon the contradiction of the Scholastics, that it [the soul] is both as a whole in the whole body and as a whole in each of its parts. I do not excuse myself at all for confusing the notion of the soul with that of the body for the same reason as the vulgar; but this doesn’t rid me of the first doubt, and I will lose hope of finding certitude in anything in the world if you, who alone have kept me from being a skeptic, do not answer that to which my first reasoning carried me. Even though I owe you this confession and thanks, I would think it strongly imprudent if I did not already know your kindness and generosity, equal to the rest of your merits, as much by the experience that I have already had as by reputation. You could not have attested to it in a manner more obliging than by the clarifications and counsel you have imparted to me, which I hold above all as one of the greatest treasures that could be possessed by Your very affectionate friend at your service, Elisabeth. _____________________________________________ DESCARTES TO ELISABETH
Egmond du Hoef, 17 November 1643
Having learned from M. de Pollot that your Highness has taken the trouble to consider the problem of three circles, and that she has found the way to solve it by supposing but one unknown quantity, I thought that my duty obliged me to set out here the reason why I had proposed using several unknown quantities and in what way I solve for them. In considering a problem in geometry, I always make it so that the lines which I use to find the solution to the problem are parallel or intersect at right angles as much as is possible; and I do not consider any other theorems but that the sides of similar triangles have a similar proportion between them, and that in right triangles, the square of the base is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides. I do not fear supposing more unknown quantities to reduce the problem to such terms so that it depends only on these two theorems. On the contrary, I prefer to suppose more of them than fewer. For, by this means, I see more clearly all that I do, and in solving for them I do better at finding the shortest paths and avoid superfluous multiplications. On the other hand, if one draws other lines and makes use of other theorems, even though it could still happen that by chance the path one finds is shorter than mine, all the same, it almost always turns out the other way. One does not see what one does as well, except if one has the demonstration of the theorem which one is using fully present to the mind. In this case one finds, almost always, that it depends on the consideration of some triangles that are either right triangles or similar to one another and thus one falls back on the path I take. For example, in considering this problem of the three circles, we need only suppose one unknown quantity, with the help of a theorem that shows us how to find the area of a triangle by its three sides. For if A, B, and C are the centers of three given circles, and D is the center of the one we are looking for, the three sides of triangle ABC are given, and the three lines AD, BD, and CD are composed of three radii of the given circles, joined to a radius of the circle we are looking for, so that, supposing x for this radius, we have all the sides of the triangles ABD, ACD, and BCD.
By consequence we can have their areas which, added together, are equal to the area of the triangle given by ABC. And we can by this equation come to know the radius x, which alone is required for the solution of this question. But this route seems to me to lead to so many superfluous multiplications that I would not want to undertake to solve them in three months. This is why, instead of the two oblique lines, AB and BC, I take the three perpendiculars BE, DG, and DF, and setting three unknown quantities, one for DF, one for DG, and the other for the radius of the circle I am looking for, I have all the sides of the three right triangles ADF, BDG, and CDF, which gives me three equations, for in each of these the square of the base is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides.
After having made as many equations as I supposed unknown quantities, I consider whether, from each equation, I can find one in simple enough terms. If I cannot do so, I try to arrive at one by joining two or more equations by addition or subtraction. Finally, only if this does not suffice, I examine whether it would be any better to change the terms in some way. For, in making this examination skillfully, one easily comes upon the shortest paths and one can try an infinity of things in very little time. Thus, in this example, I suppose that the three bases of the right triangles are: AD = a + x, BD = b + x, CD = c + x. And making AE = d, BE = e and CE = f, DF or GE = y, DG or FE = z, I have for the sides of the same triangles: AF = d - z & FD = y, BG = e - y & DG = z, CF = f + z & FD = y Then, making the square of each of the bases equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides, I have the three following equations: aa + 2ax + xx = dd - 2dz + zz + yy , bb + 2bx + xx = ee - 2ey + yy + zz , cc + 2cx + xx = ff + 2fz + zz + yy , and I see that by one of these alone I cannot find any of the unknown quantities, without drawing the square root, which would complicate the question too much. This is why I come to the second way, which is to join two equations together, and I cannot but perceive that the terms xx, yy, and zz being similarly in all three equations, if I take away the one from the other, as I would like, they cancel one another, and so I would have no unknown terms other than x, y, and z on their own. I see also that if I take away the second from the first or from the third, I would have all these three terms, x, y, and z; but that, if I take away the first from the third, I would have only x and z. Thus, I choose this last path and I find: cc + 2cx - aa - 2ax = ff + 2fz - dd + 2dz or better or better Then, taking the second equation from the first or from the third (since the one reduces to the other) and replacing z with the terms I just found, I have from the first and the second: aa + 2ax - bb - 2bx = dd - 2dz - ee + 2ey or better or better
Finally, returning to one of the first three equations, and in place of y or of z putting the quantities that are their equals, and the squares of these quantities for yy and zz, we find an equation where only x and xx are unknown. In this way, then, the problem is planar or of the second degree, and it is no longer necessary to go on. For the rest does not serve to cultivate or entertain the mind, but only to exercise one’s patience for laborious calculations. Even so I fear that I have made myself boring to your Highness, because I stopped to write those things that she no doubt knew better than I and that are easy, but which are nevertheless the keys to my algebra. I ask her quite humbly to believe that it is the devotion with which I honor her which has carried me away, and that I am, Madame,
Your Highness’s very humble and very obedient servant, Descartes.
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Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted May 03, 2022 12:49 PM
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Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted May 03, 2022 12:50 PM
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Eternal Energy Knowflake Posts: 1829 From: Registered: May 2020
posted May 03, 2022 03:26 PM
Miss Seraphinesky! How are you?... I have just written the fractions in the last post by hand and took them a photo because although I had written them in my word document, when I copied and pasted, they did not show properly. Unfortunately the photos appear too large although I resized them in imgur, so I'm going to get the post back to its original form. Editing: I found how to resize the photos I had taken, so I added them in the post.
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Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted May 25, 2022 03:17 PM
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Eternal Energy Knowflake Posts: 1829 From: Registered: May 2020
posted May 25, 2022 03:22 PM
, sweet Seraphinesky...IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted May 31, 2022 04:13 PM
"Twin flames" is describing the more Spirit and "Higher self" version of this, and "twin soul" is describing us, this local and smaller, Soul level of this. Just different perspectives of the same thing. The average Higher/Expanded self has created thousands of individual Soul extensions of itself. Likewise, one's Twin flame Expanded self has probably created thousands of Soul extensions of itself. Technically, all these thousands of individuals Souls from the two Twin flame halves, have a twin soul connection to each and every one of those thousands of Souls, whether they meet in the physical, nonphysical, or what not. Does this help at all? Btw, interesting information about Plato and what he talked about. Thank you for sharing that. IP: Logged |
Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted June 05, 2022 09:08 AM
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted June 05, 2022 10:23 AM
You're welcome SS. I have some confusion of my own (and don't know what to do or not to do, or what to believe or not, in a specific situation), but other than that, am mostly well. Thank you for asking. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted June 05, 2022 11:27 PM
This song kind of aligns with my confusion and feelings IP: Logged |
Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted June 06, 2022 07:40 AM
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Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted June 06, 2022 07:46 AM
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted June 06, 2022 03:29 PM
Had you heard it before? I agree, it's beautiful--would also add intense. I appreciate your offer of listening to any troubles, but I don't think it would do much good to talk about things. I've talked about it plenty already, and it still comes and goes like waves at times. Sometimes larger waves, and sometimes smaller waves. I just wish I knew if I was deluded or not about the situation and the potential connection between this person and myself. If I knew that, I could deal better with the separation and general situation. This holding on to someone is not something I'm used to, and if I am deluded, I really want/need to let her completely go. But if we are twin souls with a direct past life connection, and she does love and want me, then I would wait for her for however long she needs. But I keep flip flopping back and forth between thinking I'm just deluded, and at other times feeling that the guidance I've gotten, and my previous intuitions, are correct. Well, looks like I ended up talking about it anyways. Sigh. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted June 06, 2022 03:30 PM
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Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted June 10, 2022 08:05 AM
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GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted June 18, 2022 05:53 PM
To S.S., IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted June 30, 2022 10:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Seraphinesky: Are you happy with your current situation? You have a partner yes.... Does this inspire and feed your soul or is this twin something more tipping you over the edge emotionally My personal opinion is its not worth it until you can find inner strength and peace peace, But this is just me feeling under the weather I hope things are better
Hi there Seraphinesky. I understand and do agree with what you are saying in the above, especially the last part. But I would also point out the relativity of all this. I've spent a good portion of my life consciously working on self, learning to love and accept self and others more, etc. Yes, I did go a little "haywire" and get unbalanced with this connection, but that was very unusual and out of the norm for me. The thing is, what human truly and fully loves themselves? I know of only one human who accomplished this--Yeshua or as Robert (Bob) Monroe called him temporarily--"He/She". Literally only the only human who truly and fully loved himself. We know this, because he is the only human who also truly and fully loved others. While on a Soul and Higher/Expanded self level, I'm working towards that eventual development, perfection in the here and now is not expected of me. I'm connected to a physical human body, which is by nature, rather slow vibratory and doesn't "mix well" with pure Love and Source Consciousness. So, if I have a little lack of love of self at times, or the like, well that is OK in my book. That is something that has taken me a long time to get to--this acceptance, because for awhile I did expect and demand perfection of and from self. And when I didn't get there or couldn't maintain it, I was disappointed in self. With her, yeah, on a Soul level, she knows we both have some growth and work to do on ourselves. But at the same time, she is and allows herself to be so influenced by fear. She often "thinks" she is listening to her intuition, when she is actually listening to fear. This is not saying she is not intuitive. For she is highly intuitive, and becoming more overtly/consciously psychic. But when it comes to me and past life wounds, fear so gets mixed into the situation that she can't tell up from down, down from up, etc. And I can't really help that I miss her, long for her. Even with the hypnosis that I am doing, I still do. Again, it is not just a case of twin soul connection, but also, two Souls who have literally/directly reincarnated from a previous life where they were VERY, VERY close and One. It is rare enough for one Soul to directly, literally reincarnate. It is even more rare for two Souls who were mates to directly, literally reincarnate. I am very, very aware that my ultimate happiness and fulfillment lies with Source and the Oneness of the Whole. This has been important to me since I came in. But the human side of me deeply misses and longs for her and that kind of deep, loving, intensely One type connection. How could I not? It was beyond beautiful. And it only became strengthened and more intense after we both entered the nonphysical. I don't understand why I can't have both? Both a physical connection to her, and to Source and the Oneness? I am fairly certain that if we became close again in this life, I would not lose myself in her and our connection, but that it would only strengthen me and her despite the thunderclouds that have passed between us already. So much of those clouds were based on fear and ego. We have both worked on ourselves since then. We are both more aware and accepting. I was very influenced by her very intense fears at the time, as I think I absorbed some of that via our twin soul connection and when I meditated for a month sending her love and healing energy. But I have seemed to have regenerated most of that. I also knows that she fears hurting me more. I understand this. But she doesn't have to fear this. I've been through hell and back several times in this life and have grown stronger each time. IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted July 01, 2022 11:41 PM
Please, tell me completely honestly, do you think/feel that I should try to just completely forget her? IP: Logged |
GalacticCoreExplosionV2 unregistered
posted July 05, 2022 07:30 AM
BumpIP: Logged |
Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted July 06, 2022 11:46 AM
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Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted July 06, 2022 11:47 AM
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teasel Knowflake Posts: 29078 From: Here Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 11, 2022 12:07 AM
His account has been deleted. He was banned. He just asked me to let you know that he can’t respond here anymore. IP: Logged |
Seraphinesky Knowflake Posts: 173 From: jupiter Registered: Nov 2020
posted July 19, 2022 01:02 PM
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Randall Webmaster Posts: 194871 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted July 19, 2022 06:15 PM
He and I had some arguments. Irreconcilable differences. After suffering the insufferable Graham for months, I have developed a low tolerance. IP: Logged |
saronna Knowflake Posts: 1861 From: Sydney Australia Registered: Jan 2010
posted July 20, 2022 02:21 AM
I don't know GCIP: Logged | |