posted January 01, 2023 02:42 AM
I think life is speeding up waiting for me to get my sh*t together. I have been observing weird things happening around me. I have always felt that I am meant to do something.. I was never happy in any job. People around me since I was a kid said in your 30s you will be something. Life really been rough and I felt lost. During this period I found my purpose. In real life I belong to a group a label in this world that most people "hate" I recive so much hate in my real life because of me belonging to this group. However, I was never raised to hate nor judge people by their labels. I have always been open to other groups. Realising my purpose was a big deal to me. I have been feeling a connection with few people that I dont know like they are part of my purpose. Those people used to hate my group then their lives took unpredictable twists and ended up being with people from my group but once they experinced being with them they ended up loving them. The universe seem to move their lives in way to see the positive in my group. A tarot reader once said to me that there is a higher purpose for me and that I need to take control of my mind and chase their purpose, she said there is a soul family out there waiting for you. I got chills with all those weird things happening. I cant explain more I jsut felt the need to write this somewhere.