Topic: ~*Free compatibility readings*~
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6246 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted February 24, 2012 08:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lioness: I emailed a few
Did u get my email?.... If u want just do 2 ex husband and pisces... IP: Logged |
scoots Newflake Posts: 18 From: spokane, wa, us Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 24, 2012 08:54 PM
I would love a reading between my son's dad and I.Me: 08/14/1983 1pm, pomeroy, wa Son's dad: 06/12/1982 time unknown, portland, or We are no longer together, but living as roommates with our son. He ended it. It be nice to get insight on what is sooo incompatible between us that we can't be lovers. Thanks in advance! IP: Logged |
scoots Newflake Posts: 18 From: spokane, wa, us Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 24, 2012 08:54 PM
I would love a reading between my son's dad and I.Me: 08/14/1983 1pm, pomeroy, wa Son's dad: 06/12/1982 time unknown, portland, or We are no longer together, but living as roommates with our son. He ended it. It be nice to get insight on what is sooo incompatible between us that we can't be lovers. Thanks in advance! IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 09:15 PM
Still_Hopeful and her boyfriend <----but very weak because Sun and Venus are barely conjunct (The relationship is also "hell on earth") My analysis Once again we see here the exact same pattern as Jojo had with her "hell on earth" ex-marriage of sixteen years. Hannarama also has very similar composite with her crush, also with jupiter thrown into the love stellium, except uranus and saturn afflicts the weak love stellium, but not pluto. For hannah, this means there will be much less suffering since pluto afflicting the love stellium is much worse, but it will still be unstable and very hard to deal with. Here in this case once again we see a weak love stellium (venus being farthest away from the sun) with jupiter thrown in the mix (jupiter squares are very similar to the conjunction) and pluto and saturn both afflicting the stellium. Once again the diagnosis is the same so I'm just going to copy and paste from Jojo's reading with her ex-husband: "I only see people being attracted to each other with this many afflictions to a love stellium only if they have jupiter involved in the stellium. So, think about how much the love energy is being restricted here. You have nice synastry, however, it makes sense that even though the relationship started out great, eventually you separated, because of the bad composite. Pluto afflicting the love stellium means major power struggles, being insensitive to the others feelings, a general brashness when dealing with the other. Saturn afflicting the stellium means you feel a lot of duty and responsibility for each other but u also depress each other a ton. You don't want to let each other down and break off the relationship bc u feel a strong duty but you are not happy together! Also saturn here indicates a marriage would have tons of financial, health problems, family interfering, etc. You probably got together for reasons of security....not out of true love. You do love each other, but are not in love, so to speak. This is a very troubled composite, one of the worst I've seen, and the love normally expressed by the love stellium is totally blocked my power struggles, criticism, depression and instability." Note what JoJo later expressed about her marriage: My relationship with Ex-Husband was hell on earth. We were together 16 years and the life blood was literally sucked out of me. The happiest day of my life was when I finally got the courage to leave. It was an emotionally abusive relationship and the only regret I have is that I stayed so long. ------ Still_Hopeful's feedback: The relationship is Horrible. But we have to co-exist we are parents to a little girl. Lots of power play, mistrust, and hurt. SO WATCH OUT FOR THIS PATTERN IN YOUR COMPOSITE CHART WITH A CRUSH. STAY AWAY FROM THEM BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT IT WILL LEAD TO.. --------
A second instance where the love calculator is dead wrong:
97% Compatible See what the stars have in store for all your relationships at » Kelly Clarkson Says It Best You know that Kelly Clarkson song that goes, "my life would suck without you?" Replace "you" with "him," and truer words have never been spoken. Anyway, as La Clarkson so aptly puts it, you guys belong together (Forever uniiiited heeeere somehow). So, even as you're slogging through your daily grind, he provides the unadulterated fun and excitement that helps you escape the boredom. You love what he has to say, and you're always ready to try out the crazy new plans he concocts. He's psyched that you're so open-minded, and you're generally having such a good time with him that you wouldn't trade a minute for anything. Even cooler? You two can expand the entertainment into the cultural realm. Since you're both so receptive to new ideas, learning together at the museum or the library can be its own fun (shocking revelation, we know). But the truth is, it doesn't really matter where you are or what you're doing; any time you spend together is bound to be awesome. So go ahead, feel free to get your dork on if you need to. IP: Logged |
featherlightly Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 09:38 PM
I would LOVE a reading on this one:Me: May 4, 1987, 6:11 PM in Sacramento, CA Him: December 27, 1981, at 5:50 PM in Brooklyn, NY Thanks! IP: Logged |
featherlightly Knowflake Posts: 172 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 09:38 PM
Oops, and it's a romantic (very romantic <3) relationship.IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 09:47 PM
L0veLess and her ex-best friend (they drifted apart after 8 years) The relationship unfortunately didn't last because of its saturn-heaviness. You both felt restricted and like you focused too much on responsibilities and not enough on each other's feelings and on fun and play. There was a strong bond which synastry and composite indicates. All the planets conjunct like that in composite as we have noted before does lead to a strong bond, and your synastry as well has a lot of pluto and neptune as well as mutual sun-moon aspects. Also there was the problem of composite moon in negative aspect to uranus which lead to kind of an on and off friendship Composite Moon Sesquiquadrate Uranus The two of you are destined to have a rather unsettling affect upon one another. Your relationship may begin quite suddenly and unexpectedly, disrupting your normal routines and perhaps other relationships you are engaged in. There is an electric excitement between you which can be very thrilling, but also unnerving. Emotional impulsiveness and "acting crazy" together, doing things that are totally out of character or far more radical and daring that either of you would be inclined to do alone, are to be expected. For a long time you may have an unstable, on-again/off-again connection with one another, and unless there are other stabilizing factors between you, that's all it may ever be Composite Venus and mercury conjunct saturn and c. moon in negative aspect to saturn: Best's Moon square Loveless's Saturn orb 2° 34' This relationship is not an easy one! There is a sense of responsibility towards each other that may incline you to marry or form some kind of long-lasting commitment to each other. But although the union is likely to be long-lasting, it is also likely to have more than its fair share of frustrations and difficulties. At times you both feel emotionally constrained and inhibited by being together, and this relationship may feel like a form of imprisonment! Best, in particular, may feel disheartened by Loveless's criticisms, worries, fears, or need to dominate Best's life. Best's emotional needs and feelings are ignored and neglected at times, leaving Best feeling alone in this relationship. Most likely there is too much emphasis on responsibilities and obligations and not enough attention given to the needs for acceptance and tenderness. The serious tone of the relationship also stifles play and light-hearted fun-loving activities. This relationship may endure even when your feelings towards one another have cooled because there is a great deal of security in it, even if there is little satisfaction over time. The best things about your friendship:
Moon Mutually Aspects Neptune There is a very high degree of fascination for each other. You spark each other's imagination, and there is a fantastic, almost mystical, quality to your relationship. You explore the imaginative, psychic realm together; you are inclined to pursue artistic, musical, altruistic, religious, or psychic areas together. There is also a high degree of romance, dreaminess, and fantasy in your relationship. If either of you has an alcohol abuse or drug abuse problem, or serious psychological problems, you are likely to go off the 'deep end' together, so try to avoid engaging in underhanded, deceptive, or psychically unbalanced activities together. Sun Mutually Aspects Moon The two of you are drawn to each other like magnets, and you may find that you keep bumping into each other even if you are not trying to. If you are not married yet, then there is a good chance that you will in the future because the attractions between you are extremely powerful. You understand and appreciate each other to an exceedingly high degree, and you are likely to have felt an instant connection when you first met each other.
bestie's Sun Square loveless's Pluto Your relationship is intense, magnetic, and complex. You are fascinated by each other and you engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as loveless, in particular, may be tempted to use the magnetic attractive power over bestie to manipulate and control bestie. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill ----- grupovenus' report
Best's Sun in Aquarius and Loveless's Sun in Capricorn Both of you invest a lot of time in work and career and your talents and interests complement each other nicely. Loveless brings practicality, objectivity, persistence, reliability, and tenacity, while Best brings greater ingenuity, sensitivity to current trends, an awareness of the complexities and intricacies inherent in any situation, and the ability to reach out to a lot of people. A problem in your relationship is that it may become very focused on outer things and not enough on each other, allowing you to become a bit detached and aloof from each other, and the domestic and romantic aspect of your relationship could be weak. Hopefully both of you have other astrological factors (which would be discussed elsewhere in this report) to provide warmth, emotional sensitivity, and romantic attraction to your relationship. Best's Moon in Libra and Loveless's Moon in Scorpio
Best is friendly, sociable, and agreeable, with a gracious, personable manner that others find very congenial. Best enjoys people and wants so much to be liked and to be surrounded with pleasantness that Best often avoids confronting people and dealing with anger and conflict in personal relationships. Loveless, on the other hand, has a quiet disposition that masks much emotional complexity and sensitivity. Light, superficial social interaction doesn't interest Loveless at all, and, in fact, frequently makes Loveless feel separate and lonely. Loveless feels a whole range of powerful emotions - desire, jealousy, rage, fierce loving attachments or intense loathing - and Loveless cannot live without relating on a very deep, intimate level, which often includes conflict and confrontation. In fact, if things become too easy and mellow, Loveless will (consciously or unconsciously) provoke some trouble in a relationship. Loveless seems to thrive on emotional drama and intensity, while Best very much prefers harmony, sweetness, and peace. Loveless is drawn to the hidden, dark, mysterious side of life and of people, while Best focuses on the light and good in others. Generally Best accepts people as they appear to be, while Loveless probes and analyzes and is more suspicious. Also, Loveless can be manipulative and controlling, and may be subtly dominating in this relationship. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Moon Mutually Aspects Neptune There is a very high degree of fascination for each other. You spark each other's imagination, and there is a fantastic, almost mystical, quality to your relationship. You explore the imaginative, psychic realm together; you are inclined to pursue artistic, musical, altruistic, religious, or psychic areas together. There is also a high degree of romance, dreaminess, and fantasy in your relationship. If either of you has an alcohol abuse or drug abuse problem, or serious psychological problems, you are likely to go off the 'deep end' together, so try to avoid engaging in underhanded, deceptive, or psychically unbalanced activities together. Best's Mercury conjunct Loveless's Sun orb 2° 55'
Talking and sharing ideas is highlighted in your relationship. You enjoy learning new things together and exchanging points of view. You work well together in planning, organizing, theorizing, writing, or communicating ideas in any manner. You work together effectively on daily chores, problems, or business activities. Best's Mars conjunct Loveless's Mercury orb 1° 33'
The two of you are inclined to mentally spar with each other, challenging each other's ideas and aggressively confronting weaknesses, inconsistencies, or superficialities in each other's thinking. While this can sharpen your wits and improve your mental work, it may also lead to arguments, making you feel attacked and ridiculed by each other. Be wary of hurting each other's feelings or being overly zealous in challenging one another's ideas. Best's Mars conjunct Loveless's Neptune orb 1° 29'
When the two of you are together, you find it difficult to concentrate on mundane affairs. You enjoy sharing more imaginative or unusual interests, and your conversations frequently turn to artistic, psychological, religious, and metaphysical topics. You are more willing to be childish, playful and silly with each other than with others. However, you have difficulty bearing down on more serious matters and coordinating on practical affairs. You are also fascinated with one another and can have a very dreamy sexual and romantic interest in each other. Your erotic imagination is powerfully stimulated by one another, and you find each other mysteriously desirable, highly provocative, or seductive. You need to be quite honest with one another about what you really want and are willing to give. Loveless especially should avoid arousing Best's passionate desires, teasing or leading Best on, unless you truly intend to fulfill your 'promises'. Best's Uranus conjunct Loveless's Mercury orb 1° 31'
You inspire each other to develop original, creative ideas. Best, especially, awakens, enlivens, or radically changes Loveless's ideas and perspective. There is a strong impulsive quality too, and together you tend to make decisions impulsively. This is fun and exciting when the decisions are relatively harmless (for example, suddenly deciding to go to the beach), but care is needed before making more important decisions (for example, suddenly deciding to get married). Best's Pluto conjunct Loveless's Moon orb 2° 57'
Loveless's emotional responses to Best are very intense. If Best is physically attractive to Loveless, then the attractive power of Best over Loveless is extremely powerful. However, the attraction tends to have a love/hate quality to it, and you feel drawn to each other, but also wary and distrustful of each other. It is likely that you feel both drawn to each other and repulsed by each other at the same time! The emotional response to each other is intense and complex, and the ultimate outcome of this deep, complex emotional tie is difficult to predict, but one thing is certain: this is not a lukewarm relationship and you 'get under each other's skin', evoking intense feelings from each other. Loveless can easily become obsessed with Best! Best's Sun sextile Loveless's Mars orb 1° 51'
You work together very well on projects, and you make an excellent partnership in any joint venture, sport, or business activity. Sexual attraction is also very strong. Best's Moon square Loveless's Saturn orb 2° 34'
This relationship is not an easy one! There is a sense of responsibility towards each other that may incline you to marry or form some kind of long-lasting commitment to each other. But although the union is likely to be long-lasting, it is also likely to have more than its fair share of frustrations and difficulties. At times you both feel emotionally constrained and inhibited by being together, and this relationship may feel like a form of imprisonment! Best, in particular, may feel disheartened by Loveless's criticisms, worries, fears, or need to dominate Best's life. Best's emotional needs and feelings are ignored and neglected at times, leaving Best feeling alone in this relationship. Most likely there is too much emphasis on responsibilities and obligations and not enough attention given to the needs for acceptance and tenderness. The serious tone of the relationship also stifles play and light-hearted fun-loving activities. This relationship may endure even when your feelings towards one another have cooled because there is a great deal of security in it, even if there is little satisfaction over time. Best's Moon square Loveless's Neptune orb 2° 33'
You spark each other's imagination and fantasies, but the tendency to deceive each other is also very strong. You fascinate and intrigue each other, clouding your vision and causing you to often misunderstand each other. For example, you tend to project fantasies and hopes on each other - this is not necessarily bad because these fantasies can become a rich source for imaginative, inspiring works of art or music. Do not rush into a serious relationship too quickly, though, because you need time to make sure that you haven't got caught up in a romantic, idealistic vision of each other, from which you will later wake. If either of you has a major problem of a psychological, alcohol-related, or drug-related nature, this relationship can become a partnership in dissolute, self-destructive, negative habits. Best's Neptune sextile Loveless's Moon orb 1° 13'
You feel extremely comfortable with each other, and it is not surprising that you have become close friends. The intuitive rapport for each other is very strong, and you connect strongly on a deep, compassionate, almost mystical level. You also work well together in artistic, musical, and humanitarian areas. Best's Mercury trine Loveless's Ascendant orb 1° 30'
You work together very harmoniously on daily tasks and you can communicate very clearly and openly to each other. You 'speak the same language' and you have a knack for quickly understanding each other. Best's Ascendant sextile Loveless's Moon orb 1° 17'
You are able to communicate with each other with such ease that you find yourselves openly sharing your personal concerns and interests very easily. Your friendship will continue to be a lasting, harmonious, meaningful one. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Best's Sun in Loveless's 5 house and Loveless's Sun in Best's 5 house Best's Moon in Loveless's 1 house Loveless's Moon in Best's 3 house Best's Mercury in Loveless's 4 house and Loveless's Mercury in Best's 4 house Best's Venus in Loveless's 4 house Loveless's Venus in Best's 5 house Best's Mars in Loveless's 4 house and Loveless's Mars in Best's 4 house Best's Jupiter in Loveless's 9 house Loveless's Jupiter in Best's 10 house Best's Saturn in Loveless's 4 house Loveless's Saturn in Best's 5 house Best's Uranus in Loveless's 4 house and Loveless's Uranus in Best's 4 house Best's Neptune in Loveless's 4 house and Loveless's Neptune in Best's 4 house Best's Pluto in Loveless's 2 house Loveless's Pluto in Best's 3 house Best's Venus conjunct Loveless's Saturn orb 3° 41' Best's Mars conjunct Loveless's Uranus orb 4° 22' Best's Saturn sextile Loveless's Pluto orb 3° 7' Best's Uranus conjunct Loveless's Neptune orb 4° 34' Best's Neptune conjunct Loveless's Mercury orb 3° 53' Best's Neptune conjunct Loveless's Saturn orb 4° 17' Best's Jupiter square Loveless's Ascendant orb 3° 22' Best's Uranus square Loveless's Ascendant orb 3° 48' Best's Ascendant trine Loveless's Neptune orb 3° 21' ----- report
bestie's Sun Square loveless's Moon The two of you are fascinated by each other and strongly attracted to each other, but the distinct differences in your temperaments also inclines you to periods of personality clashes and misunderstandings. In particular, loveless often feels that bestie does not sympathize enough or try to really understand loveless's feelings. If you try to force each other to be more like yourself (or more your like image of the perfect mate), this relationship can be disastrous. But if the two of you understand and respect each other's differences, you can enjoy the fascination and stimulating effect of your differences without clashing with each other. This is easier said than done, however, and both of you must make a concerted effort to harmonize your very different temperaments. bestie's Sun Square loveless's Pluto Your relationship is intense, magnetic, and complex. You are fascinated by each other and you engage in deep, intense discussions and encounters that unveil your innermost thoughts, feelings, goals, hopes, fears, and ambitions. This is not a superficial relationship! You are very uninhibited with each other, and you open up to each other more readily than to others. Be wary of power struggles, however, as loveless, in particular, may be tempted to use the magnetic attractive power over bestie to manipulate and control bestie. Also, either of you may feel threatened, embarrassed, or disempowered by revealing so much of yourself to the other, and consequently feel the need to be secretive and competitive with each other. You have a profound influence upon one another, for good or ill loveless's Sun Trine bestie's Moon You have a strong affinity with one another, an instinctive rapport that enables you to know one another very well, almost from the start. A basic compatibility exists which helps you to overcome the stressful or problematic facts of your relationship. You have a natural sense of belonging with one another, and partnership of some kind is likely to develop and flourish loveless's Sun aspects bestie's Moon and bestie's Sun aspects loveless's Moon The two of you are drawn to each other like magnets, and you may find that you keep bumping into each other even if you are not trying to. If you are not married yet, then there is a good chance that you will in the future because the attractions between you are extremely powerful. You understand and appreciate each other to an exceedingly high degree, and you are likely to have felt an instant connection when you first met each other. bestie's Moon Trine loveless's Ascendant There is a strong feeling of family and kinship between you. You have a natural affinity for each other and feel very at ease and comfortable with each other, so consequently your friendship is likely to be very long-lasting. Composite Report for loveless and bestie Sun 7 AQ 28 18S15 Moon 23 LE 51 2N30 Mercury 14 CP 53 21S52 Venus 24 CP 32 14S25 Mars 28 SG 39 23S40 Jupiter 2 CN 10 23N22 Saturn 18 CP 44 21S52 Uranus 7 CP 17 23S31 Neptune 13 CP 0 21S57 Pluto 17 SC 37 2S12 Node 17 AQ 2 15S44 Ascendant 21 VI 6 4N11 Midheaven 20 GE 9 22N17
Sun in Aquarius There is a lot of freedom in this relationship. You bring out what is unique and unusual in each other. Your interests as a couple are often futuristic and offbeat, even eccentric. Your goals are humanitarian. A socially active, interesting pair. Moon in Leo Many of the emotional issues that arise between the two of you are ego-oriented. Each of you needs to be the center of attention so you may have to take turns. This relationship likes to be noticed. You need to feel proud of each other. Very loyal Ascendant in Virgo This relationship is capable of projecting a critical air that can make people feel hesitant in your company. Your image as a couple is that of practical, hard-working people. Your privacy is respected. Your social life needs an invitation. Moon Sesquiquadrate Uranus The two of you are destined to have a rather unsettling affect upon one another. Your relationship may begin quite suddenly and unexpectedly, disrupting your normal routines and perhaps other relationships you are engaged in. There is an electric excitement between you which can be very thrilling, but also unnerving. Emotional impulsiveness and "acting crazy" together, doing things that are totally out of character or far more radical and daring that either of you would be inclined to do alone, are to be expected. For a long time you may have an unstable, on-again/off-again connection with one another, and unless there are other stabilizing factors between you, that's all it may ever be ----- sasstrology love calculator 54% Compatible See what the stars have in store for all your relationships at » Does Anyone Have a White Flag? When you're both around, you can usually cut the tension with a butter knife. It looks like you guys are too stubborn to know what's good for you, so we'll go ahead and break it down. Ready? Here goes: remember how, when you first got together, it was all about the witty exchanges? Well, your cute, feisty banter can quickly devolve into brash, annoying bickering. Before long, you're arguing about everything from who should be eliminated from "American Idol" to why you make that weird sound when you chew. The key issue here is that you can't accept the fact that you have different approaches to life. In particular, it can be frustrating for a "doer" like her to watch you spend all your time planning stuff out instead of getting things done. Every little decision can become an exhausting ordeal when you both embrace the my-way-or-the-highway philosophy. Start respecting each other's strengths, and please, for the sake of your friends, stop making the rest of us miserable just watching the two of you! Just so you know, you don't exactly keep your business in-house. It's time to take a step back and realize it's ok to wave the white flag every now and then and live to fight another day. IP: Logged |
Moonfish Moderator Posts: 4264 From: Tropical Ocean Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 24, 2012 10:32 PM
You really would do all that for free? So nice!!  Me: him/crush: Sept 15, 1981 Los Angeles, CA Unknown birthtime. (12:00 pm) Thanks in advance IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2012 10:48 PM
L0veLess and crush <----Strong hesitation to get into the relationship in the beginning, but if they do, the relationship lasts a long time, but both people are very unhappy together URANUS HEAVY With moon mutually aspecting mars, venus sextile pluto, moon conjunct pluto, and composite sun semisquare pluto there is a strong pull here, fascination and sexual attraction. There is also a lot of romance as you also have c. sun conjunct neptune and in synastry mercury conjunct neptune. However, you also have c. venus conjunct saturn and c. sun conjunct uranus, as well as your saturn conjunct his venus and his saturn conjunct your mercury. this is the description for your saturn conjunct his venus: Boyfriend's Venus conjunct Loveless's Saturn orb 0° 37' This is a deep and serious relationship. You feel very secure with each other and you both feel comfortable making a lasting commitment to each other. However, the relationship tends to highlight the importance of responsibility and loyalty to one another, and you may cut yourselves off from other people or from activities you enjoyed before you came together, and this is likely to eventually lead to feelings of boredom, constraint, and being restricted. The commitment to the relationship may eventually become burdensome, especially to Boyfriend, who is likely to feel unappreciated and emotionally inhibited by Loveless, while Loveless may feel that there is a lack of acknowledgment for the efforts and sacrifices made for Boyfriend. This can become a rather joyless union unless you can build enough time for fun and play into your lives and thereby not become burdened by the demands of the relationship. His saturn conjunct your mercury means he gets tired of listening to you talk and gets annoyed by what you talk about. C. venus conjunct saturn means you will never really be close, there is like a wall between you for some reason. With C. sun conjunct uranus and your saturn on his venus, it is no wonder he doesn't want to commit. He probably won't either. So stay away. As usual, with heavy saturn, there has to be some jupiter to balance things out, as is the case here. You have c. sun opp jupiter and c. moon trine jupiter which helps to lighten the mood between you. ---- grupovenus
Boyfriend's Sun in Saggitarius and Loveless's Sun in Capricorn
Work versus play, or Optimism and faith versus Realism and doubt are likely to be issues in this relationship, with Boyfriend being the playful, optimistic one, and Loveless being the realist. Many times Boyfriend will be in the mood for socializing, traveling, or engaging in some form of entertainment, while Loveless feels that there are responsibilities that should be taken care of first. At such times Loveless feels that Boyfriend is too irresponsible, inconsiderate, and immature, while Boyfriend feels that Loveless is boring and dull. Boyfriend is also prone to fits of optimism and is inclined to gamble and speculate, whereas Loveless prefers a well thought out, clear, practical plan. Also, Loveless is inclined to be serious toward relationships and wants a secure, committed relationship, while Boyfriend wants more space and freedom. If your dissimilarities are not too extreme, you can complement each other rather than frustrate each other, with Boyfriend providing the energy and vision, and Loveless providing the steady hand and practical applications. Boyfriend's Moon in Libra and Loveless's Moon in Scorpio
Boyfriend is friendly, sociable, and agreeable, with a gracious, personable manner that others find very congenial. Boyfriend enjoys people and wants so much to be liked and to be surrounded with pleasantness that Boyfriend often avoids confronting people and dealing with anger and conflict in personal relationships. Loveless, on the other hand, has a quiet disposition that masks much emotional complexity and sensitivity. Light, superficial social interaction doesn't interest Loveless at all, and, in fact, frequently makes Loveless feel separate and lonely. Loveless feels a whole range of powerful emotions - desire, jealousy, rage, fierce loving attachments or intense loathing - and Loveless cannot live without relating on a very deep, intimate level, which often includes conflict and confrontation. In fact, if things become too easy and mellow, Loveless will (consciously or unconsciously) provoke some trouble in a relationship. Loveless seems to thrive on emotional drama and intensity, while Boyfriend very much prefers harmony, sweetness, and peace. Loveless is drawn to the hidden, dark, mysterious side of life and of people, while Boyfriend focuses on the light and good in others. Generally Boyfriend accepts people as they appear to be, while Loveless probes and analyzes and is more suspicious. Also, Loveless can be manipulative and controlling, and may be subtly dominating in this relationship. Chapter 2 Major Themes in the Relationship: What Brought You Together
Moon Mutually Aspects Mars As mentioned below several times, the physical and sexual attraction between you is strong - so it is not surprising that a sexual relationship has developed (or is developing). However, there is an aggressive quality to your relationship as well, which will need careful handling to prevent outbreaks of hostility. You must strive to be patient with each other and also have lots of creative, dynamic outlets together - working together or engaging in competitive sports are good outlets. There is a lot of 'fire' in your relationship, which can manifest as sexual drive, anger, or ambition - and usually as all three. Boyfriend's Venus conjunct Loveless's Saturn orb 0° 37'
This is a deep and serious relationship. You feel very secure with each other and you both feel comfortable making a lasting commitment to each other. However, the relationship tends to highlight the importance of responsibility and loyalty to one another, and you may cut yourselves off from other people or from activities you enjoyed before you came together, and this is likely to eventually lead to feelings of boredom, constraint, and being restricted. The commitment to the relationship may eventually become burdensome, especially to Boyfriend, who is likely to feel unappreciated and emotionally inhibited by Loveless, while Loveless may feel that there is a lack of acknowledgment for the efforts and sacrifices made for Boyfriend. This can become a rather joyless union unless you can build enough time for fun and play into your lives and thereby not become burdened by the demands of the relationship. Boyfriend's Mars conjunct Loveless's Moon orb 0° 53'
There is a dynamic, almost aggressive quality to your relationship. A good outlet for this energy is competitive sports and outdoor activities. You enjoy challenging each other and competing against one another. You also have the ability to accomplish a great deal together and make a dynamic working partnership - as long as you can refrain from arguing with each other. Sexual and physical attraction is also very strong and 'hot'. If your sexual relationship is not satisfactory, you begin arguing with each other; in this relationship, frustrated sexuality turns to anger. Assuming that there are no physical impediments, the potential for becoming pregnant is high, so it is essential to be scrupulous in the use of birth control methods if pregnancy is not desired. Boyfriend's Jupiter opposition Loveless's Mercury orb 0° 0'
Issues of broad scope such as religion, philosophy, and politics play a major part in your relationship. You work well together in areas that require long-distance communication, mass media, or philosophical issues. Boyfriend challenges Loveless to take a broader, more inclusive view of any situation. Boyfriend's Saturn conjunct Loveless's Mercury orb 1° 45'
You two can have serious communication problems. Boyfriend can help Loveless clarify and define ideas, but very often ends up criticizing or belittling them instead which makes Loveless doubt, withhold, or simply be quiet. Boyfriend needs to be very careful not to interrupt, ignore, or judge Loveless when Loveless is speaking. Also, your conversations tend to focus on serious topics or practical affairs and business, which can become dull for one or both of you. Boyfriend's Neptune conjunct Loveless's Mercury orb 1° 0'
There is a poetic, fanciful quality to your conversations. Boyfriend brings out the poet and dreamer in Loveless. Communications on practical matters, however, may suffer and you both need to be wary of exaggerating, hiding, or deceiving each other. When with Boyfriend, Loveless is often confused, less clear and less precise than usual. Boyfriend's Pluto conjunct Loveless's Moon orb 0° 59'
Loveless's emotional responses to Boyfriend are very intense. If Boyfriend is physically attractive to Loveless, then the attractive power of Boyfriend over Loveless is extremely powerful. However, the attraction tends to have a love/hate quality to it, and you feel drawn to each other, but also wary and distrustful of each other. It is likely that you feel both drawn to each other and repulsed by each other at the same time! The emotional response to each other is intense and complex, and the ultimate outcome of this deep, complex emotional tie is difficult to predict, but one thing is certain: this is not a lukewarm relationship and you 'get under each other's skin', evoking intense feelings from each other. Loveless can easily become obsessed with Boyfriend! There is a lively, fresh, open quality to your relationship, an enthusiasm for the new and untried, a willingness to explore and experiment, and an eagerness for adventure and change. Your life together may be a little disorganized but it's never boring!
Intellectual as well as emotional freedom is important to you, and you respect and allow one another's independence and individual needs to be expressed. Play and humor are also a vital aspect of your relationship, and this is an asset you can call upon when more problematic or discordant issues arise between you: you can always laugh! This is a very enjoyable and liberating relationship for both of you. You will do a lot of experimenting together and you encourage one another to express yourselves more freely, dramatically, creatively, or with less concern for social conventions and restrictions.
Your relationship has a dynamic, exciting quality to it, and it may begin or end quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Abrupt changes in circumstances or directions are likely to occur. Boyfriend's Moon sextile Loveless's Mars orb 0° 26'
You arouse one another's feelings and desires, and both of you feel it is easy to express what you want from your partner in an open, direct way. You enjoy sports, active play, or other vigorous physical activities together. Boyfriend's Venus sextile Loveless's Pluto orb 0° 58'
Romantic love and sexual attraction is very strong. You pour your hearts out to each other and feel like you are able to express your feelings to each other very fully. This is a powerful love affair that may lead to marriage. Boyfriend's Mars sextile Loveless's Neptune orb 1° 11'
You find it easy to extend yourselves and make sacrifices for each other. It is easy for you to have an abundance of good will and kind feelings for each other, and you assist each other in achieving your goals. Your religious and spiritual aspirations become more refined through this relationship, and it is easy for both of you to keep your loftier goals and spiritual ideals strong, with the support that you receive from each other. Boyfriend's Sun sextile Loveless's Ascendant orb 1° 49'
There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of daily chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company. Regardless of whether your romantic relationship is permanent, you will always be good friends. END OF THE SHORT VERSION The complete version includes: Chapter 3 Other Themes in Your Relationship Boyfriend's Sun in Loveless's 3 house Loveless's Sun in Boyfriend's 11 house Boyfriend's Moon in Loveless's 1 house Loveless's Moon in Boyfriend's 8 house Boyfriend's Mercury in Loveless's 3 house Loveless's Mercury in Boyfriend's 11 house Boyfriend's Venus in Loveless's 4 house Loveless's Venus in Boyfriend's 11 house Boyfriend's Mars in Loveless's 2 house Loveless's Mars in Boyfriend's 10 house Boyfriend's Jupiter in Loveless's 10 house Loveless's Jupiter in Boyfriend's 4 house Boyfriend's Saturn in Loveless's 4 house Loveless's Saturn in Boyfriend's 11 house Boyfriend's Uranus in Loveless's 3 house Loveless's Uranus in Boyfriend's 10 house Boyfriend's Neptune in Loveless's 4 house Loveless's Neptune in Boyfriend's 11 house Boyfriend's Pluto in Loveless's 2 house Loveless's Pluto in Boyfriend's 8 house Boyfriend's Sun sextile Loveless's Sun orb 2° 37' Boyfriend's Moon square Loveless's Venus orb 4° 1' Boyfriend's Mars conjunct Loveless's Pluto orb 3° 35' Boyfriend's Jupiter opposition Loveless's Neptune orb 3° 2' Boyfriend's Saturn conjunct Loveless's Uranus orb 4° 33' Boyfriend's Neptune conjunct Loveless's Uranus orb 3° 48' Boyfriend's Pluto sextile Loveless's Saturn orb 2° 4' Boyfriend's Pluto sextile Loveless's Neptune orb 3° 3' Boyfriend's Ascendant trine Loveless's Jupiter orb 3° 21' ----- boyfriend's Sun Sextile loveless's Ascendant
There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of daily chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company. Regardless of whether your romantic relationship is permanent, you will always be good friends. boyfriend's Moon Sextile loveless's Mars You arouse one another's feelings and desires, and both of you feel it is easy to express what you want from your partner in an open, direct way. You enjoy sports, active play, or other vigorous physical activities together. Composite Report for loveless and boyfriend Sun 1 CP 14 20S25 Moon 4 SC 16 17S20 Mercury 25 SG 5 22S50 Venus 23 CP 8 20S54 Mars 3 SG 37 19S36 Jupiter 6 CN 15 23N07 Saturn 14 CP 40 21S17 Uranus 5 CP 14 23S36 Neptune 11 CP 43 21S04 Pluto 16 SC 40 2S08 Node 18 AQ 55 14S09 Ascendant 20 SG 16 5S29 Midheaven 25 VI 8 1N00
Sun in Capricorn The two of you probably feel you have come together to accomplish something and you can achieve a great deal from lots of hard work. But don't let this stop you from enjoying the sweet side of life. A cautious and practical relationship. Moon in Scorpio This is a passionate relationship. Do not try to repress the emotions that rise between you, they are too strong. There may be times when you feel merged into one emotional being. Sex is a good release for all this intensity. Ascendant in Sagittarius The two of you probably spend a lot of time outdoors. You like traveling together and talking with people. You especially enjoy philosophical discussions. People see you as freedom lovers -- jovial and optimistic. You need room to move & grow. Sun Conjunct Mercury Yours is an intellectual relationship, among other things. Exchanging thoughts, studying together, sharing information, talking and bantering, turning one another on to new books or ideas, sparking one another's curiosity and interest in the world - all of these are important aspects of your relationship. A certain detachment and the ability to think about and talk about what is going on between you are also highlighted. Put simply, becoming more conscious or more informed and educated is a significant reason the two of you are drawn together. Sun Opposite Jupiter One of the purposes of your relationship is to inspire the two of you to aim higher, to do bigger things, to see much more of the world, and to expand your sense of what is possible. The energy generated when the two of you are together inclines you to do everything on a grand scale, to want only the very best, and to constantly be striving to expand, grow, and improve your lives. If you translate this urge into material terms, you could overextend yourselves financially in pursuit of "the good life", consuming more and more, and forever trying to impress others with your largesse. A restlessness or discontentment with what is can develop, and frequent moves in pursuit of "greener grass" could result. Inner growth and spiritual or psychological development are enhanced by your being together, spurred on by this same urge for "a better life". Higher ideals, religion, philosophy, and the big questions of life will become a focus of your relationship, even if neither of you is especially oriented toward these subjects. There may well be differences and friction over these topics, but you both will learn about your own faith and beliefs via being with one another. Sun Conjunct Uranus Your relationship is permeated with a tone of unconventionality, spontaneity, and unusual rhythms. Other people may see the way you relate to one another as strange, even unnatural, because you don't conform to any of the standard patterns. Personal freedom, autonomy, and "space" will be yours in this relationship, to an unusual degree. Even if neither of you is especially progressive or "liberated" in your attitudes towards human relationships, you will be forced to open your minds and to be more non-possessive and less rigid and inhibited than you've ever been before. All of this will be disruptive and unsettling to you, unless you willingly embrace and learn from change, and give up preconceived attitudes and expectations of how it "should" be. A lot of your "shoulds" will be shattered, if you are clinging too stubbornly to them. Surprise and newness are the essence of this relationship Sun Conjunct Neptune The two of you idealize one another and your relationship. There is a fairy tale quality, a feeling of magic and enchantment, of uniting with your soul mate, that permeates your bond. A delicate and subtle rapport exists between you, which cannot be described in concrete terms except to refer to it as a soul connection. It's an intuitive knowing of one another, and a sense of blending together spiritually. However, because of the stars in your eyes you may not see one another very clearly. Your True Love may disappoint you with very human imperfections, flaws, and inadequacies - things you may take in stride with other people, but for some reason with this person seem like a terrible betrayal. If you can love one another unconditionally, including all of one another's human frailties, you will fulfill the purpose of this relationship. Neither of you needs to be a saint or a martyr for one another - just be yourselves! Another potential pitfall for the two of you is to encourage in each other excessive idealism, false hope, unrealistic fantasies, and an urge to escape into paradise. Try to keep your feet on the ground while at the same time pursuing the many dreams you will have together. As a couple, the ocean or seaside is very beneficial to you. Sun Semisquare Pluto The two of you have a very powerful and profound effect upon one another for good or ill, and a major temptation for you both is to use your power to control or change or reform one another. Inevitably you WILL be transformed as a result of your interaction with each other and the struggles you will face together, which at times may seem monumental. Circumstances which force you to eliminate everything you thought you knew or had, and begin all over again, will arise. You may lose something which is very precious to you both, but as a result, experience life on a much deeper level. This relationship is anything but superficial. It will probably be one of the most intense of your lives. At its best it can enable you both to reclaim power you never realized was in you Moon Trine Jupiter Quite simply, one of the purposes of your relationship is to BE HAPPY. Play, laughter, humor, and just feeling wonderful in each other's presence is the heart of it. You put one another in a good mood, and can cheer one another up quite easily. It will be unusual for both of you to be down for very long when you're together. To others you will appear to be unusually blessed. You seem "gifted" together, and you will be... uncommon good fortune and "miracles" happen to you, and as a couple you will be quite generous and willing to share the good that comes your way. A feeling of openness, spaciousness, tolerance, and generosity towards one another permeates your bond Moon Sextile Uranus An unusually open, non-possessive, emotionally liberating relationship will naturally develop between you. Because you do not try to own one another, or to live up to some preconceived idea of how you should be together, you will both be free to express your true impulses and desires. The more you encourage one another to be free, the closer you will feel. One of the purposes of your relationship is to allow you both to experience a true friendship and connectedness which is not restrictive, binding, or possessive ----- sasstrology love calculator
70% Compatible See what the stars have in store for all your relationships at » Like a Blind Man at an Orgy Like a blind man at an orgy, you're going to need to feel this one out before jumping in. Your first encounter will probably have you scratching your head to see what's going on and trying to understand what it is about him that intrigues you so much. In particular, he's tentatively feeling out whether or not you're worth going in for a closer look. You're inclined to be a bit more assertive, putting yourself out there to see if he bites. It's difficult for us to determine what happens beyond this initial phase where you're getting properly acquainted. But it could very well be enough to get both of you hooked for the long term. Whatever happens, you're not likely to jump in head first with reckless abandon. When you do decide to give it a go, this will be a really deep relationship that is firing on all cylinders, meaning it will be emotionally, physically and intellectually demanding of you. If you're up for a challenge and can talk through things, you should be able to overcome any jealousy, possessiveness and insecurity that come complimentary with this relationship. IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1467 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 25, 2012 12:43 AM
wow! thanks!  lets see with my best friend i think that is how it was. lots of restriction. But i feel like she was the only person who ever got close to understanding me. And i liked talking to her the best. But at the same time she wanted to hang out with other people and we didn't DO things outside of school too much. She kept me at arms length kinda. At times you both feel emotionally constrained and inhibited by being together, and this relationship may feel like a form of imprisonment! Best, in particular, may feel disheartened by Loveless's criticisms, worries, fears, or need to dominate Best's with my current 'friend': i'd have to say there is no romance or if there is its not the right kind i want. this is how i feel when we hang out There is a pleasant, harmonious quality to your relationship that makes the two of you really enjoy your times together. Whether you are talking, playing, or taking care of daily chores together, you find that you invariably appreciate and enjoy each other's company. then theres lots of this when i'm alone: Loveless feels a whole range of powerful emotions - desire, jealousy, rage, fierce loving attachments or intense loathing - and Loveless cannot live without relating on a very deep, intimate level, which often includes conflict and confrontation. and thiiiiis: His saturn conjunct your mercury means he gets tired of listening to you talk and gets annoyed by what you talk about. C. venus conjunct saturn means you will never really be close, there is like a wall between you for some reason. all that. he always makes me feel dumb or bad for not knowing things or doing things right. So nitpicky! But I feel like i learn things which is good. I feel like im too boring also. And I'm trying hard to hold onto him as my friend. I hardly have friends and yet the ones I have are hard on me and stress me out sometimes! But it only makes me want to keep them more and everyone else seems boring compared to them. I like that difficulty and like it said about my moon that i even CREATE drama if there is a lack of it to keep things exciting for myself! I do everything the hard way. Thankyu very much  ------------------ I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.-Poe If the truth is relative then there's nothing that is really true. IP: Logged |
scoots Newflake Posts: 18 From: spokane, wa, us Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 25, 2012 01:58 AM
Thank you sooo much! That helps confirm that I need to move on. There's this guy I am very attracted to physically, and now have the chance to get to know him. Could you do one more for me?Me: 8/14/1983 1pm, pomeroy, wa Crush: 05/02/1977, time unknown, Sandpoint, id IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6246 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted February 25, 2012 02:07 AM
I got skippedIP: Logged |
Mermaid Knowflake Posts: 126 From: From the deep blue seas Registered: Apr 2011
posted February 25, 2012 05:52 AM
RAS,I'll email you my birth details with couple of others.Hope you have the time to check them out.You did look into my Composite briefly on one of the threads here where we were discussing Sun conjunct venus aspects in Composite but would like you to look at the synastry and the Composites.Please let me know when you receive my email  IP: Logged |
inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted February 26, 2012 10:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: inthemisosoup and dadMy analysis This relationship is not very close, though you do have sun trine moon in composite which means at least you will both be fair with each other and neither of you will try to dominate. There is also this: Mercury Mutually Aspects Saturn Your relationship can become dry from lack of communication and too much emphasis on pragmatic and mundane affairs - if so, try to loosen up a little! You can help one another clarify and define your ideas, but the tendency to correct, criticize, disapprove, or simply not listen to each other is very strong. You do feel affectionate towards each other with in synastry venus square pluto, sun opposite moon and moon square venus, though. But I dont see it being very close since the composite is so plain. You have moon square saturn in composite, so there is a tendency to be unable to understand each other's insecurities and you feel that he isn't there for you when you really need some comforting. Again, just not a close relationship.
Very true. My dad and I have always struggled with our relationship since basically I became a teenager. he is just so different from me, and like you said he is not comforting in the way I want him to be. I have asked him and told him I want a dad who is more loving and affectionate, but he just doesn't change; that's just not him. he can also be *highly* critical of me, and I of him, so we kind of pick apart each other's insecurities and anxieties. Although we are supportive of each other in other ways. I know he will always be there for me. I love him and appreciate his practical advice because I need it; I can be too abstract with my thinking and planning. But it isn't the relationship we both yearn for, i'm sure. IP: Logged |
inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted February 26, 2012 10:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: inthemisosoup and crushMy analysis This is a very nice compatibility. You are more compatible with him than your ex, as you dont have all those nasty communication problems and even barely any negative aspects. The only thing is that your connection with this one is not likely to be as intense. As you have mutual sun-neptune aspects in synastry, you think the other is as beautiful and ethereal as an angel, and you have tremendous sympathy and affection for each other. However, the likeliness of disappointment is high as with moon square neptune and venus sq neptune in composite, you idealize each other to unrealistic heights. But that is not a huge deal. There are no other negative aspects in this matchup, so the "disillusionments" should be of relatively minor importance. Thank god you also have sun opposite mars in synastry or else the neptune wouldve made this totally platonic and nonsexual. Sun opp mars, mars trine asc and moon trine uranus=strong sexual attraction. You have sun conjunct pluto and saturn (feeling of fatedness and intense bonding) and moon sq venus in composite. Also you have mercury conjunct venus which allows you to communicate harmoniously and be sensitive to each other's feelings, and you have no negative aspects! Woo-hoo! Big difference from that ex-bf though this relationship is not as INTENSE. The only negative aspect is his saturn square your sun. This means you may think he acts like an authoritarian or wet blanket at times. There is a lively, fresh, open quality to your relationship, an enthusiasm for the new and untried, a willingness to explore and experiment, and an eagerness for adventure and change. Your life together may be a little disorganized but it's never boring! Intellectual as well as emotional freedom is important to you, and you respect and allow one another's independence and individual needs to be expressed. Play and humor are also a vital aspect of your relationship, and this is an asset you can call upon when more problematic or discordant issues arise between you: you can always laugh! This is a very enjoyable and liberating relationship for both of you. And one of my favorite aspects: composite Moon Square Venus When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate.
I'm actually surprised this turned out so well. I was expecting a lot different, probably because of Neptune's influence in our relationship it is hard for me to see him for who he is, what he thinks of me, etc. This relationship is really up in the air right now--we've already kissed but I am not sure what that even means with him. You said this should be of minor importance because we have other good aspects? I hope so, that this confusion will pass! It is really creepy how scarily accurate astrology can be. You wrote about the Moon square Venus in the composite, and how family or past lovers need to be overcome if/when the relationship is to get off the ground. That is *exactly* what is happening with us right now--drama in his family. My best friend is his cousin and that closeness and blending of circles has been met with some resistance. That's another reason I am not sure where this is going yet . . . Where do you see this need for adventure and change and excitement in our relationship? I am very interested; I totally am feeling that idea. I am hoping that his Saturn squaring my sun won't be too bad, but to be honest I have already been annoyed by him criticizing me, even though it was in a way warranted. Thanks for your reading again, RAS! IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 27, 2012 02:17 AM
Well, I think I was being so optimistic when I wrote that because you are so much more compatible with him than the other guy. But, the thing is, really, you dont have a composite that shows that you guys are close, or ever will be. Also it is saturn heavy with saturn being activated in synastry as well as in composite where saturn conjuncts the sun. If you do get together, it wont be a very happy relationship. Sorry to break it to you like that. You should find someone you have a nicer composite with....Maybe with the love stellium ? Or all planets conjunct each other, like in a few of these other people's?IP: Logged |
laurenbabiiee7 unregistered
posted February 27, 2012 04:02 AM
o m ggggg you are perfect!! i realllllyyy need help with this one and theyre both relationships with two different men. one of them is my boyfriend and the other somebody who i had a fling with but who i had veryyyy strong feelings for. things kinda got in the wayy n u know wht i mean mine 12/29/1991 meadowbrook montgomery, pa 11:32 am boyfriend 10/5/1989 st paul, mn birthtime unknown "fling" guy 1/28/1990 glen rock, new jersey birthtime unknown who am i more compatible with???? IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 27, 2012 06:54 AM
Lauren, oh my god. I just compared your composites with both of them. That is a tough one. You have a amazing compatibility with both. It seems to me there's more compatibility with the crush, but i am not sure. I would have to look into it later by looking at the synastry. I'll come back and let you know for sureeeIP: Logged |
blessed39 Knowflake Posts: 127 From: Registered: Feb 2012
posted February 27, 2012 12:52 PM
It would be great if you could provide some insight for my boyfriend and I Me: 10/25/81, Orange CA,4:20 AM Him: 2/4/82, Oakland CA, Time Unkown IP: Logged |
inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted February 27, 2012 02:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: Well, I think I was being so optimistic when I wrote that because you are so much more compatible with him than the other guy. But, the thing is, really, you dont have a composite that shows that you guys are close, or ever will be. Also it is saturn heavy with saturn being activated in synastry as well as in composite where saturn conjuncts the sun. If you do get together, it wont be a very happy relationship. Sorry to break it to you like that. You should find someone you have a nicer composite with....Maybe with the love stellium ? Or all planets conjunct each other, like in a few of these other people's?
Yeah I am for sure keeping my options open! I am not so fixated on this guy; he is just the one I am most interested in right now. It is hard for me to forget crushes, because I am picky, and with Venus conjunct Pluto in Scorpio 8th house, I can be a bit obsessive when it comes to crushes and relationships. It is hard for me to let go. Hopefully I will meet someone else soon if this doesn't work out--at least to get my mind off it. We don't live near each other so I probably won't even see him again until August or September. I don't think Saturn conjunctions or even oppositions are so bad, IMO. You've seen in all of the composites I've asked you to do Saturn plays a big role in my relationships. Most of the time it just shows we stick together . . . I can give you some examples of when Saturn didn't work in my relationships, if you're interested. My best friend and I have a Saturn heavy relationship--which you read for me. Although at times it is heavy and serious, we have so much fun together, a *lot* of fun and we love each other so deeply; the good outweighs the heaviness and serious dynamic the relationship can have. Plus I love being able to depend on her, and having someone I know will support me no matter what. I think the same can be said for romantic relationships, though so far I have been unsuccessful in that department.  IP: Logged |
laurenbabiiee7 unregistered
posted February 27, 2012 04:03 PM
haha thank you RAS i thought so too!!! with the crush guy it was like an automatic magnetic energy between both of us and whenever he was around id instantly get in a better mood like so energized and so happy to be with him and just how we looked into each others eyes was like so hypnotizing idk how to describe it!!! but as u see his an aquarius so when i wanted to say goodbye to him before he left to go back home for the summer from college he ignored me until he left :/ i really thought i fell in love with him :'( with my boyfriend ive never had a feeling like ive had with my crush but weve been together for almost 3 years now and its just a comfortable funny relationship we get each other and think alot alike yada yada if you want when u analyze them more u can send it to my email!!! thank u!! IP: Logged |
Venus Moderator Posts: 1751 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted February 28, 2012 02:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by Venus: hey runsaround can you do one for my friend:her N ( 7 feb 1992 at 11 pm GMT+2) him E (3 april 1990 at 6pm GMT+2) thanks in advance 
please dont forget me RAS IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7296 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 28, 2012 02:27 AM
Oh, venus. I had forgotten. So thanks for reminding me.IP: Logged |
beenylove Knowflake Posts: 360 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 28, 2012 05:38 AM
this is awesome!!!IP: Logged |
beenylove Knowflake Posts: 360 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 28, 2012 05:39 AM
This is a crush. A reading would be great! Thanks.My birthdata : 04/22/1990, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 11:10 am Crush : 03/26/1988, Perrysburg, Ohio, 6 : 37 am IP: Logged | |